India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Jan 26, 2021
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Yes a United Hindu Sanghar. Kshatriyas can lead the political and military fight while rest follow the lead.
Can we also have a dedicated thread for this? Let us theorycraft such an organization, try to build its constitution, game different scenarios and structural weaknesses. A very small feasibility study, if you will, then see where it goes from there.


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Jan 26, 2021
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After coup in Myanmar, we should expect a new wave of insurgency in North East and subsequently in Kashmir.
Preoccupy them with a Rohingya counter-insurgency. Offer Rohingyas a separate homeland carved out from Mayanmar, move them from urban slums to border jungles, ala Mukti Bahini.Hell, Bangladesh would be happy to join in too, they have a refugee problem as well.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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How porkis win information war:
In 1971 war india liberated east Pakistan but porkis build a narrative in Pakistan that despite India after winning 1971 war couldn't defeat west Pakistan.
They are highly skilled in 5 th gen warfare and narration building.
They are good at clogging the pipes and preventing further leaks as in they are good at damage control when the things and plans don't go their way which they often do.that is good for them.its a form of antifragility they have evolved over also gels well with their religious doctrine and their political system.

India is full opposite of that which is concerning.we must learn how to give no escape to our enemies and completely destroy them by our own direct actions by not giving them these easy outs.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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They are good at clogging the pipes and preventing further leaks as in they are good at damage control when the things and plans don't go their way which they often do.that is good for them.its a form of antifragility they have evolved over also gels well with their religious doctrine and their political system.

India is full opposite of that which is concerning.we must learn how to give no escape to our enemies and completely destroy them by our own direct actions by not giving them these easy outs.
Think of this like this,they always expect the best from their own and do not think critically which gives them crippling disadvantages but also some genuine advantages that must be acknowledged such as fanaticism,etc.they will not lose steam becuase of these delusions or 5th generation warfare and from the point of pak which has few resources it make a cost- benefit analysis sense despite disadvantages.

I mean in 1971,there could have been a possibility that even west pakistan would have split up if they had gone into meltdown mode due to full realisation of the situation as some of these high emo people might tend to do but they held up because they BeLiEvEd in their defence.

Sometimes delusions can cause an army not to fully route when some portion of it is destroyed.if it works for their situations and objectives and resources and options then it is not to be taken as an automatic bad characteristic but a double edged social adaption to the environment.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Like porkistanis bark around their media, we should create a thread on porkistani media on what are they saying, as ultimately their crap gets programmed inside pakistani citizen’s minds, we can understand what they say, I can read and write Urdu hence I can make out what their captions say, we should be aware what our enemy discusses and is feeding. They regularly follow our media, wonder why pakistanis have started Godi Media and Bhakt like terms used in India, because their media has discussed it. While we are not aware that they have their own Godi Media and Bhakt like terms, as Lifafa Journalism and Youthia (imran khan devotees). They discussed that opposition called Narendra Modi as Surrender Modi and porkistanis flooded twitter with Surrender Modi, while we are unaware that Imran Khan is called Donkey King in Pakistan, we are unaware.

See their journalists are all on youtube inviting Indians to get to know the current affairs of India, Defensive Offence is doing great job in making us aware of Pakistan’s internal matters. But its not enough, we should be self aware. Their media is constantly discussing India and the current farmer protests. We should not completely shift focus but we should be knowledgeable.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Think of this like this,they always expect the best from their own and do not think critically which gives them crippling disadvantages but also some genuine advantages that must be acknowledged such as fanaticism,etc.they will not lose steam becuase of these delusions or 5th generation warfare and from the point of pak which has few resources it make a cost- benefit analysis sense despite disadvantages.

I mean in 1971,there could have been a possibility that even west pakistan would have split up if they had gone into meltdown mode due to full realisation of the situation as some of these high emo people might tend to do but they held up because they BeLiEvEd in their defence.

