Indian Army Artillery

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Why and who rejected the offer?
Zuzuana is offered by Slovakian firm to BEML..

The Chassis would be of present 8x8 tatra in IA and the rest is Slovakian, the deal is licensed manufacture of the system in India..

Present situation is not known..


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Mar 18, 2011
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Bofors guns may now be made in India

Shishir Arya, TNN Feb 11, 2011, 06.15am IST
NAGPUR: The gun that blazed a trail of controversy may be finally made at home. It is likely that the Ordnance Factory Board would get an order from Indian Army for making the 155x45 mm Bofors-type howitzers. This is the same specification purchased by the Indian army amidst all the controversy in mid-1980s. At the same time, the army has floated global tenders for the higher version of 155 X 52 mm caliber guns.

Director general (DG) of OFB D M Gupta told TOI certain formalities pertaining to the order were yet to be finalised. He was in city to attend a conference of OF workers on quality management. The guns would be made using a transfer of technology (TOT) agreement already in place with the Swedish original equipment maker AB Bofors after the guns were purchased.

The order is expected to be placed in a couple of months. The OFB is hopeful because the order may be placed on nomination basis meaning there would be no other contender, added a senior official in this organisation. The TOT agreement that the OFB had entered into allows it to make the spares as well further strengthen its case. The OFB already has the set-up and the government has a policy of encouraging indigenous production if there is capacity, added the DG.


Any new idea / update for this news , please . :confused:

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Old News getting repeated..

The reporting of this news however is wrong, What OFB is doing is replaing Older 39CAL barrel with OFB 155mm of 45 cal barrel..

This sort of upgrade is been done on Russian M46 in large, And now they are doing same with boforce..

Some Pics and Info:

OFB 155MM/45CAL On Boforce gun..

A M46 with OFB 155MM/45CAL barrel

More Info: Ordnance Factory Board


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
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Old News getting repeated..

The reporting of this news however is wrong, What OFB is doing is replaing Older 39CAL barrel with OFB 155mm of 45 cal barrel..

This sort of upgrade is been done on Russian M46 in large, And now they are doing same with boforce..

Some Pics and Info:

Thank you.

In other words they are not going to manufacture new FH 77/B guns , but they will upgrade the old guns .


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Ok guys, i had been getting cryptic info from some friends as to how there was nothing to worry about regarding the state of SPH in our Army, always felt kinda strange considering the appalling state of the arty as we knew it. did a bit of research and guess what's come up.
Read the infographic carefully

According to RIA novosti India should operate the remainder of the 1000 MSTA-S made i.e nearly 370pieces, however no other confirmation of this could be found as the report quoted is not accessible to the general public.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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What is not disclosed DOES NT mean that it does nt EXIST

I for one was never worried about Indian artilerry

The Country which buys C 17 and Aircraft carriers ,Nuclear Submarines , WILL NEVER NEGLECT the
MOST BASIC WAR fighting weapon

We must trust our GOI and armed forces

And every thing NEED NOT be disclosed .Let the ISI work Hard to know our secrets


New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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our solider dont need to fight in war our leader will fight in place of them

fact is that our officer are now govt slave they are working to get monthly salary nothing more

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
our solider dont need to fight in war our leader will fight in place of them
We must trust our GOI and armed forces
Look at that map of India. Disgusting.

If you guys are so mad at MOD & GOI, why not E-mail them release your frustration over there, rather discouraging posters here by same FAIL comments which are repeated in-every thread on DFI, trillion billion times.

At-least encourage those who post something useful rather discouraging other posters to post anything good and useful..

Thanks again for your contributions..
Carry on..
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Read the infographic carefully

According to RIA novosti India should operate the remainder of the 1000 MSTA-S made i.e nearly 370pieces, however no other confirmation of this could be found as the report quoted is not accessible to the general public.
Their was a plan to induct MSTA-S but canceled by MOD long back..

They even came with a 155mm/52cal on modified turret, but rejected..

The only thing ever happen that MSTA came to Indian soil for tests, One general issue may be is the purchase from single vendor..


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New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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@ kunal :: well do really think MOD or our govt care what we think

i like your post no doubt on that but you will be agree with me that we are lacking , we need numbers


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Oct 10, 2009
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@kunal- I know about the tests and i know The MSTA was rejected publicly but..... as i have told you earlier we apparently always had a plan to buy 300 odd MSTA guns in the event of a warlike emergency, what if we exercised that option in the wake of Kargil?

just pure conjecture there, doesn't hurt to wonder now does it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
@kunal- I know about the tests and i know The MSTA was rejected publicly but..... as i have told you earlier we apparently always had a plan to buy 300 odd MSTA guns in the event of a warlike emergency, what if we exercised that option in the wake of Kargil?

just pure conjecture there, doesn't hurt to wonder now does it.
I sometime wonder what the top brass or these guys in selection committee say or do to tell that the MSTA is not good is acceptable supposedly it doesn't meet our expectations but then how to justify the purchase of old surplus M-46 gun then upgrade it to 155mm by OFB.
Now such actions are not contradictory but still I would prefer to see MSTA in service rather than nothing

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Note from 6 mins..
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Post-protest, govt rethinks US gun deal

India's plans to urgently purchase M777 ultra-light howitzers from the US for deployment along the China border in the east have hit a roadblock as the Defence Ministry has developed second thoughts following an Army report that the gun may fall short of desired specifications.

While the Army, sources said, also took the line that these "deviations" were not that significant and could be waived, the Defence Ministry is taking no chances given the anti-corruption onslaught the government is under.It is learnt to have asked the Army to further re-examine the deal as these specifications were drawn up by the Army itself.

The problem over this order of close to 150 guns, in fact, has to do with another global tender that the Army had issued for light howitzers. That tender process had run into a tangle after one of the key competitors — Singapore Technologies (ST) — had come under the CBI scanner in the ordnance factory scam. ST's Pegasus gun at the time was the lead contender in the trials.

The government had then decided to go for a direct government-to-government deal with the US, under the Foreign Military sales route.

The deal is important because India wants to significantly upgrade its presence and capabilities on the India-China border, particularly in the eastern sector. The light howitzer gun was assessed to be the most appropriate artillery equipment in the hilly terrain.

The US gun on offer, M777, was accordingly considered. At that point, sources said, the Defence Ministry had made it clear that the specifications ought to be the same as those issued while floating the earlier global tender.

The Army, on its part, had pointed out that using the same yardstick could result in deviations.As a result, the US gun, which is made of titanium and weighs about 4 tonnes, does fall short on some counts:The angle of depression is not enough for it to fire at tanks.

There is no automatic loading facility as it does not have an auxiliary power unit, which would increase the weight.It lacks a safety catch mechanism.

At the same time, sources pointed out, the gun has other positives like being simple to operate and proven in battle. The Army top brass is said to be of the view that this order should therefore be delinked from the original tender, and that the M777s be purchased to fill the gap now. The tender can be pursued as and when blacklisted firms are allowed to participate in trials, the Army feels.With some of these blacklisted companies obtaining a stay from the Delhi High Court, delinking the two deals may be the only way out, except that the same specifications have been used in both cases. The entire issue, sources said, will only get more complicated in the days ahead.
