India Launched Surgical Strikes Across LoC: DGMO 29/09/2016


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Feb 12, 2014
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All Is Not well between Pakistan military & Nawaz Sharif
By: Ankit Kumar, ABP News Bureau | Last Updated: Saturday, 1 October 2016 2:03 PM

New Delhi: When the reports of surgical strike first came in, Pakistan’s army chief was on his way to FF center, Abbottabad (some 120 km away from capital Islamabad). Pakistan’s celebrated army Chief Raheel Sharif was going to Abbottabad to give away prizes to the winners of young soldiers of inter-central physical agility competition.

When Indian DGMO officially informed his Pakistani counterpart about the cross border surgical attacks, word went out quickly and everybody was expecting the army chief to cancel his visit to the prize distribution ceremony (these prizes included winners for most number of chin ups and sit ups).

After the official press conference by Indian DGMO in New Delhi, the word went out to the civilian leadership of Pakistan as well. Prime minister’s office and the foreign office had no official briefing by then; the only source of information was a message from ISPR which said that two Pakistani soldiers were killed in ceasefire violation.

If a top source in Pakistan’s ruling PMLN is to be believed, it was the Prime Minister’s office which first contacted the COAS after the press conference of Indian DGMO. “A communication was established by Pakistan Prime Minister’s office with the GHQ, Rawalpindi asking if COAS could come to Islamabad and brief the Prime Minister about the events at LoC? The prime minister’s office was conveyed by COAS’ office that COAS would be talking to the prime minister over phone line in next one hour.

After few hours both the Sharif’s did talk to each other over phone. “Prime Minister Sharif however was very keen to meet the Army Chief in person, he was also advised that it would send the right signals if the COAS could come to Islamabad next day and brief the Prime Minister before the scheduled cabinet meeting of Nawaz Sharif but no commitments were given by the COAS ” told the PMLN leader.

“ The prime minister’s office which wanted to put forward a strong and united face was obviously miffed with this open snub by the military leadership of Pakistan, after all it was the army which needed to explain things and not the civilian government which did not have even an iota of information about the developments at LoC” said the source close to Sharif family.

Word spread out about these developments quickly as the civilian leadership went into a huddle. Eventually Pakistan’s NSA Naseer Khan Janjua had to step in to cool the temperature down. NSA Janjua (a retired army general himself) promised the prime minister to submit a comprehensive report on the LoC situation. It was also conveyed to the government that Raheel Sharif would be meeting the delegation of National Assembly on defense production in Rawalpindi as scheduled.

While COAS Raheel Sharif returned to Rawalpindi on Thursday afternoon and he did meet the delegation from National Assembly, the delegation however did not have any of the top ministers of the federal cabinet. Sources confirm that on Thursday evening, a fresh message was sent out from Islamabad to Rawalpindi asking if the Army Chief would be coming to Islamabad on Friday morning before the federal cabinet meeting.
On Friday morning, speculations were on, if Raheel Sharif would be travelling the crucial 20 Km distance between the two offices. Some of the local reporters even claimed that the army chief was coming to brief the entire cabinet however later it was informed that the army chief flew to Lahore to visit a training facility.

Nawaz Sharif, who was already under fire facing criticism from opposition over graft charges, news of surgical strikes, came in as a shocker at a time when opposition PTI was preparing for much anticipated Raiwind march.

“Army chief attended a meet with Prime Minister Sharif in Islamabad a day before strikes and reportedly asked PM to step up the diplomatic offensive against India on Kashmir front, the same Army Chief was found running away when such reports of surgical strikes came in and Nawaz Sharif needed him the most” claimed the same source.

It is worth mentioning that COAS Raheel Sharif is going to complete his tenure next month and despite demands from few quarters, Prime Minister has not shown any willingness to extend his tenure so far. Earlier reports pointed out that the Uri attackers got extensive support from the Pakistan army and took place only after a clearance from military units at a time while Nawaz Sharif was in New York facing the international community at UNGA.

