Hypersonic Missiles


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
its an article dated 2009. after that airforce and army collectively placed order for 1000+2000 missiles with Indian radar and launchers.
seeker technology has matured thanks to RCI.

confusing thing is that the drdo claims akash and aad to be success, they are developing akash mk2, they claims to be developing astra as lrsam in near future because till now astra is only ground tested and worked perfectly as lrsam with 120 km range.
then they want iai to make mrsam for land forces, that too 435, a meager order of 435 against air forces whose invesntory goes into thousand sof aircrafts and not to forget the intelligent missiles being developed actively across the border.

many things need to be cleaned on this issue. there are multiple lobbies existing within drdo one which supports and works for indigenous armament and one that favor foreign participation
Feb 16, 2009
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Coming soon, world's fastest hypersonic missile

COIMBATORE: In a move aimed at facing external threats against the country with more sophisticated weapon, the BrahMos Aerospace, under the ministry of defense, will soon start to develop the fastest hypersonic missile in the world.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of an international conference on Computer Communication and Informatics at Sree Sakthi Engineering College here on Tuesday, BrahMos CEO and managing director A Sivathanu Pillai said air version of BrahMos missile would be inducted into the Indian Air Force within one year and works for developing BrahMos 2, the fastest hypersonic missile in the world, would begin soon. BrahMos would take final shape in another five years, he added. While the BrahMos missile has the speed of Mach 3 (speed of sound) moving at one km per second, the hypersonic missile would achieve a speed of Mach 6 to Mach 7, he said.

"We have the guidelines and technology to make hypersonic missile. However, tests have to be conducted for configuring with the propulsion and for engine and flight tests, which would take at least five years," Pillai said. Once operational, BrahMos 2 would be the fastest missile in the world, he stressed. Having achieved the land and sea versions of BrahMos missile, the air version was in the final stage and after carrying out the critical test, it would be inducted into the Indian Air Force to be used in Sukhoi-30, the main strike aircraft. The missile would be a versatile system in the Defence Force, he said.

Pillai said since there was no equivalent to BrahMos, many countries were queuing up for the missile for use in multiple platforms in their force. However, there is a huge requirement for this missile in India and only after fulfilling our demand, the company will think of supplying to foreign countries, he added.

When asked about the raging controversy over commissioning of Kudankulam nuclear power project, Pillai said all safeguards have been taken during construction of the plant. "Experts like Dr A P J Abdul Kalam have studied all aspects about the power project. Dr Kalam had reviewed every possible aspect and came out with the report declaring its safety. Every possible safety safeguards have been taken care. There are around 12 such powers stations in operation around the world. Those power plants have been working without any problem. So, we can definitely assume that they are safe. Most of the fears expressed are imaginary," he opined.
Feb 16, 2009
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Agni-V's detonator developed in Chandigarh lab - Times Of India

Agni-V's detonator developed in Chandigarh lab

CHANDIGARH: A DRDO lab in the city, Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory (TBRL) has developed the detonator which can trigger the explosive in a nuclear warhead and account for the successful take off of Agni-V -- a 5,000km range nuclear missile. This was announced by Avinash Chander, the scientist who has developed the missile which will be launched next month. Agni has already created ripples in South Asia with its long range capability.

"The missile has a wide range and with this our defence strategies will become enhanced. It is not to scare countries like China, but to become capable of self-defence. The TBRL has a major role in the development and testing of Agni-V. The detonator, which will trigger explosion in the warhead of the missile, has been tested in Chandigarh," said Chander.

The 50 tonne missile has a longer range than its previous versions. Though not much ambitious about entering the elite inter continental ballistic missile (ICBM) club, which includes the US, Russia and China, Chander added, "We do not need the ICBM, as we do not perceive such a threat. But Agni-V shows our capability in marching towards this way."

DRDO is also working on augmenting the power of laser weapons from 10 kilowatt to 20 kilowatt. "The major area of thrust will be laser technology and its role in weapons. We are working in this area. This includes miniaturizing warheads while maintaining the lethality," said Chander.

Also, a precise missile guided weapon, Prahar, with a short range of 90-50km will soon be inducted in the Army. The warhead of this weapon has its genesis in the TBRL, Chandigarh. Dr W Selvamurthy, Chief Controller (R&D), DRDO, ministry of defence, said, "This indigenous missile is very promising and precise."
Feb 16, 2009
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India's latest n-capable missile to be showcased on R'Day | ummid.com

India's latest n-capable missile to be showcased on R'Day

New Delhi: Agni-IV, India's latest nuclear-capable strategic missile, will be showcased to the public for the first time as part of the static display atop a tableau that its developer, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), will be fielding during this year's Republic Day parade Thursday.

The contingent, led by Lt. Col. V.S. Thapa, will also have its new tactical battlefield support high-speed missile Prahar and the medium altitude long endurance unmanned aerial vehicle Rustom-I, DRDO spokesperson Ravi Kumar Gupta said here Monday.

Agni-IV, the most potent and technologically advanced in India's arsenal, adds a new dimension to country's capabilities in terms of strategic deterrence for peace and security.

Capable of being sent aloft from a self-contained road mobile launcher from anywhere in the country, the two-stage surface-to-surface missile with solid-propulsion can reach targets 3,500 km away.

