India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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New Member
Nov 11, 2014
Hey guys, I wanted to start a new thread but since i don't have posting privilege for it so i will post here:

Since there are a lots of tweets and news about pakis asking Nobel Peace Prize for Imran Khan, maybe then India should put Pakistan on the spot and propose for a Population Exchange between Kashmir and Pakistan? Those who want to join Pakistan can move to Pakistan and minorities from Pakistan who want to be part of India can move here.
Population exchange could be one way to solve the kashmir issue "peacefully". It will be a win-win situation for India. Because it will get rid of this menace if they accept it, otherwise, it will expose the face of Pakistan which keeps saying they care about the welfare and the will of the Kashmiri people.

Population transfer and resettlement is not something unfeasible or unreasonable, it has happened throughout the world many times in the history including between India-Pak in 1947.


Veteran Hunter of Maleecha
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Apr 7, 2010
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ACM's statement regarding hitting terror targets, seems to have been prompted by the clamor in the opposition for "proof". I'm not saying they are wrong in asking for information, but there is a way and place for asking. Why cannot the leader of the opposition send a private communication to the PMO and request the GoI to share the information on the operation, with a select group of MP's with impeccable credentials.

The opposition is accusing the govt of politicizing the air strikes, but now they themselves are trying to garner the worst kind of political capital from the same.
By now everybody should understand Modi!

He is too smart of dumb Congress and low calibre anti-national communists.

He has trapped the 'secular' mahamilawat opposition, it's a catch 22 situation for them, all these morons will make big statements, get trapped, and then BOOM the proof like SS 1.0 for SS 2.0 !! Imagine what will happen to dolts like Raul Vincci, Pidhu and hehe Sadji the dilli ka makkar mallik !! Hehehe


New Member
May 20, 2015
ACM's statement regarding hitting terror targets, seems to have been prompted by the clamor in the opposition for "proof". I'm not saying they are wrong in asking for information, but there is a way and place for asking. Why cannot the leader of the opposition send a private communication to the PMO and request the GoI to share the information on the operation, with a select group of MP's with impeccable credentials.

The opposition is accusing the govt of politicizing the air strikes, but now they themselves are trying to garner the worst kind of political capital from the same.
Say, opposition sends private note to PMO and PMO obliges, then what?

Opposition will sit idle with the info? I seriously doubt that. Opposition will simply leek the info and new drama will start.

I am with GoI, for that matter with NaMo. By not giving information, he is playing a game with both internal as well as external opposition.

Because of the void in the information, opposition is going bonkers and whining incomprehensible sh!t which will benefit the country.


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Jan 21, 2017
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After IAF's statement, Pakis extend their airspace closure which was supposed to end tomorrow.

Are Porkis such bunch of retards that they base all their decisions on what the Indian Armed Forces put out publicly? Don't they have any sort of TECHINT/ELINT capability?? Looks like the only thing the ISI is good at are Psy Ops and conducting coups in their own country.

chetan chopade

New Member
Feb 6, 2019
Hey guys, I wanted to start a new thread but since i don't have posting privilege for it so i will post here:

Since there are a lots of tweets and news about pakis asking Nobel Peace Prize for Imran Khan, maybe then India should put Pakistan on the spot and propose for a Population Exchange between Kashmir and Pakistan? Those who want to join Pakistan can move to Pakistan and minorities from Pakistan who want to be part of India can move here.
Population exchange could be one way to solve the kashmir issue "peacefully". It will be a win-win situation for India. Because it will get rid of this menace if they accept it, otherwise, it will expose the face of Pakistan which keeps saying they care about the welfare and the will of the Kashmiri people.

Population transfer and resettlement is not something unfeasible or unreasonable, it has happened throughout the world many times in the history including between India-Pak in 1947.
can we shift this issue you just raised in "the root of all evil" thread...i am going to reply there...


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
Say, opposition sends private note to PMO and PMO obliges, then what?

Opposition will sit idle with the info? I seriously doubt that. Opposition will simply leek the info and new drama will start.

I am with GoI, for that matter with NaMo. By not giving information, he is playing a game with both internal as well as external opposition.

Because of the void in the information, opposition is going bonkers and whining incomprehensible sh!t which will benefit the country.
If the opposition requested for the information to be shared, in private, and govt didn't oblige, it's different and they may have reasons to feel aggrieved. However what is the point in asking the proof on national media and political rallies.... Their Mal-intent is evident..


New Member
Mar 28, 2017
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Are Porkis such bunch of retards that they base all their decisions on what the Indian Armed Forces put out publicly? Don't they have any sort of TECHINT/ELINT capability?? Looks like the only thing the ISI is good at are Psy Ops and conducting coups in their own country.
The statement from Dhanoa seesm quite we looking to target more terror camps in POK in coming days..or it would be BAU..with just Pounding LOC with Arti fire


New Member
Feb 23, 2019
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If the opposition requested for the information to be shared, in private, and govt didn't oblige, it's different and they may have reasons to feel aggrieved. However what is the point in asking the proof on national media and political rallies.... Their Mal-intent is evident..
I think our opposition parties have lost the plot. They are trying to remain relevant in today's environment. Congress cannot attack Modi on national security and even Rafale battle is lost unless SC comes out with some negative observations.


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
The statement from Dhanoa seesm quite we looking to target more terror camps in POK in coming days..or it would be BAU..with just Pounding LOC with Arti fire
Even with all the resources at our disposal, we cannot maintain a permanent state of heightened military posturing. Its expensive on the exchequer and exhausting for our forces. They may seek to progressively de-escalate and then review pakistan's actions against the terrorist groups. If Pakistan does not show any signs of mending its ways, then we will deliberate on the next course of action...


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
I think he will be Congress attack dog for this issue. He has nothing to lose as he is already MLA in Punjab assembly. His job is to create enough doubts in people who are undecided or thinking of moving from Congress to NDA
Soon you say anything to him it will become Hindu - Sikh Issue. And then they are now finding the guarantee of their unchecked profanity via Pakistan. They make sure they talk like Pakistan so that if anything is said to them gets support from them.
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