India-China Border conflict

Love Charger

New Member
Oct 9, 2021
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really interesting stuff

PLA testing mine laying rockets in aksai chin

WZ - 10 test firing in karokarram .

👀 i think people have been saying Chinese cant operate their attack heli at high altitudes.

If we had Akash ng in good numbers these helis would have been toast


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Emperor Xi Jinping wishes his agent Joe Biden well recovery so they talk about the best possible ways to Make india and Russia a vassal of usa and China respectively and weaken the countries


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
The seething comments of mullas😂😂 and rndtv followers.
People who will sell and burn the country for few dollars become deeply concerned about its security. 😂😂😂😂
Wtf do they want, bomb Bhutan?? 😂😂
Thank god these 6akka sullehtards and deshdrohis hold no power. Like what is modi supposed to do? Airstrike Chinese territory?

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Chinese Victory or Defeat at the LOC

The dye has been cast, there is no resolution of the border dispute at the LOC in Ladakh. The commanders met needlessly in an attempt to intimidate each other for the 16th time, but to no avail.

Just before the Commander’s met, Chinese staged a big exercise with long range artillery, attack helicopters and about 20,000 troops. This is the same type of exercise they staged in the spring 2020 when their forward troops kept moving forward and captured a few points past the LOC at the Galwan River valley, Pan-gong Lake Area, pasture grounds elsewhere.

Indian Army, although in strength in Ladakh was tricked into believing that it was a routine exercise. In fact Chinese had come to occupy land, not very useful land, but to deliver a message to India after they lost an argument for the Bhutan, India & China tri-junction two years back.

That is where India misread their intent. Soon there were face to face confrontation and fist fights, especially at Galwan River valley with 20 casualties for India side and 35 for China side (confirmed by an Australian journalist).

India raced with extra troops. In a matter of four weeks, the Indian troop strength at the LOC in Ladakh quadrupled. High velocity and high range big guns with T-72 and T-90 tanks were rushed. Now India was in strength in Ladakh, but the Chinese were in no mood to go back, hence India staged a sudden move and occupied Kailash Heights which unnerved the Chinese. They retreated in the Pan-gong Lake area, but not elsewhere. Useless talks continued, but of no avail. Chinese have built their strength to 70,000 troops, but they are poorly acclimatized city boys with no jest to fight.

Two views of Chinese assault.

There is a book by a well known author*. He argues that “If India and China were to fight a war in the near future, India faces the prospect of losing the war within ten days. China could take Arunachal Pradesh and Ladakh with a minimum loss of life, and there is very little that India could do about it.” He thinks that Chinese have prepared well with artificial intelligence, emerging technologies, multi domain operations and other things like war robots etc.


Let us not forget that he sells his book with very different ideas of Chinese origin. In fact, he replicates what the Chinese told him word for word.

In his newest argument he is scaring the Indian Army with the Chinese newest high altitude NORINCO's PHL-16 MLRSA rocket. He is again picking up Chinese propaganda. India has counter in Brahmos which can demolish these MLRS before it attacks.

As a result, this respected writer became a spokesman for Chinese military theory to scare Indian troops. Very low-grade propaganda.

A little bit ago, another author, he is again, being a victim of Chinese propaganda argued that Chinese have collected a large rocket force in Ladakh and could demolish Indian posts in a jiffy. That, once again, if India waits for these rockets to strike and does nothing to demolish them on the ground before they launch.

The quality of China's propaganda far exceeds reality. Indian website owners are tempted by the money and other stuff that China offers. They become Chinese spokesmen. This propaganda has to be demolished.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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@mist_consecutive I found this article that was translated by someone on Indian Defence review. It’s a Chinese article. Do give it a read and give your thoughts as well:
What do you expect from a Chinese article ? Usual India bad, China good narrative. Points not worth countering.

But few interesting tidbits -

Situation at Doklam/Chumbi valley -
In Yadong, Chinese custom post is located in a low area, and the facing hill on the opposite side is surrounded on three sides by the Indian military bunkers – one bunker at a distance of every 10 or 20 meters. Everything appeared as if in a passive state.
<some bullshit text>
As a result, at several strategic points, many commanding height positions all along the Sino-Indian border are under Indian control
Chinese problem of its young generation getting softer -

The life of people living in the border area has become extremely difficult. Young people, unlike their parents who are now in their 50s and 60s, do not feel motivated to actively guard and fight against the nibbling enemy. Besides, it is not at all conducive for our frontline cadres at the grassroots level to patrol the border frequently – because the life is not easy in the border areas.
On Indian infra construction -

Especially since 2014, India’s infrastructure in the border region has developed rapidly. Often they secretly built roads during the night and at times they developed roads at a speed of one to two kilometres per day.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
What do you expect from a Chinese article ? Usual India bad, China good narrative. Points not worth countering.

But few interesting tidbits -

Situation at Doklam/Chumbi valley -

Chinese problem of its young generation getting softer -

On Indian infra construction -
Interestingly enough, they believe that India, not USA, is leading the anti-China campaign.

Slap tight to the Yanks who are pressuring infia to condemn Russia on the veil of China.

Fact is it’s india which has prevented CCP infiltration to an extent amd has openly challenged the CCP.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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👀 i think people have been saying Chinese cant operate their attack heli at high altitudes.
I don't think anyone says PLA can't operate their helis in high-altitude regions because they are already doing that. I understood that PLA attack helis are underpowered and might face operational challenges at LAC.

For flying even Mi-17s and Chinooks routinely fly all over LAC, even Siachen. But helis like Dhruv and LCH are explicitly made in mind high-altitude performance. High altitude performance is not simply putting a more powerful juice-churner, but also broader main-rotor blades (for tackling thinner air) and rotor speed.

