India-Pakistan LoC/IB Skirmishes in the Aftermath of August 5 2019

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Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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This what the "Karmaphala" is all about...
Nehru was "Darya Dil" to give back all captured areas of Punch and ditch that braveheart Brig Pritam Singh of Poonch garrission. All those areas now directly overlook Poonch and adjoining areas. Pakis have a field day there with their observed fire.

Kare koi aur bhare koi.......
Yeah, the good ol' chacha ji.


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Sep 7, 2015
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Updated Dec 02, 2019 04:36pm

Whatever it takes


THE Indian lockdown of nine million Muslims in the Kashmir Valley is a third of a year old. Has India made a ‘major strategic blunder’ or has it pulled off a major fait accompli? In other words, is there a greater likelihood of India having to reverse its Aug 5 decision or is it effectively irreversible despite Pakistan’s vigorous diplomacy and the unprecedented international criticisms of India’s action?

This depends on (i) the durability of the Kashmiri resistance in India-held Kashmir under extreme Indian repression including the comprehensive and relentless targeting of the civilian population of the Valley; (ii) whether any significant political opposition to Modi’s Aug 5 decision develops in India; (iii) the response of the international community — particularly the major powers and especially the US — to the hideous human rights situation in the Valley which threatens to reach genocidal proportions as defined by the Genocide Convention of 1948; and (iv) the response of Pakistan to such a scenario which Genocide Watch says is already under way. Just read Arundhati Roy to know the monstrosity India is becoming under Modi!

The current assumptions and indications suggest:

the Kashmiri resistance cannot be eliminated short of genocidal measures against the people of the Valley who regard and support the resistance as their own;

(ii) there is no prospect of any politically significant opposition in India to Modi’s decision of Aug 5;

(iii) the international community may condemn, embarrass and annoy India because of its atrocities, but it will not halt and reverse the trend towards genocide because the major powers see Kashmir in the context of a much larger Eurasian struggle in which India strategically counts for more than Pakistan; and

(iv) apart from bellicose statements and some heating up of the Line of Control, Pakistan will by and large avoid military confrontation with India even if a full-blown genocide develops. Instead, it will intensify its diplomatic campaign in the hope of arousing the conscience of the international community sufficiently for it to take effective measures to restrain India.

Aug 5 has transformed Kashmir from a longer-term diplomatic challenge to an existential challenge for Pakistan.

Inside Pakistan, the government will be primarily concerned to pacify its own public opinion and counter charges of a dishonourable and shameful betrayal of the Kashmir cause which could seriously destabilise the country. It will be reduced to saving Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan itself from further Indian designs. India will massively interfere in AJK and GB to force a final settlement along or even beyond the LoC with the understanding if not approval of the US and the Western powers. China will provide diplomatic support to Pakistan while counselling ‘moderation’, the need to adopt a longer-term perspective on Kashmir, and ensuring continued territorial contiguity between Pakistan and China.

Inside IHK, India will seek to wipe out the entire Muslim leadership, or strike a deal with the previous puppet Muslim leadership, or craft a new puppet Muslim leadership, possibly with people like Muzzafar Baig and Altaf Bukhari, who may be persuaded to accept the fig leaf of a hollow restoration of Article 370 as a final settlement. The All Parties Hurriyat Conference will be targeted for liquidation. No matter how outrageous the human rights situation in Kashmir gets, the major powers, including China, will not tolerate the prospect of nuclear conflict.

Pakistan has described Kashmir as its ‘jugular vein’ without which it is incomplete and cannot survive. It has pledged its last breath and drop of blood in defence of the Kashmiri people. It has always said any stoppage of Pakistan’s waters would be a casus belli. Moreover, in the name of the freedom struggle or jihad for Kashmir the people of Pakistan have had to live in a security rather than development state. This has deprived them of the benefits of democracy, good governance, peace and development. The results of this political degeneration are today evident in the wretched daily news every day.

The honest choice before the prime minister of Pakistan is stark: either he tells the nation that the costs of stopping India from perpetrating genocide in the Valley are more than Pakistan can bear and, therefore, he has no option but to ‘accept the unacceptable’ for Pakistan to survive. Or he asserts that the costs of a disgraceful betrayal of the Kashmir cause, especially after the loss of the majority of Pakistan’s population in 1971, will render the country a failed state without meaning, purpose, a moral foundation and a future worth having. Accordingly, while he is ready to go the extra mile for peace with India and to negotiate an acceptable, just and principled Kashmir settlement, he will never countenance genocide in Kashmir no matter what the cost may be.

For such resolve to be credible it must also be part of a comprehensive national transformation of Pakistan from an elitist, corrupt and incoherent state that, despite its verbal jihad, is unwilling and unable to take any risks for any cause, to a functioning democratic, development and human rights state that is able to develop options and take risks to ensure freedom and justice for Kashmir and to chart a course for peaceful coexistence with India. Progress towards such a national transformation will itself generate the narratives and project the images required for the views of Pakistan, regarding the plight of the Kashmiris, to register internationally.

