India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Aug 17, 2021
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Kunar is in Afghanistan
This is the chooran they sell to their "awaam"- all the terrorists are from Pakistan and they stay there itself. To hide their failure, they'll blame Afghanistan or Iran or unmanned Indian sub in Arabian sea. The cities where these attacks take place are 100+kms inside Pakistan. Even if someone had breached Afghanistan and carried out attacks, how could he travel 100+ km safely to those countries? And if he can do so, then what the hell their military is taking corner plots for? Selling diapers?


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Jul 29, 2018
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Not a good sign at all if it was unnatural death.

He seems quite young. The ambassador found dead a day before Jaishankar's visit.

Some strong messaging by the 'other' side if there is indeed foul play in his death.
Well, mankind's knowledge of biology has progressed at astounding speeds.
It is no longer necessary to feed or inject poisons to bring about rapid deterioration in medical conditions of humans. Results may even include sudden heart attacks and death. But the lacunae in these methods is that an postmortem examination and analysis of blood of the victim may reveal the cause of death. The type of poison used probably can be identified.

(There have been unverified reports of new and novel ways of inducing death used by many intelligence agencies.
Might not be true.
But nonetheless I will mention it.)

A better method is
The human body when it is under extreme stress releases some chemicals which can trigger heart attacks. Now if this naturally occurring chemical in the body can be synthesised and if it is administered in sufficient quantities to the intended victim, it will trigger sudden and unexpected heart attacks. Now since it is not an external poison like cyanide or arsenic (only taking an example) and is a naturally occurring chemical generated by our body, it cannot be detected in postmortems.
Doctors may assume that the victim might have gone through some emotional distress which triggered the sudden heart attack. No evidence is visible of any external causes.

A lot of research has been done by scientifically advanced countries in such kinds of technologies. Very classified and unverifiable.

Many of us would have heard of the Havana syndrome which has bedevilled many American diplomats in recent years. Sudden, unexplainable damage to the brain and cognitive functions of the affected humans. The United States has still not been able to pinpoint the cause though suspicion is on some kind of microwave weapon.

Both the US and the Soviet Union (Russia) are guilty of conducting research on such technologies.

Anyway no need to get paranoid. Probably the death of our envoy to Palestine was due to natural causes.


New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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Well, mankind's knowledge of biology has progressed at astounding speeds.
It is no longer necessary to feed or inject poisons to bring about rapid deterioration in medical conditions of humans. Results may even include sudden heart attacks and death. But the lacunae in these methods is that an postmortem examination and analysis of blood of the victim may reveal the cause of death. The type of poison used probably can be identified.

(There have been unverified reports of new and novel ways of inducing death used by many intelligence agencies.
Might not be true.
But nonetheless I will mention it.)

A better method is
The human body when it is under extreme stress releases some chemicals which can trigger heart attacks. Now if this naturally occurring chemical in the body can be synthesised and if it is administered in sufficient quantities to the intended victim, it will trigger sudden and unexpected heart attacks. Now since it is not an external poison like cyanide or arsenic (only taking an example) and is a naturally occurring chemical generated by our body, it cannot be detected in postmortems.
Doctors may assume that the victim might have gone through some emotional distress which triggered the sudden heart attack. No evidence is visible of any external causes.

A lot of research has been done by scientifically advanced countries in such kinds of technologies. Very classified and unverifiable.

Many of us would have heard of the Havana syndrome which has bedevilled many American diplomats in recent years. Sudden, unexplainable damage to the brain and cognitive functions of the affected humans. The United States has still not been able to pinpoint the cause though suspicion is on some kind of microwave weapon.

Both the US and the Soviet Union (Russia) are guilty of conducting research on such technologies.

Anyway no need to get paranoid. Probably the death of our envoy to Palestine was due to natural causes.
Bro/Sis are you Bengali? Itne bade bade paragraph likhta hai


New Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Excellent video. The number of voices( including Indian doubters) saying the IAF 'only hit trees' is down noticeably. Though there is the odd phraseology of 'claims of a major strike' or some such wording. The only thing to be determined( to the extent that it is important) is the number of terrorists eliminated in the hit. The video suggests 200, Republic TV was confident of "300 or more" back in 2019, Times Now came up with a very precise figure of 263, based on cell phone connections that went dead, and a reputed contributor to another military forum referred to 700 being wiped out. Whatever the actual number, it was large.

not so dravidian

New Member
Feb 3, 2021
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Well, mankind's knowledge of biology has progressed at astounding speeds.
It is no longer necessary to feed or inject poisons to bring about rapid deterioration in medical conditions of humans. Results may even include sudden heart attacks and death. But the lacunae in these methods is that an postmortem examination and analysis of blood of the victim may reveal the cause of death. The type of poison used probably can be identified.

(There have been unverified reports of new and novel ways of inducing death used by many intelligence agencies.
Might not be true.
But nonetheless I will mention it.)

A better method is
The human body when it is under extreme stress releases some chemicals which can trigger heart attacks. Now if this naturally occurring chemical in the body can be synthesised and if it is administered in sufficient quantities to the intended victim, it will trigger sudden and unexpected heart attacks. Now since it is not an external poison like cyanide or arsenic (only taking an example) and is a naturally occurring chemical generated by our body, it cannot be detected in postmortems.
Doctors may assume that the victim might have gone through some emotional distress which triggered the sudden heart attack. No evidence is visible of any external causes.

A lot of research has been done by scientifically advanced countries in such kinds of technologies. Very classified and unverifiable.

Many of us would have heard of the Havana syndrome which has bedevilled many American diplomats in recent years. Sudden, unexplainable damage to the brain and cognitive functions of the affected humans. The United States has still not been able to pinpoint the cause though suspicion is on some kind of microwave weapon.

Both the US and the Soviet Union (Russia) are guilty of conducting research on such technologies.

Anyway no need to get paranoid. Probably the death of our envoy to Palestine was due to natural causes.
Cud also be the work of da juice


New Member
Aug 17, 2021
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Excellent video. The number of voices( including Indian doubters) saying the IAF 'only hit trees' is down noticeably. Though there is the odd phraseology of 'claims of a major strike' or some such wording. The only thing to be determined( to the extent that it is important) is the number of terrorists eliminated in the hit. The video suggests 200, Republic TV was confident of "300 or more" back in 2019, Times Now came up with a very precise figure of 263, based on cell phone connections that went dead, and a reputed contributor to another military forum referred to 700 being wiped out. Whatever the actual number, it was large.
What I didn't get was the point of going to such lengths to prevent collateral damage. They didn't use the Popeye or crystal maze missile for the very same reason. Was there some external pressure so as not to cause any civvie deaths or Mudiji became super ethical for some reason


New Member
Jul 29, 2018
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Bro/Sis are you Bengali? Itne bade bade paragraph likhta hai
Well, baby bro. (don't mind, I am taking liberties)
Since you have taken offence, why don't you set the rules for posting on the forum.
Like how many lines of text should be allowed.

If you had taken the trouble to search, there are posts having very elongated texts in this forum.

I have already mentioned that we cannot impute certainty to the argument.
I have only theorised based on various info in the public domain. Do you really think that any intelligence agency will come out and attest to the truth.

Having said that, the Havana Syndrome is a reality which first affected US diplomats in Cuba and later on even in China. Why don't you Google it and read.

If you have an counter argument, make it instead of trying to deflect the issue on trivialities.

Global Defence

