India-China 2020 Border conflict

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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars


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Feb 28, 2016
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Ya'll Nibbiars
They can start by starting assembly here instead of import of CBU phones( Which they've already done ).
Later they can indigenize parts of the BOM that are possible( an attempt is being made via the PMP programme ).

But time lagega for all this.


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Jul 29, 2018
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I believe it has something to do with oil too.

Indian govt is deadly scared of oil sanctions as most of the oil and the related infrastructure is either controlled by the west or their cronies.

Such sanctions can lead to high prices at home and this could cause a lot of trouble which the govt would like to avoid.

We need something like china's green energy push to reduce our dependence on oil and be much more immune to Sanctions.

Also automobile manufactures need to be given a timeline to move to hybrid cars and then EV by the next two decades.
Oil is India 's achilles heel as we are very import dependent.
Finding alternatives will not be easy.
Renewable energy like solar energy offer good potential. The cost of solar photovoltaic cells is coming down making it economical.
Wind energy though very clean is highly dependent on Mother Nature.

The most viable long-term alternative is Nuclear energy.
France sources more than 70% of its energy needs from nuclear power plants.
Setting aside the risk factor it is the most dependable and long-term.
India has vast reserves of thorium and the 3 stage program can give India energy security.
We should do serious research on nuclear fusion reactors as it is the future.

The transport sector consumes the lions share of petroleum and maximum switch over to electric vehicles will save fuel. The import bill will come down.

We also have vast reserves of coal. A cost effective technology to convert coal to fuels like petrol and diesel will reduce the import bill and our dependence on oil.

Lastly I believe we have vast reserves of oil and gas in the offshore. India has a very long coast line and not enough exploration has been done in the adjoining seas and oceans. I am sure that there are more Bombay High like oil reservoirs waiting to be found. One Bombay High discovery cut down our oil import bill by as much as 50% decades ago.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Oil is India 's achilles heel as we are very import dependent.
Finding alternatives will not be easy.
Renewable energy like solar energy offer good potential. The cost of solar photovoltaic cells is coming down making it economical.
Wind energy though very clean is highly dependent on Mother Nature.

The most viable long-term alternative is Nuclear energy.
France sources more than 70% of its energy needs from nuclear power plants.
Setting aside the risk factor it is the most dependable and long-term.
India has vast reserves of thorium and the 3 stage program can give India energy security.
We should do serious research on nuclear fusion reactors as it is the future.

The transport sector consumes the lions share of petroleum and maximum switch over to electric vehicles will save fuel. The import bill will come down.

We also have vast reserves of coal. A cost effective technology to convert coal to fuels like petrol and diesel will reduce the import bill and our dependence on oil.

Lastly I believe we have vast reserves of oil and gas in the offshore. India has a very long coast line and not enough exploration has been done in the adjoining seas and oceans. I am sure that there are more Bombay High like oil reservoirs waiting to be found. One Bombay High discovery cut down our oil import bill by as much as 50% decades ago.
Desi Coal is supposedly of bad quality( or rather of a different grade ) for power generation, so coal also is mainly imported.
Now of course if you cleanse the Naxals and get some agreement with the tribals and poor villagers living in those areas for some mineral surveys....
But then this is India :bplease:

Only two people in power seem to give a shit, and the 99 problems of the country are way too much for just 2 guys to handle.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2018
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Desi Coal is supposedly of bad quality( or rather of a different grade ) for power generation, so coal also is mainly imported.
Now of course if you cleanse the Naxals and get some agreement with the tribals and poor villagers living in those areas for some mineral surveys....
But then this is India :bplease:

