India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Feb 28, 2019
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With this rate, A '2002 Kaluchak Massacre' like event can be expected in coming days.
I can bet the targets will be Sikhs and the standard line would be 'false flag op by RAW to avenge farmer protests'.

An attack on Sikhs is definitely on the cards as the stage has been nicely set after the UP episode.

Prashant Sonofawhore, Congress and its ISI+Chinese friends will plan one either on Sikhs in J&K or at a farmer protest site. My guess is it will happen at the latter. Just pray it doesn't or things will go kinetic very fast.


New Member
Aug 12, 2019
lethargic Indian state
Also a question of resources. We are a poor country Saar! & especially so in matters of plebian life & death. If you ever feel otherwise, look at our police stations or govt hospitals.

Whereas one would like to see a heli borne QRT ready to take to air 24x7 anticipating and ready to respond within minutes to any "situation" in Srinagar- what we have are security forces safely tucked inside their premises only venturing out in their Marutis & Mahindras after the event.

Only when we are richer can we bear that cost- as also the cost of precision arty shell destined for the PA brigade acting naughty & the fall out from firing them uninhibited. Final ingredient in the K for India strategy is steel balls for GoI to be able to decisively take that call to go after anyone anywhere in the world who snuffs out an Indian life.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Also a question of resources. We are a poor country Saar! & especially so in matters of plebian life & death. If you ever feel otherwise, look at our police stations or govt hospitals.

Whereas one would like to see a heli borne QRT ready to take to air 24x7 anticipating and ready to respond within minutes to any "situation" in Srinagar- what we have are security forces safely tucked inside their premises only venturing out in their Marutis & Mahindras after the event.

Only when we are richer can we bear that cost- as also the cost of precision arty shell destined for the PA brigade acting naughty & the fall out from firing them uninhibited. Final ingredient in the K for India strategy is steel balls for GoI to be able to decisively take that call to go after anyone anywhere in the world who snuffs out an Indian life.
True saar... poor in finances and decision making.

A Bulgarian AK-47 with its distinctive black plastic finish cost just Rs 22,000 in 2011. This was significantly cheaper than the Russian AK variant made in Izhmash and Rs 5000 less than even the INSAS assault rifle.


New Member
Sep 21, 2021
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Also a question of resources. We are a poor country Saar! & especially so in matters of plebian life & death. If you ever feel otherwise, look at our police stations or govt hospitals.

Whereas one would like to see a heli borne QRT ready to take to air 24x7 anticipating and ready to respond within minutes to any "situation" in Srinagar- what we have are security forces safely tucked inside their premises only venturing out in their Marutis & Mahindras after the event.

Only when we are richer can we bear that cost- as also the cost of precision arty shell destined for the PA brigade acting naughty & the fall out from firing them uninhibited. Final ingredient in the K for India strategy is steel balls for GoI to be able to decisively take that call to go after anyone anywhere in the world who snuffs out an Indian life.
we have one of the largest helicopter fleets in the is it not possible to have a heliborne QRT. the indian pol and mil establishment lacks creative thinking and imagination , these are the same guys who didn't know that TONBO supplies night-vision optics to murica and mku builds body armor for many western countries.....these guys cannot even make soldiers wear same camo uniforms


New Member
Jun 20, 2021
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Not gonna help. It will be a world record of sorts the day a golgappey wala is able to anticipate a 6 o'clock attack, turn 180 degrees around, aim & shoot a random lunatic approaching him from behind in the dark with a loaded pistol who only reveals his true intent a few seconds before the act. All the people who have died recently and much earlier in the past- how would their odds have improved even if they had a gun? For instance, even if Shri Makhan Lal Bindroo had a gun holstered around his waist, how could he have prevented what happened in a split second while he was dishing out medication to his customers? In a hypothetical scenario where 100% of the Kashmiris are armed are we expecting the other customers (who were not targets) or people out in the street to take up the cudgels on behalf of the state and shoot down the pesky intruders to death?

In any case, he would have died instantly. This attack was not for him but for others that are still alive- we have to defeat the larger game at play here.

Precisely, the innocent are already dying in a steady trickle & it seems the Indian state does not care enough. We have to find what these OGWs, terrorists care about (their own lives which is why they flee the scene in the first place) and go for that! Our intelligence grid has to be so strong that the next party of attackers should be dead within 15-30mins of any attack.

