India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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You guys are forgetting that R&AW and IB are civilian organizations. They report to politicians rather than MI which reports to armymen.

Whatever assessments R&AW and IB give, ultimately at the end of the day it's the power hungry politician who calls the shots.
RAW is in PM Modi's and Ajit Doval's hands; not Kadi Ninda Singh or some other moronic politician. That should give you an idea as to how free a hand they'd be having in dishing out the pain where required. RAW's biggest strength is that it operates beyond the realm of any rules, laws or engagements. So much so that no one even knows what they do or who they look like.

Unlike the CIA or MI5 that have a pretty visible public presence, RAW is totally amiss from the international geopolitical arena publicly speaking.

1) Budget that cannot/will not be reduced
2) No public scrutiny (THANKFULLY)
3) No public visibility

Even if RAW goes berserk in turning Pakistan inside-out, they are the ones in control.

America gonna fuck them even more now.
You misunderstand the Americans. They only see interests. If Pakistan was XYZ company Inc., and was in the same geographical position, they'd deal with them as well. And you can't blame them for being that way. RAW would do the same.

US won't do anything to Pakistan because it needs a leverage against us.. Be assured that in 15 years from now, Pakistanis will be in the same 'darling' position that we are in today.


New Member
Jun 17, 2021
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Within 4 days... Maj GA has stated the inevitable twice in 2 different videos(& he is continously giving hints in past 1 month)

1. Watch from 34:30 to 34:46👇

2. Watch from 50:28 to 50:57👇

According to me... this is mental conditioning exercise in place by leaking a possible future happening to general population.

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New Member
Jun 22, 2021
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Within 4 days... Maj GA has stated the inevitable twice in 2 different videos(& he is continously giving hints in past 1 month)

1. Watch from 34:30 to 34:46👇

2. Watch from 50:28 to 50:57👇

According to me... this is mental conditioning exercise in place by leaking a possible future happening to general population.
I hope the prediction comes true.

Global Defence

