India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Aug 31, 2020
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Guys Ajay Shookla has started complaining becoz Modi didn't wear proper tank uniform while riding the tank.🤣
Sep 5, 2020
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Raising the insurgency bar within Pakistan will have repercussions at least in the short term.
We are up against China, Russia and possibly a very selective US administration within the UNSC.

A heavy insurgency footprint invites tremendous pressure from the powers that be. We upped the ante after 2008 and almost hit every ISI asset in NFWP, Tribal areas. Pakis went crying and Ombaba administration leaned very heavily on India to stop our activities.

However, we do have the freedom to choose the response and quantum of punishment we mete out to the goathumpers.

Dad was posted at LOC after the '65 war. There was constant sniping from the Pak side. It cost two lads in Dad's company in a single incident. The entire unit was enraged. He was tasked by his CO to give an adequate response.

The day was chosen. On a Friday afternoon, after a rhetoric filled Jumma sermon and a while a sumptuous lunch as on, six MMG's, and small arms opened up from the Indian side. The poor Pakis had no choice but to take BakraExpress to Jannat. Many met their 72's, scores were injured.

The Paki's as usual ran to UN. Two Polish officers came to the Indian side. Once again, old man was tasked to deal with them. He took them on trout fishing, treated them to Indian beer, the best kababs and treatment at GO's mess. Our guys asked the Pols - How many KIA did the Paki's admit to? The observers said Pakis admitted to 6 KIA. Our chaps said 'good' to themselves - we had concrete proof of ~17-18 KIA.

Observations - Low scale retaliation by India to aggressive cross border firing by Pakistan.

So don't get disheartened by our casualties. We always extract revenge but yes, there has to be a short term solution or impose a much heavier cost on the Pakis.
‘while what people like your dad and others in IA are doing are commendable, the point members here are making is that revenge as a response is not adequate. The Pakis are unfazed by loss of foot soldiers. They simply don’t care how many scums we dispatch. Your observations also tell us that we have been at this for more than 50 years now. It simply has not deterred the Porkis enough. IA has to figure out what will deter the porkies to a point where they don’t even dare fire one single bullet across the LoC or cover fire for even a single terrorist. As a major economic power with strong allies around the world, we expect dogs like Pakshitstan to never wag their tails against us. Think about this: let’s say there is a Quad meeting. What if one of the soldiers from a Quad country asks: your soldiers have been killed by a much inferior army? That is a loss of face to us and loss of confidence in our abilities to decidedly take care of our borders. We want to be in big leagues like the UNSC, Quad etc we better deter the Pukistanis forever. The world is watching us. They want us to be powerful and decisive to counter crazies like the Pukis and CCP.

sanjay singh

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Aug 14, 2016
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Let's not drag Israel into this. In 2006, when Hezbollah killed 10 of their soldiers, they waged war on Lebanon. Killed hundreds of Hezb. Hezb is still alive today only due to UN intervention. In 2014, when Hamas kidnapped 3 Israelis, they waged war on Gaza, killed over 2000. Did not give a flying fuck about PR, optics, nothing. UN and muzzie bhaijaan-hood cried hoarse about hooman rights violations, but did zilch. They did not give a fuck about civilians, military, terrorist anything. If they thought anyone was a threat, they shot them. 2018, when Hamas fired rockets at Israel, they did SOF raid. We look like pussies of the highest order when compared to Israel. I get it, porkistan isn't Lebanon or Gaza, but our befitting reply bullshit really pisses me off.
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Gaza after the operation. We have more firepower than Israel, but what are we doing with it? Nada...

And the joke is on whoever believes it. Chill, nothing to worry wrt porks trying to appease their momin audience. Maybe get paid a couple bucks by their iron abbujaans. Get a go at their sister they sold to the same abbujaan, inshallah.
Dear lebnan is not atomic country and don't have story army


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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As others have commented, our so called 'befitting' response is simply not enough to deter porks from carrying out attacks.
Heck we are at a state of war with porkies since 3 decades and yet we allow their ambassadors and consulates ! Any other self respecting nation would have kicked all pork diplomatic staff out, shut down their embassies and consulates, shut down all trade relations and treat them for what they are - a terrorist shit hole, and bombed them out to stone age.
But here we are who until recently had granted them MFN status and running samjhauta express, kartapur corridor, wagah border ceremonies.....and exchanging small arms fires tit for tat ....
And we don't even have the balls to declare porkistan a terrorist state and CUT ALL TIES WITH THEM
What a an absolutely fking shame on the calibre of our political leaders ! :mad2:


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May 31, 2020
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Let's not drag Israel into this. In 2006, when Hezbollah killed 10 of their soldiers, they waged war on Lebanon. Killed hundreds of Hezb. Hezb is still alive today only due to UN intervention. In 2014, when Hamas kidnapped 3 Israelis, they waged war on Gaza, killed over 2000. Did not give a flying fuck about PR, optics, nothing. UN and muzzie bhaijaan-hood cried hoarse about hooman rights violations, but did zilch. They did not give a fuck about civilians, military, terrorist anything. If they thought anyone was a threat, they shot them. 2018, when Hamas fired rockets at Israel, they did SOF raid. We look like pussies of the highest order when compared to Israel. I get it, porkistan isn't Lebanon or Gaza, but our befitting reply bullshit really pisses me off.
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Gaza after the operation. We have more firepower than Israel, but what are we doing with it? Nada...

