India-China Border conflict

cereal killer

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May 14, 2020
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COAS is now on Bhutan visit after Kangladesh. If Chinks really do attack Pelosi's visit and America-China really get into any kind of conflict (feels unlikely it will be anything more than kadi ninda from both sides) then we should not miss that opportunity to escalate from our front. We won't get too many opportunities to trap the noodles into a 2 front war. Hope our own ninda turtle grows some balls and takes tough decisions.
At least I hope we can out maneuver these Chinks & at least end up capturing Shaksgam valley via Siachen. I don't think we will end up successful doing salami slicing eastward. It will be utter waste of time.
All of this is unlikely to happen though but if Uncle Sam gets in on it only then perhaps GOI will have the balls to act.

Master Chief

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May 5, 2022
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Chinese been saying they will shoot down plane carrying Pelosi .

IMHO US are doing all this because Chinese airforce is grinding down tawanese jets , US will back down . once China agrees to just fuck off.
It's impossible that China will shoot down Pelosi Plane.. That will be declaratoon of war on the US. China going to war over Taiwan after Taiwan declaration of Independence is not the same as China going to War against US, because US House Speaker landed in Taiwan.
Yes, US Congress is more part of US government and policy making than say Indian Parliament.. But, Russian war on Ukraine has proven that a great power can gobble up a big bite of a major country even after Ukraine has been independent for over 30 years; and Ukraine's Independence has been recognized by all countries including Russia.
China needs patience and shouldn't go full mental and chop off its own d**k..


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
If China attacks Taiwan she guarantees the loss of Taiwan permanently. I don’t care how much CCP and PLA huff and puff and threaten blow down the house they are no match for the USN or the USAF bombers. Heck three submarines have enough firepower to sink their entire blue water naval forces.
Even if US is dependent on China for imports it’s not so fatal that US can’t look elsewhere. She will feel the burn for a bit but can overcome it in a matter of months or a year or so but a China will seriously go in a Great Depression when the dollars stop coming in and they don’t have any new customers.

Master Chief

New Member
May 5, 2022
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If China attacks Taiwan she guarantees the loss of Taiwan permanently. I don’t care how much CCP and PLA huff and puff and threaten blow down the house they are no match for the USN or the USAF bombers. Heck three submarines have enough firepower to sink their entire blue water naval forces.
Even if US is dependent on China for imports it’s not so fatal that US can’t look elsewhere. She will feel the burn for a bit but can overcome it in a matter of months or a year or so but a China will seriously go in a Great Depression when the dollars stop coming in and they don’t have any new customers.
China is handicapped by geography viz. The first and second island chains.. The US Navy already has plans for a "FAR seas defence" strategy to choke China in case of war.. I.e. US will not operate extensively in the South China sea, but will choke China's trade by blocking vital Straits to Chinese Navy and Merchant vessels.. China must do G*nd masti only when PLA Navy is stronger than US Navy.. China will be screwed of they try and go haywire right now..

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New Member
Jan 7, 2022
They won't, America is not the most powerful country anymore. We should not be dependent on the west for support against China. Hindus will always be devil worshipers for all the western countries and they won't ever genuinely help us. We were always alone and we are alone now.
We have to increase our capability and fight this war on our own. The only thing that could benefit us is if China fights a war in the Taiwan front then we can get them into a 2 front war and overwhelm them and have a decisive victory in the Himalayas. Other than helping Taiwan in that war and keeping China distracted, we have no other expectation from white people.
I for one do not think at all that China will invade Taiwan? Why? Because China and America are currently working together to build a bipolar world.

Taiwan is just being used as a source of conflict teo create a false of illusion that the west and China will fight a conflict with eachother. China wishes to compete with the west, not destroy the current international system.


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May 31, 2020
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It's impossible that China will shoot down Pelosi Plane.. That will be declaratoon of war on the US. China going to war over Taiwan after Taiwan declaration of Independence is not the same as China going to War against US, because US House Speaker landed in Taiwan.
Yes, US Congress is more part of US government and policy making than say Indian Parliament.. But, Russian war on Ukraine has proven that a great power can gobble up a big bite of a major country even after Ukraine has been independent for over 30 years; and Ukraine's Independence has been recognized by all countries including Russia.
China needs patience and shouldn't go full mental and chop off its own d**k..

yea usual barking but accidents can still happen , :laugh: like that one time Chinese top gun pilot tried to intimidate US spy plane by trying to barrel roll over it , instead crashed into it and died .

lets pray something like that happens . we need a new war thread for more entertainment .


last year PLA army day , chutiays released galwan pics , lets see what happens on this one.



