India US Relations

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Joe Biden Smiles at India as US Searches for Allies in Asia

After setting up China as an ally against the Soviet Union in eighties and nineties; now the US has realized that what a grave mistake they made. Today, China is up against US, challenging it in Taiwan and in High Seas as a dominant power in Indo-Pacific. Chinese are working to force Americans back to its West Coast.

The US has power at its disposal to waste most of Chinese naval as well as air power. In the process, they can simply kill the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. This the Chinese know the results of the collision with US. Who cares for Chinese losses which will be tremendous, but US will loose a portion of its Pacific fleet and at least 10,000 of its men. This US is in no mood to suffer.

Then what?………. The US is searching for allies who will dissuade Chinese on any misadventure.

India is front and center. Japanese with a pacifist constitution are unable to be a big part of this offensive defence position. Others are tiny countries in Asia and South East Asia, which could be of limited help.

For 70 years, the US interest was low in India. From eighties and nineties (Reagan & Clinton era), US built up China. Too much money and technology was sent to backward China to modernize it. America needed consumer goods and China supplied them; so much so that Chinese by early 2010s were exporting a trillion and half dollar of goods to America and Europe. That brought in a tremendous amount of cash at Chinese disposal. With that they built huge national infrastructure and their military.

The worst was their military buildup. They transformed their ancient military with copied and reverse engineered technology into a modern fighting machine, although with third rate military hardware the Chinese fighting capabilities are doubtful, but their numbers and intimidation tactics all around Asia has scarred everybody in the region.

Enter India; this is the time US began to warm up with India. India is a willing ally, but America does not like India’s association with Russia. Previously India had no choice, as US alway rebuffed its advances. Now US wants to forget all its missteps and is prepared to talk and work with India.

Indian PM did not disappoint US in his latest trip to Washington. There is a precondition….. that is, do not ask India to totally disconnect with Russia, although India will reduce its dependence on them. Also, send India the money and technology on the same scale as they sent to China 25 years back.

Both sides have stuck an unwritten agreement on what US will do for India and what in return India will do for them. Already US navy ships are docking for repair and recreation in India. Also India has begun sending naval ships thru Taiwan straits to show solidarity to keep the sea routes open to all. India also has an unwritten strategy to block the Straits of Malacca in case of Chinese mischief.

How is US reciprocating. Some technology agreement to export and manufacture jet engines in India has been reached. US will also sell high technology drones to police the Indian Ocean area.

There is $3 trillion money available with the banks to lend it to willing clients. It is possible that US will signal them to start lending it to India in a big way. It is also signalling to local businesses to disconnect with China and start connecting with India again in a big way. India wishes to boost its growth from 7% now to 10 to 12%. That is possible with American and European help. ……. Sooner the better.

Net result; …… China will get the message.


Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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The developing strategic alignment between the US and India comes after decades of strained relations during the Cold War era. The US had supported Pakistan as a counter to Soviet-aligned India. China, conversely, was an enemy of both India and the USSR.

When the US opened up trade with China in the 1970s, it saw an opportunity to counter the Soviets by bringing China into the capitalist global economy. This ushered in massive investment and technology transfer from the US and allies to transform China's manufacturing capacity.

By the 2000s, China had become the world's factory and an economic powerhouse. But its rapid military modernization and increasingly assertive foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific has now put it at odds with American strategic interests.

The US is wary of China's expanding naval capabilities and its claims over Taiwan and the South China Sea. With over $1.1 trillion in annual trade passing through the South China Sea, the US Navy sees its freedom of navigation under threat.

India has its own tensions with China stemming from an unresolved Himalayan border dispute that led to war in 1962. More recently, the rise of Chinese influence in South Asia and the Indian Ocean region has worried Indian policymakers.

The convergence of American and Indian concerns over China's ambitions has now drawn the two countries closer strategically. There is bipartisan support in the US for strengthening ties with India as a democratic counterweight to authoritarian China.

While India maintains its traditional policy of strategic autonomy, growing defense ties with the US have led to increased interoperability between their armed forces. The US has also emerged as a major arms supplier to India.

In addition to defense ties, there is also potential for deeper economic engagement between the US and high-growth India. This could involve transfers of technology, investments in manufacturing, and cooperation on developing alternative supply chains to reduce reliance on China.

Managing the China challenge will require nuanced diplomacy and avoiding overt antagonism. But there is growing recognition in both Washington and New Delhi that the two countries share many strategic interests in the Indo-Pacific region. Aligned policies between the world's two largest democracies could shape the geopolitical landscape in the 21st century.