And the joke is on whoever believes it. Chill, nothing to worry wrt porks trying to appease their momin audience. Maybe get paid a couple bucks by their iron abbujaans. Get a go at their sister they sold to the same abbujaan, inshallah.
I get your point but , we are not Israel .

Israel is fighting for its existence , any sign of weakness and they are gone.

India on the other hand is a world within a world . what ever happens at LAC / LOC is not even a blip for us.


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Feb 27, 2018
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I get your point but , we are not Israel .

Israel is fighting for its existence , any sign of weakness and they are gone.

India on the other hand is a world within a world . what ever happens at LAC / LOC is not even a blip for us.
This comparison with Israel and what it does in Gaza and Lebanon is, quite simply, crazy. The asymmetry involved there is hardly what is between India and Pakistan. Nor are their results much better. Even after attacking these two places, one without an Air Force to defend and the other without either an army or airforce, the Israelis still face barrage of attacks from both Hamas and Hezbollah.

The amount of silliness here by those who think war with Pakistan is a cakewalk etc is extraordinary. Do people think that the army and the government don’t look at what is achievable? If there was a silver bullet, they would have used it. There isn’t.

I have been a critic of this government and the previous for neglecting the military. Especially about buying a lot more artillery. The fact remains that while we can and should extract maximum retribution, the Pakistanis won’t stop. The raison d’être for the existence of the Pakistani army is conflict with India. What we can only do is to limit the risk they would take by dissuading them but some trouble will always exist.
Sep 5, 2020
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This comparison with Israel and what it does in Gaza and Lebanon is, quite simply, crazy. The asymmetry involved there is hardly what is between India and Pakistan. Nor are their results much better. Even after attacking these two places, one without an Air Force to defend and the other without either an army or airforce, the Israelis still face barrage of attacks from both Hamas and Hezbollah.

The amount of silliness here by those who think war with Pakistan is a cakewalk etc is extraordinary. Do people think that the army and the government don’t look at what is achievable? If there was a silver bullet, they would have used it. There isn’t.

I have been a critic of this government and the previous for neglecting the military. Especially about buying a lot more artillery. The fact remains that while we can and should extract maximum retribution, the Pakistanis won’t stop. The raison d’être for the existence of the Pakistani army is conflict with India. What we can only do is to limit the risk they would take by dissuading them but some trouble will always exist.
There is definitely space between an all out war and this reactive response we are doing now. I think members want us to do more than just this reactive BS, which is simply not sufficient. Revenge cannot be our national policy. Why is it that our borders are the only place where we tend to have these firings for multiple decades now? Many countries have terrible border disputes yet they are all settled quickly via some sort of deterrence exerted by a bigger power. We are the bigger power. We are the ones who wanted to be counted in the big leagues. How exactly will others have confidence in our military abilities if our soldiers get easily picked off by an inferior power? Our war fighting doctrine needs to be tweaked. Disproportionate response must be built in and we need to equip for that. Officers in MoD and CDS must be assigned specific goals, and made directly accountable for results on the LoC. The #1 goal given to them should be : effective deterrence and a separate budget to achieve that. We need the government to take steps that is expected of a major power. That’s all.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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And meanwhile the Swinney koi iske supari do. Isko koi to thokane wala hai.
Parity at operational level of war .
This deranged moron passing as defence expert and journalist won't mention that how , pakistan in their belief that hindu lalas of india play murli but don't fight , expected no escaltion in poonjab front .
Operation changez khan or operation grandslam whatever it was called was launched in cashmere ,india initiated a obvious tactical maneuver , invaded pakistani poonjab , reached as far as icchogil canal , much to surprise of ghazis of pakistani fauj .
The reason was pakistani top brass and rank and file due to their belief that Indians are weak , left poonjab front open .
But for some reasons , indian army returned from gates of lahore .
It is said that jayanto nath choudhry , the chief of army staff dissuaded, lal bahadour shastry by informing that , indian army had exhausted it's stock of ammunition and now india should behave like a elephant , a calm elephant .
Rest is history , the fiasco in Tashkent in Uzbekistani ssr of the ussr.

Pakistani armoured , failed because their commanders followed leaguer , a tactic which is part of tank armoured warfare doctrine of British army in ww2
British army is not necessarily the force to look at as an example in regards to tank battles in ww2 or in any other conflicts so to say.
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