Hypersonic Missiles


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2011
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She is out of her mind. :lol:
An average human body wont be able to withstand Mach 6 for 2 hours. Getting G suits for everyone on board? But its always good to aim high and see what we can come up with.
I would suggest an anti-gravitic hyperdrive engine to neutralize the effects of the MACH's she is gonna put on board :thumb::namaste:


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2011
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She is out of her mind. :lol:
An average human body wont be able to withstand Mach 6 for 2 hours. Getting G suits for everyone on board? But its always good to aim high and see what we can come up with.

Do you know escape velocity is the speed required to exit the gravitational force of an object. The escape velocity of earth is 11.2 km/s, which is equal to 11.2x10^3 m/s. When converted to a mach number this would be 32.9 machs.

So for an astronaut to escape the gravitational force of the earth he has to travel at the that speed, i.e. 32.9 mach.
Escape velocity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mach number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Regular Member
Jul 15, 2010
Shaurya surfaces as India's underwater nuclear missile

The country's top defence scientist has, for the first time, revealed that India's new Shaurya missile, which can carry a one-tonne nuclear warhead over 750 kilometers, is specially designed to be fired from Indian submarines and could form the crucial third leg of India's nuclear deterrent.

If launched from a submarine off the China coast, it could hit several Chinese cities like Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai.Air and land-based nuclear weapons are delivered to their targets by fighter aircraft and ballistic missiles, respectively. Since these can be knocked out by an enemy first strike, the most reliable nuclear deterrent has traditionally been underwater, missiles hidden in a submarine.

V K Saraswat, the DRDO chief and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister, revealed to Business Standard at the ongoing Defexpo 2010, "We have designed the Shaurya so that it can be launched from under water as easily as from land. The gas-filled canister that houses the missile fits easily into a submarine. The underwater leg of the nuclear triad needs to be totally reliable and needs a state-of-the-art missile."

India's undersea deterrent had so far revolved around the K-15 ballistic missile, built with significant help from Russia. The K-15 was to equip the INS Arihant, India's lone nuclear-powered submarine, which is being constructed in Visakhapatnam. But now, after rigorous underwater testing, the Shaurya could be the mainstay of Arihant's arsenal.

"The Shaurya was developed from ground up as a submarine-capable missile," confirms Dr Prahlada, the top DRDO scientist responsible for liaising with the military. "Every piece of technology for fitting it in a submarine is already in place."

Shortly before the Defexpo 2010, Dr Saraswat had publicly stated that India's missile technology was ahead of China's and Pakistan's.

Now top DRDO scientists have revealed that the Shaurya is not a ballistic missile, as it has been thought to be; it is actually a hypersonic cruise missile, which never leaves the atmosphere.
A ballistic missile is like a stone being lobbed towards a target. Rockets toss it upwards and towards the target; after the rocket burns out, gravity pulls the missile warhead down towards the target. Buffeted by wind and re-entry forces, accuracy is a problem; and, since the ballistic missile's path is predictable, shooting it down is relatively easy.

The Shaurya has none of these issues. Its solid-fuel, two-stage rocket accelerates the missile to six times the speed of sound before it reaches an altitude of 40 kilometers (125,000 feet), after which it levels out and cruises towards the target, powered by its onboard fuel.

While ballistic missiles cannot correct their course midway, the Shaurya is an intelligent missile. Onboard navigation computers kick in near the target, guiding the missile to the target and eliminating errors that inevitably creep in during its turbulent journey.

The Shaurya, say DRDO sources, will strike within 20-30 metres of its target after travelling 750 kilometres.

Conventional cruise missiles, like the American Tomahawk and the Indo-Russian Brahmos, offer similar accuracy. But their air-breathing engines carry them along slowly, rendering them vulnerable to enemy aircraft and missiles. The Shaurya's solid-fuel, air-independent engine propels it along at hypersonic speeds, leaving enemy fighters and missiles far behind.

"I would say the Shaurya is a hybrid propulsion missile", says Dr Saraswat. "Like a ballistic missile, it is powered by solid fuel. And, like a cruise missile, it can guide itself right up to the target."

Making the Shaurya even more capable is its ability to manoeuvre, following a twisting path to the target that makes it very difficult to shoot it down. In contrast, a ballistic missile is predictable; its trajectory gives away its target and its path to it.

Shaurya surfaces as India’s underwater nuclear missile | idrw.org


Regular Member
Jul 15, 2010
Shaurya surfaces as India's underwater nuclear missile

The country's top defence scientist has, for the first time, revealed that India's new Shaurya missile, which can carry a one-tonne nuclear warhead over 750 kilometers, is specially designed to be fired from Indian submarines and could form the crucial third leg of India's nuclear deterrent.

