Indian Army Artillery


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Feb 28, 2019
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AK Anthony was the most useless DM we ever had. All he ever wanted was for everyone to hold his dick while he shouted He would be a clean and transparent minister. He didn't even care if it affected the military readiness adversely.
Mr. Clean was incompetence personified but Dhanush and ATAGS projects were initiated under his watch. Political differences aside, no harm in admitting that a Congressi had the vision to develop/unveil some degree of indigenous arty capability when most thought none existed and import was the only option.


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Dec 26, 2016
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for the alps, yes. but now that they have peace in europe, it may not be a priority for them.

muricans have M777, which they intend to airlift if the need arises.

who else?
But that's an opportunity for us, go build equipment which is specifically suited for our terrain and which enemy countries can't replicate.
LCH is a good example, sure there may be other good attack choppers around but none as tuned to high altitude operations.


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Sep 13, 2010
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As long as we build up the reserves and retain production rights it makes no difference to me. Paying through the nose is still better than losing territory.
AIT? This tap can be turned off very easily should the West so desire.

India has not fought an all out war in 50 years, you seem to be under the impression all conflicts are short and limited in scope, anyone that has studied any peer conflict will tell you it comes down to local industrial capacity, the side the needs to run to foreign suppliers once war wastage reserves are burned through has 0 chance after a few weeks- this is exactly why Indian leadership has to run to de-escalate after every hot action for fear it will expand into a conflict that will expose their lack of depth.


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Sep 13, 2010
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India will be overrun in a single day in case of any war with the commies. It’s the brutal truth no one will accept, It ain’t 1999 anymore
It would be fascinating to see the Chinese activating all the back doors in Indian comns equipment they’ve surely built up

that’s before they even unleash their enormous mechanised conventional advantage on Indian units and bases. IA is arguing over a few 100 guns, the Chinese have inducted them by The 1000s


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Sep 13, 2010
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We are unable to make guns, tanks, rockets, helicopters, drones then where are our crorea of rupees going in the name of R & D ...are making some kind extra terrestrial weapons 🤔

a nation the can put rovers on the moon has the industrial capacity to make such basic cr@p, the IA wants you to believe India can’t produce a half decent assault rifle or even boots


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
It would be fascinating to see the Chinese activating all the back doors in Indian comns equipment they’ve surely built up

that’s before they even unleash their enormous mechanised conventional advantage on Indian units and bases. IA is arguing over a few 100 guns, the Chinese have inducted them by The 1000s
They would peter in a limited conflict but dominate in a conventional one. The 2010s imo is where the indian army lost its edge.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
AIT? This tap can be turned off very easily should the West so desire.

India has not fought an all out war in 50 years, you seem to be under the impression all conflicts are short and limited in scope, anyone that has studied any peer conflict will tell you it comes down to local industrial capacity, the side the needs to run to foreign suppliers once war wastage reserves are burned through has 0 chance after a few weeks- this is exactly why Indian leadership has to run to de-escalate after every hot action for fear it will expand into a conflict that will expose their lack of depth.
look at the Himalayan geographical region. Unless you can find a way to support your troops on a long term basis, your LOCs would be under severe strain while going on the offensive on a long term basis. There’s a reason why PLA quickly withdrew from its advances and only kept Askin Chin and basically gave up on Arunachal Pradesh because they simply couldn’t sustain it until winter came. They would have been stranded and left to its own like the Germany army in Stalingrad. Once it outran its locs and got encircled, it was curtains for them.


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Sep 13, 2010
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look at the Himalayan geographical region. Unless you can find a way to support your troops on a long term basis, your LOCs would be under severe strain while going on the offensive on a long term basis. There’s a reason why PLA quickly withdrew from its advances and only kept Askin Chin and basically gave up on Arunachal Pradesh because they simply couldn’t sustain it until winter came. They would have been stranded and left to its own like the Germany army in Stalingrad. Once it outran its locs and got encircled, it was curtains for them.
It’s 2023, China has been pouring in 10s of billions into their foreword infrastructure for over a decade and their LOCs are far more developed

a long conflict favours the PLA now


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
It’s 2023, China has been pouring in 10s of billions into their foreword infrastructure for over a decade and their LOCs are far more developed

a long conflict favours the PLA now
India, pre 2010, would wipe the floor with its PLA contemporary. That is because:
1. Officers raised during the IAs golden era in the 70s/80s are still there
2. The army had a vast experience in high altitude combat in both Siachen and Kargil, and the men who served in those skirmishes are retiring or going to retire soon
3. The army had better equipped infantry than the PLA pre 2010s.
4. The current generation of generals AND officers are an utter disgrace


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
look at the Himalayan geographical region. Unless you can find a way to support your troops on a long term basis, your LOCs would be under severe strain while going on the offensive on a long term basis. There’s a reason why PLA quickly withdrew from its advances and only kept Askin Chin and basically gave up on Arunachal Pradesh because they simply couldn’t sustain it until winter came. They would have been stranded and left to its own like the Germany army in Stalingrad. Once it outran its locs and got encircled, it was curtains for them.
PLA enjoys the same advantage it had in 1962, in 2023. Just letting you know.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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It would be fascinating to see the Chinese activating all the back doors in Indian comns equipment they’ve surely built up

that’s before they even unleash their enormous mechanised conventional advantage on Indian units and bases. IA is arguing over a few 100 guns, the Chinese have inducted them by The 1000s
Ok and how are they supposed to cross the Himalayas with this enormous mechanised advantage you speak of??


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Ok and how are they supposed to cross the Himalayas with this enormous mechanised advantage you speak of??
not a lot. Probably only a couple brigades worth due to chokepoints. The only reason why the IA got overran was because they ran out of supplies and has to retreat a lot. Situation is different now. We need to win the air battle. As long as we win the air battle we can man these choke points and hold the Chinese up and hit their rear LOCs and bases.


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Jul 8, 2011
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not a lot. Probably only a couple brigades worth due to chokepoints.
Exactly this. It just boggles my mind that how otherwise smart individuals can make such stupid comments.
The only reason why the IA got overran was because they ran out of supplies and has to retreat a lot.
That was one of the primary causes behind the 1962 disaster, but not the only one. The units were deployed piecemeal, in small so-called strongholds that were completely isolated from each other and without any reliable means of resupplying. This was done in accordance with the then-GoI policy of 'defending every inch', which saw our forces deployed in a thin red line with lots of gaps in between. And to make matters worse, in many sections of the front, the units were deployed in the valleys. So the Chinese had no trouble achieving overwhelming local superiority and dealing with our army one unit at a time.

Situation is different now. We need to win the air battle. As long as we win the air battle we can man these choke points and hold the Chinese up and hit their rear LOCs and bases.
Not even win, but just keep harassing them to the point their air interdictions become ineffective. The biggest problem, in my opinion, is going to be their artillery and drones. The surest way to counter those is dig down, litter the mountains with underground tunnels, basically go the Viet Cong way.