India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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New Member
Sep 25, 2015
we have let ourselves, through our "secular" leaders be fooled by Pakis.
All this talk of Aman ki Aasha, we are the same people, We have same culture, we are brothers etc etc is nothing but a big pile of BS.

We have nothing common with them.
We had something common with them 100 years back.
We had a lot of things common with them a 1000 years back.

Now, they are like mad animals that need to be culled.
There is no dialogue that will work them. These are people who think dying for Jihad is their ultimate goal, NOT looking after their families, NOT being productive members of society, NOT scientific achievements.
They just want to die and kill the world while doing it.

Only rational and logical thing for India to do is to make sure that the country dies and dies alone without us suffering.

All this nonsense of Talk etc is BS.

Jameson Emoni

New Member
Apr 15, 2018
This part is bad idea (.. not like Kashmir's murderous whores have suddenly become normal)!
Keeping them is segragated ghettos is even worse... Let the poor fuckers stay where they are now.

Their dead have been & is being avenged 10 times over.
Not just Kashmiri Pundits, any Indian who wants to settle in Kashmir should be allowed to do so. Of course, the settlers should be issued rifles to defend themselves.


New Member
Mar 23, 2019
so basically are you saying that locals who gather on funeral after you kill youth is our created? lol.sir the entire world is watching it on tv.entire world also accepts kashmir can't relate terrorism to struggle for freedom
First of all this is not Kashmir thread.

Secondly go and tell your government to find those Hindu girls first because from next time if you try to suppress their freedom they will pick up weapon and as per you it will be justified.

Then attack on mosque in NZ as per your freedom struggle will be justified as well.

Let's not discuss in an absurd way.


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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Not just Kashmiri Pundits, any Indian who wants to settle in Kashmir should be allowed to do so. Of course, the settlers should be issued rifles to defend themselves.
And will their kids go to school with guns?
Why would we put lives of citizens in such dangerous position? For the egos of some people?
Would you go live in that shithole surrounded by scums?


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
so basically are you saying that locals who gather on funeral after you kill youth is our created?
Absolutely! The large funerals and the jihadis come only from couple of Kashmir districts - it's the same radicalized crowd in all the funerals!
Pakis sent international jihadis to radicalize Kashmiri mullahs....who gave the call for jihad!

lol.sir the entire world is watching it on tv.entire world also accepts kashmir can't relate terrorism to struggle for say it terrorism because it supports your status quo.that's it.terrorism and armed conflict should end simultaneously.there is no chance for peace when you want to dictate your own terms to the other party and blame it for everything.sir you are saying that entire world is on the same page against terrorism.yes they are but they don't care about kashmir otherwise we will not be fighting for kashmir.they recognize LET in kashmir but they also show killings in the valley.
There's no 'freedom struggle'. If it was then how come Kashmiris were peaceful and happy till 1989???
Pakis invaded Kashmir in 1965 & 1971....both times local Kashmiris kicked the shit out of Pakis!!
It's well recorded in history how Paki army hoped that the local Kashmiris would rise up in revolt of India in 1965, but to Paki chagrin the local Kashmiris joined Indian army to snuff the life of invading Pakis!!!

pakistan didn't introduce resolution for's the world body who recognizes this fact.i mean you guys even blame pakistan for stone pelting.this is unrealistic.this is insane.
Yes, India introduced the resolution in UN. UN passed its Kashmir resolution. But despite a hundred people trying to educate you, your thick skull doesn't let facts inside!
UN resolution's FIRST AND NECESSARY STEP (before the second and third step can be implemented in succession) is that Paki withdraw the army and tribals from Paki occupied Kashmir. A necessary step that Pakis refused in implement!!!

Incidentally, Islam is a tinder box that spontaneously combusts on the slightest of provocation (ISIS formation etc). Tales of islamic victory in Afg made Kashmiri mullahs intoxicated about their own nizam-e-mustafa!!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Great program on how Paki economy is in a free fall.......despite taking $9.5 Billion new loans in the recent months (from Saudis, China etc).
They're still begging IMF to bail them out (after all that bravado of Saudis and Chinese bailing them out completely)

Exchange rate dropped about 30% recently, chances of another 30% drop imminent!!!
Despite the 30% exchange rate drop there's no increase in exports!!! Which means even when Pakis are offering their goods at dirt cheap price, there are no takers in the world :) :)



New Member
Sep 25, 2017
I dont think we should be proud of bombing pakistan ...It's so inhumane ....At 12:00 am everyday we should start afresh bomb them and then regret for the rest of the day.....And if they say they aren't hurt everything is fine and nothing happened...We should believe them and do more bombings the next day.....That's how we will understand their needs and serve them better....

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Well Sir you are late by 3 weeks, on the nose. GoI/PMO/MoD was prepared this time. Like the strategic maneuvers for Abhinandan, an antidote for denials had been very meticulously planned.

The plan was as simple as "We do, we don't speak first, we don't speak at all about the un-spoken". Thereafter IA regulars accompanied by few research institutes tested the ballistic and explosive properties of multiple projectiles on organic and inorganic materials. Results where inconclusive, need more Data. So the "testing" have been intensified and prolonged.

As long as Pakistan has no problem, we will keep testing our projectiles. Obviously none of the projectiles have fallen on PA's personal or property, else they would have said so...
I think that is the plan
Pakis are saying it's "mysterious" after every kick they receive
That's just euphemism for "Oh we had heads up where sun don't shine and lived in a fantasy world were each one of us believed 1paf pilot = 10 IAF pilots... And now the reality is catching up. I cannot comprehend how it is not true..."