If the gap between two Sharifs continues to widen, it is unlikely that the civilian government would be giving any extension to the current COAS. Raheel Sharif enjoys a celebrity status across Pakistan, often claimed to be more popular than any politician in Pakistan.

Those who know him personally recall his personal grudge against the Indian state; “Sharif lost his uncle and brother in 1965 and 1971 wars against India and the latest surgical strikes are the latest wound he cannot retire with” claimed a former Army officer who served with the 6th Battalion of the Frontier Force Regiment.


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Apr 13, 2013
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The Die Is Cast
by Pratap Bhanu Mehta
We do not know the full details of the surgical strike along the LoC. But the official narrative around it has been professionally surgical. This was a limited strike to pre-empt terrorists from entering India. India acted within its rights. The target was terrorists, not Pakistan’s army or territory. It is for now envisaged, officially, as a limited operation.

The diplomatic circumstances around the operation have used this particular conjunction in global politics, and India’s built-up diplomatic capital well. But in the wider discourse and ideological framing, there is a sense, to use the line attributed to Ceaser when crossing the Rubicon: Alea iacta est (the die has been cast). The operation itself is not unprecedented. But the operation’s public use as a statement of India’s intent and resolve is new. The operation, by its public embrace, becomes the declaration of a policy. Its immediate psychological effect has been to boost confidence in our capabilities. It will also, therefore, change expectations, and potentially, the assessment of future options. It enhances Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s standing. It gives him unprecedented political capital, both for his foreign and domestic agenda.

The operation is one in a series of diplomatic and political moves, so its full effect will depend on how that chain unfolds. It is too early to conclude anything. But what are the mechanisms to watch out for, by which this operation might have an effect? How might these mechanisms work? Do they suggest things will get worse before they get better?

In strategic terms, we are, whatever the government might stay, still in an ambiguous zone. We demonstrated that we will not succumb to nuclear blackmail; that the threshold before things go out of hand can be raised. But the real question is: What is the bandwidth? A “shallow” strike across the LoC is, at best, tinkering with strategic restraint. It is not abandoning it. It is not a form of action that either significantly degrades Pakistan’s capabilities, or compels it to change posture. The real test will come now, if both sides engage in discovery of what the new threshold is. This is not something that should be deduced a priori.

But the main mechanisms to look out for are political. The operation puts the Pakistani Army in a bind. The potentially most powerful effect of the operation may be to put some stress on the relationship between the military and non-state actors in Pakistan. While strikes like these are unlikely to degrade Pakistan’s capabilities much, they will, depending on the extent of casualties, raise the following question.

Presumably, the non-state actors will demand greater protection, and hence increase the potential cost of using them. It is one thing to risk your life inflicting damage on the “enemy”; another to be sitting ducks without protection. The Pakistan Army cannot be seen to be abandoning its non-state assets and proxies.

The second thing it could lead to in the short run is change of modus operandi: Instead of cross-border infiltration aimed at Kashmir and the border, there is more targeting of other soft targets. We will not see the effects immediately. Even if Pakistan had the assets and capabilities in place, it would be too obvious a coincidence were something to happen almost immediately. But the prospects for long-term escalation remain.

The second bind for the Pakistani Army is this. Pakistan’s initial response has been a form of denial. But that is to be expected. They will also want to control the narrative. It also gives them room for political manoeuvre.

But if the Indian strikes are seen as humiliating, it is bound to have two effects. On the one hand, it will have repercussions on the institutional politics inside Pakistan. It could dent the authority of the current military leadership.

India’s decision to release footage may have an influence on this politics. On the other hand, the fuel that powers Pakistani elites’ identity is humiliation. Pakistan has an extraordinary history of turning humiliation into a basis for new resolve. And here we may have crossed a Rubicon. As much as the army statement on the strikes was professional, the political and ideological sabre-rattling will go across the border as an attempt to humiliate.

