I don't understand the deal with madarsas, so many madarsas have been busted again and again for terrorist activities and radicalisation but still their numbers continue to increase unabated . So, many things should have been settled at partition but the fucking British hangover stopped them from going through history and reading how the cult of Islam actually got foothold and spread around. It's a complete brainwashing dictatorship ideology , they control everything from what's right , what's wrong ,how to eat ,shit ,pray etc .
Education shapes kids thinking and mind ,and these madarsas show invaders as peaceful lawful people of Islam ,who came to spread message of Allah .
Madarsas ,prayers on roads ,cutting of animals in house ,can u imagine the psyche of a kid who is watching/cutting the throat of a animal ,watching it dying ,winching in pain in pool of blood ,so much blood from childhood. It's like a full fledged system to produce brainwashed zombies ,all you have to do is push them a little emotionally and voila you have a terrorist army fighting for "just cause" of Allah.
Now, it can only be done after a fucking civil war as a full fledged machinery of foreign powers ,commies , are just waiting for an golden opportunity like that to further refine the fault lines and push country closer to a civil war or atleast pan INDIA riots.
I don't understand why will our freedom fighters and politicians at the time of partition allow violent ideology like ISLAM to have all the freedom to repeat the same things that lead to partition riots in the first place ,and that is just after fucking riots.
Their education system aka madarsas needs to be demolished ,masjid barking 5 times a day, forcing people to pray , talak and multiple marriage system, needs to be abolished and most importantly converting to sanatan dharam if marrying a Kaafirr ,idol worshipping hindu woman should have been made into a law at the time of partition itself.