India-China Relations

Gaurav Rai

Tihar Jail
Apr 10, 2017
Country flag
eveybody is a commie or a jihadi or traitor or a blah blah blah. atleast I try to say as I see it
Yaa everyone saw your choice of words in your previous blabbers, calling people bhadwa and all. Chutiye k patthey you are living safely because USA wreaks havoc on terrorists and here in our country terrorists and rioters (which both are muslims always) get sympathy from likes of bhandwaas like you.


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
while you are entitled to your views it dose not give you a free ticket to abuse the PM of a nation hoooooo shit I am sorry I forgot you are a DBCA( desi Born Confused American ) right I am sorry for hurting your fragile pride
I do not wear my pride on my sleeve, like most of the people do here in this forum.


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
Yaa everyone saw your choice of words in your previous blabbers, calling people bhadwa and all. Chutiye k patthey you are living safely because USA wreaks havoc on terrorists and here in our country terrorists and rioters (which both are muslims always) get sympathy from likes of bhandwaas like you.
u missed one important point, there far few bigoted bones in this country.


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2009
Yaa everyone saw your choice of words in your previous blabbers, calling people bhadwa and all. Chutiye k patthey you are living safely because USA wreaks havoc on terrorists and here in our country terrorists and rioters (which both are muslims always) get sympathy from likes of bhandwaas like you.
u missed one important point, there far few bigoted bones in this country.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2016
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I do not wear my pride on my sleeve, like most of the people do here in this forum.
why thank you esteemed sir we do I am fucking proud of My chief executive and my nation the way she is doyou know why because I don't crib about my nations ills I am looking for a way to change them unlike some peoples who only sit in their Air conditioned cubicle and type and act like the children of Nehru


New Member
Jul 4, 2016
In the meantime ur superman NSA Ajit Doval is travelling to china to beg as well (and u know what for). please keep ur fake nationalistic pride for yourself.
With China raising the pitch on the border stand-off over the last two weeks, India on Thursday maintained a measured tone, saying that diplomatic channels were available and were being used to address the situation.

National Security Advisor Ajit Doval is likely to visit China on July 26-27 for the BRICS NSAs meeting hosted by his counterpart, Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi. Both are also the Special Representatives designated by their governments to discuss border issues.

New Delhi, meanwhile, also reiterated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping had a conversation on a range of issues on the sidelines of the BRICS leaders meeting last week in Hamburg. The Chinese government had said that there was no official meeting between the two leaders.

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
ask you leader to learn some few words in english before his next trip to U.S, he looked like a clown during his last visit. also pappu has valid degree at least. also ask ur supreme leader to please brush his teeth, have u seen his open mouth ?
He is also the first Indian Prime Minister to speak at Congress. I bet Congress didn't find him too amusing like you...may be you are too intelligent than everyone.

@sukhish constructive criticism is always welcomed...but shit is not.

I'd have appreciated you if you've questioned him about cleaning Ganga River.

Modi has guts enough to bring the issue on Triple Talaq. He'll solve it or not is yet to be relieved.

Coming to raking up things in Kashmir, he did far better job than any leader after Kashmir insurgency. Before you point out about rise of militancy, for the first time people started questioning IWT; Baloch issue was raised.

Now before you come saying that treaty stands till this minute, let me tell one simply doesn't ratify an international treaty. We neither have Infrastructure, once needed infra is built, I'd bet there would be changes in the IWT, especially water flow ratio. But remember, he started it.

Oh please, you fell so low or out of issues to comment on him that you fell to ask him to brush his teeth. World leaders never had any problem, Indians(majority) never had any problem. But the one and only Sukhish has it.

The above mentioned are not even the tip of iceberg. Whether intellectuals like sukhish notice or not, Modi and team will do what it has to and India will grow.

People have addicted to instant solutions so much that they actually gave up thinking on how to solve the problem. Our leaders are not and they never will.

If you like Rahul, that is your interest...but abusing everyone else because you like Rahul is wrong. You are a loud mouth (atleast by your posts in couple of pages says so), you might argue hard on this thread and abuse everyone even more...but ground reality changes nothing. Try to leave with that.

In my locality there is a saying "kasey chettuke ralla debbalu"... It means, you'll throw stones only if it(tree) bears fruit.

If you're criticising Modi, that is fine by me...but you are abusing him for no reason. Now before you call me bhakt, I ask you to abuse Modi for his wrong doings.


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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eveybody is a commie or a jihadi or traitor or a blah blah blah. atleast I try to say as I see it
Mods please - this retard is derailing the thread.

If you want to post, just put all your garbage into one long multi-quote post so everyone can avoid it and we can have a thread again, thanks.


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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yes they did, trumph only talks trash, but he does not have anybodys blood on his hands.
I understand politicians in third world countries can go to any length, but state involved on its own people(unless u don't consider them to be your own) is just not something that goes down here at all.
You are free to stay in your own approvals.
US is the same country that
  • Has not apologized for its use of the atomic bomb.
  • Was fine using Mujaheddin for foreign policy objectives.
  • Actions in central America, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Syria.
  • Using drones to eliminate terrorists with "acceptable collateral damage"
Well, lets not get into what they have done and are fine with. Atleast they don't look for approval from us about what they do.
Try using the blood on hands narrative in US now. Possibly thats the blood money you are being paid.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2017
Guys the conflict is designed and is already rolling if you all don't know who profits from war then the below link is an interesting read and you won't regret it.

I urge you to go through the text,then you will get to know who really pulls the string,now the question is who are we buying weapons from? Yeah Israel,and there are lot of geopolitics elite who are seeing to it to destroy the growing influence of China,US is also seeing this transformation.

The establishment of the west isn't liking the new change in global scenario,you guys need to know about the petrodollar and how it controls the world economy,if China steps in every industry,and soon its influence is growing over Middle east with new bases around Pakistan,if Russia and China collaborates then the Middle east will be gone from US hand and the whole petrodollar machine will fall on itself,this is a nightmare for both the elites and US as a whole.

Now what would US and Israel do if they wanted to profit out of weapons without hindering their own economy? Yeah by teaming up with a young country with billions of young people who will be ready to fight given there is a multiple 26/11 attacks.

They know how many of them here hate Muslims and will go on a war with Pakistan,hence going on a war with China,the question is will US and Israel team up and beat the shit out of gooks?


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