Indian Counter Terror Operations Pictures & Discussions

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Sep 7, 2015
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Praveen swami article
Did Shujaat Bukhari’s Peace Bid at A Dubai Conference Prove Fatal?
The Ramzan ceasefire demonstrated that the god of war cannot be appeased with showy rituals and sacrifices. New Delhi needs genuinely new strategies in Kashmir, not endless iterations of its past journeys to failure.

When are we going to wake up to reality instead of chasing mirages? What we need to do:

  • Impose governor's rule immediately.
  • Induct an additional infantry division in South Kashmir for at least 6 months.
  • Go all out against the terrorists their infrastructure and OGWs relentlessly.
  • Use massive fire assaults across the LoC to target all Paki/Rangers posts.
  • Iden Paki ex servicemens' houses built near the LoC to aid infiltration and plaster them.
  • Take on terror training camps by artillery. We have 8 figure GRs already. What are we waiting for?
  • Make the Pakis pay by making it unaffordable to them to continue CFVs and support to their proxies in the Valley. Keep hammering them till they request for peace negotiations. But still keep hitting them hard till they're serious about peace and refrain from infiltrating their mercenaries into Kashmir.
But then our politicians need a real 56 inch chest for this to happen. Methinks nothing will change and the situation will get from bad to worse with many kadi nindas thrown in to placate the secular and HR brigade.


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Sep 5, 2015
Not trying to add to pakistani propaganda but situation in Kashmir is gong to get lot worse.

Stone pelting has already started in Anantnag

I wont be surprised by another attack on Amarnath Yatris.. hope BJP breaks it with PDP and crush the separatist like Russians did in Chechanya

Tony HMG

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Dec 9, 2014
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The Ramzan ceasefire demonstrated that the god of war cannot be appeased with showy rituals and sacrifices. New Delhi needs genuinely new strategies in Kashmir, not endless iterations of its past journeys to failure.

When are we going to wake up to reality instead of chasing mirages? What we need to do:

  • Impose governor's rule immediately.
  • Induct an additional infantry division in South Kashmir for at least 6 months.
  • Go all out against the terrorists their infrastructure and OGWs relentlessly.
  • Use massive fire assaults across the LoC to target all Paki/Rangers posts.
  • Iden Paki ex servicemens' houses built near the LoC to aid infiltration and plaster them.
  • Take on terror training camps by artillery. We have 8 figure GRs already. What are we waiting for?
  • Make the Pakis pay by making it unaffordable to them to continue CFVs and support to their proxies in the Valley. Keep hammering them till they request for peace negotiations. But still keep hitting them hard till they're serious about peace and refrain from infiltrating their mercenaries into Kashmir.
But then our politicians need a real 56 inch chest for this to happen. Methinks nothing will change and the situation will get from bad to worse with many kadi nindas thrown in to placate the secular and HR brigade.
Absolutely correct. Cease fire was opted by Vajpayee also, which was a massive failure. This decision was taken by Rajnath for again winning brownie points with the kashmiri muslims. Our army and people have always been dispensable. If Modi cannot take any action as you have mentioned against pakis,congress/UPA will never. We should now just accept & move on that this shit happening in the border will have no end. There will never be decisive action against that shit country named pakistan. No matter how much we arm ourselves & strengthen our army, our pussy leaders will always shit on every one. It was so crystal clear, pakis were only targeting Hindu dominated Jammu during the ramzan period. People have fled their homes now, will be replaced by kashmiri muslims. Look at the statements made by Benjamin Netanyahu on twitter, so brave & acts like a true leader. We need such leaders so that our country stays united.


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Jan 2, 2018
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Were our casualties in the past month higher than the months preceding the ceasefire?

Did we kill fewer terrorists in this month than in the months preceding the ceasefire?
The nature of the casualties changed. When you have cordon and search ops and random searches at checkpoints, it's hard to sneak in grenades. We've had at least 4 grenade attacks this month. The number of attacks has increased. The casualty count is incidental. It could have been more if the grenades went off at the right time/place.


New Member
Oct 10, 2014
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Absolutely correct. Cease fire was opted by Vajpayee also, which was a massive failure. This decision was taken by Rajnath for again winning brownie points with the kashmiri muslims. Our army and people have always been dispensable. If Modi cannot take any action as you have mentioned against pakis,congress/UPA will never. We should now just accept & move on that this shit happening in the border will have no end. There will never be decisive action against that shit country named pakistan. No matter how much we arm ourselves & strengthen our army, our pussy leaders will always shit on every one. It was so crystal clear, pakis were only targeting Hindu dominated Jammu during the ramzan period. People have fled their homes now, will be replaced by kashmiri muslims. Look at the statements made by Benjamin Netanyahu on twitter, so brave & acts like a true leader. We need such leaders so that our country stays united.
Netanyahu has complete support of USA. who supports India like that? unless india doesnt build its economic strength dont expect any concrete military action against randistan


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Sep 7, 2015
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Netanyahu has complete support of USA. who supports India like that? unless india doesnt build its economic strength dont expect any concrete military action against randistan
Why do we need the support of anyone? Why should we hang on to the coat tails of the US? We are strong and big enough to do what is in our national interests.

