India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


जय परशुराम‍।
New Member
Oct 7, 2015
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what baki are saying that they let brahmos near their rafiqi base because they simply don't have capability to intercept supersonic targets, our mrsam can but they are consoling themselves by saying we tracked it


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Alright, I went through the DGISPR conference.

Some takeaways from the conference and what I understand -
  • From Kuntal Biswas's analysis, seems like it is indeed BrahMos CM.
  • It was initially headed for Mahajan firing range, south of Suratgarh, which might imply it was a routine test-firing.
  • The missile took a sharp, abrupt turn after Suratgarh and entered Pakistani territory, and thereafter crashed/hit after some 124 km (potential navigation failure ?).
  • The missile was unarmed (without warhead), which further shows it was unlikely a hostile action.
  • The drop tank shown, is probably dropped in haste by PAF jets scrambling to intercept it.
Conclusion:- It was a test trial, navigation failed and it veered inside Pakistan and crashed. Basically, we fucked up.


New Member
Jun 6, 2021
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just a false flag operation by porki

Their is a attempt to topple imran khan government by maulana fazal ul rahman
30 mna(mp as we know in India) has been transferred to a unknown location.

Ispr is trying to hide news
even it report that radical Islamist group has captured parliament and Pakistani army is going to kill them.

total blackout
The only possible explanation


New Member
Jun 17, 2021
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This has been deliberately planted to hide the mass arrests of opposition members in Porkland to save imraand's ass from no confidence motion.
We aren't a rogue banana republic & we won't fire a missile without issuing NOTAM... & that too from SIRSA(close to busy airspace around Delhi) as claimed by porkies.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
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Oct 14, 2020
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Alright, I went through the DGISPR conference.

Some takeaways from the conference and what I understand -
  • From Kuntal Biswas's analysis, seems like it is indeed BrahMos CM.
  • It was initially headed for Mahajan firing range, south of Suratgarh, which might imply it was a routine test-firing.
  • The missile took a sharp, abrupt turn after Suratgarh and entered Pakistani territory, and thereafter crashed/hit after some 124 km (potential navigation failure ?).
  • The missile was unarmed (without warhead), which further shows it was unlikely a hostile action.
  • The drop tank shown, is probably dropped in haste by PAF jets scrambling to intercept it.
Conclusion:- It was a test trial, navigation failed and it veered inside Pakistan and crashed. Basically, we fucked up.
There was no NOTAM issued for the test firing, this is most probably a deliberate dummy missile firing from our side to check their response time.


New Member
Dec 22, 2019
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Alright, I went through the DGISPR conference.

Some takeaways from the conference and what I understand -
  • From Kuntal Biswas's analysis, seems like it is indeed BrahMos CM.
  • It was initially headed for Mahajan firing range, south of Suratgarh, which might imply it was a routine test-firing.
  • The missile took a sharp, abrupt turn after Suratgarh and entered Pakistani territory, and thereafter crashed/hit after some 124 km (potential navigation failure ?).
  • The missile was unarmed (without warhead), which further shows it was unlikely a hostile action.
  • The drop tank shown, is probably dropped in haste by PAF jets scrambling to intercept it.
Conclusion:- It was a test trial, navigation failed and it veered inside Pakistan and crashed. Basically, we fucked up.
Drop tank video was shot in daylight on the day of the crash. Crash video at night. What gives?
Sep 8, 2020
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Alright, I went through the DGISPR conference.

Some takeaways from the conference and what I understand -
  • From Kuntal Biswas's analysis, seems like it is indeed BrahMos CM.
  • It was initially headed for Mahajan firing range, south of Suratgarh, which might imply it was a routine test-firing.
  • The missile took a sharp, abrupt turn after Suratgarh and entered Pakistani territory, and thereafter crashed/hit after some 124 km (potential navigation failure ?).
  • The missile was unarmed (without warhead), which further shows it was unlikely a hostile action.
  • The drop tank shown, is probably dropped in haste by PAF jets scrambling to intercept it.
Conclusion:- It was a test trial, navigation failed and it veered inside Pakistan and crashed. Basically, we fucked up.
We have an option to destroy missile if the test goes south. No body wants to create an international scene.

From the videos, it is clear it was an aircraft. And like a fellow member mentioned(sorry I forgot your name), its a smokescreen to arrest Imrand's political opponents.


New Member
May 28, 2011
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Alright, I went through the DGISPR conference.

Some takeaways from the conference and what I understand -
  • From Kuntal Biswas's analysis, seems like it is indeed BrahMos CM.
  • It was initially headed for Mahajan firing range, south of Suratgarh, which might imply it was a routine test-firing.
  • The missile took a sharp, abrupt turn after Suratgarh and entered Pakistani territory, and thereafter crashed/hit after some 124 km (potential navigation failure ?).
  • The missile was unarmed (without warhead), which further shows it was unlikely a hostile action.
  • The drop tank shown, is probably dropped in haste by PAF jets scrambling to intercept it.
Conclusion:- It was a test trial, navigation failed and it veered inside Pakistan and crashed. Basically, we fucked up.
But I am unable to find any NOTAM.
More importantly as far as I remember previous surface to surface testing of Brahmos was launched from Pokhran range.
No Brahmos was tested from Punjab.


New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Alright, I went through the DGISPR conference.

Some takeaways from the conference and what I understand -
  • From Kuntal Biswas's analysis, seems like it is indeed BrahMos CM.
  • It was initially headed for Mahajan firing range, south of Suratgarh, which might imply it was a routine test-firing.
  • The missile took a sharp, abrupt turn after Suratgarh and entered Pakistani territory, and thereafter crashed/hit after some 124 km (potential navigation failure ?).
  • The missile was unarmed (without warhead), which further shows it was unlikely a hostile action.
  • The drop tank shown, is probably dropped in haste by PAF jets scrambling to intercept it.
Conclusion:- It was a test trial, navigation failed and it veered inside Pakistan and crashed. Basically, we fucked up.
it's just a false flag operation by ispr.

Full on drama is going in pakistani parliament.
Ispr is trying its level best to control this drama to control media and no one in pakistani media is talking about drama going in parliament


New Member
Jan 29, 2014
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Alright, I went through the DGISPR conference.

Some takeaways from the conference and what I understand -
  • From Kuntal Biswas's analysis, seems like it is indeed BrahMos CM.
  • It was initially headed for Mahajan firing range, south of Suratgarh, which might imply it was a routine test-firing.
  • The missile took a sharp, abrupt turn after Suratgarh and entered Pakistani territory, and thereafter crashed/hit after some 124 km (potential navigation failure ?).
  • The missile was unarmed (without warhead), which further shows it was unlikely a hostile action.
  • The drop tank shown, is probably dropped in haste by PAF jets scrambling to intercept it.
Conclusion:- It was a test trial, navigation failed and it veered inside Pakistan and crashed. Basically, we fucked up.

if that is the case there would have been an official response from India's side by now.

Global Defence

