Indian Army Armored Vehicles


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Mar 21, 2009
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In reality the major problem with respect to lesser Indian Arjun`s is the Overhaul facilities at field areas are not design for Arjun on first place, The upgrading of overhaul system alone will cost double of Arjun program itself according to some people i talked with, This prime issue is little known in public and a hidden one, The 43rd and 75th regiments have their own overhaul system for Arjun which were in place since 2008 when they used to operate T-55 ..

In theory they have, Their are instances when one T-90 breakdown other is canabalised for spares ..
what about the cost bhai, T-14 Armata is $4.3 Million & Arjun MK2 is $8.2 Million as per wiki or other sources.., but T-14 Armata looks like FMBT... Arjun MK3 or Desi FMBT is noway around now... but why has Arjun MBT cost gone too High?


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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what about the cost bhai, T-14 Armata is $4.3 Million & Arjun MK2 is $8.2 Million as per wiki or other sources.., but T-14 Armata looks like FMBT... Arjun MK3 or Desi FMBT is noway around now... but why has Arjun MBT cost gone too High?
Economies of scale

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy J7

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
They are comparing cost of 'estimated' production variant of Russian tank with prototype of Arjun MK2, Russian tank technology is far from perfect and undergoing series of trails, Its pre induction is part of PR campaign they are yet to put its original 140mm cannon which will force complete design changes ..

It will take no less than 10-20 years to perfect this technology with others ..

what about the cost bhai, T-14 Armata is $4.3 Million & Arjun MK2 is $8.2 Million as per wiki or other sources.., but T-14 Armata looks like FMBT... Arjun MK3 or Desi FMBT is noway around now... but why has Arjun MBT cost gone too High?


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Mar 21, 2009
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They are comparing cost of 'estimated' production variant of Russian tank with prototype of Arjun MK2, Russian tank technology is far from perfect and undergoing series of trails, Its pre induction is part of PR campaign they are yet to put its original 140mm cannon which will force complete design changes ..

It will take no less than 10-20 years to perfect this technology with others ..
bhai its 125mm cannon for T-14, what is 140mm cannon, what tank are you talking bhai..?

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
My bad its 152mm Rifled not 140mm smoothbore ..


R . A . Pavlinin , In . And . Yaugonen , And . M . Gerasimov

( St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Peter the Great )

Proceedings of the XVI II of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of protection and security", Volume 3, "Armoured vehicles and armament» .- SPb .: NGO Special materials, 201 5 . S.69-73.

Currently, to replace Soviet-made type of main tanks T-72, T-90,T-80 is prepared for serial production of promising tank T-14 "Armata". However, the 125-mm gun of the tank has insufficient power to reliably hit targets with a high level of protection, do not use valuable groundwork for the use of a gas turbine engine.
It is believed that a more rational use of less than the caliber of the object 292, namely, 140, or even 130 mm. This will greatly increase the rate of fire and ammunition, armor penetration is not reducing armor-piercing projectiles. It should also take into account the effect of impact on a tank chassis. On the other hand, 152.4 mm gun offers the prospect of unification with the CAO division level for fire unit. In addition, a six-inch-caliber projectile quite naturally has a great power of action on the target. In any case, the question of choice of caliber requires careful consideration. In this study, as a first approximation adopted caliber rifled gun 152.4 mm.
1. Gerasimov, IM, AV Lozin Offers in the Concept of development of armored vehicles
weapons and equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 /
Proceedings of the XV All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of protection and security", Volume 3, "Armoured vehicles and armament» .- SPb .: NGO Special materials, 2012.- pp 205-215.
2. Gerasimov IM On the concept of limiting parameters of the tank / Proceedings of the XVI All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of protection and security", Volume 3, "Armoured vehicles and armament» .- SPb .: NGO Special materials
2013. - P. 93-96.

Source :


Presently Armata has 2A82-1M which is a bit thicker than 2A46M and little accurate, It perhaps reached or near present Arjun`s cannon accuracy ..

Though in future this gun will change, As Russian demand complete new tank and not part upgraded tank with new designation ..

For we Indians better concentrate on our own development rather relying on foreign system and degrading our own Industry, Besides we buy them cheap and make costly upgrades in Indian with DRDO help ..

bhai its 125mm cannon for T-14, what is 140mm cannon, what tank are you talking bhai..?


New Member
Oct 31, 2015

We have a fine platform, We can put anything on it as per our needs ..

Given we have willingness and energy to do it ..
Let's hope we get such platform soon, they offer good mobility and can be use to support the infantry in Tibet area.


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Mar 21, 2009
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A tank mounted parade was conducted as part of the three day bicentenary celebrations of The Poona Horse today. The Colonel of the Regiment & the Quarter Master General of the Indian Army, Lt Gen Rajeev Vasant Kanitkar received the salute of the mounted march-past.