Remember, it's just 5 districts out of 22 in J&K which are creating problems. The remainder 17 districts care a damn about Pak and so called azadi. However, the media makes it as if the whole of J&K is on fire. The truth needs to be known to all.

Do read my post on Quora: truth Vs the hype about Kashmir in the link below to see the other face of Kashmir.



New Member
Feb 26, 2010
What's the population of those 5 districts vis-a-vis the rest of J&K?


New Member
Oct 10, 2014
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Why do we need the support of anyone? Why should we hang on to the coat tails of the US? We are strong and big enough to do what is in our national interests.

Remember, it's just 5 districts out of 22 in J&K which are creating problems. The remainder 17 districts care a damn about Pak and so called azadi. However, the media makes it as if the whole of J&K is on fire. The truth needs to be known to all.

Do read my post on Quora: truth Vs the hype about Kashmir in the link below to see the other face of Kashmir.

is india economically self-sufficient? NO

Indian IT is a body-shop for American IT giants. India has a 50 billion dollar trade deficit with China. it is imperative for any nation to be self-sufficient such that in times of war, it is not dependent on other countries for any reason at all.


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Sep 7, 2015
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is india economically self-sufficient? NO

Indian IT is a body-shop for American IT giants. India has a 50 billion dollar trade deficit with China. it is imperative for any nation to be self-sufficient such that in times of war, it is not dependent on other countries for any reason at all.
Let's get real. There will never be an all out war with Pak. Even if there is, Pak will fold up inside of a week. It would be naive to suggest that China would come to their help.

So then as you say, since we are not economically strong enough to take action in Kashmir and Pak's shenanigans along the LoC as I've brought out in my post # #11506 above, we just lie down, pull the sheet over our heads and go to sleep till 2050 when we become economically stronger to take on Pak and its proxies in Kashmir!!


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
In addition to the economic situation, our political class and we as the people lack the will power and the killer instinct to go for the jugular.


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Oct 10, 2014
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Let's get real. There will never be an all out war with Pak. Even if there is, Pak will fold up inside of a week. It would be naive to suggest that China would come to their help.

So then as you say, since we are not economically strong enough to take action in Kashmir and Pak's shenanigans along the LoC as I've brought out in my post # #11506 above, we just lie down, pull the sheet over our heads and go to sleep till 2050 when we become economically stronger to take on Pak and its proxies in Kashmir!!
I'm saying we are not economically strong enough to bear the world response to attack against randistan. as for the bolded part, it seems our politicians are completely behaving that way and want what is highlighted!!!


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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I'm saying we are not economically strong enough to bear the world response to attack against randistan. as for the bolded part, it seems our politicians are completely behaving that way and want what is highlighted!!!
What do you think would be the world response to strong action by the Indian state in Kashmir? Or along the LoC? Sanctions against India? Just what would they do? Throw us out of the SCO, BRICS, SAARC, the Commonwealth and even the UN? Will the US, Japan, France, Israel, the EU and Russia etc cut ties with India? Will the US walk out of the strategic partnership with India? Will Russia, Iran and Qatar stop gas/oil exports to India? Just what do you suppose the world would do? Sweet nothing! Apart from a couple of useless UNHRC reports that no one even cares to read, there may just be a few rumblings from lame duck organizations like the OIC!

Remember, the world at large is against Israel's policies, but they're forging ahead in all spheres in spite of what they're doing to the Palestinians. Has any country stopped trade and severed diplomatic relations with them after the latest incident? Countries are more interested in their own national interests.

In other words, the world at large can do squat to India. It's time we grew some balls to take on our adversaries without fear. Enough of the Gandhian philosophy. Times have changed but were still stuck in a timewarp.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
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Jun 5, 2017
No one is ever gonna come to help us not Israel not JewSA nor Russia.

Very sad to hear that some of our reputed posters think that someone will come to help us.

The absolute state of Dhinduism


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Linking economy to action on Pak and its proxies is a dead horse which has been flogged a thousand times. Its only political will that stops any action. Army is more than ready and there wont be a Shubh Muhurat to initiate attacking Pak or PoK. I m begining to think Modi Govt could only give freedom to army on a tactical level. But on a strategic level he too is a status quoist.

Vishal Chandorkar

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Dec 11, 2017
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We declared ceasefire for a month and in that one month, we have so many cease fire violations, bombs thrown on CRPF, so many soldiers dead, terrorists have regrouped and UN has passed an anti-India resolution.

I hope some lessons were learnt.
The ceasefire move was a bad one. They should have never implemented it. These terrorist organisations and their bosses in the ISI don’t want the situation in JnK to improve, isn’t that obvious to our govt? If the situation improves, their entire existence comes into question, so they will do everything in their power to influence the people’s opinion in Kashmir against the establishment. So the only way to deal with them is to uproot them.

Vishal Chandorkar

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Dec 11, 2017
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The govt shouldn’t play around with the soldier’s lives. Wasn’t it very obvious that during the ceasefire, the forces operating in Kashmir would be subjected to more attacks. How many in the govt, be it the state or the central govt, would have joined Aurangzeb,s mourning family. No one!! So, I hope they stop fooling around, and get back doing what is needed. Deal with terrorists n Pakistan ruthlessly. There is no other way!! History has shown us Pakistan has never understood the language of peace, they go Quiet only when they are made to bite dust
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