Indian Counter Terror Operations Pictures & Discussions

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Dec 18, 2013
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That's true.

Even before the Soviet Union collapsed, it was the soldiers who hailed from Muslim Soviet states who started defecting to the Taliban. Demography is important. Religion is important. No soldier is a robot.

If this Kashmiri regiment has been raised, the best place to deploy them would be in Naxal ops or China ops on the eastern border.
After Sep 2001 attacks when US soldiers were being deployed to Afghanistan, a former Soviet soldier who had seen 1980s Soviet-Afghan conflict was asked about his views on how to win trust of the local civilians there and fight Taliban.

His reply was something like this - You can give the locals chocolates, break bread with them and they may even offer you generous hospitality, smile and wave at you.

But they will always unite using religion and as soon as your unit leaves their village, they will inform Taliban about your troop strength, your location and other details because they see it as their religious duty to contribute to holy jehad against the infidels.


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
After Sep 2001 attacks when US soldiers were being deployed to Afghanistan, a former Soviet soldier who had seen 1980s Soviet-Afghan conflict was asked about his views on how to win trust of the local civilians there and fight Taliban.

His reply was something like this - You can give the locals chocolates, break bread with them and they may even offer you generous hospitality, smile and wave at you.

But they will always unite using religion and as soon as your unit leaves their village, they will inform Taliban about your troop strength, your location and other details because they see it as their religious duty to contribute to holy jehad against the infidels.
In that sense, one needs to give credit to Muslims in succeeding to intermingle theology with domestic culture and national identity at the same time. Being a nationalist for them is not a matter of opinion but a default way of life. Their personal interests overlap with their national interest. Speaking out is seen as selling out.

Here in India, the national security apparatus, army, intel, and nationalist citizens are just one small chunk of the total population who consciously take interest in matters of national interest, but the rest of the sheep are truly busy in their own lala land. Outside of these niche forums, the public does not know what threat the country faces. Here, speaking out against the country earns you the title of 'intellectual'.


New Member
Dec 18, 2013
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In that sense, one needs to give credit to Muslims in succeeding to intermingle theology with domestic culture and national identity at the same time. Being a nationalist for them is not a matter of opinion but a default way of life. Their personal interests overlap with their national interest. Speaking out is seen as selling out.

Here in India, the national security apparatus, army, intel, and nationalist citizens are just one small chunk of the total population who consciously take interest in matters of national interest, but the rest of the sheep are truly busy in their own lala land. Outside of these niche forums, the public does not know what threat the country faces. Here, speaking out against the country earns you the title of 'intellectual'.
From Homeland TV series..



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Nov 21, 2016
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@gekko I think not having every tom, dick and harry asking questions related to national security is a good thing, for now.

The lack of awareness is a double edged sword. I agree a chunk of these people in the country are busy surfing porn on railway stations but it is also true that these are the very same people who are not in the least bit bothered when cunts like PUCL or Siddharth Varadrajan make elitist shit like "Right to privacy" a big deal.

The very reason an agency which is not answerable to the aam janata, RA&W can exist is public apathy. There are no demands for oversight or auditing from the 99% of people in this country and works in favour of both security and intelligence agencies.


New Member
Jul 10, 2017
@gekko I think not having every tom, dick and harry asking questions related to national security is a good thing, for now.

The lack of awareness is a double edged sword. I agree a chunk of these people in the country are busy surfing porn on railway stations but it is also true that these are the very same people who are not in the least bit bothered when cunts like PUCL or Siddharth Varadrajan make elitist shit like "Right to privacy" a big deal.

The very reason an agency which is not answerable to the aam janata, RA&W can exist is public apathy. There are no demands for oversight or auditing from the 99% of people in this country and works in favour of both security and intelligence agencies.
I don't mean to say that every detail about national security must be out in the open but the nation must have a broad doctrine known to the people and it must be used as a benchmark to judge the leadership. For example, Russia has a stated doctrine of maintaining primacy of Russian influence over former Soviet States. They treat it as their backyard, and they have articulated this broad policy to the Russian people so that when the need arises to send troops to defend it, their civilians are aware why it is necessary to do it.

70 years after independence, Indians are still not sure if Kashmir is our part or is it better to give it to Pakistan. The lack of forceful articulation weakens national morale when the time comes to take strong actions.

If we had stated the broad policy of holding onto Kashmir, then people would have judged Nehru adversely when he set out on a friendship path with China and ended up losing territory. Instead, he was able to mislead the people by saying things like "it's a barren land, no grass grows there". We got shortchanged because the public were not aware. Vajpayee did the same mistake with the Lahore bus trip and we got Kargil in return. Had it been made clear that India will not talk to Pakistan until POK is returned to us, then Vajpayee couldn't have thought of going on the Lahore trip.