The day it is guaranteed that you cannot mess with the Indian state without inviting certain and speedy death there will be peace in the valley. Since it is pin pointed targeting no one can claim we are a harsh state who is suppressing any kaum.

9mm doesn't kill target that quickly if the shot is in a non vital part.

That time is enough to return fire.. keeping gun is not to eliminate jihadis but to deter targetted attacks.


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Jun 20, 2021
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Filthy disgrace of khashmiriyat was present in Kashmir when shah mir, a refugee coomer from Swat, was welcomed(grave mistake) and even married the Queen. It died the day this coomer killed the Queen on the wedding night and established halfdyk miri dynasty.

Make no mistake kashmiriyat died in 14th century itself after mooslame shariat came there in 1339 ad. Just sample the rules for the Hindus put in place by the suficoomer shah-e-hamadan. Kashmiriyat is filthiest fraud.

View attachment 113702View attachment 113703
Which wiki article is that?


New Member
Apr 28, 2019
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I am still saying , terror kills terror. Abduct families, relatives of the militants involved , record confessions and send it to them. Burn down properties. Militants should shit their pants fearing consequences. Spread propaganda that bodies of the militants wont get any burial and will be cremated since terror has no religion.
Pound across the LOC , let their masters feel the heat. Cut heads of the dead militants and spread it


New Member
Sep 10, 2020
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Now, 370 gone, bjp in brut majority still people are leaving says alot about policy and policymakers are caught in catch 22 situation. Can't do shit.

Best way forward is govt backed local milita which should target militants, ogw, their families otherwise such killings will increase and govt will say intelligence failure, bhai aap nahi control kar saktey daily life ko only fear will work.


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Feb 8, 2021
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Open a world map and look at Tibet, Xinjiang and Kashmir valley. Compare their sizes.

Now, suicide by self-immolation used to be common in Tibet. If a Chinese Policeman's uniform was damaged while trying to deal with a self-immolating Tibetan protestor, the Chinese would hold the dead guy's family responsible for paying the economic damages. Yes, the Chinese would collect money from the family of the protestor who killed himself by lighting himself up with fire.

Compare such brutal rule with India's approach in Kashmir.

Our army announces in a loudspeaker that they'll spare the terrorist if he surrenders himself. Indian army is willing to let go of a guy who picked up a gun as long as he surrenders.

China vs India - The approach of both countries is the two extremes and the results show. China has nearly colonized Tibet and Xinjiang with no traces of rebellion while Indian Army has to vacate the handful of non-Muslims living in Kashmir for their own safety.

Soft people with good principles will always lose to savages with no principles.


New Member
Aug 12, 2019
we have one of the largest helicopter fleets in the world....
Interesting fact! But most of them are probably cooling off in hangars in Punjab & Rajasthan awaiting green flag to Cold Start. Plus it costs money to keep these machines ready to fly at a moment's notice. Plus someone in the govt has to give a foxtrot.

the indian pol and mil establishment lacks creative thinking and imagination
they sure have taken the slow-moving elephant representation of India to heart.

Abduct families, relatives of the militants involved
if this was right why did Krishna not ask Arjun to go after Gandhari & Dhritrashtra? But only after those present on the battlefield of Mahabharat? We have to pick our battles carefully or risk further alienating the populace. We can't jail the parents for the sins of a criminal!


New Member
May 30, 2020
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So Deputy Sec. of state Wendy Sherman is on hyphenated Indo Pak visit ( A rarity by Murican diplomat)..Madam will be in Piggyland tomorrow but while madam is in India Kashmir has been made hot...


So will Madam do a lgbtq meet-up in Porkistan as well?


New Member
Aug 12, 2019
govt backed local milita
An Indian Taliban! What to do when the local gun totter runs amok? Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

China vs India
India can't be China & to understand why China is a hard country for dissidents you have to understand the early days of the CCP- how they were pushed into forests and to the brink and how they came back strong from there to capture all most of China, save for Taiwan. They captured the seat of power whereas the Indian govt would like to think it derives its power organically from a legitimate electoral process. Though when viewed from the lens of a KM India is NOT a soft state- what with the daily frisking and road barriers and hours-long road blocks to let military convoys pass.

Wendy Sherman lgbtq meet-up
You go Wendy! You got your priorities just right and your heart in the right place. How's about meeting the queers of Af also, right before they are lined up to be shot by the Taliban?

