India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


Sep 7, 2015
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Now these Pakis who have the intellectual horsepower of a 4th grader, will pass the missile, (or what's left of it) to their slave master China to reverse engineer it and produce a Chinese version of it and pass it on to their concubines to be used against India!!

I do hope it is totally destroyed, or it's bad news!

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Senior Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Now these Pakis who have the intellectual horsepower of a 4th grader, will pass the missile, (or what's left of it) to their slave master China to reverse engineer it and produce a Chinese version of it and pass it on to their concubines to be used against India!!

I do hope it is totally destroyed, or it's bad news!
A missile that heavy travelling at that velocity, I doubt anything worthwhile would have survived.


Tihar Jail
Oct 6, 2020
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Now these Pakis who have the intellectual horsepower of a 4th grader, will pass the missile, (or what's left of it) to their slave master China to reverse engineer it and produce a Chinese version of it and pass it on to their concubines to be used against India!!

I do hope it is totally destroyed, or it's bad news!
They already have c802 ,cx1 and Chinese folks already have oniks and hypersonic tech

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Now let me ask all those who are cheering here hua to hua . What if the reverse would have happened . What if a paki CM lands in our territory with cattle loss or human casualty ?

How would the nation reacts , Especially the Media and the opposition ?
the opposition and the 5th columnists will react in the way we all already know but the indian state,indians and especially nationalists SHOULD retailiate SIMPLY because we are India and not pakistan.

the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must - this idea should be transferred accurately to the mind of the average paki and its do we transfer this idea without directly spilling our intentions,by carefully crafted posturing and messages and behaviour among institutions.

remember,given the current state and all the parameters on the ground,it is highly likely that pak cant compare to india on any parameters and the gap would grow in the future.

this is why pak invests a lot in various forms of propaganda home,abroad,among their people which is much more deeper and long running,spanning across govs as it one of the few things other than sub conventional terrorism that is actually affordable to the pak state but it makes them highly sensitive to propaganda failure.

since indians like other people in normal countries evalauate their standing on a wider bunch of parameters(gdp,this tech,that tech,etc), a setback in one area wont result in much loss of faith in our selves and we always tend to push forward with our attitude.paki mind mostly runs on hopium from fewer parameters and so is highly sensitive to any change in the perception of loss of gain in that parameter(they seem to revolve rougly around how they have progressed in relation with other non muslim groups and nations and that is about it).

the main and probably most effective variant they have is the PAKISTAN-INDIA EQUAL EQUAL VARIANT.this is propagated in arious ways i dont have to explain,through people to people meetings between rootless south asians abroad,etc.

To decouple this meme from our peoples and paki people's minds ,we must also prepare a substitute meme to take its place . the above statement by the athenians should be our idea template localized for our situation - India is higher and pak is lower and they must stay in their lane.

how will this help us - cause demoralization which can affect decision making capability and close the propaganda warfare gap between indian state and people with respect to pakistan establishment and pak people.also demoralizes the internal 5th columnists which are the real strike corps of the pak state.

it will then become a self fulfilling prophecy if repeated and maintained and it will trickle down to the avergae man of both states and we can then pressure the 5th columnists to be demoralized or dissolutioned,or all else failed ridiculed for having sympathies with pak and pak takes and views.

even average muzzies should ostracize pakis.when this is achieved in mass psyop operation way,then our goal is achieved.

How it can be demonstrated by the state with Example :

In this situation :

if pak launches a missiles over our land we can :

(i)shoot it out of the sky
(ii)shoot it out of the sky and maybe launch a pinpoint attack over a fixed pak artillery position via our arty.
(iii)launch a retaliatory missile asap

if india launches a missile : they cant retailate without giving us an opening to retaliate and india usually does well when the enemy gives us a reason to react kinectically.

different situations where we have acted according to this idea :

(i)not replying to pak prime minister gestures and comments from high level ministers and sometimes not reacting at all.
(ii)stopping trade indefinetly and acting cold.
(iii)not focusing on pak in our converation and coupling with china rather than pak.

this might not be done perfectly with the rambling news organizations and usual 5th columnists not going according to the official plan,but most of the main gov orgs have started following this way which is a good development.
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Op Kahuta

Tihar Jail
Nov 10, 2021
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Truth can't be suppressed any more.

What's saddening is all this happening under BJP govt rule.
It's so sad to see this kind of thing happen where truth is again being supressed by pro-pak and terror sympathizers. I will wait for some time more for context and more vids and narrations by people in cinema hall before believing this is in jammu.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars I have seen few Pakistani reactions to the Kashmir File Trailer and have gone berserk. And literally calling it a fake propaganda. Typically Pakistani Mullahs Mentalitys.

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