India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Paki, your every post has been repeated hyperbole. I detected VPN by your IP address.

Pssh. "repeated hyperbole">> "Hyperbole' is an personal opinion, and you still haven't proved the Pakiness of my posts.

I have no idea about the VPN thing. if it indeed is, it's a ISP thing then.

But seriously, I am not Paki. You're some tryhard if you seriously think that. Again, you have some chip on your shoulder where you need to prove yourself more patriotic than others.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Pssh. "repeated hyperbole">> "Hyperbole' is an personal opinion, and you still haven't proved the Pakiness of my posts.

I have no idea about the VPN thing. if it indeed is, it's a ISP thing then.

But seriously, I am not Paki. You're some tryhard if you seriously think that. Again, you have some chip on your shoulder where you need to prove yourself more patriotic than others.
Nobody tries to push patriotism on others here. It is naturally abundant here.



Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Nobody tries to push patriotism on others here. It is naturally abundant here.

And yet here you are accusing me of being Pakistani when I have done nothing to be deemed so. Exactly zero things. I'm still waiting for you to point out a single pro-paki sentiment I have expressed in my comments.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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And yet here you are accusing me of being Pakistani when I have done nothing to be deemed so. Exactly zero things. I'm still waiting for you to point out a single pro-paki sentiment I have expressed in my comments.
Your statements I have marked in the earlier post.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Your statements I have marked in the earlier post.
You know you're teaching for straws here.

1. That was sarcasm, as I have made it clear even before you accused me.
2. You are trying to tell me anyone sane believes MiG 21 is better than F-16? I have specifically mentioned our pilots are better, but not the MiG. And being down on IAF sqn. Strength is not a pro-paki sentiment, but a stark reality that IAF have themselves told about.

3. You're telling me it's Pro paki to say no aviation company can give 5-6 sqn= 120-144 jets a year? Seriously? What would a TRUE INDIAN say? The whole 114 Rafales will be delivered in less than a year?

Dude you ok? you're just yanking my chains right?


Regular Member
Apr 10, 2019
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I have been looking at different imagery sources for for possible effect of #operationcoldwave.

This one (1st image) in particular is in Poonch sector. If we look at paki outposts on 1-4-2019, there seems to be bright yellow/brown spots on them that were not present on 27-3-2019. The spots seems to be more bright in paki outposts compared to ours. I think they may be signs of shelling. People who are familiar with imagery here could provide their comments? The resolution is not very good (~10m), so its difficult to conclusively infer.

2nd image is reference image of that area in better resolution. I'll try to look at other sectors as well and post here soon.



Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Debates over the F-16 & the precision of the Balakot strike masks the larger Indian strategic victory, decoupling Pakistan's policy to immunize terrorism via nuclear blackmail. As PM Modi warned ‘Yeh hamara siddhant hai ki hum ghar mai ghus kar maarenge.’



Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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You know you're teaching for straws here.

1. That was sarcasm, as I have made it clear even before you accused me.
2. You are trying to tell me anyone sane believes MiG 21 is better than F-16? I have specifically mentioned our pilots are better, but not the MiG. And being down on IAF sqn. Strength is not a pro-paki sentiment, but a stark reality that IAF have themselves told about.

3. You're telling me it's Pro paki to say no aviation company can give 5-6 sqn= 120-144 jets a year? Seriously? What would a TRUE INDIAN say? The whole 114 Rafales will be delivered in less than a year?

Dude you ok? you're just yanking my chains right?
You know you're full of shit when you :

1. Make an offhanded attempt to obfuscate the topic at hand.

2. Denigrate our IAF. A MiG 21BiS does have some upgrades that give it unique advantage.

3. The numbers include upgrades being done simultaneously. Also raising the point of a single year shows you trying to make light of this. A 2019 - 2022 period to equip 5 - 6 squadrons of Tejas, Su 30 MKI, Rafale and MiG 29UPG is a given.

Get your @ss out of your head. Concern trolling doesn't give you cover. Go to r/india if you want gullible fools to campaign for Pappu there!


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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Dont mention such things . Porkies will again plan something. Let them be on edge till elections
Bhai it is flying over entire city. Airbase is 40km from my office. SU30 Mki flying is not something you can hide. I was in bed yesterday morning, when I heard the sound. Didn't even bothered to look outside because I knew what is flying out there.

Do you really think ISI might not know about it till now. They don't have to read the forums for intel. They have assets all over the country.

What I am posting is for the knowledge of forum members. If you want me to do "I know something but I won't share" then OK.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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You know you're full of shit when you :

1. Make an offhanded attempt to obfuscate the topic at hand.

2. Denigrate our IAF. A MiG 21BiS does have some upgrades that give it unique advantage.

3. The numbers include upgrades being done simultaneously. Also raising the point of a single year shows you trying to make light of this. A 2019 - 2022 period to equip 5 - 6 squadrons of Tejas, Su 30 MKI, Rafale and MiG 29UPG is a given.

Get your @ss out of your head. Concern trolling doesn't give you cover. Go to r/india if you want gullible fools to campaign for Pappu there!
1. There was no obfuscation. It was a critique of US for their prior selling of F16 and other gear to Pak for their "war on terror" and you know it.

2. There's no denigration. No matter how armed to the teeth and upgraded those Bisons are, F-16s from their onset were designed in keeping a particular foe in mind, the MiG 21. And don't forget the US sent planes of rather recent blocks to Pak for their war on terror. The MiGs are our weak link, and they got to go. Our IAF themselves are retiring the 21s in next two years. You know better than IAF I guess, eh?

3. And yet, in the original post I was replying to, the poster said we should have 60 sqn. Upgrading existing planes do not increase squad numbers, I hope you know that. Were you thinking the planes have sex in hangars and magically have more Sukhoi and Rafales babies to make up that 60sqn number? The MiGs are retiring, so Sqn strength stil be down even more. And the numbers of delivery are based on the timeline prepared by Sukhoi, they said they'll give 20 more in 18 months no? And 24 at max Tejas per 12 months. By that standards, 2025-35 is am optimistic number for 60sqn.

I have realised something. You're just a tryhard idiot. And interesting you insulted r/India, it means you're from r/India_speaks no? I came from there as well. There mod from India Speaks who knows me in real life for years now. He can confirm my identity. Do you have someone who can do that?


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Bhai it is flying over entire city. Airbase is 40km from my office. SU30 Mki flying is not something you can hide. I was in bed yesterday morning, when I heard the sound. Didn't even bothered to look outside because I knew what is flying out there.

Do you really think ISI might not know about it till now. They don't have to read the forums for intel. They have assets all over the country.

What I am posting is for the knowledge of forum members. If you want me to do "I know something but I won't share" then OK.

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