India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


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Sep 12, 2016
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Well the effect of blocking Brahmaputra would be felt most by Bangladesh. North East already gets a lot of rainfall.


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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Infowar and psyops in full-swing along the border. All India Radio is blasting anti-pak radio waves throughout the border using powerful transmitters, at RadioPak frequencies.


Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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The problem is, India wants Pakistan to wake up and smell the proverbial coffee, while Pakistan is instead busy riding a high, snorting the poppy being cultivated along its northwestern frontiers! The roots of this fundamental fault line lies in the incorrect mapping of the stakeholders and precisely aligning the focus of our response to the specific stakeholder. In our overpowering desire to teach Pakistan a lesson, we are by default ignoring the concept of targeted messaging.

The prime stakeholder in the execution of this asymmetric war is the Pakistan Army, who is represented by the soldier manning a post along the LoC. The specific target, therefore, is not the Pakistani state, but a soldier who mans the posts along the LoC. Once this mapping has been understood and rationalised, a clear and credible, two-pronged approach to deter such misadventures can be brought into effect. These twin prongs executed in tandem, retain the potential to fundamentally alter the levels of this asymmetry.

Prong One

Every single infiltration attempt by the terrorists happens with the full knowledge, support and active indulgence of a specific post of the Pakistan army along the LoC. In fact, for an infiltration attempt to have even a reasonable chance of success, the active involvement of the Army post is a given. Each infiltration attempt - successful or unsuccessful- is routinely traced back to the specific Pakistani post that facilitated the militants, within a matter of days if not hours. Once this is confirmed, the Pakistani military should be reduced to rubble. This should be effected by bringing the full weight of our military resources at hand in that sub-sector of the LoC to bear upon that particular post. Small arms, rockets, short-range missiles; light medium and heavy artillery – everything. The effect of such a concentrated action, where a couple of thousand tonnes of TNT is delivered on a couple of small pickets or posts, each not larger than 20 ft by 30 ft, housing about 10 – 20 men in the space of about 24 hours can be incomprehensibly devastating.

To comprehend the effects of such a course of action is not easy. Not unless one has had the misfortune of having experienced such a merciless pounding. In fact, the next time folks on that posts are presented with the fait accompli of having to support an infiltration attempt, the support will be half-hearted at best. Chances are, the success rate of any infiltration attempt through that particular post for the next couple of months shall be significantly low. And that bout of collective philosophy imbibed by those 10-20 men is highly infectious through the ranks, at pickets and posts all along the 750 odd km that constitute the LoC. Trust me, hard learnt lessons on self-preservation travel lightning fast.

Prong Two

Every infiltration attempt or terrorist action in or near the vicinity of the LoC must be responded to with effective military raids similar to the one conducted last night, somewhere along the length of the LoC.

As a professional who has foot-slogged for long and done a thing or two to earn a living in these environments, I know for a fact that the LoC offers more than adequate opportunities for response not just by the Special Forces, but also by highly motivated and skilled Infantry units, straddling both the tactical and operational levels. Make no mistake - each of these actions are much more than just 'ego massages'. The technical and tactical skills of our Special Forces and the will and wherewithal to effect short, sharp actions across the LoC is tested and proven. What we have lacked is the political spine and the institutional bandwidth to effect such responses in suitable windows of time and space to amplify their impact on the one hand and the resilience to shape consequence management within reasonable proportions on the other.

In terms of deterrence, the application of such a consistent policy to firmly and rapidly effect military response is what shall define the character. Each response by itself may not account for much - it should instead be viewed as a sum of its parts. The efficacy of the consistent message delivered by the execution of this twin-pronged strategy of sharp and swift military action as a response mechanism over a period of time is very powerful in shaping and leveraging deterrence as a policy tool.

The naysayers and apologists shall decry these options as ‘high risk’ options that could spin out of control. To them, I ask – what is the low-risk option preferable to them? Another 18 soldiers being butchered as they sleep in their tents? There shall also be the armchair alarmists who shall remind us that the Pakistani state shall pull the nuclear trigger. That is a bluff that must be called. The nuclear escalation matrix is a carefully considered response structure built to be employed when the existence of the country is endangered. Not for every shallow breach, tactical or operational penetration along the LoC.

Of course, there will be retaliation. India must be prepared to absorb the retaliatory attempt of a strike at its assets along the LoC that is almost inevitable. But that will only serve to turn the narrative to the nation’s advantage. India should and must deny the Pakistani terror complex a free run and it must get out of its siege mentality. Instead of being constantly reactive, India must prevent Pakistan’s asymmetric warfare strategies through proactive action. We must fight them on our terms, and play to our strengths.

As Brahma Chellaney once said, our response to the strategy of death by a thousand cuts cannot be to survive by a thousand bandages!


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Jul 9, 2014
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At Ambala Cantt, an elite force ready to respond
Ajay Sura | TNN | Updated: Oct 1, 2016, 02.29 AM IST
  1. One of the three "strike corps" of the Army, which is housed in Ambala is being prepped in case of an eventuality.
  2. Also known as the Kharga Corps, they have the mandate to strike on Pakistan territory.
CHANDIGARH: Briefings, war games exercises inside operations room and restricted movement around Ambala Cantonment, which houses one the three offensive "strike corps" of the Army - all suggest that the offensive arm of the force is preparing itself for any eventuality. Ambala-based 2 Corps, popularly called as Kharga Corps, possesses 50% of the Army's offensive capabilities and has the mandate to launch offensive strike on Pakistan territory, in case of a war.

