India Pakistan conflict along IB and LoC (July 2021 onwards)


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May 31, 2020
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Perhaps a local supply node. See this map.

The main intrusion/fighting was above the heights of Drass & Western Kargil. Muntho Dhalo is a camp NE of Batalik. It cannot be a major supply node/logistics base for the Kargil / Drass sector.

What was needed was cutting off the Pakistani supply route to the Kargil sector altogether.

Because logistics & ammo dumps are deeper into enemy territory and Cuckmaster 3000 ABVP said not to cross the LoC even if that means more casualties and a difficult military operation.
:laugh: amazing that pakistan put this camp inside India . they really thought ABVP was cuckmaster 10000

good thing they were always retarded


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Mar 3, 2021
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Being decisive one way or other is recognized and she was decisive, one has to know how to use power. Not a pussy like Trump or retreats that Modi made on domestic one is looking for leader of milleniums in IG.
You are kidding right?

IG used to portray herself as an ardent proponent of the so-called Non-Aligned Movement. At the same time India under her prime ministership was signing treaties after treaties with the Soviets. And you call her decisive?

IG was literally cozying up with Ayub Khan in the run up to the first ever OIC summit (to be hosted at Rabat, Morocco) in order to get her delegation invited. Two years later she would go to war with pak. Some 69D galaxy brained nuclear weapon grade decisiveness at display....

She created and gave prominence to the Frankenstein Monster called Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale to score some political points. We all know how well that turned out.

Not to mention (with the notable exception of 1971 war) every single political/social/economic/diplomatic bet made by IG turned out to be massive L's decades later and the people of India continue paying the prices for them.

Bombing Aizawl and clapping pak (in 1971) might give the impression of IG taking after this flamboyant larger than life character who was ultimately wronged by some unforeseen tragedies but will not alter her tainted legacy one bit. She is the one who added the terms 'socialist' and 'secular' to the preamble to the constitution BTW.
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New Member
Jan 7, 2022
You are kidding right?

IG used to portray herself as an ardent proponent of the so-called Non-Aligned Movement. At the same time India under her prime ministership was signing treaties after treaties with the Soviets. And you call her decisive?

IG was literally cozying up with Ayub Khan in the run up to the first ever OIC summit (to be hosted at Rabat, Morocco) in order to get her delegation invited. Two years later she would go to war with pak. Some 69D galaxy brained nuclear weapon grade decisiveness at display....

She created and gave prominence to the Frankenstein Monster called Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale to score some political points. We all know how well that turned out.

Not to mention (with the notable exception of 1971 war) every single political/social/economic/diplomatic bet made by IG turned out to be massive L's decades later.
which is why no gov after hers managed to decisively defeat the naxal threat and the other insurgencies am i rite

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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You are kidding right?

IG used to portray herself as an ardent proponent of the so-called Non-Aligned Movement. At the same time India under her prime ministership was signing treaties after treaties with the Soviets. And you call her decisive?

IG was literally cozying up with Ayub Khan in the run up to the first ever OIC summit (to be hosted at Rabat, Morocco) in order to get her delegation invited. Two years later she would go to war with pak. Some 69D galaxy brained nuclear weapon grade decisiveness at display....

She created and gave prominence to the Frankenstein Monster called Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale to score some political points. We all know how well that turned out.

Not to mention (with the notable exception of 1971 war) every single political/social/economic/diplomatic bet made by IG turned out to be massive L's decades later and the people of India continue paying the prices for them.

Bombing Aizawl and clapping pak (in 1971) might give the impression of IG taking after this flamboyant larger than life character who was ultimately wronged by some unforeseen tragedies but will not alter her tainted legacy one bit. She is the one who added the terms 'socialist' and 'secular' to the preamble to the constitution BTW.
This has been clearly noticed due to her decisiveness her poor policy making capabilities, her compromised actions wrt Soviets and destruction of Indian civilization gets hidden
We all know what happened in Shimla post 1971


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Feb 19, 2022
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India can't fight a war for long
Both our neighbours are strong enough that war will be long

Our both military suppliers are at war ,so it will be wise enough to sit idle , till something big happens
Soldiers life matters,govt is handcuffed it seems
Same situation is ours 10 years back also, today also, and 20years in down the line situation remains same.


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Jan 10, 2013
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Look Indira Gandhi had many faults. Her acts had many detrimental effects on India, Indians, Hindus and Sikhs. There is no denying to that. But we cant one thing from her. She is the only leader of independent India which increased Indian Territory , divided Enemy's country, was ready to do suicide attack on US Enterprise and even almost launched an operation to attack Diego Garcia.

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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Look Indira Gandhi had many faults. Her acts had many detrimental effects on India, Indians, Hindus and Sikhs. There is no denying to that. But we cant one thing from her. She is the only leader of independent India which increased Indian Territory , divided Enemy's country, was ready to do suicide attack on US Enterprise and even almost launched an operation to attack Diego Garcia.
Tell more on your last two claims


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Jan 12, 2020
Aditya Raj Kaul