A quantum leap in indigenous technology, Agni-IV incorporates a composite rocket motor casing, a highly accurate guidance and navigation system, modern and compact avionics, digital control system and many other contemporary and advanced technologies making it comparable to the best in the world.

The Prahaar missile is "an another marvel of technology" recently developed by DRDO, Gupta said, noting that it is a tactical battlefield support missile based on solid fuel propulsion and is equipped with high precision inertial navigation system, giving it capability to hit targets around 150 km away with pin-point accuracy.

The missile is mounted on a road mobile launcher, carries a significant payload and can be equipped with a variety of warheads.
Each high mobility launcher carries six missiles; multiple launchers can be interlinked to deliver a near simultaneous multi-axis attack on a target with devastating effect.

Rustom-I, a medium altitude long endurance UAV, takes-off and lands like a conventional aircraft.

An outdoor pilot standing close to the runway exercises the take-off and landing of the UAV, and hands over the control to an indoor pilot, operating from the ground control station, for carrying out rest of the mission. Payload operator controls the various payloads from ground control station to capture essential video pictures and data.

Rustom-I can fly for 12 to 15 hours, at speeds up to 250 km per hour. It is intended to be used for surveillance, reconnaissance, target acquisition, fire correction and battlefield damage assessment.

The UAV is likely to be inducted in the three wings of the armed forces and internal security organisations such as the state police forces, Border Security Force, Central Reserve Police Force and Coast Guard in the near future.

The DRDO tableau will showcase the work of Snow and Avalanche Studies Establishment, with headquarters in Chandigarh, that facilitates Indian troops' in inhospitable snow-bound, avalanche-prone high altitude terrain in guarding the frontiers from enemy intrusions.
Feb 16, 2009
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Hypersonic missiles could challenge U.S. naval supremacy "¹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

Hypersonic missiles could challenge U.S. naval supremacy

By Tom Simko

COMMENTARY JAN. 08, 2011 - 05:38AM JST ( 41 )
In a replay of cold war rivalries, a new missile race is shaping up but this time America and Russia are joined by India and China. All of these countries are rushing to develop hypersonic anti-ship missiles that threaten to reshape naval warfare and alter global balances of power.

It's all about who can design the fastest missiles with the latest engine technology.

American Tomahawk cruise missiles are powered by conventional turbofans, which are essentially compact versions of passenger jet engines. These propel the missiles at 880 km/h – 70% the speed of sound, or Mach 0.7.

Much faster speeds can be reached with a ramjet, which has no moving mechanical parts. Traveling at supersonic speed, air is rammed into the engine. This heats the air to ensure more powerful combustion with fuel further down the engine. However, since ramjets only work at high speeds, they must first be accelerated by another system.

The Brahmos missile, co-developed by India and Russia, is a good example of the capabilities of ramjet-powered missiles. The Brahmos starts off with a conventional rocket, which falls away when the missile gets up to speed. Then the ramjet-powered stage with the warhead takes over, cruising at Mach 2.8 (3,400 km/h) for 290 km. It can fly at an altitude of 15 km or just meters above the waves. This weapon is already in service with the Indian Navy.

The high speeds of supersonic missiles leave little time for ships to deploy defensive countermeasures. This increases the likelihood of a missile slipping past a vessel's screen of defenses – but supersonic weapons can be stopped.

However, there is presently no reliable defense against the much faster next generation of anti-ship missiles. These weapons are designed to travel at hypersonic speeds – greater than Mach 5, or 6,100 km/h – and therefore present a much more lethal threat.

Hypersonic speeds can be attained with scramjets, which are similar to ramjets but with combustion occurring at supersonic rather than subsonic speeds. They are designed to ensure the high-speed air flow doesn't blow out the flames. The U.S. Air Force compares running a scramjet to "lighting a match in a hurricane and keeping it burning." Once again, the missile must first be boosted to operational speed by a conventional rocket.

India and Russia are working on the hypersonic Brahmos II, which is expected to be in service by 2013. Cruising at about Mach 6 (7,300 km/h), this scramjet-powered missile will carry six times more kinetic energy than a similar weapon at Mach 1. It will therefore pack a much larger punch if used to slam through hardened bunkers or underground nuclear or biological weapons facilities. It can also be used against ships.

China is developing its own hypersonic anti-ship missile, the Dong Feng 21D. This isn't a cruise missile but rather a ballistic missile launched toward space and arcing back to Earth. The DF-21D is capable of hurtling down at speeds of about Mach 10 and covering a range of 1,500 km.

Dubbed the "carrier killer," it is believed this new weapon will be used against American aircraft carriers to destroy US naval supremacy in the western Pacific. It could also block America from operating in the Sea of Japan and from coming to the defense of Taiwan.

The technology behind the DF-21D is nothing new – the weapon is a variant of a proven Chinese medium range ballistic missile. What is new – and a potential game-changer – is the possibility of precisely striking ships at long range with non-nuclear warheads. However, China has yet to prove it can accurately hit a moving vessel with a ballistic missile falling at Mach 10.

The Chief of India's Navy is dismissive of China's anti-ship missile program. As reported by the Indian Express, Admiral Nirmal Verma said "Targeting ships on the high seas is not an easy task "¦ There are limitations in terms of maritime reconnaissance and long-range searches." He added that it was a "complex problem" to use a conventional missile against a moving target on the high seas.

