Indian Army Artillery


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Jan 7, 2016
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This is one of the many times we have come across the news that long range artillery (ATAGS) is being ordered. No work order materializes……. This news item is also similar. We will believe it when work order is placed and production begins.
Army has proposed some Changes.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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All changes to sabotage the ATAGS gun and favour the Israeli gun purchase.
In the end all indigenous projects are abandoned and foreign weapons are bought. I can’t remember one project ( except Tejas without an engine)which was completed.


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
In the end all indigenous projects are abandoned and foreign weapons are bought. I can’t remember one project ( except Tejas without an engine)which was completed.
tarang rwr, mc, upgrade packages for Russian fighters
pinaka, HSLD, dc maws, drdo radar, sonars, torpedoes
akash, astra, saaw, netra, guns and the goes on
Indian armed forces only consider buying foreign only if India unable to complete projects in time or projects end up in failure, but GoI give top priority to made in India products.
Tejas is still under development, and first stage [good for warfare] will be complete in 2024 [elm2052] & 2025 when HAL complete test of lca f404 uttam.
LCA golden era starts from 2024, and indigenous artillery from 2027/28 [need indigenous low cost pgm]
Biggest reason for all issues is, goi created two org for developing weapons - one for r&d & other for production


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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tarang rwr, mc, upgrade packages for Russian fighters
pinaka, HSLD, dc maws, drdo radar, sonars, torpedoes
akash, astra, saaw, netra, guns and the goes on
Indian armed forces only consider buying foreign only if India unable to complete projects in time or projects end up in failure, but GoI give top priority to made in India products.
Tejas is still under development, and first stage [good for warfare] will be complete in 2024 [elm2052] & 2025 when HAL complete test of lca f404 uttam.
LCA golden era starts from 2024, and indigenous artillery from 2027/28 [need indigenous low cost pgm]
Biggest reason for all issues is, goi created two org for developing weapons - one for r&d & other for production
imo it will be at least 10 years before being fully infigrnous. Everything you mentioned relied on foreign parts. All chips are Texas Instruments.



New Member
Sep 15, 2021
Imagine disrespecting navy in reply to an ex naval officer , peak lols.
Saying truth is not a disrespect, but keeping closed eyes against IN needs is like
disrespecting entire navy.
Except US, China & Russia, all navy build Frankenstein ships
You can believe what ever you want, but the truth is IN, IAF, IA department on foreign tech, about 80% for fighting & winning wars in past, present & also in future.
IN ship contain equipment's from US, EU, Israel, India etc like tejas, or like Frankenstein
IN wanted a catobar carrier, but forced to buy ski ramp one, and unable to buy new ka31 aew
I know he is a ex Navy officer & currently working in naval engineering - I used harsh comment for a harsh reply
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Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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Saying truth is not a disrespect, but keeping closed eyes against IN needs is like
disrespecting entire navy.
Except US, China & Russia, all navy build Frankenstein ships
You can believe what ever you want, but the truth is IN, IAF, IA department on foreign tech, about 80% for fighting & winning wars in past, present & also in future.
IN ship contain equipment's from US, EU, Israel, India etc like tejas, or like Frankenstein
IN wanted a catobar carrier, but forced to buy ski ramp one, and unable to buy new ka31 aew
I know he is a ex Navy officer & currently working in naval engineering - I used harsh comment for a harsh reply
Iam sorry .


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
imo it will be at least 10 years before being fully infigrnous. Everything you mentioned relied on foreign parts. All chips are Texas Instruments.

Add another 10, nope 100 looks fine for now
Chips - don't US already stated a cold war with china over chips
Anyways all items I mentioned depends on imported materials or product, & that's not a issue


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Add another 10, nope 100 looks fine for now
Chips - don't US already stated a cold war with china over chips
Anyways all items I mentioned depends on imported materials or product, & that's not a issue
I hope it stays that way US likes to sanction at their whim.


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Jun 12, 2023
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Does India already have wheeled self-propelled howitzers, or does it have a possibility of doing so in the future?


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Could be due to the legacy of MTCR regime. India could only receive help for weapons that were less than 290 kms in range.
MTCR also put nuclear submarine technology off the menu but you see the Americans junking it already. MBRLs are not difficult to make for India, especially when peripheral technology such as rocket motors, propulsion fuel, and navigation systems along with military-grade satellite signals are autonomously available to us.

It was a case of lethargy, lack of awareness or lack of intent. And another example of why our military needs to be modernized not just through joint exercises but through a real war.

We have not fought a war with a worthy adversary in over 20 years now. Without fighting a modern war, we will never know what our capabilities are and where we need to improve. Artillery is one of the weak links.


Sikkimese Saber
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Aug 20, 2010
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Entire Indian Navy be like:

mai kya hu?
The Navy is an exception due to always being given the smallest share of the budget and having to get creative to find solutions. The Army gets the lion's share while IAF gets the next level. Both have inherently been corrupt administratively.

The Army and IAF are completely in the pockets of the foreign arms lobby. The only way I see this stopping is if the government takes actions that force the US and Europe to sanction our defence cooperation which in turn, forces the internal funds to move to domestic projects.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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The MBRL have, I believe scored a battlefield advantage with HMARS scoring big in Ukraine. It is becoming a preferred weapon for artillery to cover the 90 to 250km gap which tube artillery cannot cover. Now even Taiwan is getting this weapon to reach Chinese shores during the battle.

I believe that Chinese have This weapon which is basically unguided rockets and missiles, which under any circumstances are highly inaccurate; just a rocket to aim and fire. It makes it impossible for Chinese in the Himalayas to target Indian defences on the reverse side of the slopes. With high elevation trajectory to cross the 18000 to 24000 feet peaks, the range will be too short and targeting difficult.

Last we heard that Solar Industry of India is building MBRL rockets for 150km and 250km range. As far as I remember in the news article, these were going to be guided rockets/missiles with seeker inbuilt into the MBRL rockets fired.

That will make it immensely superior to the Chinese rockets of the similar range.

How soon these will be tested and ready for delivery to the Indian Army?


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
The MBRL have, I believe scored a battlefield advantage with HMARS scoring big in Ukraine. It is becoming a preferred weapon for artillery to cover the 90 to 250km gap which tube artillery cannot cover. Now even Taiwan is getting this weapon to reach Chinese shores during the battle.

I believe that Chinese have This weapon which is basically unguided rockets and missiles, which under any circumstances are highly inaccurate; just a rocket to aim and fire. It makes it impossible for Chinese in the Himalayas to target Indian defences on the reverse side of the slopes. With high elevation trajectory to cross the 18000 to 24000 feet peaks, the range will be too short and targeting difficult.

Last we heard that Solar Industry of India is building MBRL rockets for 150km and 250km range. As far as I remember in the news article, these were going to be guided rockets/missiles with seeker inbuilt into the MBRL rockets fired.

That will make it immensely superior to the Chinese rockets of the similar range.

How soon these will be tested and ready for delivery to the Indian Army?
Yes, its good/great but not for mountain warfare
LM is the best option. PGM stands second. Un guided one were the worst for mountain warfare
After Kargil war, IA imported Krasnopol-M [3000+] and now importing Excalibur [1500+]
But low cost long range unguided rocket can slow down enemy movements, advancement etc