India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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This is a grave situation. With Pakistanis and Americans joining for propaganda, our govt. as well as our Airforce credibility is hit in front of international media as well as Indian audience.

I believe, IAF should immediately release radar visuals, Su-30 ols footage as well as any other guncam evidence they have. I also strongly believe Indian intelligence agencies have collected pictures of crashed F-16 and details about it till now (pilot name, tail no.), and shame both Amreekes and Pakis for lying balantly.

India should now wake up, and once defeated in information warfare by Pakistanis on 27, should not get defeated this time.
None of it required. No need to respond. IAF made an official claim. You either trust them or trust some journo from FP. Your choice.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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And USA would have accepted F-16 loss graciously had it been shot down by Rafale or even Su 30 Mki.

But getting shot down by Mig 21 makes F-16 look like toilet paper.

Even if granting it's true that Mig-21 shot down an F-16, how did F-16 become "like a toilet paper?"

Are you suggesting that Mig-21 is better than F-16?

Please educate us....


Regular Member
Oct 14, 2018
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Sir half of Ministry of External Affair's officer have their kids studying in American universities, they don't even like to stay in India and you are talking about countering american propaganda.

I tell you what happens. The foreign service of India and MEA is a lucrative service and they are allowed to travel to different countries on postings. There is big tug of war intra ministry to get a good posting. Now what happens that when they get posting they don't have to pay any school fees for their kids no house rent and in return they get huge Foreign allowance from government which is more than a lakh per month in rupees.

So under such conditions you can't have a machinery to counter anti Indian propaganda when whole MEA is busy in making money and looting government. They keep thousands of files pending since years. They don't work either at all. They are wasting government's money on their health check up, traveling and what not.

If you really want some thing good out of our foreign policy make a rule that no officer and other employs will travel with families. They will go alone and declare all postings as non family stations.

Only then you can have better machinery to counter such propaganda. Otherwise every one will get lured and allow such propaganda for their vested interest.

Please do ask that sushma swaraj what is happening in her office , this should be brought under public awareness through SM

I think that you are misinformed.
The clue is in the name--foreign service. That is why they are posted abroad.
Most of the recruits are toppers from Civil Services. Quite a few of them work really hard. The problems encountered in direct interaction in missions/embassies etc is not with IFS but with the clerical cadre.
And just fyi, not all staffers at Indian missions are diplomats and certainly even among the diplomats, not all are from IFS. Depending on the country, as few as as 2 to as many as 30 could be diplomats. The other 'diplomats' come under various guises.
Re allowance, a lakh might be a big thing in india but is literally nothing in certain countries abroad.

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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Regular Member
Oct 14, 2018
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MEA certainly has delivered on many fronts especially entry in export control regimes ,highlight in future could be permanent NSG and UNSC seat but that is distant future ,I also don't like some policies of MEA especially giving aid to distant countries in Africa or South America or giving technical seats in Indian colleges to people from distant countries,them giving visas to African in lakhs have resulted in clashes between indians and blacks , especially Nigerians have taken control of drug trade in places like goa and only after David headley incident they stopped giving visas to pakis on dual nationality,they also keep alive the charade of track 2 or track 3 talks bullshit with pakis and who can forget rohingya getting refugee cards,I you want to believe I know not cutting diplomatic ties with Pakistan has been strongly advocated MEA Babus.
Plan for the future.
Africa is going to become the lifeline for most economies in terms of raw materials and precious/rare metals and earth.
We cannot afford to be shortsighted as we were in the past.
A few visas to Nigerians et al and local problems due to drug trade cannot be allowed to keep the nation's future hostage. These can be solved by local law enforcement. Plus, keeping certain channels active gives security agencies a clue to how drug money moves in the world. remember, the accounts are changed every few weeks

I agree with you re Track2/3 bullshit.

Games Goblin

Regular Member
Feb 28, 2019
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It was an ATGM

Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
Why are they firing ATGMs? Have we deployed armour in that sector?

Even if granting it's true that Mig-21 shot down an F-16, how did F-16 become "like a toilet paper?"

Are you suggesting that Mig-21 is better than F-16?

Please educate us....
If news got out that F-16 is shot down by 1960s Soviet era MiG-21 with Russian missile, it would not look good for F-16's export prospects.

F-16 is U.S.A's most exported fighter giving a lot of jobs for Lockheed employees - if it's export prospects are endangered, it's big loss for U.S.


