India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Why so serious?

Senior Member
Jul 1, 2017
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This bullshit claim of all F-16' s being accounted for is spreading like fire and is getting published by every major MSM including Indian. Why is it that news portraying India in bad light gets highlighted always?

If there is one thing to learn of these events ,right from the Pulwama attack to this claim is that our establishment sucks at Psy war and perception management. GOI acts like it doesn't give a damn about these things. I think it should give a damn.

If we want to be seen as a superpower , we should take seriously how our country is portrayed.

I know the credibility of these MSM' s is as good as Gafoor but we cannot deny these publishing houses are primary newsfeeds for majority of people through out the world.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2019
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Sir half of Ministry of External Affair's officer have their kids studying in American universities, they don't even like to stay in India and you are talking about countering american propaganda.

I tell you what happens. The foreign service of India and MEA is a lucrative service and they are allowed to travel to different countries on postings. There is big tug of war intra ministry to get a good posting. Now what happens that when they get posting they don't have to pay any school fees for their kids no house rent and in return they get huge Foreign allowance from government which is more than a lakh per month in rupees.

So under such conditions you can't have a machinery to counter anti Indian propaganda when whole MEA is busy in making money and looting government. They keep thousands of files pending since years. They don't work either at all. They are wasting government's money on their health check up, traveling and what not.

If you really want some thing good out of our foreign policy make a rule that no officer and other employs will travel with families. They will go alone and declare all postings as non family stations.

Only then you can have better machinery to counter such propaganda. Otherwise every one will get lured and allow such propaganda for their vested interest.

Please do ask that sushma swaraj what is happening in her office , this should be brought under public awareness through SM

Are you serious?You mean MEA is not working at all?All of them(almost 100% of them) are not doing anything and just sitting in their offices???So the balance you are seeing in the India's foreign policy that is to balance USA & Russia.....balancing West block & Brics....Israeli & Arab nations etc. is a mere coincidence?Not fighting or anything but I think that inference of yours was not at all true bro.Yes, there are instances of Sarkari culture of lethargy and red tapism but it's common in all of the govt offices(owing to various reasons.... reservation... promotion on seniority basis etc.).So painting whole of the MEA in a single colour is totally wrong .MEA is doing some beautiful work in the field of diplomacy and barring some we have some excellent diplomats which are furthering the agenda of our country to the world.Coming to the family point u raised,going by the same logic then army persons too should not be allpall to live with their families during peace postings and why only them,each and every person who is working for govt or semi govt sector too should not be allowed to live with their families while being posted away from their home towns! It doesn't work like that.
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Quarantined Abdul
Feb 16, 2019
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While it's might to logical to 'speculate' that US will want to protect commercial interests of Lockheed. US AND Lockheed both know that Indian relationship is a long-term strategic play. There's no reason why US will lie to protect Pakis.
Since the time R-73 hit F-16, not only F-16 went down but LM pitch to India also went down.

USA knows Paki screwed them over.

And USA would have accepted F-16 loss graciously had it been shot down by Rafale or even Su 30 Mki.

But getting shot down by Mig 21 makes F-16 look like toilet paper. There are 4k of F-16s in different AF of world.

US have to protect its MIC

This bullshit claim of all F-16' s being accounted for is spreading like fire and is getting published by every major MSM including Indian. Why is it that news portraying India in bad light gets highlighted always?

If there is one thing to learn of these events ,right from the Pulwama attack to this claim is that our establishment sucks at Psy war and perception management. GOI acts like it doesn't give a damn about these things. I think it should give a damn.

If we want to be seen as a superpower , we should take seriously how our country is portrayed.

I know the credibility of these MSM' s is as good as Gafoor but we cannot deny these publishing houses are primary newsfeeds for majority of people through out the world.
There is no need to psywar. We have the proof. If you are not releasing it then that can't be countered in form of psywar.

First Pakis came up with news that LM is suing India for damages.

That got debunked by LM itself.

We in glory of IAF kill can't agnotize US MIC.
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Regular Member
Mar 29, 2019
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If this is the case, it's a major escalation from pork side.

Aren't we free to start missile attacks as they have started doing so?
This was bound to happen considering the fact how brutally we are fucking them for the last few weeks.Indian establishment must have anticipated the escalation and that's why positioned our troops appropriately.


Senior Member
May 26, 2018
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Countering propaganda is not the premise of MEA.
They don't fight such fire.

Protocol wise each dept has a spokesman that does the talking..for now that's enough.
MEA does not involve itself in propaganda warfare. It's a dirty business. That's why our MEA has credibility in the International Community.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Sir half of Ministry of External Affair's officer have their kids studying in American universities, they don't even like to stay in India and you are talking about countering american propaganda.

I tell you what happens. The foreign service of India and MEA is a lucrative service and they are allowed to travel to different countries on postings. There is big tug of war intra ministry to get a good posting. Now what happens that when they get posting they don't have to pay any school fees for their kids no house rent and in return they get huge Foreign allowance from government which is more than a lakh per month in rupees.

So under such conditions you can't have a machinery to counter anti Indian propaganda when whole MEA is busy in making money and looting government. They keep thousands of files pending since years. They don't work either at all. They are wasting government's money on their health check up, traveling and what not.

If you really want some thing good out of our foreign policy make a rule that no officer and other employs will travel with families. They will go alone and declare all postings as non family stations.

Only then you can have better machinery to counter such propaganda. Otherwise every one will get lured and allow such propaganda for their vested interest.

Please do ask that sushma swaraj what is happening in her office , this should be brought under public awareness through SM
MEA certainly has delivered on many fronts especially entry in export control regimes ,highlight in future could be permanent NSG and UNSC seat but that is distant future ,I also don't like some policies of MEA especially giving aid to distant countries in Africa or South America or giving technical seats in Indian colleges to people from distant countries,them giving visas to African in lakhs have resulted in clashes between indians and blacks , especially Nigerians have taken control of drug trade in places like goa and only after David headley incident they stopped giving visas to pakis on dual nationality,they also keep alive the charade of track 2 or track 3 talks bullshit with pakis and who can forget rohingya getting refugee cards,I you want to believe I know not cutting diplomatic ties with Pakistan has been strongly advocated MEA Babus.


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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This is a grave situation. With Pakistanis and Americans joining for propaganda, our govt. as well as our Airforce credibility is hit in front of international media as well as Indian audience.

I believe, IAF should immediately release radar visuals, Su-30 ols footage as well as any other guncam evidence they have. I also strongly believe Indian intelligence agencies have collected pictures of crashed F-16 and details about it till now (pilot name, tail no.), and shame both Amreekes and Pakis for lying balantly.

India should now wake up, and once defeated in information warfare by Pakistanis on 27, should not get defeated this time.


Regular Member
Feb 27, 2019
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If this is the case, it's a major escalation from pork side.

Aren't we free to start missile attacks as they have started doing so?
i think there were few reports in last couple of weeks of India hitting pak posts/areas with mbrl already.
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