However, with enough time and resources China could overcome these technical challenges and threaten America's crucial carriers with the DF-21D. The possibility of a Chinese knock out against the US Navy concerns American military experts.

"China's ability to bypass America's robust air-defense capability and strike ships at sea with ballistic missiles could severely limit American naval power," according to Abraham Denmark and James Mulverson of the Center for a New American Security.

Newsweek quotes retired U.S. rear admiral and defense attache to Beijing Eric McVadon describing China's anti-ship weapons as "pretty daunting."

To counter these new weapons, America will need to rely on ballistic missile defense systems. The U.S. has invested heavily in such technology but it is still in its infancy and not fully reliable.

Directed-energy beams such as lasers can be countered with reflective materials and, for a slowly-spinning ballistic missile, there would be little effect on any one spot. Furthermore, hypersonic cruise missiles and ballistic warheads are hardened with materials capable of withstanding the scorching heat from high speed flight.

The most practical defensive measure is to strike the incoming weapon with another hypersonic missile, the proverbial "hitting a bullet with another bullet." The United States has proven it can do this, albeit in controlled tests and with inconsistent results. Further ballistic missile defense research could be applied to dealing with threats posed by the DF-21D and hypersonic cruise missiles like the Brahmos II. However, a dependable missile defense system is a long way off.

The United States has its own hypersonic missile development program. The X-51A Waverider is designed to demonstrate scramjet technology for missiles and spaceplanes. The first test took place last May and lasted only about 200 seconds. However, the U.S. Air Force notes this marked the first flight of a practical hydrocarbon-fueled scramjet (the engine runs on a special jet fuel).

.With this confirmed success, America appears to have taken the lead in the hypersonic missile race. However, the competition isn't far behind and the stakes are high for America's position in the global balance of power. This was clearly explained by U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in his address to an Air Force Association Convention in 2009.

"When considering the military-modernization programs of countries like China," said Gates, "we should be concerned less with their potential ability to challenge the U.S. symmetrically – fighter to fighter or ship to ship – and more with their ability to disrupt our freedom of movement and narrow our strategic options. Their investments in "¦ anti-ship weaponry and ballistic missiles could threaten America's primary way to project power and help allies in the Pacific – in particular our forward air bases and carrier strike groups."

The race is on to develop the next generation of anti-ship missiles and reshape naval warfare – and possibly dictate who will rule the waves.

The author is a professional engineer with a PhD from the University of Sydney, and has taught at universities in Canada and Australia.
Feb 16, 2009
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The Navaho intercontinental cruise missile project

The Navaho intercontinental cruise missile project was begun just after World War II, at a time when the US Army Air Force considered ballistic missiles to be technically impractical. The Navaho required a large liquid propellant rocket engine to get its Mach 3 ramjet up to ignition speed. This engine, derived with German assistance from that of the V-2, provided the basis for the rockets that would later take Americans into space.
It turned out that mastering the guidance and materials technology needed for a Mach 3 cruise air vehicle was actually more difficult than for a Mach 22 ballistic missile. In the end, the Redstone, Thor, Jupiter, and Atlas rockets were flying before their equivalent-range Navaho counterparts. However the Navaho program provided the engine technology that allowed the US to develop these ballistic missiles rapidly and catch up with the Russians. Navaho also developed chem-milling fuel tank fabrication techniques, inertial and stellar navigation, and a host of other technologies used in later space vehicles. It put North American Aviation, and its Rocketdyne Division, in a leading position that allowed them to capture the prime contracts for the X-15, Apollo, and Space Shuttle projects, thereby dominating American manned spaceflight for the next seventy years.

Completely unknown at the time was that the Soviet Union was developing two equivalent missiles, the Buran and the Burya. These were started later than the Navaho, but the Burya began flight test at about the same time. Like the Navaho, the Burya was canceled in favor of the intercontinental ballistic missile. Unlike the Navaho, it went on to a somewhat more successful flight test career.

In August 1945 the US Army Air Force defined requirements for post-war missile development in a classified document. On Halloween 1945, they invited 17 aircraft systems manufacturers to submit proposals for design studies of specific weapons. North American Aviation chief Dutch Kindelberger, facing a reduction in employment from 100,000 to 6,500 employees as wartime aircraft production orders were canceled, determined that missiles were the future and decided to make the necessary investments to win one of the contracts. He founded a corporate research lab, staffed with experts in such new fields as jet propulsion, rockets, gyros, electronics, and automatic control.

William Bollay, the branch chief for development of turbojet engines in the Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics, was identified as an appropriate leader of the lab. He arrived just in time to deal with the AAF request for proposals. Bollay decided to propose American development of the A4b or A9, a winged, boost-glide version of the German V-2, against the Army Air Force mid-range supersonic missile requirement. On 24 March 1946 NAA received letter contract W33-038-ac-1491 for this missile, designated MX-770, with a range of up to 800 km. The payload requirement was increased from the 900 kg of the A9 to 1360 kg three months later.

