Indian Army Artillery

standard snowball

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Nov 29, 2022
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Not even close!! I know you're frustrated; we all are, but let's try to keep it real, shall we??
In what way is he wrong, just like the 1962 our soldiers are not trained properly use outdated guns with no sights or anything, (INSAS vs QBZ 191 really) (just visit the army infantry page of the forum), our artillery is outdated, our MBRLs are outgunned and out numbered, our soldiers lack proper troop comfort items like jackets and boots, heck most of our soldiers don't even have MRE's,
Just like in 1962 our logistics capabilities are in the gutter (we can't rapidly deploy soldiers and equipments because we have just 12 modern heavy lifters, I repeat just 12 where as the Chinese have 100s of Y 20).

Let's not even compare our air forces you know it I know it our airforce is atleast 2 decades behind the Chinese and their J 20's would be smoking our Su 30's left right and centre.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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In what way is he wrong,
In every way possible,
just like the 1962 our soldiers are not trained properly
The regular infantry is sufficiently trained for their intended role; of course there's always room for improvement, and there are some chinks in the cogs, so to speak, but you're blowing it out of all proportions.
use outdated guns with no sights or anything,
INSAS 1C is roughly similar to the QBZ-191 in performance. Besides, they're currently being replaced with Sig 716Is in the units deployed along the LAC, so that's a non-issue at this point.
(INSAS vs QBZ 191 really) (just visit the army infantry page of the forum),
Save it; I've been here a lot longer than you have, kid.
our artillery is outdated,
Yes, for now, but artillery will have limited effectiveness against Indian Army positions since we hold the high ground in most of the sectors!! Plus, it's the damn Himalayas, not the plains of fucking Ukraine!! They are the ones who would be more vulnerable to massed artillery assaults since they are on a plateau, which is a barren wasteland with practically nothing in the way of natural cover, plus they will be on the offensive, so it ain't as simple as you think.
Besides, the organic artillery elements attached to most of the PLA mountain brigades are equipped with 122mm artillery pieces, both tube and rocket, so again, you are only proving that you have no eyes for details or a mind for nuances.

our MBRLs are outgunned and out numbered,
Again, same deal. Plus, MLRS systems are even less effective in mountainous terrain due to their trajectory. Sure, the Chinese 370mm MLRS systems will pose a great deal of danger for the rear echelons, but the PLA still has them in limited numbers only and mostly uses them for precision strikes rather than massed fire assaults, and soon they will lose their range advantage to our Pralay tactical ballistic missiles, which the Army plans to induct in absolutely stunning numbers.

Their most numerous heavy MLRS is the 300mm Smerch copies, with a maximum range of 130 km or so, and while right now our systems can only reach a maximum of 90 km (for now), it won't be that big of a deal since it'll be the Chinese who will have to come at us while traversing a featureless wasteland of a plateau.

Besides, their advantage in artillery can be easily negated by simply going underground, and guess what?? That's precisely what our Army's been up to for the past few years!! Check this out:

