India-China 2020 Border conflict

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Sep 8, 2019
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EAM On Fiji :-Congratulate the Government and people of Fiji on the 50th Anniversary of their Independence. India stands with Fiji in combating Climate Change and achieving SDGs. Our longstanding friendship will continue to grow.

EAM On Taiwan:- <Waiting>


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Sep 13, 2020
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China has been sharing satellite imagery and data of Indian troop positions on the LOC with Pakistan. This data is being used to kill Indian soldiers daily on the LOC, while the Chinese sit at the LAC to keep a large part of Indian Army occupied there with Chinese games. China's plan seems to be to consolidate its gains in Ladakh by building more infrastructure on already occupied land while bleeding India at the LOC by using Pakistan. The two front war is already here. It's to China's and Pakistan's advantage to keep the conflict at low threshold keeping 100000 Indian soldiers occupied at the LAC, while China and Pakistan keep targeting soldiers at the LOC. When the time is right, India needs to go above this threshold on the LOC and beyond to decimate Pakistani positions and Chinese roads and infrastructure deeper in Pakistani occupied Kashmir areas. That would turn China's game on its head.
Now that the gloves are off, Indian politicians and military leaders need to talk on almost daily basis how CPEC is illegal and is passing through Indian territory. Perhaps warn China to stop sending traffic through CPEC as it is illegal and passing through Indian territory. Indian leaders should also make more references to how occupation of Balochistan is illegal and the port at Gwadar is also illegal. India should also announce an ADIZ over POK and warn that flights that dont take permission from India will be considered illegal intrusions into Indian territory.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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If you actually try turning the Chinks into crispy critters with those old hat flamethrowers, it kinda draws the attention of their comrades. The enemy machine guns on your flanks, the mortar crew behind the position you are attacking, the trigger happy snipers, all start aiming at YOU as your flamethrower lights you up like a million watt Christmas tree! So instead of trying to barbecue the Chinks you'll need to find cover ASAP, because the scene will turn into a carnival shooting gallery where you'll be the target everybody tries to shoot at once!! :scared2: 😝
What about tank based flame thrower .

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Sep 13, 2020
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Therw is another way to look at this:
If the ongoing standoff drags on for a couple of years.. then India will have built up and solidifyidd infrastructure and housing for 3 divisions along ladakh LAC.. So, in the future if India goes on an offensive against Pakistan in Pok gilgit.. it would not take a lot of effort to hold China back along ladakh LAC. .thus blunting the 2 front threat to an extent..
Also the LAC is now where our soldiers are. No more confusion on that front. Also no more room for surprise Chinese maneuvers, now we will be expecting it all the time. Also if the Chinese dont go offensive, it means they are on the defensive. That is a big blow to their prestige and aura of invincibility.

The conversation on the Chinese side has gone from "We will defeat India in two hours" to "We are defending our side of the LAC". Their bark was much louder than their bite and now the world has seen it. After Galwan, the world has also seen that Chinese took bigger casualties but kept silent. Global times PR is one thing but performance of soldiers on ground is another thing, this the world has taken note of.


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Sep 7, 2015
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Offer made by Russians in April. But I reckon, it can be developed indigenously.
Referred to as 'The blazing sun', TOS-1A is actually not a 'flamethrower' in the classical sense that were used during WW2 and later. It is a 24 barrel, 220mm short-range multi barrel rocket system that can fire traditional incendiary rockets as well as thermobaric rockets (FAE warhead) setting enemy targets ablaze upto a range of 6 km. It is designed to breakthrough enemy defenses by sheer 'fire' power, having the ability of creating a firestorm in an area the size of 5 football fields in a single salvo destroying whatever is within!

Now that would be terrifying especially to the Pakis who fear death by burning, as there are no virgins in hell! So yes! We need to procure these systems pronto to put the fear of Allah's wrath unto them!!


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Aug 8, 2020
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I accept with all the points above,since even without the diplomatic ties the Taiwanese have invested heavily in semiconductor sector in our country.

But the last point of yours gave me a heart attack!! We should help arming Taiwan and Vietnam with Nukes?? No way man, last thing we want is sanctions from the UN/US/EU, etc.. If we start arming them, then China will consider this as an act of war, and will use paki assets in kashmir and Myanmar and send its Naval forces in the Indian ocean region and try to attack us!!! Its best to keep quiet in that regard.
The US/UN/EU can't afford to place meaningful sanctions on a country as large as India (more so in the future). Did they sanction China? Did the 1998 sanctions against India last long?