North American began its rocket research in the company parking lot, using a bulldozer scraper to protect adjacent parked cars from the inevitable exploding engines. They experimented first with a surplus Aerojet 4.5 kN motor. They then tried some small engines of their own devising, with up to 1.3 kN thrust. But as material came in from occupied Germany, it was obvious that the starting point would have to be the more advanced German technology. So in June 1946 Bollay proposed that North American first refurbish and test a complete V-2 engine system, to be provided by the government. This "Mark I" engine would be followed by redesign of the engine to American engineering standards and materials, followed by fabrication and testing of the "Mark II" American version.

By the end of 1946, two government-furnished V-2 engines arrived. In March 1947 North American rented a large tract of land in the western San Fernando Valley north of Los Angeles, in the Santa Susana Mountains, for use in testing of large engines. A rocket test center was built here, using $1 million of corporate funds and $1.5 million from the Air Force.

Meanwhile, North American had settled on a research and development program, based on additional information received on German breakthroughs in supersonic ramjets. Phase 1 consisted of a study of the German A4b and A9 boost-glide missiles; Phase 2 consisted of study of replacing the rocket engines of the design with supersonic ramjets in order to extend the range; Phase 3 would determine the size and type of the booster needed to boost the reengined A9 to ramjet ignition speed. By the end of the year Bollay had a staff of 43 working at his Technical Research Laboratory in Los Angeles, including 12 PhD's and 18 ME's.

As North American engineers tore down and reassembled the V-2 engines, it was clear that this Model 39 18-chamber engine was an engineering kludge, a prototype that was rushed into production because the ultimate planned engine was unavailable. By the end of the war the Germans had been testing a more advanced Model 39a single-chamber engine. So in the spring of 1947, it was decided to proceed immediately to design, construction and test of a new engine, the NA-704 Mark III, based on the German Model 39a. To assist in this, Bollay's team was free to draw on the expertise of the V-2 designers themselves, now working for the US Army - Wernher von Braun's team, including Walther Riedel, Hans Huter, Rudi Beichel, and Konrad Dannenberg. Dannenberg in particular had been intimately involved with the 'shower head' injector plate that was essential for the single-chamber motor. Dieter Huzel, a close associate of von Braun, was hired by North American as a full-time employee in order to better coordinate work with the German team. In September 1947, preliminary design of the Mark III began, aiming at the thrust of the V-2 engine but with a weight reduction of 15 percent.

In other technical areas, Bollay's engineers invented a Kinetic Double-Integrating Accelerometer (KDIA) design that allowed an inertial platform to also measure distance traveled. This breakthrough would allow long-distance unpiloted high-accuracy navigation. North American aerodynamicists discovered that the A9 swept-wing design was unstable at transonic speeds. The company selected an aft-wing with forward canard layout for the MX-770. So by June 1947 the navigation concept, the propulsion, and the aerodynamic layout of the missile had all been fundamentally altered from the A9 baseline. North American had spent $3.9 million on the project. Development of specific components - the N-1 navigation system, the Mark III engine - was initiated. Construction of the launch site for the Nativ test vehicle was begun at Holloman AFB in New Mexico.

In parallel with development of these new elements, construction of the Mark II copy of the 18-chamber V-2 engine continued, in order to obtain experience. Detailed design had begun in June 1947 with first drawing release and parts fabrication coming in September. Meanwhile test in the parking lot continued of a 14.7 kN test engine on which a variety of shower-head injector patterns could be tested.

In February 1948 the Air Force ordered a complete redesign of the MX-770 missile to increase its range from 800 km to 1600 km. This was necessary purely for political purposes - when the US Air Force was split from the Army the year before, it had been agreed that the Army would handle missiles under 1600 km range, and the Air Force over that. The MX-770 was now an Air Force missile, and therefore had to have a range over 1600 km. To achieve this, North American decided they would indeed have to change the missile from the A9 pure rocket boost-glide vehicle to one that would use ramjet engines for sustained Mach 3 cruise. This approach had also been studied by the Germans for advanced versions of the A9. The rocket engine was now used for initial boost and to get the vehicle up to the supersonic speed necessary for ramjet ignition. But even with the more efficient ramjets, the entire vehicle would have to grow by 33% to meet the new range requirement. Accordingly the design thrust for the Mark III engine increased from the 249 kN of the V-2 to 333 kN.

In February 1948 the missile was designated the XSSM-A-2. This design had reached 100% drawing release. It consisted of an integrated rocket booster, two ramjets for cruise, and XN-1 inertial navigation with a final dive on the target. But the inertial navigator drifted 1.6 km in accuracy for each hour of flight, which meant the missile could not meet the USAF 800 m CEP requirement.

Meanwhile the XSSM-A-2 was redefined by the customer as only the first step of a revised three-phase program for a family of vehicles using a rocket booster and ramjet cruise. Track, air, and vertical pad launch were to be studied. The first phase would produce a missile with a range of 1600 km while carrying a 1350 kg warhead (the XSSM-A-2). Phase two would produce a missile that could carry a 1350 kg warhead to a 3200 to 4800 km range. Phase 3 would be the intercontinental version, carrying a 4500 kg nuclear warhead to an 8000 km range. In order to obtain the necessary accuracy, North American began development of the XN-2 navigation platform, which coupled the XN-1 inertial system with a star tracker to ensure continued accuracy even in long-range flights. In order to achieve the longer ranges, North American began study of a version of the missile, which would use a separate, jettisonable rocket booster. This would allow the cruise stage to be ignited at near-cruise velocity, and to be filled with only ramjet fuel, which would vastly extend the range while the basic cruise missile remained nearly the same size.