our soldiers lack proper troop comfort items like jackets and boots,
That is demonstrably a lie!! Sure, there're some deficiencies, but they are nowhere near as dire as they were in 1962, when our men had to make do with their cotton uniforms!! I mean, seriously, have you ever bothered to visit any of the forward areas yourself?! I highly doubt you have, or else you wouldn't be spewing this drivel.
heck most of our soldiers don't even have MRE's,
Seriously?? MREs??!! Dude, we literally just plan to hold the Chinese at bay from our prepared defenses and you're bitching about MREs??!!
Just like in 1962 our logistics capabilities are in the gutter (we can't rapidly deploy soldiers and equipments because we have just 12 modern heavy lifters, I repeat just 12 where as the Chinese have 100s of Y 20).
Meanwhile, even the farthest, most remote outposts are now being connected with black-top roads!! I live here; I should know.
Let's not even compare our air forces you know it I know it our airforce is atleast 2 decades behind the Chinese and their J 20's would be smoking our Su 30's left right and centre.
Just do what the Vietnamese did against the Muricans, i.e., just go under the ground.
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New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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In what way is he wrong,
In every way possible, the first and foremost being the number of deployed units!! In 1962, the Indian Army had what would amount to just over two infantry divisions ALL along the border, and that's it!! There were no artillery or armored brigades. Now, there are 13 mountain and infantry divisions in the Eastern Command alone!! This will ensure that the PLA will never be able to achieve the overwhelming manpower and material superiority that they did back then.
just like the 1962 our soldiers are not trained properly
The regular infantry is sufficiently trained for their intended role; of course there's always room for improvement, and there are some chinks in the cogs, so to speak, but you're blowing it out of all proportions.
use outdated guns with no sights or anything,
INSAS 1C is roughly similar to the QBZ-191 in performance. Besides, they're currently being replaced with Sig 716Is in the units deployed along the LAC, so that's a non-issue at this point.
(INSAS vs QBZ 191 really) (just visit the army infantry page of the forum),
Save it; I've been here a lot longer than you have, kid.
our artillery is outdated,
Yes, for now, but artillery will have limited effectiveness against Indian Army positions since we hold the high ground in most of the sectors!! Plus, it's the damn Himalayas, not the plains of fucking Ukraine!! They are the ones who would be more vulnerable to massed artillery assaults since they are on a plateau, which is a barren wasteland with practically nothing in the way of natural cover, plus they will be on the offensive, so it ain't as simple as you think.
Besides, the organic artillery elements attached to most of the PLA mountain brigades are equipped with 122mm artillery pieces, both tube and rocket, so again, you are only proving that you have no eyes for details or a mind for nuances.
Watch this (I'm assuming you haven't already):
our MBRLs are outgunned and out numbered,
Again, same deal. Plus, MLRS systems are even less effective in mountainous terrain due to their trajectory. Sure, the Chinese 370mm MLRS systems will pose a great deal of danger for the rear echelons, but the PLA still has them in limited numbers only and mostly uses them for precision strikes rather than massed fire assaults, and soon they will lose their range advantage to our Pralay tactical ballistic missiles, which the Army plans to induct in absolutely stunning numbers.

Their most numerous heavy MLRS is the 300mm Smerch copies, with a maximum range of 130 km or so, and while right now our systems can only reach a maximum of 90 km (for now), it won't be that big of a deal since it'll be the Chinese who will have to come at us while traversing a featureless wasteland of a plateau.

Besides, their advantage in artillery can be easily negated by simply going underground, and guess what?? That's precisely what our Army's been up to for the past 3-4 years!! Check this out:

our soldiers lack proper troop comfort items like jackets and boots,
That is demonstrably a lie!! Sure, there're some deficiencies, but they are nowhere near as dire as they were in 1962, when our men had to make do with their cotton uniforms!! I mean, seriously, have you ever bothered to visit any of the forward areas yourself?! I highly doubt you have, or else you wouldn't be spewing this drivel.
heck most of our soldiers don't even have MRE's,
Seriously?? MREs??!! Dude, we literally just plan to hold the Chinese at bay from our prepared defenses and you're bitching about MREs??!!
Just like in 1962 our logistics capabilities are in the gutter (we can't rapidly deploy soldiers and equipments because we have just 12 modern heavy lifters, I repeat just 12 where as the Chinese have 100s of Y 20).
Meanwhile, even the farthest, most remote outposts are now being connected with black-top roads!! I live here; I should know.
Let's not even compare our air forces you know it I know it our airforce is atleast 2 decades behind the Chinese and their J 20's would be smoking our Su 30's left right and centre.
Just do what the Vietnamese did against the Muricans, i.e., just go under the ground.

PS: @Mods, please delete the previous post.
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New Member
Mar 21, 2022
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The Armenian Army purchased Indian 155-mm MArG howitzers manufactured by Bharat Forge. The MarG wheeled self-propelled gun was developed by Kalyani Strategic Systems Limited and was first shown in 2021. The MArG self-propelled gun is equipped with a 155 mm gun with a barrel length of 39 calibers and mounted on a 4 = 4 vehicle. The MarG self-propelled gun is equipped with an armored cabin for a crew of five and has a modern fire control system. It is stated that the MArG 155-BR self-propelled gun is capable of conducting long-term fire with a rate of fire of 42 rounds in 60 minutes. In intensive fire mode, the rate of fire of the self-propelled gun is 12 shots in three minutes. The firing range of the self-propelled gun is up to 24 kilometers, the transportable ammunition load is 18 shells. The time to bring the self-propelled gun into combat position is up to 2 minutes. The weight of the MarG self-propelled gun is 18 tons.


Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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In every way possible, the first and foremost being the number of deployed units!! In 1962, the Indian Army had what would amount to just over two infantry divisions ALL along the border, and that's it!! There were no artillery or armored brigades. Now, there are 13 mountain and infantry divisions in the Eastern Command alone!! This will ensure that the PLA will never be able to achieve the overwhelming manpower and material superiority that they did back then.

The regular infantry is sufficiently trained for their intended role; of course there's always room for improvement, and there are some chinks in the cogs, so to speak, but you're blowing it out of all proportions.

INSAS 1C is roughly similar to the QBZ-191 in performance. Besides, they're currently being replaced with Sig 716Is in the units deployed along the LAC, so that's a non-issue at this point.

Save it; I've been here a lot longer than you have, kid.

Yes, for now, but artillery will have limited effectiveness against Indian Army positions since we hold the high ground in most of the sectors!! Plus, it's the damn Himalayas, not the plains of fucking Ukraine!! They are the ones who would be more vulnerable to massed artillery assaults since they are on a plateau, which is a barren wasteland with practically nothing in the way of natural cover, plus they will be on the offensive, so it ain't as simple as you think.
Besides, the organic artillery elements attached to most of the PLA mountain brigades are equipped with 122mm artillery pieces, both tube and rocket, so again, you are only proving that you have no eyes for details or a mind for nuances.
Watch this (I'm assuming you haven't already):

Again, same deal. Plus, MLRS systems are even less effective in mountainous terrain due to their trajectory. Sure, the Chinese 370mm MLRS systems will pose a great deal of danger for the rear echelons, but the PLA still has them in limited numbers only and mostly uses them for precision strikes rather than massed fire assaults, and soon they will lose their range advantage to our Pralay tactical ballistic missiles, which the Army plans to induct in absolutely stunning numbers.

Their most numerous heavy MLRS is the 300mm Smerch copies, with a maximum range of 130 km or so, and while right now our systems can only reach a maximum of 90 km (for now), it won't be that big of a deal since it'll be the Chinese who will have to come at us while traversing a featureless wasteland of a plateau.

Besides, their advantage in artillery can be easily negated by simply going underground, and guess what?? That's precisely what our Army's been up to for the past 3-4 years!! Check this out:

That is demonstrably a lie!! Sure, there're some deficiencies, but they are nowhere near as dire as they were in 1962, when our men had to make do with their cotton uniforms!! I mean, seriously, have you ever bothered to visit any of the forward areas yourself?! I highly doubt you have, or else you wouldn't be spewing this drivel.

Seriously?? MREs??!! Dude, we literally just plan to hold the Chinese at bay from our prepared defenses and you're bitching about MREs??!!

Meanwhile, even the farthest, most remote outposts are now being connected with black-top roads!! I live here; I should know.

Just do what the Vietnamese did against the Muricans, i.e., just go under the ground.

PS: @Mods, please delete the previous post.
Thank you for rebutting point by point the the “Blood+” post. I like it the way you have gone point by point to answer his inferiority complex.

He appears the be too young and hired as internet salesman by the arms merchants. I very much doubt that he has even seen the business end of the barrel of the gun, let alone firing it. People like him are in the regular contact with the Chinese and react to information provided by the chinese. They lack confidence. Like you, I am also from the hills. The China border is only 100 miles from where I grew up.


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Thank you for rebutting point by point the the “Blood+” post. I like it the way you have gone point by point to answer his inferiority complex.

He appears the be too young and hired as internet salesman by the arms merchants. I very much doubt that he has even seen the business end of the barrel of the gun, let alone firing it. People like him are in the regular contact with the Chinese and react to information provided by the chinese. They lack confidence. Like you, I am also from the hills. The China border is only 100 miles from where I grew up.
If we're to go by his name, the kid himself is from the hills near LAC, lol.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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The Armenian Army purchased Indian 155-mm MArG howitzers manufactured by Bharat Forge. The MarG wheeled self-propelled gun was developed by Kalyani Strategic Systems Limited and was first shown in 2021. The MArG self-propelled gun is equipped with a 155 mm gun with a barrel length of 39 calibers and mounted on a 4 = 4 vehicle. The MarG self-propelled gun is equipped with an armored cabin for a crew of five and has a modern fire control system. It is stated that the MArG 155-BR self-propelled gun is capable of conducting long-term fire with a rate of fire of 42 rounds in 60 minutes. In intensive fire mode, the rate of fire of the self-propelled gun is 12 shots in three minutes. The firing range of the self-propelled gun is up to 24 kilometers, the transportable ammunition load is 18 shells. The time to bring the self-propelled gun into combat position is up to 2 minutes. The weight of the MarG self-propelled gun is 18 tons.