If launched from a submarine off the China coast, it could hit several Chinese cities like Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai.Air and land-based nuclear weapons are delivered to their targets by fighter aircraft and ballistic missiles, respectively. Since these can be knocked out by an enemy first strike, the most reliable nuclear deterrent has traditionally been underwater, missiles hidden in a submarine.

V K Saraswat, the DRDO chief and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister, revealed to Business Standard at the ongoing Defexpo 2010, "We have designed the Shaurya so that it can be launched from under water as easily as from land. The gas-filled canister that houses the missile fits easily into a submarine. The underwater leg of the nuclear triad needs to be totally reliable and needs a state-of-the-art missile."

India's undersea deterrent had so far revolved around the K-15 ballistic missile, built with significant help from Russia. The K-15 was to equip the INS Arihant, India's lone nuclear-powered submarine, which is being constructed in Visakhapatnam. But now, after rigorous underwater testing, the Shaurya could be the mainstay of Arihant's arsenal.

"The Shaurya was developed from ground up as a submarine-capable missile," confirms Dr Prahlada, the top DRDO scientist responsible for liaising with the military. "Every piece of technology for fitting it in a submarine is already in place."

Shortly before the Defexpo 2010, Dr Saraswat had publicly stated that India's missile technology was ahead of China's and Pakistan's.

Now top DRDO scientists have revealed that the Shaurya is not a ballistic missile, as it has been thought to be; it is actually a hypersonic cruise missile, which never leaves the atmosphere.
A ballistic missile is like a stone being lobbed towards a target. Rockets toss it upwards and towards the target; after the rocket burns out, gravity pulls the missile warhead down towards the target. Buffeted by wind and re-entry forces, accuracy is a problem; and, since the ballistic missile's path is predictable, shooting it down is relatively easy.

The Shaurya has none of these issues. Its solid-fuel, two-stage rocket accelerates the missile to six times the speed of sound before it reaches an altitude of 40 kilometers (125,000 feet), after which it levels out and cruises towards the target, powered by its onboard fuel.

While ballistic missiles cannot correct their course midway, the Shaurya is an intelligent missile. Onboard navigation computers kick in near the target, guiding the missile to the target and eliminating errors that inevitably creep in during its turbulent journey.

The Shaurya, say DRDO sources, will strike within 20-30 metres of its target after travelling 750 kilometres.

Conventional cruise missiles, like the American Tomahawk and the Indo-Russian Brahmos, offer similar accuracy. But their air-breathing engines carry them along slowly, rendering them vulnerable to enemy aircraft and missiles. The Shaurya's solid-fuel, air-independent engine propels it along at hypersonic speeds, leaving enemy fighters and missiles far behind.

"I would say the Shaurya is a hybrid propulsion missile", says Dr Saraswat. "Like a ballistic missile, it is powered by solid fuel. And, like a cruise missile, it can guide itself right up to the target."

Making the Shaurya even more capable is its ability to manoeuvre, following a twisting path to the target that makes it very difficult to shoot it down. In contrast, a ballistic missile is predictable; its trajectory gives away its target and its path to it.

Shaurya surfaces as India’s underwater nuclear missile | idrw.org
Feb 16, 2009
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Mission success

Mission success

The February 10 interceptor missile launch was the sixth successful one out of seven carried out since 2006.

The "enemy" missile,a modified Prithvi, which took off from Chandipur-on-sea, Odisha, and (below) the interceptor missile, launched from Wheeler Island, which killed it in a direct hit.
INDIA now has a credible ballistic missile defence (BMD) capability if the successful launch of an interceptor missile on February 10 is anything to go by. As a modified surface-to-surface Prithvi missile took off at 10-10 a.m. from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur-on-sea off the Odisha coast and mimicked the trajectory of a ballistic missile coming from an enemy country towards India, the interceptor, called Advanced Air Defence (AAD-05), rose majestically from a mobile launcher on Wheeler Island, also off the Odisha coast, and destroyed it in mid-flight at an altitude of 15 km over the Bay of Bengal. The AAD-05 used a longer range seeker to inch close to the intruder and "kill it in a direct hit".

It was a dream come true for missile and software technologists at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). "We saw the tracks of a large number of fragments form on the monitor, confirming that it was destroyed," V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister, told Frontline from Wheeler Island. "The mission was done in the deployment mode, close to the final user [Army] configuration"¦. Its success confirms that the country is ready to take it to the next phase of production and induction."

D.S. Reddy, Programme Director, AAD, said the DRDO had proved that India had graduated "from experimental mode to deployment mode" in the BMD programme. He added: "This vehicle [the interceptor] is capable of intercepting ballistic missiles with a range up to 2,000 km. It is for the government to give the necessary clearances and directives for future activities leading to deployment of the system." The attacker missile belonged to the 600-km-range class.