The India-Pakistan relationship is almost psychoanalytic. The public triumphalism about this operation in India is not just cathartic, as if to say we are no longer passive victims. Let us not put too fine a point on it: Public discourse also has shades of blood lust. This blood lust is also evident in irresponsible sections of the Pakistani leadership. While the government may want a calibrated strategic escalation, the psychological escalation is now out of control.

The government is doing a good cop-bad cop story: Responsible, statesmanlike articulation at the top, but through the party, a kind of ideological blitzkrieg on the other hand. At one level, the aggressive public posture is not an add-on: It is itself a part of the strategy to signal that Pakistan should not escalate, because we are capable of anything. But such psychological passions will need to find their recompense on both sides, particularly if there are casualties. In India this psychological recompense is also needed for the fact that we have, for the moment, lost Kashmir. More than 80 days of curfew is a deep moral loss, no matter what we do to Pakistan. This genie will not be put back in easily.

There is widespread exasperation with Pakistan. There is also a leadership vacuum in global politics: From Syria to Afghanistan, the US is disengaged or stuck. China’s overreach and ideological imperatives make it difficult for it to be an effective international actor in diplomatic terms. This vacuum has given India some breathing space. But this space has, paradoxically, been a consequence of India’s relative restraint. It would be foolish to assume unequivocal support for India if hostilities escalate. The international community may be exasperated with Pakistan. But in a global leadership vacuum, there will also be wariness of action that challenges the authority of the Pakistani military beyond a point.

The strategic and diplomatic thinking may be calibrated. There is a possibility that India will say, “we have made our point, “ and Pakistan will say “we have got it”. This will be the rational position to take. But there is reason to worry that this may not come to pass. This is because in both India and Pakistan, regimes have now tied the mast of their popular legitimacy to taking strong action against the other. That is not a reassuring thought.


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Sep 18, 2009
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There are several factors involve. If we disclose everything about the Raid as a proof it will also reveal our SF capabilities, equipments, type of sat images and how our SF operate. I have heard there were local non military assests involved from Paki side.

That's why Army never allow media or documentary makers to reveal the entire training midule or SF.

Imagine how a Paki military vehicle, camps or post looks from satellite Pakis could use that data to effectively camouflage next time.

See you know it's like informing someone that we have kidnapped someone he/she knows.. you don't need to provide info how you kidnapped which vehicle you used.. Just voice heard over the phone would tell the target person that someone he/she knows has been kidnapped.. so, I don't think we need those pics of operations but some evidence to give clear signal on both sides of people what has been done


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Feb 12, 2014
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Lookie here
pakistan trying hard to hide its lies.. bans Indian channels..pak army is really worried.

Aftermath of Surgical Strike: Pakistan Bans Indian TV Channels
Pakistan's media regulator has asked all channels in the country to "immediately" stop broadcast of illegal Indian content amid the ongoing tension between the two nations.

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) in a statement said it has been receiving complaints that several local private channels were showing Indian talk shows, reality programmes and dramas without permission.

"The complaints have shown serious concerns on this issue (illegal Indian contents) in the wake of current situation between India and Pakistan. Complaints have urged PEMRA to impose immediate ban on broadcast and distribution of illegal Indian channels and illegal Indian DTH," PEMRA said in a statement on Thursday.

PEMRA said that it had already taken steps to stop illegal broadcast of Indian channels and warned that all distribution networks and TV channels should follow the laws and "immediately" stop the broadcasting of Indian contents.

"This will sent a positive signal to the public about the satellite TV channels and distribution networks' commitment with rule of law and the country about which a huge number of talk shows preach daily," it said.

According to PEMRA rules, local channels can only show 5% foreign contents but it has been seen that several channels mostly rely on foreign contents, mostly Indian, Turkish, American and European. The statement came after Indian Army announced that seven terror launch pads were targeted across the Line of Control (LoC) by special forces during a 'surgical strike'.

