Indian Counter Terror Operations Pictures & Discussions

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Feb 5, 2017
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Lol almost entire Musa gang got wiped out in a single encounter dumb shits can now enforce sharia in jannath now with their hoors Musa will not live for long now because he has to recruit build a group from scratch once again he has to come out of his hole once again who knows he has already been caught cut a deal with govt ratted out his boys to save his balls because entire group getting caught at single place is like lottery or fine intelligence work anyways congrats to our security forces on this major success

Darth Malgus

Senior Member
Aug 24, 2016
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Lol almost entire Musa gang got wiped out in a single encounter dumb shits can now enforce sharia in jannath now with their hoors Musa will not live for long now because he has to recruit build a group from scratch once again he has to come out of his hole once again who knows he has already been caught cut a deal with govt ratted out his boys to save his balls because entire group getting caught at single place is like lottery or fine intelligence work anyways congrats to our security forces on this major success
Where they shot dead, or did they end up like grilled kababs ?


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Oct 11, 2017
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Jammu and Kashmir: NC leader claims they will stop anti-terror ops by Indian Army if voted to power
NC leader Bashir Ahmed Veeri claims anti-terror ops are 'genocide', alleges that Indian Army is killing Kashmiri children in broad daylight.

NC leader Bashir Ahmed Veeri. Image Courtesy: Punjab Kesari

National Conference seems to be troubled after the recent success of the security forces in eliminating several Pakistani terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir. The politics of undermining India’s integrity for votes has once again come to the fore as party’s senior leader Bashir Ahmed Veeri said that if National Conference comes to power in the state, it will not allow Armed forces to conduct operations, reported Times Now.

Bashir Ahmed Veeri speaking to the media said that if the Omar Abdullah led National Conference is voted to power in Jammu and Kashmir, then it will stop all the operations conducted by the Army in the state. Shockingly, Bashir Ahmed Veeri termed the anti-terrorist operations conducted by the Indian Army against Pakistan backed terrorists as a ‘genocide.

If NC comes to power, it won’t allow anti-terror operations by the Army to continue: Bashir Ahmed Veeri, NC Leader #StandWithForces

— TIMES NOW (@TimesNow) December 23, 2018

“On one hand, you call them misguided children, then your army murders them in broad daylight. You have deployed a brigade of an army to slaughter our children,” said NC leader.

Bashir Ahmed Veeri said that his party National Conference has always spoken of only one ideology and policy of respecting the rights and dignity of the people. Condemning the anti-terrorist operations being carried by the Indian Army, he said that the party will stand against any operations be it ‘all-out’ or ‘out-and-out’ carried out against the people of the state.

Earlier in August, Veeri had also branded Kashmiri terrorists as ‘Martyrs’.

It is notable here that after countless attacks on security personnel by vicious stone pelters in Kashmir, who not only target them with stones and Molotov cocktails but also use children as human shields, Army Chief General Bipin Rawat had announced last year that the anybody interfering in an anti-terrorist operation will be treated as a terrorist.

Mobs of stone pelting jihadis are often mobilized in the state to provide cover for hiding terrorists and help them escape. Recently in Pulwama, a mob had gathered and pelted stones at soldiers engaged in a fierce gun battle with three terrorists of Hizbul Mujahideen. In the altercations that followed, eight of the stone pelters were killed in retaliatory action. Leaders of National Conference, PDP have expressed shock over it and have been portraying such incidents as Indian Army’s action against Kashmiri people.

Undercover operations by the media have also revealed in the past that stone pelting and then claiming victimhood is a part of the ecosystem in the state that fans pro-Pakistan and separatist narrative. Many stones pelters had admitted that they are paid anything between Rs 5000 to 7000 a month and given shoes and clothes to throw stones at Indian security personnel.

The state of Jammu and Kashmir is under the President’s rule following the fall of the government and state assembly elections are to be held soon.


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Aug 12, 2015
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Now SIX down , Deputy of Zakir Moosa also killed
Interestingly, couple of months back, four of Samusa group got tricked and robbed by HM gang members. Now could this encounter be a result of delicate leak on part of HM? Just a conspiracy theory.


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Jul 30, 2018
US withdrawal from Afghan will have implications in Kashmir: Former J&K DGP

PUNE: Asserting that India should adopt a "clear-cut roadmap" to tackle the Kashmir issue, former DGP of Jammu & Kashmir K Rajendra Kumar has said the US pulling out troops from

Afghanistan will have implications in the Valley and terrorist outfits may feel emboldened.
During his speech, Kumar also said that there is a need to send a stern message to Pakistan for its support to militancy.

"A stern message needs to be sent to Pakistan in terms of retaliation. We need to make it more costly for Pakistan because today Pakistan is not feeling the pinch it should feel," said Kumar.

He said India should deal strongly with Pakistan as far as training camps and terrorist launchpads are concerned.
"Now USA is existing Afghanistan. It has its implications in Kashmir. It is a matter of time that we will be feeling its implications in the Valley. After the US withdrawal, the terrorists organisations would feel pumped up, emboldened," he said.

Seeing America's withdrawal as a "sign of victory", terrorist outfits can feel that New Delhi can also be defeated, so there is an urgent need for India to adopt a "clear-cut roadmap" to deal with terrorism in Kashmir, he asserted.
The US is planning to withdraw 7,000 troops from Afghanistan. The American troops contribute to training and advising local forces fighting the Taliban and the Islamic State group.
Underling Pakistan's active role in spreading terrorism in the Valley, the former IPS officer said Pakistan is not only sponsoring terrorism but also sending its nationals to Kashmir in the garb of fighting jihad.
"No matter which government is in power, Pakistan continues to sponsor terrorism in the Valley," he said.
He said militancy in Kashmir started with local terrorist organisations but now it is tilting towards Islamic extremism.

"The Valley has a rich history of Sufism but over the years it has moved towards Wahabism," he said, adding that efforts should be made to take Kashmir back to Sufism

Suggesting measures, he said the state needs stringent laws to deal with anti-national forces, a concrete policy to encourage youths to give up militancy.
The surrender policy must ensure that youth who give up militancy are gainfully employed and discouraged from returning to the menace, he said. He also called for political outreach and empowerment of the civil society.
He said social media has played a destructive role in inciting sentiments of the youth.
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