On 26 May 1948 North American made the first launch attempt of the Nativ subscale technology demonstrator. Seven rockets were built in total. There is barely any information on what this rocket was like, and even very inconsistent information on the flight series. It is not even known what kind of rocket engine powered the vehicle (perhaps the 14.7 kN test engine used in the parking lot tests). One source speaks of six launches, another of four, and a third of three. It seems that there were six launch attempts, three of which never made it very far off the pad, two made it some distance aloft, and only one that was considered somewhat successful (reaching Mach 2.23 and an altitude of 18 km).

In July 1948, together with the company's Electromechanical Division, Bollay's expanding group was moved into an ex-Consolidated Vultee factory in Downey, east of Los Angeles. It would be here that the Navaho, and later Hound Dog missile, the Apollo command module, and the Space Shuttle would be built. As a foreshadow of the future, the preferred intercontinental Navaho configuration of this time was a delta-winged, recoverable aircraft-type booster looking very much like the B-70 bomber of the 1960's or the reusable boosters of the original space shuttle designs. The cruise stage used a single enormous ramjet engine with a nose intake.

Early in 1949, the first of three Phase II American-built versions of the Model 39 engine was completed. But by then North American was committed to the more advanced design, so this was continued only an interim test article. In May North American settled on a revised design for the intercontinental version of the Navaho. It consisted of a tandem in-line boost stage with a single-ramjet cruise stage atop it. In September, reacting to the surprise explosion by the Soviet Union of an atomic bomb, the Truman administration began pumping more funds into missile projects. In order to proceed to flight test on an accelerated schedule, the Navaho aerodynamic design was frozen so that fabrication of the XSSM-A-2 flight articles could begin.

By late November of 1949, the first version of the Mark III engine was ready for testing at the new Santa Susana facility. Because it lacked turbopumps, propellants were pressure-fed from heavy-walled tanks. The North American team first ran the engine at 10 percent of maximum propellant flow for 11 seconds. However attempts for longer pressure-fed engine runs in December exhibited surges in combustion-chamber pressure (known as "hard starts") that were powerful enough to blow up the engine. Walther Riedel played an important role in introducing design modifications that brought this problem under control. In March 1950, this simplified engine first topped its rated level of 333 kN for four and a half seconds. During May and June, full-thrust runs, exceeding a minute in duration, went well. Meanwhile, Wright had completed design of the ramjets in December 1949 and begun fabrication.

In April, with the first three XSSM-A-2 airframes completed, the Air Force canceled flight test of that 1600-km range version of the Navaho. North American was instructed instead to proceed with development of the 10,200-km range version of the missile using the same aerodynamics, engines, and navigation systems already in development. This was to deliver a 3150-kg nuclear payload - and that was to be achieved by making a separable booster stage with two engines deliver a ramjet-only cruise stage to ignition velocity. The configuration was revised to that of the final Navaho - a twin-ramjet cruise stage launched strapped to the side of a liquid-rocket booster. This arrangement minimized the length of the vehicle, making handling and erecting on the launch pad easier.

Formal redirection of the program came in July 1950, just as the Korean War began. The missile, now designated WS-104A, was to deliver a 3150-kg warhead with a CEP of 450 m over a range of 10,200 km while cruising at Mach 3 at over 18 km altitude. The final missile would be developed in a three-phase program: Phase 1, using a reusable drone dubbed the X-10, would test the aerodynamics, structural concepts, autopilot, and inertial navigation system for the cruise missile using turbojet engines in an aluminum structure to achieve speeds of up to Mach 2. In Phase 2, the G-26 test vehicle would be a 2/3 scale version of the final version, testing the vertical launch booster, and a steel-structure ramjet-powered cruise vehicle that would reach Mach 2.75 and a range of 2300 km. Phase 3 would fly the G-38, the full-sized prototype for the operational system. The payload was sized to match the 20-kiloton W-4 nuclear warhead: 3150 kg in mass, 1.5 m in diameter and 2.3 m long.

Meanwhile, development of the engine for the now-canceled XSSM-A-2 continued. Late in March 1950, the first complete engine, turbopumps included, was assembled. In August, this engine, designated XLR-43-NA-1 by the government, fired successfully for a full minute at 12.3 percent of rated thrust. Late in October, the first full-thrust firing reached 310 kN for less than five seconds. However now a new problem emerged - rough combustion during the build up to full thrust. As a result, of the seven subsequent tests during 1950, only one in mid-November reached the engine's rated thrust level.

This combustion instability in the engine's single large thrust chamber had not been solved by the Germans before the end of the war, and they could not solve it now. However the North American engineers found a solution, and by March 1951 the problem of unstable combustion was under control. This marked an important milestone - the first time, the North American team had encountered and solved an important problem that the Germans could not solve. Combustion instabilities would recur repeatedly during subsequent engine programs, and the work of 1950 and 1951 provided North American engineers with several methods for work the problem.

