India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Feb 16, 2009
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This DJ ISPR story has confused the awam more. They showed the trajectory and said it was a malfunction. Then awam thinks crash site near to HVT so no malfunction but intentional . Now they should be more scared as we have that kind of supersonic weapon with that kind of midcourse target change .
Which HVT?


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Jul 29, 2018
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The problem is that we import majority of our arms. Our armed forces are a burden to our economy.
Unless we follow American model whereby their Armed forces provide boost to their local economy we can't get our-self armed to the teeth.
Private MIC are the need for the hour, we just don't defense industry but also semiconductor, electronic, IT, avionics, etc.
Truly said.
But the task is onerous and time consuming.
Again no alternative to becoming fully self sufficient if we have to retain strategic autonomy and inflict unacceptable costs on any potential aggressor.
I think India in its present condition has insured itself from any major military attack. It is not like 1962 or 1971 when the Chinese PLA or the 7th fleet of the US Navy can come in and seriously threaten our territorial integrity and independence.
No denying the fact that our nuclear weapons have made the costs unacceptable for any potential aggressor. We have both the weapons and the delivery systems. I don't see any threat from the US but the Agni 5 missile alone can reach the continental US. If we reduce the payload to 200 kgs from the designed 1500 kg maximum payload capacity, the missile could even reach ranges above 10,000 kms(probably possible). An 200 kiloton warhead with an net weight below 200 kgs is possible. Example - the W88 warhead fielded by the US. But simply increasing the range is not enough. Because as range increases the errors in navigation will also increase. So both software and hardware has to compensate for the errors and try to maintain the accuracy of the warhead to a few hundred meters.

More than the direct military threat, India is more vulnerable to economic pressure and blackmail. Though there are many economic pressure points, the two most crucial seem to be

1.Oil prices. Any steep increase in the international crude oil price will cripple our economy. Or any embargo by the Muslim oil producing countries of West Asia would also heavily affect us. Or just as how Russia is being sanctioned by denying markets for its oil, if the West does not allow other countries to sell oil to us.

2.Agricultural production which is even today heavily dependent on the rainfall and the monsoons. If the monsoons fail for a couple of years it will affect our agricultural production and food security. We need to insulate our agricultural production from the vagaries of the monsoon.

Discussing possible solutions is another topic altogether.


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Jun 17, 2021
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Desperate Pakistani attempts of getting Re-hyphenated with India

Since initial peace overtures(2014-15) of Modi govt failed... India adopted a policy of completely de-hyphenating with Pak since 2016 & the article 370 abrogation concluded the process

Getting hyphenated with India is like oxygen for Pakis international recognition & this de-hyphenation started hurting as soon as it was implemented

(What does getting de-hyphenated mean in simple terms? Just this much that your names are not taken together... "Ind-Pak"... you influence foreign policy makers to not use this term in any affairs... this may sound small but has humongous impact)

Always... they try to derive any sort of international relevance based on 2 points:
1. Themselves being a nuke power
2. Having territorial dispute with India... another nuke power

Continous highlighting of above points earns them presence on some glamorous international platforms.

Now since US has left Afghanistan & simply doesn't need them anymore... so much so that Biden hasn't even called Imran in his 14 months in office

The economic woes are increasing every passing day... Pakis are desperate to get Re-hyphenated with India... by telling the world see there is trouble in region... oh God dammit look at us as well... we also exist with our super begging bowl

So how do you highlight your cause?
By claiming you found an Indian sub, by claiming India launched a missile... or next step conduct a terror attack & force India to respond

Gentlemen this might be their other way of stating that India is going for a false flag... they have changed the language... better we keep our guards up.

(Copyright: @iNorthernerOn9)

tribendra bisoi

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Feb 17, 2022
More exfartgiri

from the artice

The land and naval version of the BrahMos can carry a 200-kg warhead, while the aerial version can carry a 300kg warhead. It is speculated that India has developed a fission device weighing under 200 kg, with a yield of 12 to 15 kilotons. Moreover, it also appears to have a fission weapon weighing under 300 kg, with a yield of 100 kilotons, which is compatible with the aerial delivery systems.

Will India Nuclearize the BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile? – The Diplomat


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Sep 4, 2019
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More exfartgiri

There are five stages of grief-

1- Denial
2- Anger
3- Bargaining
4- Depression
5- Acceptance

He's on the first stage.
It's a very simplified but effective model.
Everytime, India makes headway in any direction, or Pakistan shows it's incompetence, you'll see Pakistanis going into the first stage and never coming out of it because the reality isn't staring them in the face most of the time and they're surrounded by other mourners who make a psychological (psychotic?) echo chamber, eliminating any chance of realisation of the true status of their country.

They'll never know their place till there's an Indian soldier manning a bunker on every street of Lahore.