Sometimes delusions can cause an army not to fully route when some portion of it is destroyed.if it works for their situations and objectives and resources and options then it is not to be taken as an automatic bad characteristic but a double edged social adaption to the environment.
Seriously I don't know if the higher ups in pak establishment thought through this or it just fell into place as the country went through the decades as they realized that they will be losing a lot and so they will have configure their media management and info dessimination/ warfare in a way that suits their need.

Because without it they would have collapsed long ago.cant look at that and say it is a failure as that is the only thing among a few things pak has come up that is not a failure and is performing as intended.

It can be considered a failure if we set the aim as a developed country with good institutions of learning but we must understand that pak does not have these aims nor will they have the resources to start along that path as they have wasted their previous decades along with rapid pop growth and so they are stuck in a rut and may as well continue in the same path of ghazwa hind.this is if there is indeed some introspection on the part of elites there.


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Seriously I don't know if the higher ups in pak establishment thought through this or it just fell into place as the country went through the decades as they realized that they will be losing a lot and so they will have configure their media management and info dessimination/ warfare in a way that suits their need.

Because without it they would have collapsed long ago.cant look at that and say it is a failure as that is the only thing among a few things pak has come up that is not a failure and is performing as intended.

It can be considered a failure if we set the aim as a developed country with good institutions of learning but we must understand that pak does not have these aims nor will they have the resources to start along that path as they have wasted their previous decades along with rapid pop growth and so they are stuck in a rut and may as well continue in the same path of ghazwa hind.this is if there is indeed some introspection on the part of elites there.
. No doubt their industrial output is focussed to football and leather products only.
But their real source of income is drugs, hawala, trafficking, smuggling, etc. These work develop a informal economy in Pakistan and help in sustainment of Pakistan. These informal sector is backbone of Pakistan economy


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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The bullet train project that japan funds with india has an interest rate of 0.1% in 50 years.CPEC projects have that as steep as 1.6%pakis madrassa mathamatics are gonna get these morons in deep shit.
On paper cpec has ability to transform Pakistan and cpec will be huge boost to infrastructure in Pakistan but real issue is Pakistan is land of landlord/zamindar no one want to loose their land. These local landlord are trying best to stop cpec. Cpec also introduce harsh terms of interest on Pakistan. Due to Pakistan inability to acquire land and constant disruption in cpec. China has stopped cpec after pouring 18-19 billion dollars.


Better to die on your feet than live on your knees
Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
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On paper cpec has ability to transform Pakistan and cpec will be huge boost to infrastructure in Pakistan but real issue is Pakistan is land of landlord/zamindar no one want to loose their land. These local landlord are trying best to stop cpec. Cpec also introduce harsh terms of interest on Pakistan. Due to Pakistan inability to acquire land and constant disruption in cpec. China has stopped cpec after pouring 18-19 billion dollars.
Recently saw a paki analyst comparing lahore metro and delhi metro.even the metro of pakis with high fare rates cannot put up a profit. And its turning into a money sucking hole for them.delhi metro with the cheapest fares are highly profitable to government. All these paki projects are done by chinese companies with no pakistani participation.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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Like porkistanis bark around their media, we should create a thread on porkistani media on what are they saying, as ultimately their crap gets programmed inside pakistani citizen’s minds, we can understand what they say, I can read and write Urdu hence I can make out what their captions say, we should be aware what our enemy discusses and is feeding. They regularly follow our media, wonder why pakistanis have started Godi Media and Bhakt like terms used in India, because their media has discussed it. While we are not aware that they have their own Godi Media and Bhakt like terms, as Lifafa Journalism and Youthia (imran khan devotees). They discussed that opposition called Narendra Modi as Surrender Modi and porkistanis flooded twitter with Surrender Modi, while we are unaware that Imran Khan is called Donkey King in Pakistan, we are unaware.

See their journalists are all on youtube inviting Indians to get to know the current affairs of India, Defensive Offence is doing great job in making us aware of Pakistan’s internal matters. But its not enough, we should be self aware. Their media is constantly discussing India and the current farmer protests. We should not completely shift focus but we should be knowledgeable.
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