We claim Indian Ocean to be our backyard, but allow China to construct ports in SL and Bangladesh.


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Sep 7, 2015
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something interesting!!!!!

Nothing new! We've been doing this since 1990. A couple of us used to trick the terrorists by wearing phirans with an AK tucked under it and telling them that we belonged to the Hizb, in their local language. When they came out from their hideouts for 'discussions' they were mowed down - shot from under our phirans from point blank range!! Lol! Yep! As easy as that! :biggrin2:

But then one requires guts to conduct such covert ops. And the IA has plenty of that!!! :)
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Flame Thrower

New Member
Apr 16, 2016
Nothing new! We've been doing this since 1990. A couple of us used to trick the terrorists by wearing phirans with an AK tucked under it and telling them that we belonged to the Hizb. When they came out from their hideouts for 'discussions' they were mowed down - shot from under our phirans from point blank range!! Lol! Yep! As easy as that! :biggrin2:
Bhai, since you've mentioned this, I got a curious question.

How do Hizb or other terrorists communicate!? Now the network is strong, smartphone hai, WhatsApp hai, I think, it is not difficult to track.

But how the communication happened in early 90's. I doubt, even the landline was famous during that time. My family got our landline in mid 2002(remote village).


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Bhai, since you've mentioned this, I got a curious question.

How do Hizb or other terrorists communicate!? Now the network is strong, smartphone hai, WhatsApp hai, I think, it is not difficult to track.

But how the communication happened in early 90's. I doubt, even the landline was famous during that time. My family got our landline in mid 2002(remote village).
Good question! Back in the 90s there were no smart phones and internet etc. Communications were with walkie talkies/RS, captured from the killed terrorists. We even knew their codes from their diaries that the terrorist used to carry around.


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Feb 17, 2017
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What was the logic of arresting them? Now they will be state guests at taxpayers expenses and further corrupt and recruit others from within the prisons. They are like a virus that spread through air.

Unless IA can dramatically reform these guys and turn them into ikhwan Like forces, they should should not be arrested. Better lose them in encounters.

Flame Thrower

New Member
Apr 16, 2016
What was the logic of arresting them? Now they will be state guests at taxpayers expenses and further corrupt and recruit others from within the prisons. They are like a virus that spread through air.

Unless IA can dramatically reform these guys and turn them into ikhwan Like forces, they should should not be arrested. Better lose them in encounters.
1. This compels terrorists to surrender rather than fight to death.
2. It shows that IA is humane and willing to solve the issue. Guns are the last option. This kind of gestures help gathering support at UN.
3. Recordings like Abu Dujania adds more stress on Pak raising voice in UN and asking for Kashmiri Jihad funds from KSA.
4. HR will find difficult to raise fingers when I crossed the line(Now, I don't mean IA shouldn't cross. We need some shields too). Even if HR shouts, it's voice hardly gets any support in the international committee.
5. When the time is right, we encash all the Goodwill. To my understanding, India always fought on "loose some, win some" philosophy. It means to take hits when it is below threshold limit. Use your brute Force only when it is absolutely needed, when you use it, destroy even the traces of your enemy. Killing these AHs in an encounter for our forces is as easy as pulling AKM's trigger. Killing them will only send wrong message. IA can win any armed conflict, it has to win the propaganda conflict. Did anyone notice the difference in one year i.e. 2016 Aug and 17 Aug. Separatists, Terrorist heads in Pindi, ISI is afraid that IA is slowly winning the propaganda war. Abu Dujania's last words scared the ISI and terrorist heads more than IA killing Abu.


New Member
Nov 21, 2016
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@gekko I agree but the 70 year rot that is timidity, cowardice and selfishness masquerading as Gandhian principles cannot be cured in just 3 years. So far, this government has stood up to Ching Chongs in a manner which was last seen in 1987, thanks to General Sundarji.

Let's hope that Modi don't end up taking a bus to Lahore or Lhasa.


New Member
May 31, 2017
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... the nation must have a broad doctrine known to the people and it must be used as a benchmark to judge the leadership...

If we had stated the broad policy of holding onto Kashmir, then people would have judged Nehru adversely when he set out on a friendship path with China and ended up losing territory. Instead, he was able to mislead the people by saying things like "it's a barren land, no grass grows there". We got shortchanged because the public were not aware. Vajpayee did the same mistake with the Lahore bus trip and we got Kargil in return. Had it been made clear that India will not talk to Pakistan until POK is returned to us, then Vajpayee couldn't have thought of going on the Lahore trip.

We claim Indian Ocean to be our backyard, but allow China to construct ports in SL and Bangladesh.
That we do not have a clear and consistent doctrine / foreign policy is not by accident or mistake, but by design - precisely so that it gives the polity "manoeuvring room" when they fuck up. No benchmark, no objective judgement from the public.
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