There are no risk-free options to stop genocide, save Kashmir, and avoid war with India. Pakistan’s nuclear deterrent is meant to deter war not pursue war. But if the people of the Valley are threatened with genocide, as indeed they are, Pakistan’s deterrent must cover them. If this is rejected as wishful thinking there will be both genocide in the Valley and a slide towards war between India and Pakistan.

Aug 5, 2019 has transformed Kashmir from a longer-term diplomatic challenge to an existential challenge for Pakistan. Modi’s ‘Anschluss’ does not allow for incremental strategies. The prime minister must now do whatever it takes to ensure Pakistan no longer remains an irresolute and self-imprisoned soft state that surrenders its raison d’être.

The writer is a former ambassador to the US, India and China and head of UN missions in Iraq and Sudan.

[email protected]

Published in Dawn, December 2nd, 2019

My reply to this ass Qazi the ex Paki 'diplomat', which I sent to him by email....


Are you out of your frikkin mind? The rubbish you post nowadays is not even fit for a monkey to read. Utter nonsense from top to bottom!

Look at the words you have used for the situation in Kashmir! Lol! You seem to be high on Afghan weed! Where is the so called 'genocide' that you insist going on in Kashmir? For your info, not a single civilian has died in the Valley since the abrogation of article 370, except of course the usual mercenary 'jihadis' that you Pakis keeps sending for creating trouble here.

Have you been to the Valley? To Jammu? To Ladakh? No one except the few Paki sponsored islamist fundamentalists in the Valley care a fig for you Pakis nor so called 'azadi'! Wake up and smell the coffee. Your rants and blabber are getting silly. I suppose age is catching up on you.

Now stop publishing rubbish and get serious. How much are you being paid by the ISI/Paki Army for writing such nonsense about Kashmir?

And hey, what about Balochistan where your brain dead army is using F-16s, attack choppers, artillery, tanks, APCs etc to destroy whole Baloch villages and indulge in mass killings of innocent Baloch men women and children? Rapes are the order of the day there. Is that par for the course for you, Qazi?

And not a word about the Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang where your masters, China, are committing atrocities on the millions of muslims there? Why are you quiet? Shit scared of ruffling Chinese feathers? Of course you spineless Pakis are! After all, slaves can never dare raise a finger at their masters, can they?

You are nothing but a hypocrite. Period. Now stop spinning yarns, No one buys the rubbish you write anymore.




New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I don't understand how many more soldiers will have to die before the government finally starts building permanent structures in such areas.

Are the lives of our soldiers so cheap that they die everyear for the same reason and yet we dont do anything.

Why cant we build a base like russia did in artic. It doesn't have to be that big but it will be a huge boost overall.
How do you propose to do so?

I mean how to build a permanent structure in a glacier, that too in Siachen.

Any idea?


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
How do you propose to do so?

I mean how to build a permanent structure in a glacier, that too in Siachen.

Any idea?
Of course i dont know how can we build a base in siachen.

But what I do know is if we can make a base in Antarctica then we can surely do so in siachen.

Such things are for long term planning from the day we started facing this problem the government should have been working on it.

Surely there will be some spot where we can construct a base it's not impossible.

I refuse to believe that the government gave sufficient time on this matter previously we didnt even have beacons to locate soldiers these are just recent additions.

If we try hard enough we can surely find a spot.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Of course i dont know how can we build a base in siachen.

But what I do know is if we can make a base in Antarctica then we can surely do so in siachen.

Such things are for long term planning from the day we started facing this problem the government should have been working on it.

Surely there will be some spot where we can construct a base it's not impossible.

I refuse to believe that the government gave sufficient time on this matter previously we didnt even have beacons to locate soldiers these are just recent additions.

If we try hard enough we can surely find a spot.
You are comparing Antarctica with Siachen?

Then it is futile to discuss anything.

Anyway, could you point to any other nation who have build a permanent station on a geographical location like Siachen?


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
You are comparing Antarctica with Siachen?

Then it is futile to discuss anything.

Anyway, could you point to any other nation who have build a permanent station on a geographical location like Siachen?
Why any other nation why do we look at others its our problem we are supposed to solve it on our own.

If the government tries hard enough we can build a base there too.

Also What I meant by the Antarctica thing was if we have the determination we can build a base in siachen too many things which seem impossible in the start tend to be within our reach later on its just a matter of trying.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Why any other nation why do we look at others its our problem we are supposed to solve it on our own.

If the government tries hard enough we can build a base there too.

Also What I meant by the Antarctica thing was if we have the determination we can build a base in siachen too many things which seem impossible in the start tend to be within our reach later on its just a matter of trying.
We already have a permanent base in Siachen, Siachen base camp and few other transit camps.

