@Craigs @Mikesingh
While i understand both your sentiments and while both of you are partly right allow me to disagree.
Both for me are lazy man's argument - it sweeps under the rug what is essentially pure procurement and logistic incompetence of the Indian Army on the large scale. The lack of standarization is SHOCKING and reflects the lackladal attitude towards the the comfort, well being and morale of the troop on the ground.
While you are right that a Combat ready unit never passed inspection and an inspection ready unit never passed combat this is a whole new range of randomness. Hell Russian Militia in the Ukraine have more standard kit.
The level of personal modification to kit goes beyond bizzare in some instances and are not defensible.
And yes while this picture does have personal from multiple units - reality is that there are enough pictures to show different uniforms/kit with same PLATOON. Let along battalion / regiment / Corp.