India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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The Ultranationalist

Tihar Jail
Jan 30, 2017
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You fight a full scale war on "Imported Western equipment", you may as well start taking tutions from Porkistanis on how to live in a destroyed economy.
We have fought all wars like that only, our own systems like ASTRA, Tejas, Arjuns etc are still in developmental phase but I say they should be baptized by fire. Send them in combat. Tejas is superior to at least porky junk fighter 17, Arjun has same weight as the Abrams yet better armour, i am not sure if Abram can withstand a hit HESH and APFSDS from point blank.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Get this !!!! some one dug deep in saikatd's news portal... it's owned partly by jack ma.....
Curiously, Balakot Airstrikes has seen media- both Indian and foreign- take more than active interest in trying to discredit these strikes - and apart from certain usual suspects, one name that kept cropping up was that of @asiatimesonline - for which @saikatd is a contributory



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Jul 11, 2011
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If its not sarcasm, Any day, its a pity I failed my SSB. Was planning on Territorial army but Private companies dont let us go on leaves for 2 months a year.
Not at all, it is not surprising.

Many people, in fact very very successful people fail in SSB because SSB actually is looking for a particular set of qualities which are absolute necessary " to lead forces in holding captured posts" or "to capture posts". Since we are a over populated country any compromise in SSB is not accepted . There are 200 and even more aspirants per vacancy so they can afford to fail too many. Nothing too great about it.

What I do not like about SSB is that it is one of earliest examinations which about 60 per cent of student population appear in. After 12th class for NDA and after graduation for Direct entry. Failure in SSB leaves a scar on their mindset which is not good.

I have seen numerous IAS, IPS and other class A officers, many Scientist who later on turn anti - forces because they failed in SSB. So Armed Forces officers become object of their misplaced vengeance.

SSB is the only system under which they keep checking and reviewing SSB selection system from recruitment till retirement or till one becomes COAS / CAS / CNS.

Irony is, It is done by DRDO scientists who might have themselve failed in SSB.
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New Member
Mar 24, 2019
The administration of pakistan will fail..when....people are not ready to listen nor support them for keeping them in the dark for so long. Cuz naturally, they dont know what to trust anymore. No matter what they say or fence...deep inside..deep inside they know what is what cuz of the reality they face as economic slow down, inflation, currency devaluation etc..which affects their daily life. These cannot be covered by FB posts or tweets.

The pak administration should have kept their egos down and faced the realities slowly opening their people to what is happening to the pak soldiers. This should have brought up a political process.

The question we hear from the sane voices in pak media is..
1)Why is pakistan supporting Kashmir cause when the pak exchequer is already in trouble
2) Why is pakistan supporting kashmir cause when kashmir has not legal dispute on LAND over kashmir.
3)pakistan is already supporting a lot of refugees from Afghan..they cant afford another refugee crisis from PoK .(Which I think its already happening as we hear reports of people migrating in hordes to mainland pakistan)...this is another huge trouble in the making.

The pak administration doesnt have a clear answer for all these. Why kill paki soldiers in a futile war for a land which is not claimed by pakistan ,.which is not their fight?
see, legally under law..these are VERY SERIOUS QUESTIONS! for the state to answer. The penalty for the state is huge within pak itself.

Area is very big...but its not like they decided to capture this place one fine morning. They have made the plans decades back and they know how to do it even how to quarantine and handle the populace. Army does plan meticulously to the last minute.

For India, there is not need to show evidence or make a statement now as its in the process. They must have some other plans too once some key objectives are achieved.
Why unnecessarily make it tough on themselves. The more under the radar..the much better here.

IF you are watching the media and the SM..signals are strong in favor of Indian version.
DGISPR himself has proved that you cant bluff for too long if things are unsubstantiated .
forget kashmir,this mad pakistani finance minister will destroy our country.he thinks he is genius.very bad decision to appoint him as finance minister.
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New Member
Mar 24, 2019
VSTOL on the forum decoded his post. As usual, take this with a pinch of salt.

Decoding Babaji's last tweet.
His last tweet starts with hash sign which are the first two letters of hajipir (HAsh). Just the way he tweeted about asat test. His last part of the clue is two equal signs with an arrow pointing to the left. The two equal signs are denoting a Pass. On maps, a pass or bridge is denoted in that manner. That equation is underlined with done written under it. meaning every thing needed to wrest this pass has been put in place.
he than has a dotted line with and arrow pointing towards the right. This indicates the infiltration route and this bulge is the biggest infiltration area for terrorists from Pakistan. Lastly we have a red dot. Indicating bloodshed. Crop is sown means all the formations are in place,
yes falcon also decoded it.they are all saying the same thing that india captured strategic locations.