Avinash Chander, Chief Controller (Missiles and Strategic Systems), DRDO, said that "the entire operation was close to the deployment configuration".

V.G. Sekaran, Director, Advanced Systems Laboratory, Hyderabad, which had contributed to the mission, called it "a good flight".

The launch confirmed yet again that India had the technological skills to bring down enemy satellites in orbit.

G. Satheesh Reddy, Associate Director, Research Centre, Imarat, Hyderabad, was the architect of the navigation systems used in both the missiles, the attacker and the interceptor. While the navigation system in the attacker ensured that it came within the kill zone, its counterpart in the interceptor guided it towards the attacker. In both the missiles, the navigation systems used were close to the final configuration, Satheesh Reddy said.

India is the fifth country to have BMD capability after the U.S., Russia, France and Israel. The February 10 mission was the sixth successful one out of seven launches carried out since 2006. The first three launches, in 2006, 2007 and 2009, were successful. The fourth ended in partial failure as the attacker did not reach the required altitude and range because of a snag in its control system. It did not come into the "kill corridor" and fell into the Bay of Bengal. Therefore, the Launch Control Centre (LCC) on Wheeler Island did not give the command to the interceptor to take off.

The latest success means that India can destroy in mid-flight Hatf and Ghauri ballistic missiles coming from Pakistan. India felt the requirement for a BMD shield in the late 1990s when Pakistan test-fired Ghauri missiles with ranges far enough to threaten Indian cities.

Two-layered defence

As an immediate solution, a two-layered air defence system was conceived to protect the country's vital assets in the shortest possible time. Of the two layers, one was endo-atmospheric and the other exo-atmospheric. Out of six interceptor missile successes, five have been in the endo-atmosphere, that is, the attacker was destroyed at altitudes below 45 km. The sixth one was in the exo-atmosphere: the interception took place at a height of 80 km. (The altitude between 50 km and 90 km is called exo-atmosphere). While the interceptor used in endo-atmospheric missions was a single-stage missile, a two-stage interceptor was used to attack the intruder in the exo-atmosphere.

When on February 10 the single-stage Prithvi took off, radars at Konark, Puri and Paradip swung into action within 30 seconds and tracked it when it was in ascent mode. The radars communicated the attacker's velocity and position to the Mission Control Centre (MCC) at Hyderabad, situated 1,000 km from the attacker's launch point. The MCC received the data in real time, identified it as an enemy ballistic missile and issued orders to the LCC to engage it. The LCC asked AAD-05 to lift off and destroy the target missile in mid-flight. At 10-15 a.m., the interceptor collided with the attacker after the latter had re-entered the earth's atmosphere, and destroyed it.

The new elements in this mission included a seeker with a longer range than the seeker used in the earlier interceptor. This took the interceptor close to the attacker. A radio proximity fuse erupted close to the target, ensuring that the warhead hit the target and killed it. The MCC, the LCC, the radars and the data links functioned in unison. The mission proved, said Saraswat, that the system's design was good, the software was robust and the radars were reliable.

The entire interception was automated, Avinash Chander said, with the radars tracking it all the way. "We had no knowledge when the attacker would take off," he said.

A DRDO missile technologist said that "the interceptor can be inducted straightway" into the Army. There were consecutive successes with a near hit and direct hits. Directional warheads, which exploded in all directions and pulverised the intruder, were used.

An informed source in the DRDO said that although the interceptor used in this mission was capable of intercepting missiles coming from 300 to 2,000 km away, India needed ship-based platforms for launching interceptors far away from the shore. "We are planning to realise such platforms in the near future," he said.
Feb 16, 2009
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India's Strategic Missiles

India's Strategic Missiles

The Agni series of strategic missiles were developed as part of Integrated Guided Missile Programme (IGDMP). The IGDMP was launched in 1983 to achieve self-sufficiency in missile capability, with simultaneous development of a wide range of missile: Nag, Prithvi, Akash, Trishul & Agni-Technology Demonstrator.

It envisaged common development and reuse of key technologies, and manufacturing facilities, ranging from propulsion system, aerodynamics, avionics, flight control, sensors and warhead.

The IGDMP missiles involved close end-user involvement in all phases, from weapon specifications to development. It is important to note that in 1983 military users had specific domain expertise in weapons systems related to their services, viz Air Force, Army and Navy.

At that time Strategic Forces Command (SFC) or Nuclear Command Authority (NCA) did not exist to take on the role of end-user. That role as we know now was played by a joint team of strategic thinkers, military technologist and select military officers. One can notice that strategic missiles are a different class not only in this aspect but also in the technology & system development aspects.