Last week, Raj Thackeray-led MNS issued an ultimatum to Pakistani artistes and actors, including Fawad Khan and Ali Zafar, to leave India by September 25 or else they would be "pushed out". Recently, concerts of Pakistani singers Shafqat Amanat Ali and Atif Aslam scheduled in Bengaluru and Gurgaon respectively were also cancelled.

Two reasons possible for this action;

1. Retaliation to India banning porki actors.

2. Fear that India will release the recorded video of slaughter and air on Indian media channels which porkis will see.

Anyways, its porkis loss. To air a channel, the channel needs to take permission & license from the country. The channel has to pay regularly/yearly for the rights. Now, these channels won't be paying porkistan.

Forget eating grass, they will be eating dust pretty soon.


New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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There are several factors involve. If we disclose everything about the Raid as a proof it will also reveal our SF capabilities, equipments, type of sat images and how our SF operate. I have heard there were local non military assests involved from Paki side.

That's why Army never allow media or documentary makers to reveal the entire training midule or SF.

Imagine how a Paki military vehicle, camps or post looks from satellite Pakis could use that data to effectively camouflage next time.
But you can pick certain sections from the video which will not compromise mission details and broadcast the same.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Two reasons possible for this action;

1. Retaliation to India banning porki actors.

2. Fear that India will release the recorded video of slaughter and air on Indian media channels which porkis will see.

Anyways, its porkis loss. To air a channel, the channel needs to take permission & license from the country. The channel has to pay regularly/yearly for the rights. Now, these channels won't be paying porkistan.

Forget eating grass, they will be eating dust pretty soon.
More than retaliation on Banning porki actors it seems like pak mil. is scared about the systematic release of Information by Indian side on the surgical strike.

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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All Is Not well between Pakistan military & Nawaz Sharif
By: Ankit Kumar, ABP News Bureau | Last Updated: Saturday, 1 October 2016 2:03 PM

New Delhi: When the reports of surgical strike first came in, Pakistan’s army chief was on his way to FF center, Abbottabad (some 120 km away from capital Islamabad). Pakistan’s celebrated army Chief Raheel Sharif was going to Abbottabad to give away prizes to the winners of young soldiers of inter-central physical agility competition.

When Indian DGMO officially informed his Pakistani counterpart about the cross border surgical attacks, word went out quickly and everybody was expecting the army chief to cancel his visit to the prize distribution ceremony (these prizes included winners for most number of chin ups and sit ups).

After the official press conference by Indian DGMO in New Delhi, the word went out to the civilian leadership of Pakistan as well. Prime minister’s office and the foreign office had no official briefing by then; the only source of information was a message from ISPR which said that two Pakistani soldiers were killed in ceasefire violation.

If a top source in Pakistan’s ruling PMLN is to be believed, it was the Prime Minister’s office which first contacted the COAS after the press conference of Indian DGMO. “A communication was established by Pakistan Prime Minister’s office with the GHQ, Rawalpindi asking if COAS could come to Islamabad and brief the Prime Minister about the events at LoC? The prime minister’s office was conveyed by COAS’ office that COAS would be talking to the prime minister over phone line in next one hour.

After few hours both the Sharif’s did talk to each other over phone. “Prime Minister Sharif however was very keen to meet the Army Chief in person, he was also advised that it would send the right signals if the COAS could come to Islamabad next day and brief the Prime Minister before the scheduled cabinet meeting of Nawaz Sharif but no commitments were given by the COAS ” told the PMLN leader.

“ The prime minister’s office which wanted to put forward a strong and united face was obviously miffed with this open snub by the military leadership of Pakistan, after all it was the army which needed to explain things and not the civilian government which did not have even an iota of information about the developments at LoC” said the source close to Sharif family.

Word spread out about these developments quickly as the civilian leadership went into a huddle. Eventually Pakistan’s NSA Naseer Khan Janjua had to step in to cool the temperature down. NSA Janjua (a retired army general himself) promised the prime minister to submit a comprehensive report on the LoC situation. It was also conveyed to the government that Raheel Sharif would be meeting the delegation of National Assembly on defense production in Rawalpindi as scheduled.