Sources also confirmed to TOI that the 2 Corps is also closely coordinating with the Indian Air Force, as it launches its operation supported by the air strike support. All field formations under the Corps, including armoured and mechanised formations, artillery division and air defence elements along with other supporting arms and services have also asked for readiness.

Even major roads in Ambala leading toward Kharga Corps headquarters and air force station have been blocked by the defence authorities for any civilian movement. "There are no orders of movement as was done during December 2001 in Operation Prakaram. But all the commanders of division and brigade formations under 2 Corps have been asked to maintain 100% preparedness so that forces remains alert and any order to these formations for movement does not come as a surprise for them," a high ranking officer of the Army's Western Commandsaid.

Kharga has proved an effective weapon in various wars. In 1971 war, while positioned in West Bengal, it was Kharga Corps that broke Pakistan into two pieces. The elite corps was also deployed somewhere in the desert sector during Kargil conflict and Op Parakram following the attack on parliament. It was shifted to Ambala in 1985.

The 2 Corps had conducted a full-fledged military exercise in April last year to validate the operational doctrines of the Strike Corps and to test various battle concepts. The focus of the exercise was on new and efficient ways of fighting a war in a synergized battlefield.
What is Corps means? sort of regiment or anything?


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Another press conference ?!? :rofl: How insecure are these people....
This time they took journalists to that hot springs place I think. Must be fun watching paki debates today and tomorrow.

Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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This is today's press conference of DG ISPR asim bajwa on surgical strikes he invited all media groups at LoC,... Kindly check what he is saying and check his body language. Trying his best convince others....

@Bornubus @Ghanteshwar @Brood Father @hit&run
Pakistan who was ranting Kashmir Kashmir are now peeing in their pants and crying about innocent terrorist in Pakistan.

And about taking media to LOC .... ROFLMAO.....who are they kidding ...porkies are famous for media blackout media is not allowed even near LOC , all they rely on doctored ISPR , so fuck them

Let them live in their LALA Land ...


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan In Shock After Indian Army’s Surgical Strikes: Manohar Parrikar
Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Saturday warned Pakistan against taking India’s silence as weakness, days after the Indian Army stunned Islamabad by conducting surgical strikes on terrorist launch pads across the Line of Control.

Parrikar said Pakistan did not probe the matter as it is still in shock after surgical strikes.
If Pakistan continues with such conspiracies, we will give them a befitting reply again, added the defence minister
.:pound:The surgical strikes were carried out early Thursday on seven launch pads by the Indian Army which said it inflicted “significant casualties” on the terrorists and those who supported them.

The strikes came 11 days after the Uri terror attack on September 18, which killed 19 Indian soldiers. India has blamed Pakistan militants for the Uri attack. A nationwide alert was issued on Friday after intelligence inputs on possible attacks by Pakistan-based terror groups in the country in retaliation to the Indian Army’s surgical strikes.


if pak is saying nothing happened then pak has not fully recovered from Anesthesia India administered prior to the surgical strike.

Parikkar paying back in the same coin .


"Shaktimev Jayate" - Strength Alone Triumphs
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Sep 19, 2016
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5 Different Press Releases
1 All party meeting and 1 security meeting
Maliha Lodhi going to UN and complaining
Mushy going to US and complaining
ANd Pakistan says "nothing happened" :rofl:
Like someone said:
pakistan spokesman: these surgical strikes never happened but if you do it again we won't tolerate it.


"Shaktimev Jayate" - Strength Alone Triumphs
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Sep 19, 2016
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Lookie here
pakistan trying hard to hide its lies.. bans Indian channels..pak army is really worried.

Aftermath of Surgical Strike: Pakistan Bans Indian TV Channels
Pakistan's media regulator has asked all channels in the country to "immediately" stop broadcast of illegal Indian content amid the ongoing tension between the two nations.

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) in a statement said it has been receiving complaints that several local private channels were showing Indian talk shows, reality programmes and dramas without permission.

"The complaints have shown serious concerns on this issue (illegal Indian contents) in the wake of current situation between India and Pakistan. Complaints have urged PEMRA to impose immediate ban on broadcast and distribution of illegal Indian channels and illegal Indian DTH," PEMRA said in a statement on Thursday.

PEMRA said that it had already taken steps to stop illegal broadcast of Indian channels and warned that all distribution networks and TV channels should follow the laws and "immediately" stop the broadcasting of Indian contents.

"This will sent a positive signal to the public about the satellite TV channels and distribution networks' commitment with rule of law and the country about which a huge number of talk shows preach daily," it said.

According to PEMRA rules, local channels can only show 5% foreign contents but it has been seen that several channels mostly rely on foreign contents, mostly Indian, Turkish, American and European. The statement came after Indian Army announced that seven terror launch pads were targeted across the Line of Control (LoC) by special forces during a 'surgical strike'.

Last week, Raj Thackeray-led MNS issued an ultimatum to Pakistani artistes and actors, including Fawad Khan and Ali Zafar, to leave India by September 25 or else they would be "pushed out". Recently, concerts of Pakistani singers Shafqat Amanat Ali and Atif Aslam scheduled in Bengaluru and Gurgaon respectively were also cancelled.

They have banned Indian channels countless times in the past. Do they also un-ban them?