Strategic missiles have to blend with other key elements that make a complete strategic weapon system viz:

Strategic policy organisation
Strategic nuclear warhead
Strategic missiles
Precision navigation
Command and control
India's strategic weapons programme started in early 70's with Project Devil (SRBM) and Project Valiant (ICBM). Project Valiant was an attempt to build 8,000 Km range missile. Valiant missile had three liquid fuel stages. The first stage consisting of cluster of four engines, each of 30 tonnes thrust, second stage of two 30 tonnes thrust engines and last stage with a single 30 tonnes thrust1. The missile lift off weight was about 85 tonnes. The 30 tonnes thrust liquid engine was first test fired on 10 May 1974, but soon thereafter the project was cancelled because of insufficient progress, weak programme management and organisation structure2.

Re-entry Vehicle (RV)
Unlike most other military weapons, long range ballistic missiles are designed and customised around the Re-entry Vehicle. Like other long range ballistic missiles Agni RV design is driven by the following vital specifications:

Payload3 weight and shape
Launch platform
Impact of Payload Mass on Rocket Weight
For a given maximum range the MTOW (Maximum Take off Weight) of missile is almost directly proportional to the payload weight. Reducing payload mass involves realising compact and small weapon. Equally important is realisation of light weight RV and other gear that ride the RV.

Smaller payload mass result in other overheads that limits the lowest missile mass. On the other hand, heavy payload mass (say for MIRV configuration) incurs the penalty of providing for a payload nose shield that must be carried up to an altitude of 90 km before it can be jettisoned.

Effect of Fabrication Technology on Weight
For a given range and payload the MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight) of missile is largely dependent on rocket motor's MF (Mass Fraction) and number of motor stages. The fuel's ISP (Specific Impulse) is also important, but all modern long range missile use solid fuel thus they have similar ISP.

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Feb 16, 2009
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Indian solid fuel chemistry choice, however, has better growth potential compared to US fuel standardised for Space-Shuttle SRB (Solid Rocket Booster)4. Motor's mass fraction is the single most important factor in determining the weight of missile, especially those designed for 8000 to 18,000 Km range.

A case to the point is the recently tested French M51 submarine launched missile5. The 56 tonne M51 has 3 stage and all three motor case are made of carbon-carbon fiber composite material to maximise the fuel mass fraction so the missile can fit into current launch tube of French nuclear submarines6 carrying the M41 missile, yet it carries 50% more payload over 50% more range.

The M51 missile's range is 9,000 km for 6 MIRV payload (1,400 kg including penetration aid). Yet the same missile delivers full ICBM range (20,000 km) for a configuration with fewer (2) MIRVs providing flexibility to France.

Impact of Payload Mass on Rocket Range
As can be expected the missile range increases for lighter payload. For lighter payload the range in particular is affected by the fuel Mass-Faction (MF) of the last stage.

The range for a set MTOW and fabrication technology is dramatically improved if the missile is partitioned into 3 stages. Increased number of stages does impact cost and reliability but its long range performance is much superior for reduced throw-weight configuration.

Agni Re-entry vehicle evolved over 3 phases:

Concept evaluation
RV for Agni-TD, Agni-II, Agni-I
RV for Agni-III
Concept Evaluation of RV for Strategic Ballistic Missile
In mid-1980's world's contemporary strategic weapons development centered around weapon design of between 150-400 Kt yield, instead of Megaton yield that was the norm in 1960's and 70's. The Megaton yield of earlier nuclear age was necessary to account for and compensate for poor missile accuracy. Over period of time missile accuracy improved and the same effectiveness could be achieved with lighter and lower yield (150-300Kt) weapons. Lighter weapons also allowed many weapons to be launched on a missile (MIRV).

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Feb 16, 2009
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MIRV evolved from multiple satellite launch programme of civilian space agency7. MIRV greatly improved effective use of nuclear weapons in both counter-force as well as counter-value strike role. For identical net yield, the damage from many smaller yield weapons that are well spread out is many times more compared to a megaton yield weapon8. The era of 1970's and early 80's was that of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), but technological improvement in 80's enabled nuclear war-fighting doctrines, i.e. counter-force nuclear weapon application, culminating in development of smaller yield battlefield nuclear weapons including enhanced radiation weapon.

India tested a pure fission nuclear explosive on 18 May, 1974. In 1975 BARC started developing a miniaturised design using fusion boosted fission, and military grade triggers9. By early 1980s BARC had confidence to make robust 200 Kt yield weapon using boosted fission design.