The basic trait that a rising great power has traditionally had is being disruptive. India needs to disrupt international systems to suit itself if it wants to be a true great power. This is exactly what Britain, US, USSR did, and China is now doing. (Also, we need an Indian version of Monroe Doctrine but I'll talk about this some other day)

Not only me, but many respected scholars/strategists and even ex-government officers have mooted covertly nuke-arming Vietnam/Taiwan to contain China in private, and some have even suggested this in public (like Bharat Karnad).

Most people don't realize this but we have partly started doing that last point! Please read these points:

1) The science involved in building a nuclear fission bomb is not very different from the science involved in building a nuclear reactor. A nuclear fission bomb can be described as an uncontrolled nuclear reactor.

2) Therefore, if we train Vietnamese scientists to build nuclear reactors, we are indirectly arming them with the knowledge of building nuclear bombs. This will transform Vietnam into what is called a nuclear threshold state - a country which can go nuclear within a short amount of time as and when it wants to (eg. Japan).

3) Guess what, we have already signed agreements for executing the above!👇


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Sep 13, 2020
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The US/UN/EU can't afford to place meaningful sanctions on a country as large as India (more so in the future). Did they sanction China? Did the 1998 sanctions against India last long?

The basic trait that a rising great power has traditionally had is being disruptive. India needs to disrupt international systems to suit itself if it wants to be a true great power. This is exactly what Britain, US, USSR did, and China is now doing. (Also, we need an Indian version of Monroe Doctrine but I'll talk about this some other day)

Not only me, but many respected scholars/strategists and even ex-government officers have mooted covertly nuke-arming Vietnam/Taiwan to contain China in private, and some have even suggested this in public (like Bharat Karnad).

Most people don't realize this but we have partly started doing that last point! Please read these points:

1) The science involved in building a nuclear fission bomb is not very different from the science involved in building a nuclear reactor. A nuclear fission bomb can be described as an uncontrolled nuclear reactor.

2) Therefore, if we train Vietnamese scientists to build nuclear reactors, we are indirectly arming them with the knowledge of building nuclear bombs. This will transform Vietnam into what is called a nuclear threshold state - a country which can go nuclear within a short amount of time as and when it wants to (eg. Japan).

3) Guess what, we have already signed agreements for executing the above!👇
Also when people say China will get angry, we should question - Which China ? It is more accurate to say - CCP will get angry. CCP might get angry but CCP does not represent China in any legal manner. CCP has usurped power without elections but does not represent the will of the Chinese people. Just as the CCP rule is illegitimate, their anger is also illegitimate.

China nuclear armed Pakistan, we HAVE to return the compliment at some point.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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If our Govt can't even wish Taiwan, then there is 0 chance we will ever take offensive action against China😑
It's not so simple , remember bobos are continuation of english mindset .
They don't care about bharats benefit or interest.
They are vyang in form of bureaucracy.
They do what they do , dont expect much from bobos of mea or any other ministry .
They are brown nabobs .
Dont you see , the language bobos use in circulars or other documents or the documents they issue .
It reeks of ahamkar .
You said true bandhu , we dont have dridh nishchay nor yuddhak pravritti, as least the bobos dont have .
Their maansik hasthmaithun is in using heavy words and averting conflict by surrendering territories won by our sena for which precious lahu of many veer has been sacrificed.


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Feb 28, 2016
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If our Govt can't even wish Taiwan, then there is 0 chance we will ever take offensive action against China😑
Babu : "Modiji if you wish Taiwan ChAiNA WiLL gEt UpSeT! They will stop exports and investment into India and imports from India, in this current economic condition it will be disastrous".

You spook people in power by telling them exaggerated versions of real consequences to their actions

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Babu : "Modiji if you wish Taiwan ChAiNA WiLL gEt UpSeT! They will stop exports and investment into India and imports from India, in this current economic condition it will be disastrous".

You spook people in power by telling them exaggerated versions of real consequences to their actions
Modi has been dealing with China as CM and PM for 20 years.. So, not much there for the babu to surprise him with... If India does not wish Taiwan on its national day, its not because of the babu, but because Modi wants it that way..


New Member
Aug 2, 2020
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Of all you going into meltdown over Taiwan national day, I hope you realize that all this publicity and hype on social media is government supported. Formal recognition is a major major event amd does not happen overnight. Specially when majority of the world doed not recognise Taiwan as a separate entity.

Dessert Storm

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Sep 8, 2020
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Modi has been dealing with China as CM and PM for 20 years.. So, not much there for the babu to surprise him with... If India does not wish Taiwan on its national day, its not because of the babu, but because Modi wants it that way..
The Taiwanese Flags near Chinese Embassy in the diplomatic area of Delhi ain't just 'some' BJP leader putting it there.
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