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Oct 27, 2019
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They act tough on things on taiwan but when push comes to their asses will back of.their whole over reaction on this is just exposing their own weakness.if Yanks weren't under a pussy like Biden instead of someone like raegan then you could see their faces of coping
I disagree ..theyvare emboldened by lackluster western response to ukraine invasion ...chings know that russia style sanction will affect western consumers the most so there leaders will have to buckle sooner than later.
That being said i do not think china is ready for a full scale invasion of taiwan but they could take taiwanese islands near china or can do a blockade or apply airspace restrictions.
But in any scenario it will be our opportunity both economically and u know what😈


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May 20, 2021
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yea usual barking but accidents can still happen , :laugh: like that one time Chinese top gun pilot tried to intimidate US spy plane by trying to barrel roll over it , instead crashed into it and died .

lets pray something like that happens . we need a new war thread for more entertainment .


last year PLA army day , chutiays released galwan pics , lets see what happens on this one.

Global Times releasing threats means garbage.


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May 30, 2019
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Make what you will out of it but almost all the astrologers that I follow have repeatedly been saying for 1-2 years, something about some major extremely-rare (once in thousands of years) phenomenon occurring between 31st July and 5th August which has the potential to cause massive loss of life.

If Peolsi visits Taiwan and Cheens do shoot down her plane, then I am an astrology customer for life

tribendra bisoi..

New Member
Jul 6, 2022
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What happens to Elon musk if heat keep rising between usa china . Dude has invested a lot of money there . Probably ll become a chinese citizen .


New Member
May 22, 2022
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yea usual barking but accidents can still happen , :laugh: like that one time Chinese top gun pilot tried to intimidate US spy plane by trying to barrel roll over it , instead crashed into it and died .

lets pray something like that happens . we need a new war thread for more entertainment .


last year PLA army day , chutiays released galwan pics , lets see what happens on this one.

These yellow rats should consider themselves lucky that Truman fired McArthur in Korean war & didn't consider his advice of full blockade of their shitland & using nuclear weapons on them.

"Preparing for war" more like preparing for surrender.
It's seems they have forgot their own history of losing & bending over to save their sorry ass. There are plenty of examples.

Here's one from Korean war :

Someone should told them that after Eisenhower election as president in '53 , batmunchers were the one who came squeaking for armistice, when his administration considered using nukes on them.

There are many such examples in their war history which CCP deliberately hide so as to prevent humiliation & maintain an image of false bravado.
These rats have become more delusional than ever must be the effect of eating too much bats, dogs & god knows what.

I hope chinks go to war with US, would be fun to watch them get absolutely annihilated for sure & also it will be the end of US hegemony.
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New Member
Feb 27, 2019
It isnt about defeat rather the cost of defeat or cost of war....i do not think there will ne direct war but possibilities are there of a major confrontation..whether shots are fired or not depends
truth be told, US & China are already on war path in cyber world. They are busy pen testing each others systems looking for loopholes . Some thing china is very good at.

These are just aggressive posture IMO. Batmunchers do not have the balls to make a dash to taiwan. Eleven is no putin..


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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There will be no attack on Taiwan since chinese navy doesn't have logistics for that.

Plus that would be a Signal for Japan and Korea and even Australia to go nuclear. And it might just turn quad into a true military alliance with india shedding all hesitance. And asean nations firmly siding with US and India to defend their seas.

Not to mention global sanctions against China. China is not resources rich like russia and is already facing massive unemployment with 20% unemployed.

Ukraine war has proven how Russian gear actually performed . And we already have reports how most of Chinese equipment in Pakistan is faulty beyond repair.

I had posted previously too that j10s are hanger queens . J15 prefers swimming more than flying . And china is far more corrupt than Russia . So you can guess there actual millitary performance against USA.

So for all the bluster chinese won't attack Taiwan untill they sort themselves which might take another 15-20 years by which time china might have better technology .

Russian could do it in Ukraine because europe is a pushover . Same is not the case in Asia. India and Japan will permanently alter chinese borders in case it attacks in Taiwan.