There are the seniors who are well aware of the situation. Some war Hawks in the senior circle who can't openly criticise Bajwa but are dissatisfied with his leadership. They don't like the fact that they now have to rely on politicians and diplomacy to contain IA.
Then there are middle level officers who are realising that there won't be any massive retaliation by PA for the LoC operation and the leadership is actively trying to avoid confrontation and is unable to slow down IA's momentum. They are frustrated by the fact that IA is pushing and they can't push them back. Some are angry, some are disappointed, some are disheartened and some are seriously questioning their strategy against IA and realising that they underestimated the enemy and highly overestimated themselves.
Junior officers are hearing rumors and wondering what is going on in LoC. When will they be posted and where ?

The above piece is a work of fiction................?
Nicely put.

You may have skipped the part where " Officers, who previously where indoctrinated with ideas of grandiose ideas, now in positions to make strategic decisions , see through the fog, the realities of War. They now see how the ecosystem of foreign Warfighters have changed when they where busy making shity businesses deals. But such is the mindless indoctrination that it colours the logical reasoning with ego. Replaying the same tactics instead of reading the chess board, as this is the only move they practiced."


New Member
Mar 24, 2013
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pakistan is suffering but we can handle this pressure.
You can handle pressure till a limit. When that limit is crossed SHIT comes out even if you don't want to. India is doing exactly that, applying pressure at right places and when things go uncontrollable what you people will have is SOILED underwear.....:biggrin2::biggrin2:

We did this in 1971 and Bangladesh came out to soil your underpants and now Baluchistan, Sindh, and more shit will come out enough to soil your clothes tooo...:daru::daru:


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Interesting solution

One possible option to fix the Kashmir mess is another state reorganization on religious lines. Thoughts?
Option 1:
State: Jammu + HP + Uttarakhand - there is a historic cultural affinity
UT: Ladakh + Lahul-Spiti
UT: Kashmir
Option 2:
Same as above, but Jammu + HP only



New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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Great program on how Paki economy is in a free fall.......despite taking $9.5 Billion new loans in the recent months (from Saudis, China etc).
They're still begging IMF to bail them out (after all that bravado of Saudis and Chinese bailing them out completely)

Exchange rate dropped about 30% recently, chances of another 30% drop imminent!!!
Despite the 30% exchange rate drop there's no increase in exports!!! Which means even when Pakis are offering their goods at dirt cheap price, there are no takers in the world :) :)

If India has influence at IMF, decline any loans to Pakistan and link it to closing terrorist camps, hand over wanted terrorists to India, stop support to Taliban, stop nuclear weapons program. Put all the conditions that Pakistan should be forced to take more loans from China. Chinese will give loans at a higher rates. Let Pakistan become bankrupt.

U.S. should also put conditions so that they can take back all radars and missiles US gave to Pakistan.

How far friendly countries align with India in disarming Pakistan will depend if Indian diplomacy is successful.

Recently US announced that people in US that are selling properties in US to send money to Venezuela are under scanner. Similarly all remittances to Pakistan by its nationals should be monitored and stopped.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Interesting solution

One possible option to fix the Kashmir mess is another state reorganization on religious lines. Thoughts?
Option 1:
State: Jammu + HP + Uttarakhand - there is a historic cultural affinity
UT: Ladakh + Lahul-Spiti
UT: Kashmir
Option 2:
Same as above, but Jammu + HP only

Proposal to merge the then Uttaranchal region of UP with Himanchal Pradesh did come up in 2000, but the pahadis of UP preferred a state of their own.

Also, it's better to keep mountain states small because it becomes a bitch to travel to the administrative/legislative/judicial capital of a large mountain state for every little thing.

Even within today's Uttarakhand, people and businesses find it a huge bitch to shuttle between Nainital, Dehradun, Mussoorie, and Pantnagar to get their day-to-day shit done, because the various arms of state apparatus are decentralized. One city has one department, another city has the High Court, yet another city has the legislative assembly. They originally did this so each city has a piece of the government.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
If India has influence at IMF, decline any loans to Pakistan and link it to closing terrorist camps, hand over wanted terrorists to India, stop support to Taliban, stop nuclear weapons program. Put all the conditions that Pakistan should be forced to take more loans from China. Chinese will give loans at a higher rates. Let Pakistan become bankrupt.

U.S. should also put conditions so that they can take back all radars and missiles US gave to Pakistan.

How far friendly countries align with India in disarming Pakistan will depend if Indian diplomacy is successful.

Recently US announced that people in US that are selling properties in US to send money to Venezuela are under scanner. Similarly all remittances to Pakistan by its nationals should be monitored and stopped.
India by itself doesn't have that much leverage. US does. It probably has used some amount of that leverage to get Pakis to convince Taliban for talks!

India should redouble its efforts in FATF....that's where India can tighten the screws in Pakis!

Even Pakis themselves are not investing in Paki land; as per that video most Pakis are now hoarding wealth and very afraid to invest in Paki economy.


Laughing member
New Member
Nov 23, 2017
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I have certain demographic in mind. Men who are single and don't mind taking risks. India is full of them.
Interesting solution

One possible option to fix the Kashmir mess is another state reorganization on religious lines. Thoughts?
Option 1:
State: Jammu + HP + Uttarakhand - there is a historic cultural affinity
UT: Ladakh + Lahul-Spiti
UT: Kashmir
Option 2:
Same as above, but Jammu + HP only


Similar to what i said earlier!
Demographic change in Kashmir would take too many people & draw to much controversy, for negligible gain... just boosted egos of few people.

Better to fill Pir Panjal & hills surrounding the valley with Kashmiri pandits, Dogra, Gujjars etc.
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