Only two people in power seem to give a shit, and the 99 problems of the country are way too much for just 2 guys to handle.
Yes, most Indian coal has low calorific value. We import coking coal for our thermal power plants.
But we have to make do with what we have. The Israelis did wonders with their almost barren land using drip irrigation. So we will have to find technological answers. At least we have billions of tonnes of coal. Many countries like Japan do not even have large resources of this type of coal and are forced to import almost all natural resources.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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On paper atleast, the T-90S Bhishma falls a bit short when compared to Type 99A2.
That said, Arjun Mk1A is more than a match for the Type 99A2
only if the Indian Army is to upgrade its infra in Ladakh to 70ton category which will facilitate deployments of MBT Arjun.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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Meh, maybe if they can stick to long range gunnery. But otherwise Type-99A2 is a 59ton but 3-crew... But of level field under similar odds it'll bend T-90 Bhishma over & fuck it in the 2nd arsehole it's torn there.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Meh, maybe if they can stick to long range gunnery. But otherwise Type-99A2 is a 59ton but 3-crew... But of level field under similar odds it'll bend T-90 Bhishma over & fuck it in the 2nd arsehole it's torn there.
Noob question how does Type-99A2 compare to Arjuna MK1 and MK1A🤔? When will Army gonna approve Arjuna MK1A?


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Noob question how does Type-99A2 compare to Arjuna MK1 and MK1A🤔? When will Army gonna approve Arjuna MK1A?
This question has been answered already please see the T 90 S Thread.
Feb 16, 2009
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Why would we be sanctioned? Because we went ahead with the S-400 purchase? Nope! There's a huge difference between us and Turkey. We are not part of NATO. Turkey is. They are thus prohibited from buying weapons platforms from countries against whom NATO was formed. In this case Russia.
I hope you are right because Biden is very pro China and Muslims does not share security concerns like trump did. Any sanctions will be a big hit to an already clobbered Indian economy which is service export based.
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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Do Chingpongs buy from Iran btw?
Atleast openly.
Lots of dostana going on betweet Cheeni-Farsi these days.
Swooping like a vulture, china has thrown the 400 billion dollar bait to Iran in pursuance of its debt diplomacy to prize away the strategic chabahar port. However iranian encounters with corona chan might have pumped some sanity into khaumeni in dealing with ccp.


Regular Member
Jun 10, 2020
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Don’t fault an average amreeki for all this. Being an anglosaxon mouth breather mutts, as opposed to being a descendant of living civilisation like Bharat,their society was expected to be barbarian and full of greedy peeth mein chura wala manwhores. The funniest thing about amreekans is this- being a history less bastard descendants of anglosaxons , the ingenious way they try to have a history is by claiming to be western “civilization”, i.e. descendants of Rome and Greece, even though neither had anything to do with anglosaxon barbarians as per real history .Faulting them for being barbaric uncultured bastards with highest rapes in the world is like faulting a cumskin orangutan for being an animal. Also, do remember that no body chastises a pig for eating shit and hence one should not castigate the amreekans for the ills afflicting their society. But on the other hand, Indians should think several times before they try to emulate the society of bastards and their glorious culture (or lack of it) with haste. Kek arabs can at least claim to have their own culture and religion while most amreekans worship a dead middle-eastern jew from Asia (not even Roman Gods) while at the same time trying to be a cheap knock off of the Roman empire and ancient Greece .After all a dog does not know that its wrong to bark at the sun nor does a pig know that eating shit is unhygienic. So living like animals like the amreekans do now is also not their fault, its just what a culture (epitomized by current hollywood) of drugs, single mothers, bastards, illegitimate claims of being descendants of a civilization or illegitimate claims of having a culture in the first place will look like. So us Bhartiyas should not be insensitive to them and mock them for what they are. It is just in their genes. But we can still debate on how to call amreeka- United State of barbaria or United States of Bastards?
Lethally based

Arihant Roy

Senior Member
Jan 25, 2018
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The PLAAF contingent at PAF Bholari.


There are 4 J-10C from 177th Air Brigade, Dingxin FTTB.

There are two J-11BS from 16th air brigade.

There are two J-11BH from PLAN.

Now what is intriguing is the presence of the J-10C from a brigade based at Dingxin . Which is their version of Akhtubinsk . Or you can also say their own Edwards airforce base.

The J-10C must be running bvr and counter bvr tactics against the PAF fleet of F-16MLU and F-16 Blk 52. PLAAF is busy gleaning every bit of technical data and tactics training and procedure stuff regarding F-16 from their deeper than the Indian Ocean and higher than the Himalayas beggar of a friend.

Why? Taiwan ....
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