India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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Question to all
We are saying that Porkistan killed our 5 soldiers ..I can't find any official tweet around it , only chatter is from our so called defence journalist..if there is any official information please let me know
2 . Why firing stopped from our side , are we surprised by porkies this time .why are we not firing till they become rich with lead

Couple of wishful thinking
3 wake up call for army , our armed forces are pathetically slow on procurement , even after so many debacles we are not yet finalizing Artillery..Not sure what catastrophic incident will make this happen
4 Stop bad mouthing our OSINT , don't quote them here but don't criticize , their material is not for our consumption but for pork and even if required fight for them

Shashank Nayak

Senior Member
Nov 27, 2017
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:hmm: Looks like he is veteran.

He is only saying its not a "bunker" , not that video is fake or its not a PA structure

:yawn: No need to get all crazy over 1 tweet.
No.. the fat ass bastard of a veteran is implying that the video is fake.. Look at him saying that how can such a concrete structure survive 2 years of heavy shelling across loc.. as if the IA is some superhuman demolition force that mows down all bunkers and pill boxes all along 750 km of loc.. when things get hot, and that PA does not rebuild any destroyed structure.. Also, is a concrete structure some Taj Mahal that it cannot be built quickly under intermittent cease fire violations spread across various sectors, where one particular sector might as well have a month long lull..These veterans sometimes have an outsized ego.. Need to undermine their machoness first, which they think is self evident,just because they wore a uniform once..[ How about the IN veteran running like a dog when chased and beaten up by Shiv sena thugs. He too might have acted like a macho Rambo on twitter. Meanwhile, i condemn such thiggish behavior by Shiv Sena ]
Just look at him self certifying himself that he was engaged rambo like in direct firing at paki bunkers.. And why does twitter universe have to believe him.. Pandey ji might as well have been a coward..


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Jul 29, 2018
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Nice plan but there is no interest from GoI for this unless the Paks do some extreme g*ndmasti like Uri, Pathankot, Pulawama, close to election time, and even then there is only PrOpoRTiOnAtE ReSpOnSe.

There is no appetite for offensive warfare i.e "Escalation", it's all playing defense like in the Chingchong landgrab counter this year, or retaliations like surgical strike for Uri or Bomba -e- Balakot.
We do have a lot of options to screw Pakistan. But, yes it is for the Government to decide which plan to activate. Pakistan is punching way above its weight. In reality they are fragile compared to India.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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We do have a lot of options to screw Pakistan. But, yes it is for the Government to decide which plan to activate. Pakistan is punching way above its weight. In reality they are fragile compared to India.
Pakistan has forex reserves of about USD 20 billion.

Our annual foreign remittances are probably 3-4 times that of their forex reserves.

If GoI really makes up its mind, a thousand Balochistans can bloom within Pakistan.



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Jul 29, 2018
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Why play by their rules. We know that porks are no challenge. We should act like responsible global power which we are.

We just do what Isreal does, kill 10 times everytime and then some.
In an ideal situation, yes. But the Porks want to make a futile attempt to prove their superior Muslim manhood over supposedly inferior Hindu manhood. They cannot believe that we have outfought and outfoxed them.

They believe that beheading our soldiers will make us shiver in fright. Sometimes an eye for an eye works by making them feel equally vulnerable.


Senior Member
May 30, 2009
It seems porkis are firing their artillery and then running away to avoid the response from Bharat. This equal response gameplan is not working. I would suggest hitting high value targets such as F-16s, or PA posts/headquarters with more high value targets. They can keep rebuilding border bunkers; it's not enough of a punitive action.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Raising the insurgency bar within Pakistan will have repercussions at least in the short term.
We are up against China, Russia and possibly a very selective US administration within the UNSC.

A heavy insurgency footprint invites tremendous pressure from the powers that be. We upped the ante after 2008 and almost hit every ISI asset in NFWP, Tribal areas. Pakis went crying and Ombaba administration leaned very heavily on India to stop our activities.

However, we do have the freedom to choose the response and quantum of punishment we mete out to the goathumpers.

Dad was posted at LOC after the '65 war. There was constant sniping from the Pak side. It cost two lads in Dad's company in a single incident. The entire unit was enraged. He was tasked by his CO to give an adequate response.

The day was chosen. On a Friday afternoon, after a rhetoric filled Jumma sermon and a while a sumptuous lunch as on, six MMG's, and small arms opened up from the Indian side. The poor Pakis had no choice but to take BakraExpress to Jannat. Many met their 72's, scores were injured.

