India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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Feb 19, 2022
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PAF drones close to border, tankers flying parallely, multiple surveillance aircraft including SAAB 2000, transport & VIP aircrafts almost all their assets busy in a short period of time. Dont look like a routine flight @mist_consecutive any exercise they planned
Udane doo..idhar ayye tab khaer nhi...unka roz ka hai. Tension nhi lene ka


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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I would not be so sure about current govt either...on the domestic side mudiji has not displayed much of stick using his powers granted under constitution that I don't necessarily think is suitable for true bharatiyans. Not sure why he would be any more tougher than ABVP
I am sure about the current govt. Yes, they might not have a proactive-expansionist mindset like China, but they are definitely not massive cucks like previous govts (barring Sardar Vallav Bhai Patel).

Why do I think so ? We pre-empted China in Op. Snow Leopard so badly that bateaters had to lick mud and come to negotiation table. At some points we crossed LAC by more than a km, not to mention IAF constantly maintained pressure on PLAAF.

If we can pre-empt China & challenge it by looking into the eye, we can kick Pakistan's butt with utmost dedication to dharma.

PAF drones close to border, tankers flying parallely, multiple surveillance aircraft including SAAB 2000, transport & VIP aircrafts almost all their assets busy in a short period of time. Dont look like a routine flight @mist_consecutive any exercise they planned
Show me some screenshots/records if you have?


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Why do I think so ? We pre-empted China in Op. Snow Leopard so badly that bateaters had to lick mud and come to negotiation table. At some points we crossed LAC by more than a km, not to mention IAF constantly maintained pressure on PLAAF.

If we can pre-empt China & challenge it by looking into the eye, we can kick Pakistan's butt with utmost dedication to dharma.
Hard to say, even under congis there were some wins like Sikkim, Sundarjis op, Blue star, 71 war and so am afraid Galwan, Doklam does not cut it for me as they are still defensive but we can give big credit to Mudiji for border infrastructure development on war front and dealing with China more equal man to man posture. However, we are yet to see major capitalization of opportunities when they get presented....certainly no ABVP but record is not totally indicative yet.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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google 'bombing of Muntho Dhalo'.
Not sure Muntho Dhalo was a "logistical base", more like a forward camp. By logistical base, we mean ammunition storage, fuel dumps, ration supplies, etc.

Hard to say, even under congis there were some wins like Sikkim, Sundarjis op, Blue star, 71 war and so am afraid Galwan, Doklam does not cut it for me as they are still defensive but we can give big credit to Mudiji for border infrastructure development on war front and dealing with China more equal man to man posture. However, we are yet to see major capitalization of opportunities when they get presented....certainly no ABVP but record is not totally indicative yet.
Indira Gandhi was an ultra-level leader, she was an anomaly really. A perfect example of "tough times create strong men (or women)."

ABVP was an idealist. That was his downfall. People like him are better in books than in real life.

As for a stronger posture, I believe once we reach a 10 trillion $ GDP mark, we will start seeing our fangs getting out.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
ABVP was an idealist. That was his downfall. People like him are better in books than in real life.
He was a compromise as most hindoos at the time considered LKA as too right and ABVP as neutral, hindooos never learn. RSS was way more proactive and Bajrang Dal and VHP had a show back then, now every org around BJP pussied out and turned from street power into something I can't relate anymore....perhaps tweeting is their juice and potion now. Ram Mandir may not have happened if its current BJP back then.

Yes, IG was an exception and they say Margaret T is iron lady lol....but rest of INC has no place in any centimeter of Bharat.

I am afraid waiting for 10T GDP isn't going to stop damage coming to us and set us back....military build up is the true GDP in an indigenous way. India was prosperous when it had that level of military in its history.....efforts are too slow.


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Mar 3, 2021
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Not sure Muntho Dhalo was a "logistical base", more like a forward camp. By logistical base, we mean ammunition storage, fuel dumps, ration supplies, etc.

Indira Gandhi was an ultra-level leader, she was an anomaly really. A perfect example of "tough times create strong men (or women)."

ABVP was an idealist. That was his downfall. People like him are better in books than in real life.

As for a stronger posture, I believe once we reach a 10 trillion $ GDP mark, we will start seeing our fangs getting out.
When it comes to Indira Gandhi;
1. She was the destroyer-in-chief of Indian economy,
2. Created a Frankenstein Monster called JSB, let them run amok and eventually, had to pay the price with interest,
3. Imposed an emergency,
4. Sterilized millions; forcefully,
5. Dismissed opposition ruled governments at will,
6. Committed one foreign policy blunder after another,
7. Kicked out foreign investors

And don't even get me started over how she scammed the whole of India over that Maruti (whose managing director happened to be a certain Sanjay Gandhi) saga or how she cozied up to pak to get the Indian delegation invited at the first ever OIC summit, held in Morocco only to get the Indian delegation thoroughly humiliated (and eventually kicked out of the summit even before it started) just because pak would later go back on their promises.