But the fact is, we can't build a permanent structure on a glacier. On top of that make it Siachen, its just impossible. So as of now, for forward bases in Siachen, FRP is the best resolve.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
18 Indian crewmen kidnapped by pirates in high seas off West Africa

The attack on the Anglo-Eastern-managed Nave Constellation took place 66 nautical miles south of Nigeria's Bonny Offshore Terminal.

The vessel was laden and outbound from the Bonny Offshore Terminal, say reports.

It was underway at approximately 13.3 knots. It was not under any kind of escort when the attack on it took place, making it more vulnerable.

The 2010-built tanker is owned by Navios Maritime Acquisition. according to VesselsValue.

A spokesperson for the owner and the manager of the tanker is quoted to have said: "Navios as Owners and Anglo-Eastern as Technical and Crew Managers' prime concern is the safety and early return of the 19 persons taken by the pirate gang. All the appropriate authorities, including the Flag State, have been alerted and are responding and all the necessary action is being taken to secure their wellbeing and early release."


New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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Of course i dont know how can we build a base in siachen.

But what I do know is if we can make a base in Antarctica then we can surely do so in siachen.

Such things are for long term planning from the day we started facing this problem the government should have been working on it.

Surely there will be some spot where we can construct a base it's not impossible.

I refuse to believe that the government gave sufficient time on this matter previously we didnt even have beacons to locate soldiers these are just recent additions.

If we try hard enough we can surely find a spot.
I hope your username is ironic.

They don't build stations in Antarctica on top of glaciers because glaciers move. Almost all the stations are built on rocky mountains or other permanent structure. And you know they don't have the problem of a nuclear armed adversary looking for large, permanent structures to blow up.

But there's some truth to what you said. Indian Antarctic Mission members were indeed trained on Siachen for their life in Antarctica. But, those places are vastly different, man. It's not that we don't know how. It's just not useful enough. You can have permanent scientific bases in places like these, not military. They have to vacate for few months every year.


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Apr 13, 2013
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New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Only war which Pakistan can win? Yes.
They have huge army of incest born idiots.
Pakistan army and citizens doing what they do best crying like a lil bitch on Twitter.

Pakistan army firing artillery on Twitter :crazy:

@MIDKNIGHT FENERIR-00 burh every time you care about Pakistani narrative that means you are becoming bait of their so called twitter war. :devil:
5GW.... and them pakis are losing the 1GW in real world. :rofl::rofl:
thats fair enough..

Gafoora with HARAM Dog in his twitter profile pic...
its not islamiyat nor pakistaniyat according to book
this is Blasphemy

Gafoora Crow is gonna looseone Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday..according to his book.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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#Pakistan is preparing itself for ?? ~ Increasing deployment ? ~ Installing SAM's near LoC ~ Carrying out tedious PAF day and night exercises aimed at training operational personnel for defensive capabilities ~ Trying to counter Indian Tests with Notams & exercises डर अच्छा है



New Member
Apr 28, 2019
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Japanese Dr. Nakamura a pioneer in rebuilding #Afganisthan is killed in a targeted attack in Nangarhar. He was granted Afghan citizenship for his exceptional work in the province and Humanity. He was loved by Afgans and reports claim he was assassinated by Pork funded Terrorists

He was really a good man , just look at his work on twitter , far more important than any dollars from anywhere. Definitely killed by Paki proxies as he was building a canal diverting water going to Pakistan

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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#Pakistan is preparing itself for ?? ~ Increasing deployment ? ~ Installing SAM's near LoC ~ Carrying out tedious PAF day and night exercises aimed at training operational personnel for defensive capabilities ~ Trying to counter Indian Tests with Notams & exercises डर अच्छा है

How many F-16 are in fly away condition in Pakistan?
Indian government have started to Buy equipment from US if we don't pressurize them for stopping maintenance of Pakistani transport fleet airforce fleet and American made self propelled guns then we are a idiot.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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How many F-16 are in fly away condition in Pakistan?
Indian government have started to Buy equipment from US if we don't pressurize them for stopping maintenance of Pakistani transport fleet airforce fleet and American made self propelled guns then we are a idiot.
Umricans have their own contracts with pakistan..sooo....
We should pace ourselves in such a way that we dont need the Umrican intervention to take down paki f16s..and we should be able to shooot em down if them pakis try something of pakistaniyat.
We should not be idiots...waiting and thinking..Americans will do their part..thats being idiot from our side.
we should ensure that we can out wit the f-16 . we have done it already with a mig.

NOt sure if the Americans will use support and maintenance contract for f-16s for pakistanis as some kind of arm twisting with India
even if so... we should outgrow that and make ourselves capable with long range solution against paki f-16s..
That will nullify any american high stance on this equation.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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He was really a good man , just look at his work on twitter , far more important than any dollars from anywhere. Definitely killed by Paki proxies as he was building a canal diverting water going to Pakistan
pakis never like Afghanistan Developing..thats the reason why pakis was against India in afghanistan.(just one other reason for pakis to hate india)
Hope Japan turns down the paki Qureshit visit to japan this month or so.
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