Trial By Fire

Regular Member
Jul 16, 2022
Hindus can't given jobs in US due to their last name

This might not be such a bad thing, in the long run. I mean, this is the natural end and the last phase of the "brain drain" cycle. Raytas and Westoids love to act as if we are the first and only nation in the world and in history to have undergone this "brain drain" phenomenon whereas you will find instances of it littered throughout history.

One famous example is the Ashkenazi Jews leaving Europe in droves in the 1930s taking their wealth and skills with them. Similarly, even tho Indian Hindus might have grown up in America and indeed identified themselves more with America and the West than with India, eventually laws like these will remind them of the cold truth.

That they can't run away from being a Hindu and from India. They can move to the end of the world and still they won't be able to run away from their identity because if nothing else, the racist Westerners will themselves point to him or her and say, "Hey, that's a filthy brown Indian! We have to keep jobs and shit away from him!"

Then they will understand that it's time to come back home. Here in India, the Hindu homeland, where they belong. Resettlement of Indians worldwide will be an absolutely significant move, because right now NRIs are more hostages used against us rather than benefits.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Minerals Security Partnership: India joins the critical minerals club.

Last week, India became a part of the coveted critical minerals club — the Mineral Security Partnership (MSP) — headed by the United States. The announcement was part of a joint statement by US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the latter’s visit to US.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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I guess most if not all of us missed the significance of Modi's visit to Washington & the pact he signed there with Biden. India's officially is the US camp vis a vis China & evidence of that is the US base they've set up here under the guise of our ownership & management .

It's taken them more than a decade to do so including the signing of the 3 foundational agreements , the occasional port of call made by the Americans ,then graduating to minor servicing of these boats to what we have now. In between came news that US had signed an agreement with L&T to get their boats serviced . IIRC when Pipavav was functioning there was news of such an agreement being signed or discussions on it in the media.

The news management of this has to be admired. We keep calling it a pitstop or logistical hub or something else but never a naval base . There's not much by way of news & analysis of it in the MSM by the usual pundits. Nor any comments by the political parties. I believe Saurav Jha was the first & till date only prominent commentator to note this development & its salience for not only Indo US relationship or the Quad or even China but for the future of geopolitics in this part of the world & the world at large in the immediate to not so distant future.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Difference in reaction to pet dog country vs country that you call a friend but you are holding a knife behind your back for





Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Joe Biden Smiles at India as US Searches for Allies in Asia

After setting up China as an ally against the Soviet Union in eighties and nineties; now the US has realized that what a grave mistake they made. Today, China is up against US, challenging it in Taiwan and in High Seas as a dominant power in Indo-Pacific. Chinese are working to force Americans back to its West Coast.

The US has power at its disposal to waste most of Chinese naval as well as air power. In the process, they can simply kill the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. This the Chinese know the results of the collision with US. Who cares for Chinese losses which will be tremendous, but US will loose a portion of its Pacific fleet and at least 10,000 of its men. This US is in no mood to suffer.

Then what?………. The US is searching for allies who will dissuade Chinese on any misadventure.

India is front and center. Japanese with a pacifist constitution are unable to be a big part of this offensive defence position. Others are tiny countries in Asia and South East Asia, which could be of limited help.

For 70 years, the US interest was low in India. From eighties and nineties (Reagan & Clinton era), US built up China. Too much money and technology was sent to backward China to modernize it. America needed consumer goods and China supplied them; so much so that Chinese by early 2010s were exporting a trillion and half dollar of goods to America and Europe. That brought in a tremendous amount of cash at Chinese disposal. With that they built huge national infrastructure and their military.

The worst was their military buildup. They transformed their ancient military with copied and reverse engineered technology into a modern fighting machine, although with third rate military hardware the Chinese fighting capabilities are doubtful, but their numbers and intimidation tactics all around Asia has scarred everybody in the region.

Enter India; this is the time US began to warm up with India. India is a willing ally, but America does not like India’s association with Russia. Previously India had no choice, as US alway rebuffed its advances. Now US wants to forget all its missteps and is prepared to talk and work with India.

Indian PM did not disappoint US in his latest trip to Washington. There is a precondition….. that is, do not ask India to totally disconnect with Russia, although India will reduce its dependence on them. Also, send India the money and technology on the same scale as they sent to China 25 years back.