Kiran Ks

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Feb 15, 2019
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Haji Pir? Akhnoor Dagger?

Feck Thailand... Will use the saved up money to visit PoK, which will be back in our hands soon by the looks of it.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Pakistaniyo

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk


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Feb 27, 2018
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Or on a second thought, we must go to war with the porks for real. But before we do, we need to replace old soviet MiGs (21 and 27) and get some quality BVR missiles, preferably european ones. Also replace the old equipment of the army like T55s and 72s with T90s, Armatas and Arjuns. Navy is doing just fine but we need an another CBG and more subs. Porkis are talking a lot of shit on social media and its our duty to shove their big mouths and ripped asses with our bombs and rockets.
So I guess the above means you are in far of fighting a war.....never. The time taken to do what you ask will be.....well, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

Err.. did you think that we got Independence because of Nehru and Gandhi’s? The main factors for the independence lots of patriotic Indians and world war 2.
Yes and among those patriots were Gandhi and Nehru. Whatever the reason one may cite for independence, people who fought for it and were jailed or even worse, have to be respected.


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Dec 18, 2013
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PAF and PA got really pissed, tried to make several videos of abhinandan so that he doesn't become a hero back home.

Since bodily harm can't be done to Abhi, and drugs wasn't useful either, DJ ISPR got in overdrive to su30 kill.
This is a false narrative set by Pakis about no bodily harm done to him.

After he was beaten by jahil Paki villagers, he was made to stand for hours, subjected to loud music as a torture and grilled repeatedly. He also had his ribs broken.

The photoshoot which Pakis did especially of him being treated was after he was given some sedatives to get that calm and ok look.

And here our own media and Wagha worshippers were thanking Dimran for treating him well and releasing him. :facepalm:


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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It's amusing how you claim to know his intentions as being well meaning. Someone else can have a different interpretation. The facts are what matter. He was voted down and should never have been PM. His blunders are of gigantic proportions for which we are still paying a huge price.

As for going to jail, thousands went to jail, in that he's no more special than other freedom fighters, particularly who laid down their lives, while this man was never touched by British violence.
Glad you are amused but nothing you said justifies calling Nehru trecherous. Whether he went to jail with 1000’s or not, he went. Something that people glibly talking here didn’t.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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forget kashmir,this mad pakistani finance minister will destroy our country.he thinks he is genius.very bad decision to appoint him as foreign minister.
It will be a hell of a job to control the economic leak. IK is doing some fire fighting..but we hear a lot of chatter on him about factions trying to do damage to IK politically.
The turmoil in politics wont bring the investor confidence and the rupee will slip further.
IK does have some populist policies..and thats creating unrest for a few politically.


New Member
Mar 24, 2019
It will be a hell of a job to control the economic leak. IK is doing some fire fighting..but we hear a lot of chatter on him about factions trying to do damage to IK politically.
The turmoil in politics wont bring the investor confidence and the rupee will slip further.
IK does have some populist policies..and thats creating unrest for a few politically.
asad umar has failed miserably.pti will fall if this economic situation continue for too long.petrol prices is 98 rupees per litre and everything is now more costly.we are heading towards a disaster.imran khan should sack this mad finance minister.i am sick and tired of pti excuses.


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Jan 21, 2017
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We have fought all wars like that only, our own systems like ASTRA, Tejas, Arjuns etc are still in developmental phase but I say they should be baptized by fire. Send them in combat. Tejas is superior to at least porky junk fighter 17, Arjun has same weight as the Abrams yet better armour, i am not sure if Abram can withstand a hit HESH and APFSDS from point blank.

You have misunderstood my point. What I am saying is that while you MAY win a war with imported equipment, your economy will surely go into a tailspin. Just look into the health of the economy after every one of the wars you were talking about. That is why indigenous equipment is a must. They may lack the edge possessed by mature weapon platforms peddled by WESTERN MIC for NOW but such short term concerns are nullified by the huge gains that will be made in the long run.

Wars can make or break an economy. If you invest money on indigenous defense industry, the investment will give a return of over 20 times in wartime and much more during peacetime. That is why I keep repeating that with the current level of indigenous equipment in the Indian Armed Forces, our economy will take a HUGE hit in case of a full blown war with either Porkistan/China. And I am just talking about the forex depletion from servicing/replacing equipment attrition here. Not the other factors that come into play during a war.
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