Regular Member
Oct 14, 2018
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Re F16 claim that all are accounted for, there is no need to get our shorts on fire.

The radar signatures with IAF are more than enough. When that will be released is up to the government. IAF has too much credibility and honour to be caught out with a false statement.

I rest my case


Regular Member
May 30, 2017
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Even if granting it's true that Mig-21 shot down an F-16, how did F-16 become "like a toilet paper?"

Are you suggesting that Mig-21 is better than F-16?

Please educate us....
Any paper used for wiping ass is toilet paper. Similarly, f-16 is a great aircraft, but being flown by the bearded bozos of Pakistani Air Fart turned them into the avionic equivalent of a toilet paper, it's not aircrafts fault, it's just that the soldiers were mediocre. Just like in doklam


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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I am suggesting the exact opposite.

So how can you say that the prospect of a downed F-16 in Pakistani hands by a Mig-21 is bad publicity for LM's push to sell F-16 to India? Do you think it would have been different if Pakistan was using SH, Gripen, Mig-35 or Rafale?


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2019
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Peaple are over reacting to this f16 thing.. One of the biggest reason is inferiority complex among indians.. we deeply worry abt how white people ll see us.. world will judge us.. The whole world is against isreal .. do they care .. they keep doing their job.. every day u ll find a article in some news paper describing them as evil.. Its nt some crime investigation that someone will provide u with proof.It happened in their territory which is ruled by army. both evidance of f16 down and not down is questionable.. u choose to believe what u want.. stop behaving lyk a kid


Defense lover
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Why are they firing ATGMs? Have we deployed armour in that sector?

If news got out that F-16 is shot down by 1960s Soviet era MiG-21 with Russian missile, it would not look good for F-16's export prospects.

F-16 is U.S.A's most exported fighter giving a lot of jobs for Lockheed employees - if it's export prospects are endangered, it's big loss for U.S.
Atgms are also used in bunker busting..
Pa..and ia are using those atgms to destroy bop


Sep 7, 2015
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Lol paki kid quoting a report which quotes "prominent US magazine", tomorrow if this prominent magazine writes that pakis won 1971 war, 1965, 1999, 1947 wars, so we should believe it? Hell No!

Has US given in official statement? What are the serial numbers of US and Jordanian F16s? Which one was shot down by our vintage Mig21? This dogfight will go down in history books and will be taught to Airmen around the world how not to fly like PAF, even if you have a superior Aircraft.
And how did that moron count Paki F-16 jets? It's impossible to go to every airbase and count physically. Even then, the missing F-16 would have been replaced by another from elsewhere before the bugger started his count!! Elementary, dear Watson!!

And needless to say, this was fed to that journalist by the PAF and published for a fat sum from the ISI kitty. And he says American F-16s, but the one brought down was most likely a Jordanian twin seater F-16 as two parachutes were seen drifting down apart from Abhi's.

Man, you gotta hand it to these Porks! Their 5th generation war is far far more sophisticated than ours which is zilch. These jackasses can even convince the world that the Earth is flat! Well, almost!


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2009
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What the heck does IAF/MEA lose if it releases proof? Proof is meant to be shared, not to sit and lose face like what is happening now.

Heights of stupidity. We win but end up looking like inept fools.

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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And how did that moron count Paki F-16 jets? It's impossible to go to every airbase and count physically. Even then, the missing F-16 would have been replaced by another from elsewhere before the bugger started his count!! Elementary, dear Watson!!

And needless to say, this was fed to that journalist by the PAF and published for a fat sum from the ISI kitty. And he says American F-16s, but the one brought down was most likely a Jordanian twin seater F-16 as two parachutes were seen drifting down apart from Abhi's.

Man, you gotta hand it to these Porks! Their 5th generation war is far far more sophisticated than ours which is zilch. These jackasses can even convince the world that the Earth is flat! Well, almost!
Learnt from Chinese chowmiens, what one can get.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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What does the lose if it releases proof? Proof is meant to be shared, not to sit and lose face like what is happening now.
It depends on what proof we have and what intel pakis can get out of it!!!

Hypothetically let’s say our Khabari has photos of wreckage F-16, and it has been released. Given that only ISI approved pics and videos of wreckage are on SM, it should be very easy for ISI to figure out who the khabari is. A limited number of people would have been around the crash site when photo was taken.

Same thing with radar signature, who knows what counter measures they will adopt to mask their radar signature. It takes time for us to change tech to counter their masking.
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