In 1987 IGDMP first envisaged developing a re-entry vehicle that was "designed for 100-250 Kg payload at speed of 7-8 km/sec"10 clearly corresponding to a light weight medium yield fission-weapon & ICBM range11. But strategic requirement also required high yield weapons (about 200 Kt yield) that impose bigger space and weight requirements. After more reviews and debates, the RV was designed for bigger payloads to match BARC's high yield weapon. BARC's contemporary 200 Kt boosted fission weapon designed for the purpose weighed about 1000 Kg, that defined REX12 (RV-MK.1) on Agni-TD and later used on Agni-II and Agni-I. IGDMP Director Dr APJ Kalam later said that they evaluated 180 different Agni configurations before settling on the final choice.

The 1000 kg payload mass was also compatible with conventional weapon payload making the missile useful in non-strategic role.

Effect of Range and Payload Mass on RV
The range of a missile determines the minimum speed that the rocket imparts on the RV. Longer range requires greater velocity. A launch velocity of 7.7 km/sec (relative to earth) is enough to insert the payload into low earth orbit, yet a full range ICBM that can reach furthest corner of earth (range 20,000 km) requires velocity of 7.5 km/sec.

The kinetic energy builds up as square of the velocity, thus when payload re-enters the atmosphere at hypersonic velocity the RV encounters shockwave and supersonic drag that varies along the altitude. It encounters extreme temperature régime (about 3,000ºC) followed by extreme deceleration régime; corresponding to energy dissipation in excess of 100 Megawatt that can easily destroy anything but the toughest re-entry vehicle.

Understandably ICBM RV undergoes the worst environment.

During re-entry the missile encounters extremely high temperature as the atmosphere tries to retard the speed of RV traveling at hypersonic speed.

The high temperature can vaporise all known material and the only way to reduce the temperature is to spread the heat flux across a larger RV area and using an ablative material to form a blunt leading edge (typically a semi-hemispherical shaped body made of carbon-carbon reinforced composites).

As the missile descends further the atmosphere density increases and the drag rapidly rises, also a very strong shockwave builds at the leading edge increasing the local tip temperature well beyond 3,000º C.

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Feb 16, 2009
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Tremendous dynamic pressure builds along the RV body creating drag that dissipates kinetic energy at the rate of 30 - 220 megawatt.

Eventually the RV enters 'MaxQ' point where the dynamic pressure is maximum. This combination of extremely high temperature and dynamic pressure can easily wreck anything but a most carefully engineered system using a combination of exotic material and manufacturing process.

Agni-TD (Technology Demonstrator)
The Agni-TD's RV-Mk.1 nose tip is made of a multi-directionally woven, reinforced carbon-carbon fiber composite material. The 0.8 metre diameter (1.0 m flare skirt) and ~4 metre long, reentry vehicle consists of five sections. Each of these sections is made up of a two-layer composite construction. The inner layer is made up of carbon/epoxy filament mould constructed on a CNC winding machine and is designed to withstand structural loads. The outer layer is ablative and made of carbon/phenolic filament wound construction.

This 1980-circa RV (Figure 8-C) was designed to carry BARC-developed 1980 circa, boosted nuclear weapon of 200 kT yield weighing ~1,000 kg (Figure 3, Figure 8-A). The 80 cm body diameter is determined by the diameter of the boosted fission weapon. RV's blunt nose tip of 30 cm spherical diameter and 14.3º cone angle indicates use of moderately high beta (²)14 design for ICBM class high reentry velocity yet modest temperature stress (3,000°C). The 1,000 kg RV sees peak power dissipation in excess of 120 megawatts (Figure 7: Effect of '²' on RV stress).

Agni-TD was first launched on 22 May, 1989 to prove the RV-Mk.1. The re-entry vehicle was designed to ensure that the temperature inside the vehicle does not exceed 60° celsius, a condition necessary to protect the warhead and electronic systems placed inside. During tests, the re-entry vehicle technology was fully proved when the nose-cone withstood temperatures of 3,000°C while the inside temperature was only 30°C15. It is important to note that re-entry temperature peak is independent of the payload weight. Thus the Agni-TD with the RV fitted with a high altitude motor could achieve necessary test velocity, to fully qualify the re-entry regime.

The RV housed an integrated High Altitude Motor (HAM). The liquid fuelled HAM is used to correct impulse variance of solid fuelled stages and subtle launch trajectory variance; approximately 50 to 80 kg fuel is estimated to be sufficient. There are indications that the RV is intended to enter a gliding trajectory when it enters atmosphere at an altitude of 100 km, this further reduces thermal stress.