While COAS Raheel Sharif returned to Rawalpindi on Thursday afternoon and he did meet the delegation from National Assembly, the delegation however did not have any of the top ministers of the federal cabinet. Sources confirm that on Thursday evening, a fresh message was sent out from Islamabad to Rawalpindi asking if the Army Chief would be coming to Islamabad on Friday morning before the federal cabinet meeting.
On Friday morning, speculations were on, if Raheel Sharif would be travelling the crucial 20 Km distance between the two offices. Some of the local reporters even claimed that the army chief was coming to brief the entire cabinet however later it was informed that the army chief flew to Lahore to visit a training facility.

Nawaz Sharif, who was already under fire facing criticism from opposition over graft charges, news of surgical strikes, came in as a shocker at a time when opposition PTI was preparing for much anticipated Raiwind march.

“Army chief attended a meet with Prime Minister Sharif in Islamabad a day before strikes and reportedly asked PM to step up the diplomatic offensive against India on Kashmir front, the same Army Chief was found running away when such reports of surgical strikes came in and Nawaz Sharif needed him the most” claimed the same source.

It is worth mentioning that COAS Raheel Sharif is going to complete his tenure next month and despite demands from few quarters, Prime Minister has not shown any willingness to extend his tenure so far. Earlier reports pointed out that the Uri attackers got extensive support from the Pakistan army and took place only after a clearance from military units at a time while Nawaz Sharif was in New York facing the international community at UNGA.

If the gap between two Sharifs continues to widen, it is unlikely that the civilian government would be giving any extension to the current COAS. Raheel Sharif enjoys a celebrity status across Pakistan, often claimed to be more popular than any politician in Pakistan.

Those who know him personally recall his personal grudge against the Indian state; “Sharif lost his uncle and brother in 1965 and 1971 wars against India and the latest surgical strikes are the latest wound he cannot retire with” claimed a former Army officer who served with the 6th Battalion of the Frontier Force Regiment.
Whats clear from this article is that Raheel is Embarrassed about the cross border LoC strike and is unable to really face the civilian leadership to explain how the army failed in detecting and foiling such a large operation. Even when he was aware and had EXPLAINED to the PM there might be a surgical operation. Truth is, even after having for knowledge of the operation he failed. Must be damaging for someone of his reputation. This also explains the lack of any cohesive response Pakistanis has in the aftermath of the attack.

Considering his special history with India, i am pretty sure this strike by the Para's has hit him really hard, especially within army circles. Imagine being hit by your most hated enemy one month before retirement.
Pretty sure this hit has also hit on his famed reputation within army circles.

Events for the next 1 month will be interesting. Will Raheel get an extension ? If not, will he topple the civilian govt. ?


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
See you know it's like informing someone that we have kidnapped someone he/she knows.. you don't need to provide info how you kidnapped which vehicle you used.. Just voice heard over the phone would tell the target person that someone he/she knows has been kidnapped.. so, I don't think we need those pics of operations but some evidence to give clear signal on both sides of people what has been done
They should show terrorist bodies and Launch pads how is it looks like and weapon stash inside of it.


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Sep 7, 2015
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If the commandos were wearing helmet cameras, the government can analyze and figure out the exact death toll.
Still not possible as a body count of terrorists inside a building blown up with rocket launchers would be very difficult to identify in the rubble.
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New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Still not possible as a body count of terrorists inside a building blown up with rocket launchers would be very difficult to identify in the rubble.
But the intelligence were monitoring their movements since Uri. Surely they must know how many pigs were there at each pads. (Give or Take).


The only one
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Jun 16, 2016
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Times now news telling that many terrorist from other camps are running away or being shifted deep somewhere..


New Member
Feb 12, 2014
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More than retaliation on Banning porki actors it seems like pak mil. is scared about the systematic release of Information by Indian side on the surgical strike.
Yes. And since less than 20% of porkis have access to internet, others won't even know through youtube etc.