Easily the worst PM the nation has ever had and with the likes of VP Singh and Morarji Desai around - that is some achievement in itself.....

A victory in 1971 cannot and must not absolve herself of her crimes against the people of the republic.
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Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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I am afraid waiting for 10T GDP isn't going to stop damage coming to us and set us back....military build up is the true GDP in an indigenous way. India was prosperous when it had that level of military in its history.....efforts are too slow.
Military buildup & maintaining a strong army costs a humongous money, and can easily bankrupt a nation, and this has been a challenge since time immemorial.

One easy way towards bankrupting the economy is pushing a country into unsustainable military buildup (arms race), a fine example is none other than our next-door-green-neighbors.

Now it is very easy to lose track while competing militarily with a superior economy China (or so with two enemies) who can maintain an army without adversely affecting their economy. Hence you see a pussyfooted approach of GoI of "deterrence" and trying not to provoke the enemy unnecessarily.

skunk works

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Jul 25, 2022
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Not sure Muntho Dhalo was a "logistical base", more like a forward camp. By logistical base, we mean ammunition storage, fuel dumps, ration supplies, etc.

Indira Gandhi was an ultra-level leader, she was an anomaly really. A perfect example of "tough times create strong men (or women)."

ABVP was an idealist. That was his downfall. People like him are better in books than in real life.

As for a stronger posture, I believe once we reach a 10 trillion $ GDP mark, we will start seeing our fangs getting out.
I distinctly remember muntho dhalo being called a 'supply node' or a 'logistics node'


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
When it comes to Indira Gandhi;
1. She was the destroyer-in-chief of Indian economy,
2. Created a Frankenstein Monster called JSB, let them run amok and eventually, had to pay the price with interest,
3. Imposed an emergency,
4. Sterilized millions; forcefully,
5. Dismissed opposition ruled governments at will,
6. Committed one foreign policy blunder after another,
7. Kicked out foreign investors

And don't even get me started over how she scammed the whole of India over that Maruti (whose managing director happened to be a certain Sanjay Gandhi) saga or how she cozied up to pak to get the Indian delegation invited at the first ever OIC summit, held in Morocco only to get the Indian delegation thoroughly humiliated (and eventually kicked out of the summit even before it started) just because pak would later go back on their promises.

Easily the worst PM the nation has ever had and with the likes of VP Singh and Morarji Desai around - that is some achievement in itself.....

A victory in 1971 cannot and must not absolve herself of her crimes against the people of the republic.
Being decisive one way or other is recognized and she was decisive, one has to know how to use power. Not a pussy like Trump or retreats that Modi made on domestic one is looking for leader of milleniums in IG.


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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India can't fight a war for long
Both our neighbours are strong enough that war will be long

Our both military suppliers are at war ,so it will be wise enough to sit idle , till something big happens
Soldiers life matters,govt is handcuffed it seems


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Military buildup & maintaining a strong army costs a humongous money, and can easily bankrupt a nation, and this has been a challenge since time immemorial.

One easy way towards bankrupting the economy is pushing a country into unsustainable military buildup (arms race), a fine example is none other than our next-door-green-neighbors.

Now it is very easy to lose track while competing militarily with a superior economy China (or so with two enemies) who can maintain an army without adversely affecting their economy. Hence you see a pussyfooted approach of GoI of "deterrence" and trying not to provoke the enemy unnecessarily.
No, we are not acting proportionately to our GDP even now, right investments in key areas with efficient leadership is what is required. Its not pumping money without qualitative ROI but how and where you focus....we all know how money is spent in our politics as priority. One ME war is all it takes to set back our GDP in current geo political situation. We can't even stabilize our AF or Army due to policy paralysis, investing in MIC with focus on indigenous all around development vs stamping made in india with trickery is what we need and its not a luxury but necessasity to survive.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Not sure Muntho Dhalo was a "logistical base", more like a forward camp. By logistical base, we mean ammunition storage, fuel dumps, ration supplies, etc.

Indira Gandhi was an ultra-level leader, she was an anomaly really. A perfect example of "tough times create strong men (or women)."

ABVP was an idealist. That was his downfall. People like him are better in books than in real life.

As for a stronger posture, I believe once we reach a 10 trillion $ GDP mark, we will start seeing our fangs getting out.
why wouldnt we bomb , if we can bomb tiger hill , y not logistical base or ammo dumps ?


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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I distinctly remember muntho dhalo being called a 'supply node' or a 'logistics node'
Perhaps a local supply node. See this map.

The main intrusion/fighting was above the heights of Drass & Western Kargil. Muntho Dhalo is a camp NE of Batalik. It cannot be a major supply node/logistics base for the Kargil / Drass sector.

What was needed was cutting off the Pakistani supply route to the Kargil sector altogether.

why wouldnt we bomb , if we can bomb tiger hill , y not logistical base or ammo dumps ?
Because logistics & ammo dumps are deeper into enemy territory and Cuckmaster 3000 ABVP said not to cross the LoC even if that means more casualties and a difficult military operation.

Global Defence