The optimum utilization of this Gun will happen when RAM powered shell will come in which is developed by IIT Chennai. We should look into RAM powered Pinaka as well to boost the range.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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The optimum utilization of this Gun will happen when RAM powered shell will come in which is developed by IIT Chennai. We should look into RAM powered Pinaka as well to boost the range.
Time to develop Exclibur like GPS guided shell with Ramjet technology for precision strike. What we need is a humble budget to be allocated to IIT and little support from DRDO. Within a few years, you will have a lethal weapon.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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The optimum utilization of this Gun will happen when RAM powered shell will come in which is developed by IIT Chennai. We should look into RAM powered Pinaka as well to boost the range.
You can get a multimillion USD revenue out of its sell like what we are set to earn from Brahmos, Akash, Pinaka and other artillery guns.

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Is that 105 mm artillery gun on wheels; is it the same gun which was in the news two years back as ‘go anywhere gun’?

It was highly recommended then as mobile firepower which will go to the mountains and deliver a big punch by the forward troops.

Why did it took so long for the Army to decide to procure this gun.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Looks like we were ahead of the curve, gents.

IDU updates (IDRW by extension) say that Solar Industries are now developing 200 and 290-km range MBRL for the Pinaka series. These will be called Maheshwarastra 1 and 2.

DRDO only got the clearance now to make a Pinaka-4 with 400 Km.

We said that we needed these MBRL systems deployed in Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal soon after 2020, but looks like they have just woken up.,:dude:

Honestly, I never understood why we developed such a short-range MBRL in Pinaka 1 in the first place. Even Pakistan's forward areas are much further than its maximum range!

This iterative increment of rocket/missile distances by a few Kms for every platform that is followed by DRDO and the government uffsars is fucking annoying. It has resulted in a mind-boggling amount of monetary wastage for missiles that barely give any extra edge in terms of strategic coverage.

Instead of making missiles/rockets that are hundreds of Kms apart, we have always had this pathetic approach of a few Kms.

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New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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This is one of the many times we have come across the news that long range artillery (ATAGS) is being ordered. No work order materializes……. This news item is also similar. We will believe it when work order is placed and production begins.
Order is bound to come as Artillery Gun is now in Black list (No Import).

Hari Sud

New Member
Mar 31, 2012
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In what way is he wrong, just like the 1962 our soldiers are not trained properly use outdated guns with no sights or anything, (INSAS vs QBZ 191 really) (just visit the army infantry page of the forum), our artillery is outdated, our MBRLs are outgunned and out numbered, our soldiers lack proper troop comfort items like jackets and boots, heck most of our soldiers don't even have MRE's,
Just like in 1962 our logistics capabilities are in the gutter (we can't rapidly deploy soldiers and equipments because we have just 12 modern heavy lifters, I repeat just 12 where as the Chinese have 100s of Y 20).

Let's not even compare our air forces you know it I know it our airforce is atleast 2 decades behind the Chinese and their J 20's would be smoking our Su 30's left right and centre.
A bunch of nonsense….. ; too much inferiority complex. Remember one of the second or third highest ranking retired Army officer of Indian Army in-charge of Northern Command called Chinese army in Tibet and Sinkiang as a blunt weapon. That is true.

So have confidence in yourself and not in the enemy.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Looks like we were ahead of the curve, gents.

IDU updates (IDRW by extension) say that Solar Industries are now developing 200 and 290-km range MBRL for the Pinaka series. These will be called Maheshwarastra 1 and 2.

DRDO only got the clearance now to make a Pinaka-4 with 400 Km.

We said that we needed these MBRL systems deployed in Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal soon after 2020, but looks like they have just woken up.,:dude:

Honestly, I never understood why we developed such a short-range MBRL in Pinaka 1 in the first place. Even Pakistan's forward areas are much further than its maximum range!

This iterative increment of rocket/missile distances by a few Kms for every platform that is followed by DRDO and the government uffsars is fucking annoying. It has resulted in a mind-boggling amount of monetary wastage for missiles that barely give any extra edge in terms of strategic coverage.

Instead of making missiles/rockets that are hundreds of Kms apart, we have always had this pathetic approach of a few Kms.

View attachment 230428
Could be due to the legacy of MTCR regime. India could only receive help for weapons that were less than 290 kms in range.