In just three years of development, the North American team had delivered an engine that weighed less than half as much as the V-2's model 39 (668 kg versus 1126 kg), while delivering 34 percent more thrust. They had formed the corporate technology base for further American development of rocket engines. North American's rocket division, later dubbed Rocketdyne, would go on to be the preeminent American liquid engine rocket builder, building the engines that would take the first American to orbit, the first man to the moon, and power the Space Shuttle.

But this Mark III engine was now just a way-station to the more powerful 530 kN engine required for the new intercontinental Navaho. However, the Army had now directed von Braun's team to develop at utmost speed an 800-km range pure ballistic missile. With minor modifications, the Mark III would fit this requirement. So although the Mark III never went into production for the Air Force, its Army derivative boosted various versions of the Redstone tactical missile. And it would be this engine on the Redstone that would place the first American satellite in orbit and boost the first American into space.

North American originally designed the X-10 to be reusable, air-dropped from a B-36, then automatically landed at an airfield. But the Air Force dropped support for air launching in August 1950 - a decision that would have consequences later. By December 1950 North American was completing model tests of the X-10 at its own Santa Susanna wind tunnel facility, taking it up to Mach 2.87.

In June 1951 the Air Force inspected the X-10 full-sized mockup. The highly classified Mach-3 design, with cropped delta wing and canards, was far in advance of contemporary manned aircraft. The same month, the XLR-43-NA-1 engine was run for six seconds at 430 kN thrust, compared to its 333 kN rated thrust. Preliminary design of the new LR-71-NA-1 engine's lightweight tubular-construction 540 kN-thrust combustion chamber was begun. The brazed tubes would carry fuel to cool the chamber more evenly than the simpler double-walled German design of the XLR-43-NA-1. In September 1951 the X-10 detailed design drawings were released to the shop for fabrication.

The course of 1952 saw a wide range of testing activities. A 20-inch diameter ramjet, a subscale version of the 40-inch engine for the Navaho, was flown on Lockheed's X-7 rocket. Of the seven launches, only one was completely successful, and two partially successful. The G-26 version of Navaho reached the mock-up stage; and design of the G-38 was begun. In June a test version of the 540 kN combustion chamber for missile was run. This was the most powerful ever tested, but still used the double-walled combustion chamber design of the LR43 rather than the brazed tubular wall construction planned for the production LR71. But the first complete prototype was first operated on 19 November. By the end of the year the drawings for the G-26 were released to the shop, and the first X-10 had been completed and was in static testing.

On 23 December the USAF released the full-scale development contract for the Navaho G-26, consisting of 10 cruise missiles, 13 boosters, and five N-6 stellar-inertial navigation systems (early flights would be radio-controlled). First delivery was scheduled for 1953 and first launch February 1956.

But early in 1953 another technical improvement was deemed necessary, and this would impact the schedule just agreed. North American's rocket group had begun a Rocket Engine Advancement Program, to identify improved rocket technology. One early conclusion was that the performance and logistics could be significantly improved by shifting from alcohol to kerosene fuel. The decision was made to change the propellants for both the Navaho G-26 test vehicle and the G-38 production booster. The LR71 engine, improved and modified to burn kerosene, would be designated LR83. This meant a delay to Navaho, but would be the basic engine that would power the Thor, Jupiter, Atlas, Saturn I, and Delta rockets into the next century.

The XN-2 navigation system for the Navaho had been flight tested aboard a C-97 aircraft between April 1952 and May 1953. A series of fifteen X-10 flights were conducted at Edwards Air Force Base from October 1953 to March 1955. A lot of time was wasted and four vehicles were lost in proving the autolanding capability for use at the skid strip at Cape Canaveral. In retrospect, an expendable vehicle might have completed the aerodynamic and guidance system test work more quickly.

Meanwhile North American had also begun operations at Cape Canaveral in 1953, building two missile assembly buildings, a vertical launch facility for the XSM-64 (LC9) and a 70 m x 3000 m landing strip (the 'Skid Strip') to recover the reusable X-10 and G-26 test vehicles.

North American tripled its field office staff at the Cape from 22 to 77 people in 1954. It also began installing equipment in the guidance laboratory, the blockhouse and the Navaho flight control building even before construction of those facilities was completed. Meanwhile the XN-2 navigation system was still found lacking for the production missile. The XN-6 introduced paired counterrotating gyroscopes to compensate for the precession errors resulting from the single-gyro-per-axis XN-2 design; and introduced hydrodynamic bearing gyros in place of the XN-2's air bearings. N-6 flight testing began aboard a T-29 in May 1954.

On 11 January 1955 the Air Force expressed its confidence in the missile by placing the second G-26 second production contract. This added 12 more cruise stages, 21 boosters, and 6 N6 navigation systems, bringing the total procured to 22 cruise stages, 34 boosters, and 11 navigation systems. The first X-10 was launched from the Cape on 19 August 1955, and the Navaho quickly replaced the Matador as the range's principal user. Support facilities were completed in the last half of 1955, and seven more X-10s were launched from the Cape over the next twelve months.

But North American management could see the ballistic missile competition gaining on them. The Thor, Jupiter, Atlas, and Titan development programs were all underway on a crash basis. But these missiles needed guidance systems and engines - and the Navaho's systems were far in advance of anything else available.