Arrival of Modern Thermonuclear Weapon: Pokhran-II
In response to changed security environmentIndia conducted Shakti series of nuclear weapon tests16 on 11 & 13 May, 1998. Shakti-1 (Figure 8-A) was a two stage Thermonuclear (TN) bomb (of modern 1995 design vintage) with a passive third stage made of non-fissionable material. It should be noted that in a Thermonuclear weapon the third stage provides around 80% of the yield from fast fission of U238 by fast neutrons generated by fusion stage17.

Fast fission of U238 (or U235) is a basic material property that does not require testing in weaponised configuration. Shakti-1 did not have a third stage to keep the yield within test-shaft capability (venting) and test site constrains (seismic damage to inhabited villages nearby). The Shakti-1 based Indian TN weapon yield is 200-300 Kt depending on if tamper and case material is made of natural-uranium (U238) or enriched-uranium18. The new 200 Kt TN weapon (Figure 3-B) is much lighter than the earlier 1,000 Kg Boosted Fission weapon (Figure 3-A) that was the basis for earlier RV-Mk.1 design. Fission weapons are dense and spherical in shape, whereas TN weapons have lower density and elongated in shape yet very high yield to weight ratio. The 200 Kt yield TN weapon reportedly weighs less than 450 Kg, however other sources indicate less than 300 Kg weight, yet few other sources indicate a figure as low as 200 Kg19.

Interestingly the 200 Kt boosted fission design that was the basis for Agni-TD and RV-Mk.1 design was not even tested in Shakti-series of nuclear weapon tests in 1998. For best performance the 200 Kt TN payload requires its own custom RV design and rocket stages but that would have to wait for many years.

The 1999 'Kargil war' forced DRDO to improvise and quickly develop and operationalise Agni-II missile that used the new light weight TN weapon albeit using the old RV-Mk.1 that was designed and optimised for heavier 1,000 Kg boosted fission payload. This can be deduced from the pictures of the Agni-II & Agni-I released by DRDO.

Feb 16, 2009
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Agni-II and Agni-I Maneuvering Re-entry Vehicle: MRV-Mk.2
This RV largely inherits the basic structure, design and technology of the earlier Mk.1 RV of the Agni-TD, but has more functionality and superior performance. After making room for new and lighter Indian thermonuclear weapon payload, the RV has room for about 200 kg liquid fuel in pressurised vessels to serve as High Altitude Motor for propulsion, as well as velocity correction.

It is interesting to note that long-range missiles developed by other countries use RVs that are passive ballistic mass, thus their accuracy depends on ability of missile's RV-bus to place RV on precise ballistic trajectory. The Agni-RV Mk.2 on the other hand, is more advanced because it embodies propulsion, navigation and control all the way to the target.
At least one variant uses a set of solid fuelled impulse cartridges for velocity trimming. The less than perfect mating of lightweight TN weapon an RV designed for heavier 1,000 Kg payload imposed its own challenges (different CG and lowered '²' due to lighter payload) that also required addition of aero-fins.

The lowered '²' more rapidly slows the RV makes it susceptible to atmospheric disturbances and interception. On the other hand, reduced payload mass significantly increased the missile velocity & range (see range graph in Figure 2).

The RV has an attitude control system and aerodynamic maneuver fins, for better control, accuracy and survivability. Unconfirmed reports suggest that an improved optical or radar terminal phase correlation system has been developed to provide accuracy of around 40 metres CEP.

It is interesting to note that long-range missiles developed by other countries use RVs that are passive ballistic mass, thus their accuracy depends on ability of missile's RV-bus to place RV on precise ballistic trajectory. The Agni-RV Mk.2 on the other hand, is more advanced because it embodies propulsion, navigation and control all the way to the target.

Recent ICBM Developments
Last few months saw maiden test flights of two new generation ICBMs. The Indian Agni-III (9 July, 2006) and the French M51 (9 Nov, 2006) made by DRDO and EADS-SPACE respectively.

Feb 16, 2009
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The M51 is a 3 stage missile that is 12m long and 2.3m diameter (Figure 10). All 3 stages have flex nozzle (for thrust vectoring) and the case made of wound carbon-epoxy fiber composite21 to maximise the fuel mass fraction such that the missile can fit into the missile launch tube of French SNLE nuclear powered ballistic missile submarine carrying the M41 missile, yet it carries 50% more fuel to provide 50% more payload and 50% more range.

The solid fuel motors are very heavily packed to carry the additional fuel mass (almost 85% of available internal volume). The 56 tonnes missile's declared range is 8000 km for 6 MIRV payloads and penetration aids totaling 1,400 kg. Yet the same missile delivers high ICBM range (16,000 km) for a configuration with fewer (2) MIRVs thus providing flexibility to France nuclear doctrine.

