India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 5, 2020
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Legit it's just some forum where diplomats of the 4 countries can go and spout inane jhumlas about climate change and vaccine blah blah blah without addressing the elephant dragon in the room

It's some sasta intimidation tactic that may cause light assburn in GT writers many months ago as "Asian NATO" but now it has lost even the sasta intimidation factor.

No randa 2x gora settler colonies and darpok Japani will every fight off the chink,
It's literally just us who will have to fight off the bastards eventually.

Rest everyone presenting their ass to Emperor Xi and his large choinees market that will carry the global economy into a V shaped recovery after corona.

Those 3 countries are post nationalism countries, corporate interests matter more than any national ones there.
Japani will cede the Senkaku islands to Chings silently without a noise if the Chings grab it.

Taiwan will be grabbed by the Chongs easily if the current Afghan pullout is anything to go by.

Asstralia is a non-entity, doesn't have much military or other heft.
This observation is on the spot. It is very very important for us to realize that the US, Australia, and Japan are controlled by corporate interests. Everything is done to keep big corporations in play, and for a few people including politicians to get rich. The US and Australia especially are extremely pro billionaires and corporations. nationalism takes a total backseat. Japan is not that way but it is aging society which is forced to keep corporate interests at pole position, just for the economy to survive.
But push comes to shove, it is India+Japan combination that will be forced to become the real bulwark against the chingchongs.

QUAD, as you can see, is basically a forum to counter BRI and get countries out of the Chinese money. The other thing is corporations want a robust alternate supply chain and consumer market just in case Xi kicks out all the western companies. As you can see both objectives are business based which means the corporations are still dictating terms and the QUAD alliance has got nothing to do with national security of any of these nations. It is purely an economic competition organization like G7.
Sep 5, 2020
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How could he? afterall he will resign and handover the PMship to some young gun in the middle of his 3rd term according to some members here. 😉
Average life expectancy in India is 70 years old, and for men 68. Anything can happen. It is important to have good succession plans. Modi’s mother lives a long life, so there would be some of that long life gene in him. It is very important that he takes care of his health quite a lot to be productive. MMS and LKA are living examples of good long life. May PM Modi serve this country as long as he can, parambrahma willing.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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in case u guys havent seen this , old news from 2006.

750x900 meter scale model of ladakh/aksai chin deep inside china , for military planning or training.

actual area its copying

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