On 7 November 1955 North American broke up the Navaho program into three new divisions. The Missile Development Division, in Downey, would handle the Navaho missile and its possible derivatives. The Autonetics Division would handle inertial navigation and other avionics products, and move from Downey to Anaheim. The Rocketdyne division would handle North American's liquid rocket motors, and move to a new facility in the western San Fernando Valley in Canoga Park, close to North American's rocket test facilities in the Santa Susanna mountains. These divisions were now free to market their products for use on other company's missiles.

Rocketdyne liquid rocket engines were selected for the Thor, Jupiter, and Atlas missiles. The Titan was powered by Aerojet engines, purposely done by the Air Force in order to 'second source' the Atlas in case of some unforeseen catastrophic technical problem with the design.

By the middle of 1956, North American had 605 people working on the Navaho program at the Cape. Five more X-10 flights were completed in the last half of 1956, but problems with an auxiliary power unit delayed the Navaho G-26's first launch for six months. When the first vehicle finally made it into the air, it exploded 26 seconds into the flight. Three more Navahos were launched over the next seven months with equally dismal results. In addition to those failures, the first in a series of 2,800 km long auto-navigator test flights was attempted ten times in the first three months of 1957 without a single launch.

More promising were successful static tests of the booster rockets and North American's isolation of problem areas revealed in the first four flights. But while the "never-go-Navaho" sat on the pad or failed in flight, the first Jupiter, Thor, and Atlas ballistic missiles began test in the spring of 1957. They were equally unsuccessful at first, but a Jupiter made a full-range 2100-km flight on 31 May. The Army had already demonstrated the necessary re-entry vehicle technology on launches of the 'Jupiter-A' multi-stage versions of the Redstone. It was clear that these ballistic missiles, each little more complex than the booster stage of Navaho alone, could deliver a nuclear warhead over the same ranges - at seven times the speed.

But it was still a surprise when Air Force Headquarters terminated the Navaho development program on 12 July 1957. 4,705 employees were laid off the day the termination notice was received via an announcement over the public address system to "stop what you are doing, proceed to the nearest exit, and deposit your badge in the bin indicated". By the end of the month the total staff laid off at North American alone amounted to 15,600 employees. At the time the program was canceled full-range G-38 missiles were in fabrication with first flight test planned by the end of 1958.

On 21 August 1957, the Air Force handed North American a consolation prize - it was awarded a contract for the Hound Dog air-launched cruise missile. This was a crash project to equip B-52 bombers with supersonic nuclear missiles that could penetrate heavily-defended Soviet sites. The Hound Dog would use the aerodynamics of the G-38, and navigation and control systems developed for the Navaho, and an off-the-shelf turbojet engine. The program kept the core engineering and production staff together at North American's Downey facility - and this would be the team that won the Apollo contract, and later the Space Shuttle.

Because the auto-navigator showed promise for use on other missiles, the Air Force authorized continuation of flight test of existing assets. Engineering staff was kept on at Cape Canaveral to launch the five completed G-26 missiles, at a total cost of $4.9 million. These were flown through February 1958, and were somewhat more successful than the earlier series, with one missile managing to reach a range of 2000 km before its ramjets failed.

Seven further completed G-26 Navahos were to be tested in support the of North American's B-70 bomber and F-108 long-range interceptor programs. But after two unsuccessful launches in late 1958 that project was completely canceled at the insistence of the B-70 Weapons System Project Office.

North American also attempted to revive the Navaho program with the Air Force. Test vehicle and reconnaissance versions were pitched. After Sputnik was launched, the company proposed the use of G-26 or G-38 boosters to launch a modified manned X-15 into space. None of these ideas were considered favorably by the customer.

As North American closed out the Navaho program, three X-10s were selected as target drones for Bomarc antiaircraft missile tests. Two X-10's launched successfully on 24 September and 13 November 1958, but both burned at the end of their missions after running off the end of the Skid Strip. The last X-10 was launched on 26 January 1959, but self-destructed and crashed approximately 105 km downrange after a power failure. It was the Navaho project's final flight.
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
India to test new long-range missile: official

India to test new long-range missile

India will next month test a new long-range nuclear-capable missile which can strike targets more than 5,000 kilometres (3,100 miles) away, a defence research spokesman said on Wednesday.

The announcement came three months after India successfully tested its Agni-IV missile, which was previously the longest range missile possessed by the armed forces capable of travelling 3,500 kilometres.

"The trial of Agni-V is planned for March and its individual technologies and sub-systems have been tested and everything is fine," a spokesman for the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) told AFP.

"Agni-V is a highly accurate and state-of-art missile system which can carry nuclear weapons," the official said, declining to disclose the size of the warhead it could carry.

Agni means fire in Sanskrit language.

The DRDO spokesman said India, which carried out a string of nuclear detonations in 1998, was developing an array of ballistic missiles as a "deterrence" and the move should not be seen as a threat to any country.

"Our strategic missiles are for deterrence and are not country-specific. They are meant to ensure peace," the spokesman said.

The Agni series is being developed by the DRDO under an Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme launched in 1983.

India is among the world's top 10 military spenders. It plans to splurge $50 billion by 2015 to upgrade its million-plus military.

India, which will soon clinch a deal for 126 warplanes that can carry nuclear-tipped bombs, has fought three wars with historical rival Pakistan since their independence in 1947.

