India-China 2020 Border conflict

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May 31, 2020
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At the talks, the Indian side pressed for an early and complete disengagement of Chinese troops from all the friction points and insisted it was for China to take the first steps to de-escalate the situation, government sources said.

The sources said the agenda for the Monday talks was to chart a specific timeline for implementation of the five-point agreement.

The agreement aimed at ending the tense standoff included measures like quick disengagement of troops, avoiding action that could escalate tensions, adherence to all agreements and protocols on border management and steps to restore peace along the LAC.

Looks like we want the Chinese to back off first + both sides don't want to start an accidental war .

:hmm: Has the Chinese on principle agreed to restore April status quo or have we given up and agreed to their terms.

It reads like only remaining issue is who should move first.


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Apr 21, 2020
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Hellfire is exaggerating. He is only trying to spice up an otherwise slow news day. The Chinese will continue their forward deployment throughout the winters and so will we. What sort of fire is Hellfire even talking about? The forward deployments on both sides are barely a few kms apart from each-other. At best, they can carry out 'wave attacks', which, needless to say will result in disproportionate Han casualties.

Absolutely. For the bold. That is why have so many followers in Twitter ... spicey!!!

But why were MSM running some things on Chinese build up of heavy weaponry including missiles (?) today?

Sort of Fire.

Tube artillery, rocket artillery. On small ridges, a concentrated battery fire of rocket artillery and 155 can actually have fun with the defenders presence on earth.


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Apr 21, 2020
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ItBP is a border police they neither have the capability or the tech to keep check at chinese movements.

They can maintain deployments and vigil at a few areas but that's it.

MEA has said that intelligence agencies had warned of chinese movements last may so dont blame the itbp.

The only tech that works in mountains is a man on two legs. Never fails.

ITBP was patrolling well ahead of its camps. It was stopped one day. Overnight PLA did not occupy the ridges and build defences.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Absolutely. For the bold. That is why have so many followers in Twitter ... spicey!!!

But why were MSM running some things on Chinese build up of heavy weaponry including missiles (?) today?

Sort of Fire.

Tube artillery, rocket artillery. On small ridges, a concentrated battery fire of rocket artillery and 155 can actually have fun with the defenders presence on earth.
Today they bring tube tomorrow they will need lube.:megusta:


New Member
Jun 17, 2020
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Absolutely. For the bold. That is why have so many followers in Twitter ... spicey!!!

But why were MSM running some things on Chinese build up of heavy weaponry including missiles (?) today?

Sort of Fire.

Tube artillery, rocket artillery. On small ridges, a concentrated battery fire of rocket artillery and 155 can actually have fun with the defenders presence on earth.
Damn it Hellfire, you don't have to go 30 pages back to read each and every post you're mentioned in, even though the poster hasn't tagged you. Even though some people do not, most of us actually do appreciate your insights but narcissism isn't a healthy behavioural trait. Peace Man!


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Damn it Hellfire, you don't have to go 30 pages back to read each and every post you're mentioned in, even though the poster hasn't tagged you. Even though some people do not, most of us actually do appreciate your insights but narcissism isn't a healthy behavioural trait. Peace Man!
narcissism? i am tagged around those pages, i only respond to tags.

your post i came across in that 'my going back due to tag' :)

I had 93 new notifications right now that I went through :(


New Member
May 30, 2009
Sixth round of talks: India, China agree to stop sending more troops to frontline

Finding it hard to get enough stretchers to carry the frozen and unconscious chinese soldiers back into camp ..china has decided to stop sending more troops to front line.

Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.

oh well!!! and we know china makes the most noise through their clown diplomats and their gobar times.
So the Chinese want India to stop changing status quo at the LAC after the Chinese already occupied Indian territory and changed the status quo at the LAC. And the Indian bureaucrats agree. When will they learn?


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Oct 11, 2017
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General Sahab truly hates 11 pig!!!

The Satanic Cult of Xi Jinping
by Prakash Katoch

After China’s biological attack on the world with China Virus and Beijing’s moves to profit financially and strategically from the death, destruction and misery caused by the pandemic, many write-ups named Xi Jinping 21st Century Hitler. But Hitler criticized atheism and remained a member of the Catholic Church till his end though he progressively distanced himself from it in later years. He also directed Goering and Goebbels to remain members of the church. Compare this to Xi, a born atheist, scarred for life when his father Xi Zhongxun, a communist revolutionary and close associate of Mao Zedong, was ruthlessly purged by China’s Communist Party (CPC) and died a broken man.