DRDO's Agni-III is a 2 stage missile that is 14.3m long and 1.8 metre22 diameter (Figure 10). Both stages have flex nozzle for optimal flight and trajectory control. The motor case are made of wound carbon fiber composite material23 for high fuel mass fraction that is necessary for a small but long range missile. The first and second stages are about 6.6 metres and 2.7 metres long with a 1 metre vented inter-stage24.

The missile supports a wide range of warhead configurations, with total payload ranging from 600 kg to 1,800 kg. The missile is compact and small enough for easy mobility and flexible deployment on different types of surface and sub-surface platforms. The diameter is compatible with a recently tested Indian sub-surface launch system with 2.4 metre diameter launch tube25. The Agni-III is clearly a precursor to a submarine launched version (Agni-3SL in Figure 10).

Agni-III Re-entry Vehicle Options
Finally, the suboptimal RV gave way to a new RV custom designed & optimised for the newer and lighter 200 Kt TN payload weapon and capable of very high speed reentry. The RV-Mk.4 (Figure 8-E & F) (estimated from news reports, analysis and trade practices) has the following significant features:

An all carbon composite RV that uses no metal backup (world's first)26. This light and tough RV enables large increase in range for light payload.

The high '²' ( ² = m * CD / A ) RV design with 17 cm diameter blunt nose27 to generate a separating shock wave to keep the thermal flux away from the RV body.

The RV is 1.7 metre long and cone angle of 20° with maximum body diameter of approx 0.6m. Thus the effective body area is at least half that of RV Mk-2. The '²' is high in spite of lighter mass.

Strong, full skin high temperature rating, high '²' design. The new lightweight composites can withstand temperatures of up to 5,000º centigrade thus its cone angle is more aggressive (Figure 8-G), yet capable of all re-entry velocities.

The RV has been flight tested before maiden flight of Agni-III28.

RV-Mk.3 (Agni-3)
To test Agni-III with single new warhead requires a bigger RV body that can adapt with the large diameter motor. Compared to Agni-II this RV is shorter, more voluminous and 3.3 metre long.

The large base diameter makes it unviable for high speed re-entry, thus this could be a payload adapter section that jettisons the real RV located in the front section. The high '²' RV in combination with an all carbon composite body enables higher re-entry speed even with a light weight payload29.

RV-Mk.4 (Agni-3++ & Agni-3SL)
This small RV allows compact MIRV configuration atop the Agni-III (Figure 8-F & Figure 10) reducing the missile length to bare minimum. Upto 3 MIRV's (mounted inclined to reduce the overall height) can be accommodated in the nose with a protective nose cone that is jettisoned at ~90Km altitude.

A3 stage configuration Agni-3++ with the addition of a short third stage increases the range very significantly particularly with fewer MIRVs.

Enhancing the basic two stage design to eliminate the 1metre interstage, the Agni-3SL configuration (Figure 10) is short enough to make its way to submarine deployment. At 11.3 metre the overall missile length is submarine compatible and smaller than French M51.

One can see from above that Indian ballistic missile programme has steadily and methodically progressed to provide an affordable yet robust strategic deterrence commensurate with its national needs. With Agni-III the nuclear triad will be truly complete. The missile can be dispersed far and wide in the Indian mainland, it's far flung islands or it's blue water naval assets dispersed across the world's oceans. The ability to reach all corners of a potential challenger, with MIRV and flexible range of between 5,000 to 16,000 km.

more pictures in link from 1st post
Feb 16, 2009
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Russia, India To Jointly Develop New Brahmos-Like Missile : Defense news

Russia, India To Jointly Develop New Brahmos-Like Missile

After the success of Brahmos, Russia and India are in talks to jointly develop yet another hypersonic cruise missile capable of flying at Mach 5-Mach 7 and will soon agree on a general outline of the design, the head of the BrahMos Indian-Russian cruise missile program, Praveen Pathak, said on Friday at the Defexpo in New Delhi.

"In the near future, we will set up a joint working group which will work out the parameters of the missile in cooperation with developers, and also decide how much each side will contribue to the project," Pathak said.

"We want to create a weapon which would not differ much from the existing BrahMos missile in weight and dimensions, so that it could be used in existing launchers on ships or mobile launchers. In this case it would not take too much work to convert such systems to hypersonic," he said. "We hope by the end of the year we'll carry out the first launch from an aircraft. It will be an air-launch".

Work on adapting the air-launched variant of BrahMos to arm India's Su-30MKI aircraft is being undertaken for the Indian Air Force, he said. Several aircraft have already been modified to carry the weapon, he added.
Feb 16, 2009
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Indian Headlines Beyond Vision 2020: H.A.L begins examining hypersonic UAV telemetry data

H.A.L begins examining hypersonic UAV telemetry data

In one of the numerous tests, the Waverider flew in over the Asia Pacific Bay of Bengal Zone, bringing significant hypersonic research data in a less than successful flight test.
The hypersonic aircraft was successfully boosted to just over Mach 5, and the scramjet engine lit but failed to transition to full power.