ARREST OF PAKISTANI ESPIONAGE AGENT IN GUJARAT, INDIA Gujarat Police Anti Terrorism Squard (ATS) has arrested an 53 year old espionage agent named Labhsankar Maheswari from Tarapur (Gujarat) based on specific input provided by Military Intelligence (MI). Earlier, around third week of July, MI officials detected a nefarious campaign by a Pakistani Intelligence Operative (PIO), using WhatsApp number- 90xxxx6792, to compromise Android mobile handsets of serving defence forces personnel, mostly having wards studying in different Army Public Schools (APS) across the country, by luring them to install certain malicious Android applications (".apk" files) mostly under the garb of a campaign so named "Har Gher Tiranga" just before Independence Day. Therein the WhatsApp user, posing as APS official used to send the malicious application to such targets with text message encouraging them to install the application and upload their ward's photo with the national flag on the application, so as to participate in the competition. MI officials could detected the last cellular use of the mobile number- 90xxxx6792 to Gujarat and sought assistance of ATS Gujarat Police. After deliberate technical analysis and ground work by Gujarat Police ATS, the accused, Labhsankar Maheshwari was identified as the prime suspect who had facilitated the Pakistani agency in acquiring the Indian WhatsApp number by passing the account creation OTP on the said number to the Pakistani agency. Further, with assistance of Air Force Intelligence one such targeted Android mobile device could be accurately identified and brought for cyber forensics examination by Gujarat Police ATS. After cyber forensics examination by FSL Gujarat, it was eveindent that the WhatsApp number- 90xxxx6792, being used from Pakistan, was indulged in targeting and hacking mobile devices belonging to Indian Defence personnel to acquire crital information. It is also suspected that Pakistani agency have managed to acquire significant amount of information pertaining to students (and their guardians) of APS through old or existing vulnerabilities in the latter’s website or Android application, "DigiCamps" that is mostly used for paying fees to APS. These are schools that come under Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) a private body supported by Indian Army. After gathering of adequate evidence and gathering additional information through ground verification, Gujarat Police ATS lodged an FIR, invoking suitable sections of IPC and Indian IT act, at ATS Police Station, Ahmedabad against the prime suspect,
Labhsankar Maheshwari on Wednesday and arrested him on Thursday from his house in Tarapur, Anand district, Gujarat. During initial questioning it is learnt that Labhsankar Maheswari is originally a Pakistani Hindu who had come to India in 1999 with his wife, for fertility treatment. Initally, he was staying with his in-laws house in Tarapur who had shifted before. Then he kept applying long term visa and with support from his in-laws established himself well a successful businessman with a grocery store, multiple rented out shops/ stores and a house of his own in Tarapur. The couple, however, lived without any child. Subsequently, they were granted Indian citizenship in 2006. In early 2022, the accused visited his parents in Pakistan. Reportedly, he was cultivated during his visa processing, and during his one and half moth stay in Pakistan at the house of his parents. It is belived, since then he is in communication with a Pakistani intelligence agency. Apart from facilitating in the creation of the said WhatsApp account, he had subsequently sent the SIM card to Pakistan and had provided other assistance to the inimical agency including transfering of money to some other suspected espionage conduits on behlf of the Pakistani agency.


New Member
Aug 29, 2020
Look Indira Gandhi had many faults. Her acts had many detrimental effects on India, Indians, Hindus and Sikhs. There is no denying to that. But we cant one thing from her. She is the only leader of independent India which increased Indian Territory , divided Enemy's country, was ready to do suicide attack on US Enterprise and even almost launched an operation to attack Diego Garcia.
It would have been a blessing to India if she never gave birth to the filth, only worry I have is I will run into Nehru, Gandhi and few other INC bastards when I go to hell after death. Not sure if there is 2nd level hell that I can go to escape ever running into these bastards


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Jan 10, 2013
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It would have been a blessing to India if she never gave birth to the filth, only worry I have is I will run into Nehru, Gandhi and few other INC bastards when I go to hell after death. Not sure if there is 2nd level hell that I can go to escape ever running into these bastards
Dude they would be getting understanding of wrongs they did. The common shoe shoe may be put on their foot with right foot size also given for understanding. Wish Almight guides us all to right and prevent us from going wayward anytime (as I usually do)


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Apr 4, 2019
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It would have been a blessing to India if she never gave birth to the filth, only worry I have is I will run into Nehru, Gandhi and few other INC bastards when I go to hell after death. Not sure if there is 2nd level hell that I can go to escape ever running into these bastards
You're not going to hell. You'll be in the cycle of rebirth till you burn off your karma. You'll never see hell unlike those pretaatmaas you mentioned.


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May 26, 2018
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Bro WTF ? The third incident in the last one week. They really want a war ?
Posturing. Their media is constantly asking the establishment how their veterans are being taken out in broad daylight in their own country. So, they are targeting our BSF and Army personnel keep the morale high in terror camps.

But targeting across the border indicates that the ceasefire policy that Bajwa pushed is no longer beneficial to Munir. Muslim world is also high on Jihad so he will try to bring some attention to Kashmir as well.

It's going to be difficult for us because all those from Iran, Iraq and Pak who went to Israel will also move towards Jammu and Kashmir once this Gaza thing will wrap up. We gotta make sure Pak don't have any money (be it RMB or $) to pay up those mercenaries.
For now, I'd suggest not to go after terrorists instead target PA directly or indirectly and keep it far away from MSM.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
I am sure about the current govt. Yes, they might not have a proactive-expansionist mindset like China, but they are definitely not massive cucks like previous govts (barring Sardar Vallav Bhai Patel).

Why do I think so ? We pre-empted China in Op. Snow Leopard so badly that bateaters had to lick mud and come to negotiation table. At some points we crossed LAC by more than a km, not to mention IAF constantly maintained pressure on PLAAF.

If we can pre-empt China & challenge it by looking into the eye, we can kick Pakistan's butt with utmost dedication to dharma.

Show me some screenshots/records if you have?
didn’t we preempt pak in 71 and siachen?

Global Defence