This obsessive-compulsive disorder led Xi to accumulate total power unto himself, ruthlessly throttle dissent at home and abroad, and project himself, Messiah of all religions – reawakened Satan to remodel and destroy beliefs and religions. Cunningly he has also added religion to the Chinese concept of ‘Unrestricted Warfare’ for furthering China’s strategic interests. His recent focus is to attack Hinduism. Hindu temples in China were converted to Buddhist temples long back, even the Kaiyuan Temple (Quanzhou) in China known as Hindu-Buddhist temple only has statues of Buddha. But Pakistan obliged by demolishing a Hindu temple in Karachi perhaps on Beijing’s request. Now Xi has desecrated Hindu religious sites near Mount Kailash (abode of Lord Shiva) by deploying PLA and missiles at Lake Mansarovar, a place of religious importance to Hindus travelling for pilgrimage. Xi’s latest mascot, KP Sharma Oli heading Nepal, is busy propagating Lord Ram was Nepalese and real Ayodhya was in Nepal, not India.

China’s war against traditional religions of Buddhism and Taoism and genocide on Tibetans resembles China’s Cultural Revolution. Numerous Buddhist temples have been shut, destroyed or converted to prisons. Religious statues were forcibly destroyed sometimes using explosives. Scores of monks and youth have self-immolated in protests. Up to a million Tibetans have been killed or disappeared since the invasion and forcible occupation of Tibet. The crackdown against Buddhist venues, symbols and culture is intensifying; even protected historical and cultural sites are not spared. Having completely bought over Oli, Xi will likely secure a treaty for the extradition of Tibetan refugees in Nepal, which he has sought since long. Xi’s Sinicization of Buddhism will be complete by installing a Chinese version Dalai Lama. Tibetans have been ordered to replace images of Dalai in their homes, temples and monasteries with portraits of Xi and Mao. Yet China had illegally claimed Tawang Plateau in India on the pretext that Tibetans worshipped at Tawang Monastery.

China’s genocide against Uighurs in Xinjiang and its Auschwitz-like concentration camps termed reeducation camps are well known. Torture, disappearances and killings are routine, as are rapes and systematic forcible sterilization Uighur women or marriages to Han Chinese. US Customs and Border Protection recently seized 13 tons of products made from human hair suspected to be forcibly removed from imprisoned Uighur in Xinjiang evoking a chilling reminder of Auschwitz. China achieved a new low by demolishing a mosque in Atush region of Xinjiang and building public toilets on the same land. Demolition of Weizhou Grand Mosque (Chinese: ??????) in Tongxin County, Wuzhong City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China is next on the agenda which attracted widespread protests in 2018-2019 but it is just a matter of time when Xi issues the order. There is not a squeak from radical Muslim countries like Pakistan and Turkey against China’s treatment of Uighurs who are Muslims.

China’s persecution of Christians includes burning of Bibles, jailing pastors, removing crosses, desecrating and demolition of churches and blocking online Christian sites. On June 12, 2020, Chinese officials stormed the Sunzhuang Church in Henan province of China and demolished it taking one church member into custody and beat up two women. China has created the ‘Church of Almighty God’ or ‘Eastern Lightning’ cult and the New Testament is replace by a Chinese-version Bible called ‘The Word Appears in the Flesh’. The cult established by Zhao Weishan is reportedly involved in kidnappings, murders and “infiltrating church organizations at home and abroad” including in the USA. The cult believes Jesus has resurrected as a Chinese woman who the cult worships. Obviously, the cult has blessings of the CPC without which it couldn’t have survived. The cult has already recruited 300-400 youth from Nagaland in India adding them to WhatsApp groups for indoctrination and brainwashing.

Xi Jinping has promoted his Satanic Cult since he became President. China’s State Administration for Religious Affairs set up in 1961 allowed five religious organizations to exist under the state control in a “Party-sanctioned form” – Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestantism and Catholicism. Under Xi’s rule during 2015, CPC introduced the term “Sinicization” calling all Muslim, Buddhist and Christian leaders to fuse their religions “with Chinese socialist thought”. What colours Xi’s Satanic Cult will show in future is not known but the CPC appears synonymous to the demons of Kalyug in Hindu mythology signalling beginning of the destruction of the planet which is not surprising with China proving itself a threat to humanity by firing the China Virus. Some speculate that nature will exact its revenge beginning with bursting of the 3-Gorges Dam but the world may have to fight Xi Jinping and his demons through a Mahavishwa War of 21st Century – a la Mahabharat.
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