Air Force Flight Test Center officials said after a flawless flight from the Air Force Base, an Indian Air Force aircraft released the experimental vehicle from an altitude of approximately 50,000 feet.

After release it was initially accelerated by a solid rocket booster to a speed just over Mach 5.

The experimental aircraft's air breathing scramjet engine lit on ethylene and attempted to transition to a new special fuel operation when the vehicle experienced an inlet un-start.

The hypersonic vehicle attempted to restart and oriented itself to optimize engine start conditions but was unsuccessful.

The vehicle continued in a controlled flight orientation until it flew into the ocean within the test range.

According to the HAL's Joint Indian Air Force Research Laboratory's program manager, HALAFRL, H.A.L and IAF engineers are reviewing the large amount of telemetry data collected during the test flight to identify the cause of the anomaly.

"Obviously we're disappointed and expected better results," but we are very pleased with the data collected on this flight.
We are extremely pleased with the support and execution of this complex flight test mission, as they provided us every opportunity for success in this endeavor.
We have attempted two scramjet experiments now where one successfully lit, and one did not.

"We will continue to examine the data to learn even more about this new technology,"
Every time we test this new and exciting technology, we get that much closer to success."

This time, the flight test vehicles were developed with the program goal of reaching Mach 6 in hypersonic flight.
The next flight will be tentatively scheduled in the next 2 months.


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2011
LF, this is a scifi blog. :) Not real stuff, but nice reading. I hope that India has gone way past this stage well before 2020.
Feb 16, 2009
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Indian Anti-Missile System ready to go | Pakistan Today | Latest news | Breaking news | Pakistan News | World news | Business | Sport and Multimedia

Indian Anti-Missile System ready to go

NEW DELHI - As a result of successful tests two months ago, Indian missile development officials believe their anti-missile system is ready for mass production and deployment.
The system uses two types of interceptors. The Prithvi Air Defense (PAD) missile is the larger of the two and is used for high altitude interception, according to strategypage.com
The short range Advanced Air Defense (AAD) missile is used for low altitude intercepts.
The two missiles, in conjunction with a radar system based on the Israeli Green Pine (used with the Arrow anti-missile missile), provide defense from ballistic missiles fired as far as 5,000 kilometers away. This will provide some protection from Pakistani and Chinese missiles. A third interceptor, the PDV, is a hypersonic missile that can take down missiles as high as 150 kilometers and is still in development. India is the fifth nation to develop such anti-missile technology.
The Indian system has been in development for over a decade. Ten years ago India ordered two Israeli Green Pine anti-ballistic missile radars. The equipment was used six years ago in a successful Indian test, where one ballistic missile was fired at another, incoming, one.
The Israeli Green Pine radar was originally developed for Israel's Arrow anti-ballistic missile system. Arrow was built, in cooperation with the United States, to defend Israel from Iranian and Syrian ballistic missiles. India has since developed, with Israel, the Swordfish radar, which has similar capabilities to the Green Pine and has been operational for two years. Swordfish is part of a system that integrates data from satellites and other sources in order to detect and track incoming missiles.
The interceptor missiles and the fire control systems were designed and built in India, although more Israeli technology may have been purchased to speed things along. India wanted to buy the entire Israeli Arrow system but the United States refused to allow the sale. The Indian ABM system was supposed to become operational in two years. But the developers believe it is ready now and are asking parliament for money to start building systems to defend places like New Delhi.
China and Pakistan could only defeat the Indian ABM defenses by firing more missiles at the same time than the Indians could handle. It's also possible to equip warheads with decoys in an attempt to get the interceptor missile to miss. Israel has technology designed to deal with these decoys and India can probably purchase that. But against an overwhelming number of incoming missiles, some are going to get through.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2010
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this is a false argument that indian bmd can be defeated by firing a large salvo of missiles by pakis and chinese.any missile system can be overwhelmed by that.also pakis do not have a large number of missiles unlike china.also india is not going to sit with fingers on it's lips if pakis and china go for missile salvos-we will reply them in equivalent no.of missiles.with india's strategic missiles technology improving rapidly it is an assured second strike capability.


Feb 17, 2009
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For Pakistan it is like this they fire their missile we intercept and fire our own. For China they fire, we fire.

I think recent report of Pakistani missile test with the length of Missile and RV with the previous lengths would have send loud and strong massage to Pakistan that we can track their missile tests and if we want we can take action to take them out.

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