India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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May 26, 2018
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Finally, someone got it..i wanted to say it for long time. Anil is cleverly playing with our mindsets and gradually want to dilute the efforts and progress made by BJP government.

We have One Example In another thread. one article of livemint is there, in which writer is cleverly saying that in last decade everything has changed. she gave the example of passport services in which she mildly added that "passport services were taking lot of time a decade ago" and everything changed in last decade, but the truth is this BJP government totally simplified the process of passport and now it takes only 15 days to 1 one month to get a passport and you can track the whole process. 5 years ago it was nigh mare to get a passport but she changed it and added a decade, so that one can think that it was started in previous govts only. It is called the diluting the work which has done by others and taking the credit of others and gradually changing the mindset of common people. Like our history is changed so much that lot of people think that nehru and gandhi was the gods of freedom movement and no one else did that much of work as much as duo did.
And he also brought a wingman yesterday by the name Chilgoza.


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Aug 9, 2014
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Used in Balakot airstrike, Spice Bombs & Litening pods being made in India

In the spotlight after the path breaking Indian airstrike on the Jaish-e-Mohammad terror camp at Balakot in Pakistan on February 26, the Spice smart bomb fired with telling effect from Mirage-2000 fighters, and the Litening precision targeting pods which enabled the hits are being made in India.

Yuval Miller, Executive Vice-President of Rafael, the Israeli Original Equipment Manufacturer of these munitions and targeting systems, told SP Guide in an exclusive interview, at the recently concluded Aero India 2019, that the second lot of Spice bombs recently supplied to the Indian Air Force were produced by the Kalyani Rafael Advanced Systems (KRAS) joint venture at Hyderabad.

Getting in line with the Make in India policy, Rafael is considering producing its entire range of weaponry in India at this JV. It is offering in response to an Indian RFI, the long-range glide bomb "with almost 100 per cent Indian content", and Rocks, the extended range version of Spice, capable of being fired at moving or fixed, highly fortified targets "hundreds of kilometres" away, Miller disclosed. "There are strong requirements in the arena that is evolving here," Miller said prophetically, a few days before India launched the Balakot airstrike. "There's always better (enemy) air defence. IAF is trying to find the right solutions for those challenges," he added.

The Litening pod is also being made substantially in India with another Rafael partner, Defsys. Almost the entire IAF fighter fleet is expected to be fitted with Litening pods.

Rafael is also supplying software designed radios for the "entire airborne network" of the IAF. "The state-of-the-art radio systems are being produced in India." Miller said, referring to the Astra Rafael Comsys (ARC) joint venture, which was given a cheque of $30 million at Aero India in fulfillment of offsets obligations for the radio contract. This JV will also bid for further orders by the IAF, and a separate procurement for the Indian Army.

The Israeli company has still not given up hope on selling the Spike anti-tank guided missile to the Army, Miller said.


Regular Member
Jul 19, 2009
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Hi guys
Just spoke to some very senior leaders in the congress.
They plan to undo all that prime minister modi has done with pak. They want to stop the pre emptive army attacks and the aggressive posturing at the loc. They also want to initiate talks with imran and make them uninterruptible.
When I asked what about the land IA, has taken over recently.
They said they would give it back as a confidence building measure.

Guys the nation is in danger.
We are at war with an adversary who wants to destroy us with chinese assistance.

Please exercise your right to vote, and vote for Modi JI
Else we may not even have a country left

Jai Hind


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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Hi guys
Just spoke to some very senior leaders in the congress.
They plan to undo all that prime minister modi has done with pak. They want to stop the pre emptive army attacks and the aggressive posturing at the loc. They also want to initiate talks with imran and make them uninterruptible.
When I asked what about the land IA, has taken over recently.
They said they would give it back as a confidence building measure.

Guys the nation is in danger.
We are at war with an adversary who wants to destroy us with chinese assistance.

Please exercise your right to vote, and vote for Modi JI
Else we may not even have a country left

Jai Hind
If you remember my post earlier I already said it. Pakistan will not cry about loosing land to IA before election ends as they know if Congress comes to power they will return it back to them without acknowledging that we ever captured them. This way Modi won't get any credit and Congress will not face any backlash.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2015
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BTW now I believe no storm is coming. After 14 feb no regular sorties of SU30 MKI were happening oven hinjewadi
in Pune. Which is resumed from last 2-3 days. Birds returning to home.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2016
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BTW now I believe no storm is coming. After 14 feb no regular sorties of SU30 MKI were happening oven hinjewadi
in Pune. Which is resumed from last 2-3 days. Birds returning to home.
Dont mention such things . Porkies will again plan something. Let them be on edge till elections


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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You joined last Thursday and your posts are mostly pro Paki. Its also a VPN you are using. At least admit your real identity.
Seriously dude? My posts are pro-paki? Prove it. Prove that my posts are mostly pro-paki. Also, what the actual flying fuck? I am from India, I am not using any VPN. Everything you said is unsubstantiated garbage withot a single bit of truth to it.

What is this standard you're using where i someone doesn't align with your exact beliefs is Pakistani? What is it, am I not Viraat enough? Wtf dude.

Yes, I joined thursday. Pardon me for taking interest recently.


Regular Member
Apr 10, 2019
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Hello everyone, new here, been following this thread since the events of 27-2


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Seriously dude? My posts are pro-paki? Prove it. Prove that my posts are mostly pro-paki. Also, what the actual flying fuck? I am from India, I am not using any VPN. Everything you said is unsubstantiated garbage withot a single bit of truth to it.

What is this standard you're using where i someone doesn't align with your exact beliefs is Pakistani? What is it, am I not Viraat enough? Wtf dude.

Yes, I joined thursday. Pardon me for taking interest recently.
Nobody uses Viraat we use Akhand! Get fucked Paki!



Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Nobody uses Viraat we use Akhand! Get fucked Paki!

You have a serious problem. Why don't you show me where my posts are mostly pro-paki. Admit it. You have a chip on your shoulder and a need to prove you're a bigger patriot. Ludicrous.

Go on, waiting for you to prove my posts pro-paki. Troll.


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
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You have a serious problem. Why don't you show me where my posts are mostly pro-paki. Admit it. You have a chip on your shoulder and a need to prove you're a bigger patriot. Ludicrous.

Go on, waiting for you to prove my posts pro-paki. Troll.
Paki, your every post has been repeated hyperbole. I detected VPN by your IP address.


"Clearly, US needs to sell more F-16s to Pakistan."

"Look, Abhi is a great pilot and the MiG-21 downing F-16 is a very very difficult task. As it stands, the MiG are way worse than F-16s, the only parity is brought by superior quality of our airmen. I am afraid when in 2 years, the MiGs retire. We will be pretty down in strength, and with no sight of sizeable equivalent acquisition."

"So, 25-30 years? Because IAF has 32 Sqn. I don't see it replenishing soon since not like any Aviation company can deliver 5-6 sqn of jets a year."
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