It also fought a brief but bloody conflict with uneasy neighbour China in 1962 over their border dispute, which remains unresolved despite several rounds of high-level negotiations.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2011
Country flag
India to test new long-range missile: official

India to test new long-range missile

India will next month test a new long-range nuclear-capable missile which can strike targets more than 5,000 kilometres (3,100 miles) away, a defence research spokesman said on Wednesday.

The announcement came three months after India successfully tested its Agni-IV missile, which was previously the longest range missile possessed by the armed forces capable of travelling 3,500 kilometres.

"The trial of Agni-V is planned for March and its individual technologies and sub-systems have been tested and everything is fine," a spokesman for the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) told AFP.

"Agni-V is a highly accurate and state-of-art missile system which can carry nuclear weapons," the official said, declining to disclose the size of the warhead it could carry.

Agni means fire in Sanskrit language.

The DRDO spokesman said India, which carried out a string of nuclear detonations in 1998, was developing an array of ballistic missiles as a "deterrence" and the move should not be seen as a threat to any country.

"Our strategic missiles are for deterrence and are not country-specific. They are meant to ensure peace," the spokesman said.

The Agni series is being developed by the DRDO under an Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme launched in 1983.

India is among the world's top 10 military spenders. It plans to splurge $50 billion by 2015 to upgrade its million-plus military.

India, which will soon clinch a deal for 126 warplanes that can carry nuclear-tipped bombs, has fought three wars with historical rival Pakistan since their independence in 1947.

It also fought a brief but bloody conflict with uneasy neighbour China in 1962 over their border dispute, which remains unresolved despite several rounds of high-level negotiations.

I think this would best come under Ballistic missiles.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2011
Country flag
At MACH 15 it is ok in this thread.

I think the speed classification is used for delivery vehicles which travel with in the atmosphere of the earth. The Agni series exit the atmosphere and later re-enter it. They are some-what similar to the space delivery vehicles.


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2009
Country flag
India to test new long-range missile: official

India to test new long-range missile

India will next month test a new long-range nuclear-capable missile which can strike targets more than 5,000 kilometres (3,100 miles) away, a defence research spokesman said on Wednesday.

The announcement came three months after India successfully tested its Agni-IV missile, which was previously the longest range missile possessed by the armed forces capable of travelling 3,500 kilometres.

"The trial of Agni-V is planned for March and its individual technologies and sub-systems have been tested and everything is fine," a spokesman for the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) told AFP.

"Agni-V is a highly accurate and state-of-art missile system which can carry nuclear weapons," the official said, declining to disclose the size of the warhead it could carry.

Agni means fire in Sanskrit language.

The DRDO spokesman said India, which carried out a string of nuclear detonations in 1998, was developing an array of ballistic missiles as a "deterrence" and the move should not be seen as a threat to any country.

"Our strategic missiles are for deterrence and are not country-specific. They are meant to ensure peace," the spokesman said.

The Agni series is being developed by the DRDO under an Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme launched in 1983.

India is among the world's top 10 military spenders. It plans to splurge $50 billion by 2015 to upgrade its million-plus military.

India, which will soon clinch a deal for 126 warplanes that can carry nuclear-tipped bombs, has fought three wars with historical rival Pakistan since their independence in 1947.

It also fought a brief but bloody conflict with uneasy neighbour China in 1962 over their border dispute, which remains unresolved despite several rounds of high-level negotiations.
We should have a Missile that reaches Entire America & Europe
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
We should have a Missile that reaches Entire America & Europe
missiles are built for threat perception. why make enemies with the whole world?
capability must be there if we went to the moon? but why spend money on maintaining
weapons that should never be used? we also missed the opportunity who knows about
future governments?


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
Country flag
missiles are built for threat perception. why make enemies with the whole world?
capability must be there if we went to the moon? but why spend money on maintaining
weapons that should never be used? we also missed the opportunity who knows about
future governments?
I think 6000 KM SLBMs would give us adequate range to target anywhere in the world, with a fleet of nuke subs. No ICBMs till we are immune from sanctions.
Feb 16, 2009
Country flag
I think 6000 KM SLBMs would give us adequate range to target anywhere in the world, with a fleet of nuke subs. No ICBMs till we are immune from sanctions.
with half the payload you would cover most of the world


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2011
Country flag
I think 6000 KM SLBMs would give us adequate range to target anywhere in the world, with a fleet of nuke subs. No ICBMs till we are immune from sanctions.
Right thinking the 6,000 km SLBM would give us the edge in terms of strategic strike. But for that we need a nuclear capable submarine. From the news it seems like the Arihant is just a technology demonstrator, and the Akula class would not possess Ballistic missiles.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2011
Country flag
with half the payload you would cover most of the world

With the nuclear armed Submarine, we can travel throughout undetected and reach waters relatively close the enemy but still farther away from the waters of the enemy.


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
cross post:

DRDO works on hypersonic vehicle | Deccan Chronicle

Dr Tessy Thomas, project director, AGNI, Advanced Systems Laboratory, DRDO, Hyderabad said that the work on the project had already started and technology is under development. She said, "The work of the project is on, thorough testing is required for this project as it is for passenger travelling. It can also be extended to space tourism."
same news:
Hypersonic vehicles can take you to US in two hours - Times Of India

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