The Paki's as usual ran to UN. Two Polish officers came to the Indian side. Once again, old man was tasked to deal with them. He took them on trout fishing, treated them to Indian beer, the best kababs and treatment at GO's mess. Our guys asked the Pols - How many KIA did the Paki's admit to? The observers said Pakis admitted to 6 KIA. Our chaps said 'good' to themselves - we had concrete proof of ~17-18 KIA.

Observations - Low scale retaliation by India to aggressive cross border firing by Pakistan.

So don't get disheartened by our casualties. We always extract revenge but yes, there has to be a short term solution or impose a much heavier cost on the Pakis.
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Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Raising the insurgency bar within Pakistan will have repercussions at least in the short term.
We are up against China, Russia and possibly a very selective US administration within the UNSC.

A heavy insurgency footprint invites tremendous pressure from the powers that be. We upped the ante after 2008 and almost hit every ISI asset in NFWP, Tribal areas. Pakis went crying and Ombaba administration leaned very heavily on India to stop our activities.
This will also be needed to hit the chini obor infrastructure, so as to make obor untentable for them.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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This I will say....if I continue to hear unsubstantiated news like we killed 100 in Pakistan in retaliation for our 5 killed just like we claimed 40 killed due to skirmish along Tibet border, then I am going to tell you I am going to lose confidence in our ability to defend ourselves. I have been shouting for long that our deterrence against Porki Army is not working and this is proof. Whatever IA is doing , it is not deterring porkies enough. Sadly, we are just unable to establish deterrence. Is this due to a technology gap or lack of money to build fortified shelters or acquire weapons that can rain down deadly fire upon the enemies? Is it our lame ass foreign policies of not being to get Pakis blacklisted in FATF? What is it? Sometimes I just don’t understand our war strategy against the Pakis, who just have a $7-8 billion budget and , as seen in Balochistan, are poorly equipped and die by the dozens in the hands of rag tag BLA militia. Disappointed and a bit angry that we are not Able to enforce deterrence.
nope these claims alone are not acceptable. we have heard such numbers for long now. This is about enforcing a deterrence where the Porkis do not dare lift a finger to even fire a single shell. Even if we kill twice the number of our casualties, it is not enough. Because it is not establishing deterrence. We have to make this war extremely expensive for them - take down their subs or naval assets or air assets like their AWACS etc. We must enforce deterrence by any means necessary, if need be by targeted elimination of their key officers or even internal coups to topple their governments. I am hugely, hugely disappointed with our response especially the part where we appear to be satisfied with just a tit for tat number count. Pakis have so many jihadi nut cases that losing even hundreds won’t make them blink. We are NOT going to enforce deterrence by just eliminating cannon fodder foot soldiers. Also, do not get into excessive diplomacy mode like we did with the PLA - we are going to come across as a pussy. Act decisively and rain down firepower and sanctions to cripple Porkis and establish permanent deterrence.
Totally agree with you mate !
We are always in reactive mode, no pro active action. And even the reaction is only proportional and not dis proportional. Every soldier of us killed must be replied with an airstrike or pinaka strike on an entire camp and atleast 50 pigs should be slaughtered ! The cost must be raised so high that these bastards should start pissing whenever they even think of picking up a gun against bharath.
Unfortunately NaMo govt though faar better the prev ones is stopping short of delivering the killer punch.

So what is the "free hand given to forces" supposed to mean ?? Only to retaliate , which means sit around waiting for some one to die ! Absolutely nuts!

Echelon Four

Regular Member
Aug 1, 2019
Totally agree with you mate !
We are always in reactive mode, no pro active action. And even the reaction is only proportional and not dia proportional. Every soldier of us killed must be replied with an airstrike or pinaka strike on an entire camp and atleast 50 pigs should be slaughtered ! The cost must be raised so high that these bastards should start pissing whenever they even think of picking up a gun against bharath.
Unfortunately NaMo govt though faar better the prev ones is stopping short of delivering the killer punch.

So what is the "free hand given to forces" supposed to mean ?? Only to retaliate , which means sit around waiting for some one to die ! Absolutely nuts!

This is the reason for the supremacist attitude among pakis... we are not making it unaffordable for them

Our men die on border at hands of madh*rj**t mullahs

Our girls get trapped in love jihad in our heartland

this is a civilisational war... we are under a 2 pronged pincer... Ghazwa-e-hind is real


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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LoL these Porks trying the same strategy which we have used and cornered em worldwide... But truth is no one will believe these madarsa chap illetrates... Surgical strikes Karne ki khwab Dekh Raha hai keyboard jihadi 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Karne do.
Batman will be forced to retaliate then.

But nahi hoga because Abdul Chaudhary haz no goteez to do anything apart from inserting low IQ goat-shagger jihadis here and there along the LOC and attempting to try stunts with full deniability
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