India-China Border conflict


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Salami slicing and negotiation will define Sino Indian border conflict. Keep the troops mobilized and ready for warfare but learn the art is Salamic slicing. Full scale war between india in China is very unlikely. It will destroy the entire world


New Member
Feb 26, 2019
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IISc lab is developing same kind of robo dog . Its called STOCH 2 . You might find some more on that in old pages of DRDO thread .

A Soldier’s best friend (indiat

Stoch-2 robot dog developed by @iiscbangalore Robert Bosch Cent for Cyber-Physical system. - YouTube

There are also many projects on unmanned guided vehicle .
One is being developed by kalyani -

View attachment 165604

Another one dakhya

View attachment 165605

There was also some private company developing unmanned tracked vehicle which cld carry guns , atgm etc . May be old pages of DRDO thread .
But we need foren maal....Apna desi maal induct karo aur improvise karte raho... lekin....isme maza kahan...


New Member
Dec 8, 2021
CCP ship visits Hambantota.

We, who gives a lot of stuff/credit to Sri Lanka, has responded

View attachment 165666
Time for an "accidental" BrahMos misfire. In all seriousness it should be made clear via non-verbal message to SL and CCP that it's not a good idea. What that could be I'm all ears. Else send your own spy ship to dock at Vietnam or for a real laugh, Taiwan.


New Member
Sep 8, 2019
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Guess, forces should use some brain rather than hoping that China won't be able to do shit because their jet cannot fly with full load.

Let me post this in full -



This "they cant take off in full payload" kanging is something that is restricted to online or such discussions. IAF planners are aware of the number of bases & other capabilities of CCP AF.

Now, if things are going in the direction, as mentioned in this twitter post i.e. CCP using Y20s, H6Ks for attack, it will be a major one i.e. a war. Their aim would be capture of DBO/link up with Pak, Tawang, more ingress into Bhutan and occupy more peaks that gain vantage points into Siliguri corridor, occupy parts of upper Arunachal districts that puts them in an advantage & move all across their claim lines, make Taiwan shit bricks & show IA/all Indians & the world as to who is the boss.

The question is should we be dejected have our tails tucked on hearing all these scenarios? They also have more ballistic & cruise missiles that us. They definite have more nuclear warheads than us. Should we stay dejected all the time?

What if they made the decision of capturing DBO, all "friction points" & Arunachal? They can impose war on us with their "thousands" of weapons. If a war is imposed we will have to face it or tuck tail between legs & surrender.

If the intention of the twitter post was to draw attention to our "lack of infra" or lack of "modern planes", BMs, CMs etc in requisite numbers then hmmm okay, else it is just shivering.


Golgappe Expert
New Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Why you guys laughing?
The tweet is very concerning.
@mist_consecutive @FalconSlayers @Physx32
What? Do you want me to counter Praven Swahney level delusions ?

Ok, I have some free time -

1. plaaf has a ring of bases around. it is no longer just hotan and kashi anymore but 10 airfields to contend with at leh.
10 airfields ? Show me? China currently has 5 airports (3 operational, 2 under construction) within 500km of the Indian border for the northern & central sectors (Ladakh to Uttrakhand).

Out of these, only 2 are suitable for extensive fighter sorties (Kashgar, Hotan), the other 3 (Ngari Gunsa, Burang, Taxkorgan) are at extreme high-altitude (> 3000m), making them unsuitable for high-volume day-night sorties.
In fact, Burang and Taxkorgan airports are not even designed for fighter jet operation but civilian airlines operation, but they can definitely be utilised to some extend for fighter jet operation or helipads.

Now, do you know how many airports we have within 500km of China border for northern and central sectors only ?

19 ∓ 3 fighter-capable airports and I am being too strict here.

Only 1 airport (Leh), is unsuitable for extensive fighter sorties.

we will get outnumbered even while we keep saying the 5 decade old thing of “but but they cant takeoff with full payload onlee

Lol China can probably never outnumber us in Tibet, only if they use Pakistan (2-front war). But seeing how Imran Khan got ousted by western powers and how Pakistani military is strictly under the thumbs of west, I am sure that is not going to happen.

they have their h6 fleet north of tarim basin. part fuel t/o and refuelled north of hotan (by y20) will be enough for them for an alpha strike. our fellows in delhi will still be spluttering
I am sure they can use their long-range bombers effectively, no doubt. Infact they might even succeed in hitting Delhi, no kidding. But then we reserve the rights to use our own long-range CMs and loitering munitions to attack their vulnerabilities.

Net equation = Changes nothing.

None of the current fields will survive first contact. They’re definitely going to pound each airfield. For days.
They will run out of missiles, dude, I am not kidding. Destroying airbases, contrary to popular media presentation, is very hard (how to you "destroy" a asphalt road effectively ?), they get repaired almost overnight.
Russia is still not able to stop Ukrainian air operations (leave UAV, even jets) even after having all the long-range bombers and air superiority.

We need more temporary airfields all over the north. Mobile ATC and dual runways that are camoed
Highway landing strips comes to the rescue.

h6k are bombers. their Y20s are being regularly seen in all western theatre bases these days. and they have endless airframes parked outside their avic factory out east.they can easily surge when needed
Agreed. Also building weapons costs money. Sustaining a war of attrition is extremely costly. Both of us will drive our economy down the drain. A lose-lose bargain China won't play.

H6s also routinely operate out of kashi/kashgar. so not far away and can launch multiple CMs at us at short notice. Both at airbases and c2 nodes …
Already answered above.

I did not have any points to counter the sage and came back dejected, tail tucked between my legs
That is because you are an ignorant kid falling for Chinese propaganda. Also the sage is secretly providing fellatio to China. Go figure.


No more baseless Chinese propaganda please :nono:, come up with facts.

