"Why bring sword to a gun fight?"
First of all who agreed from our side to "No Guns" policy?
This is 21st century not some Medieval Lord of the Rings type of era. Even the sandal wearing terrorists of Taliban and Yemen fight with guns.
True. But the Chinese appears to play psyops with us. They show that despite the tech and gear, tactics and formations they put forward they can fight battles on the ground bare handed and sell that macho image at home and elsewhere.
But Galwan came as a rude shock, and they started panicking abt the long tenure winter deployments and occasional bloody fights.
India was like that nerd which takes hits from the bully, but one punch in return made the bully aware patience has its limitations. They went savage, thought that casualties on our side could pressurise us to bow. That macho image shall be used henceforth to keep India under reigns. What's the price? Hardly 20 PLA teens per year. Not a bad bargain.
THeir worst nightmares came true when Col Babu & his Biharis became Kalabhairavas.
Now we are even worser savages than they ever could be. And they know these meelees will only bleed them till some of their ranks desert the scene while we record the events.
I pity the poor PLA teens who survived that night. PTSD will fck up rest of their lives.
I often say one thing, hit as many times but don't psych fuck a guy till the threshold breaches. No use in repenting. Cheen's in that position.