Both sides have stuck an unwritten agreement on what US will do for India and what in return India will do for them. Already US navy ships are docking for repair and recreation in India. Also India has begun sending naval ships thru Taiwan straits to show solidarity to keep the sea routes open to all. India also has an unwritten strategy to block the Straits of Malacca in case of Chinese mischief.

How is US reciprocating. Some technology agreement to export and manufacture jet engines in India has been reached. US will also sell high technology drones to police the Indian Ocean area.

There is $3 trillion money available with the banks to lend to willing clients. It is possible that US will signal them to start lending it to India in a big way. It is also signalling to local businesses to disconnect with China and start connecting with India again in a big way. India wishes to boost its growth from 7% now to 10 to 12%. That is possible with American and European help. ……. Sooner the better.

Net result; …… China will get the message.
This is a smart agreement between the Globalist deep state and Team Modi if true. There is no way we will be fighting the globohomos directly, but at the same time, we will see them constantly trying to weaken us using subtle means like these fake human rights, democracy and other bullshit that comes with our system and funding hostile elements inside. But on the surface, the same establishment will keep cooperating more and more with us when it comes to industries and technologies as well as doing more business.

We need to be prepared for this type of cat-and-mouse game for the next 20 years.

While India cooperates for business and strategic deals with the US, it needs to keep increasing its impact with Russia and fellow Global South groupings to chip away and weaken the US dollar through means like ₹ trade with as many friendly countries, supporting the formation of BRICS currency, cultivating clandestine "watch stations" to monitor US intelligence in countries generally suspicious or hostile to them such as Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela etc. who generally fall in the global south category and have cordial ties to India.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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I guess most if not all of us missed the significance of Modi's visit to Washington & the pact he signed there with Biden. India's officially is the US camp vis a vis China & evidence of that is the US base they've set up here under the guise of our ownership & management .

It's taken them more than a decade to do so including the signing of the 3 foundational agreements , the occasional port of call made by the Americans ,then graduating to minor servicing of these boats to what we have now. In between came news that US had signed an agreement with L&T to get their boats serviced . IIRC when Pipavav was functioning there was news of such an agreement being signed or discussions on it in the media.

The news management of this has to be admired. We keep calling it a pitstop or logistical hub or something else but never a naval base . There's not much by way of news & analysis of it in the MSM by the usual pundits. Nor any comments by the political parties. I believe Saurav Jha was the first & till date only prominent commentator to note this development & its salience for not only Indo US relationship or the Quad or even China but for the future of geopolitics in this part of the world & the world at large in the immediate to not so distant future.
So Gobi gifted them a US Naval base in India and they STILL want to regime change him?
Gobi should grow a spine tbh.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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Two fools; one of the yesteryears who set China's rise and the other the current belligerent leader who is utilizing the current US-built set-up of manufacturing are shaking hands to enslave the rest of Asia.

Nay; they won't succeed as the US has realized its mistake and is slowly and slowly cutting back on technology transfer and possible free imports without tax. Moreover, whatever the US vacated as military bases in Indo- Pacific (Philippines), these are being re-occupied. Guam is being heavily upgraded. India is being built as a major logistic hub for its navy. Soon, the Chinese will realize their folly but how soon, we don't know. I believe not without a fight either in the Taiwan Straits or in the Himalayas where they will be severely beaten, they won't give up their belligerence. An alternative is to cool down their rhetoric, just about now. Even then the US will not loosen its hands on technology transfer or unrestricted imports.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
So Gobi gifted them a US Naval base in India and they STILL want to regime change him?
Gobi should grow a spine tbh.
Out of necessity. We need the USN to screen the PLAN when they come through the Indian Ocean. They will give IN fresh up to date intel on the whereabouts of PLAN. Modi, ever being the true patriot he is, will go along with it even though it means he is subjected to the deep state's design.

"Sometimes it is necessary to accept a sword thrust in the line of duty"-proverb,unknown source
Feb 16, 2009
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Out of necessity. We need the USN to screen the PLAN when they come through the Indian Ocean. They will give IN fresh up to date intel on the whereabouts of PLAN. Modi, ever being the true patriot he is, will go along with it even though it means he is subjected to the deep state's design.

"Sometimes it is necessary to accept a sword thrust in the line of duty"-proverb,unknown source
I don’t know if USA really needs to be in the Indian Ocean? Indian navy is more than capable and Chinese navy is hyped up and yet to demonstrate any long distance capability??????

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