Gurmeet Ram Rahim - An internal security perspective

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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He has a valid point.I found a gem of a news when i researched about it.
Medical reports suggest that Asaram is clean
:) If there is no proof of rape then it is problematic. The article you linked to does typical word smithery of people with an agenda. It quickly mentions that there is no medical proof of rape.

There was a fair and open trial in this case in a system which is heavily biased towards the one with money and poltical influence. And he still lost.

Science Singh

Regular Member
Jun 4, 2016
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You answered yourself in your question. "other evidence".
ok, so 3 women who were in ashram saying that gurmeet raped them means it becomes truth. opponents could throw few crores at poor people and they will say anything,

Somebody should find 30- 90 year women and accuse gandhi nehru rajiv rahul chidambaram of rape.

By the way i condemn dera followers violence.


Regular Member
May 6, 2017
i might come out to be rude or blatantly belligerent but i don't have time to entertain your bullshit, @Science Singh. for you, he may be pitaji but for me, he is nothing more than a criminal. btw do you think that the judge who presided over this case was selected due to ashirwad of your guruji? this trend of eroding the legal credibility and challenging legal acumen has gone on for many decades, shut your mouth and take your propaganda somewhere else as people here understand how judges and judiciary work
note 1... this cult leader is called pitaji by his followers...
note 2 please, don't feed this troll.. he pushes his agenda while punjab and haryana burns due to blessings of his pitaji.
note 3 situation is under control here, police have started patrolling, there is calm in city howsoever it may be imposed one.

Hemu Vikram Aditya

Senior Member
Jan 18, 2017
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:) If there is no proof of rape then it is problematic. The article you linked to does typical word smithery of people with an agenda. It quickly mentions that there is no medical proof of rape.

There was a fair and open trial in this case in a system which is heavily biased towards the one with money and poltical influence. And he still lost.
Can you be more specific my friend?

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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ok, so 3 women who were in ashram saying that gurmeet raped them means it becomes truth. opponents could throw few crores at poor people and they will say anything,
No it doesn't, then it is just he said, she said. There needs to be more proof in order to prove something beyond reasonable doubt which is why a lot of accused go free and lawyers have a business. Do you have any inside information which makes you so convinced he is innocent? Please do share in that case.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
Regular Member
Apr 17, 2017
But on the other side, someone made a point in debate that if PM was his side how come he got convicted.
The problem here is with the violence by his followers and gov's failure to stop it.
These politicians(Modi included) are like snake oil salesman. They support anyone and say anything just to get popular vote. Complete absence of any morality or basic human decency.

People of India voted for a change but they got same old,
wrapped in a new package.

Yet, there are those who worship such politicians. According to some Bhakts their favourite brand of politicians are never wrong. Just like followers of Babas who believe their Baba can never do anything wrong. We can argue with them all we want but they have shut their brain to all logic and reason, truth and reality. Reducing themselves to mare cheerleaders of political parties and/or religious cults. Advocates and apologists of policies that are against their own interests. Just all around stupidity. A symptom of a nation drowning in idiocracy.

My hopes and preyers goes to those who suffered loss of loved ones and those who saw their properties being destroyed, those people who have to spend sleepless nights and those families who have to live in fear in their own home.

Maybe tomorrow will bring winds of change.

Good Night people.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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@Project Dharma Paaji this reminds me of one of the hi profile cases of USA .. ..

I was closely following the Oklahoma FBI building bombings by that ex US soldier Timothy McVeigh.. And the reasons which were given for the bombing by him was that FBI had done a raid on some self styled godmen in chicago or some state don t remember clearly and the raid went totally bad and it resulted in the death of around 2 and which has resulted in this guy wanted to take revenge on the FBI and man that was one crazy bombing which ripped of the one side of the building totally ..

But when he was executed the calmness on his face really freaked me and felt this guy didn't execute the bombing all alone and there was sure some really big group involved in the background ..

so this is the power of Godmen any where across the globe and people here are bashing one particular religion as the chutiyapa ...

Hey forgotten to add the saudi mecca mosque seige which resulted in the death of around 200 people in Islam s holiest site was again thanks to one freaking guy declaring himself the new age prophet if i am not wrong ..

Akir duniya hai Gol aur har chutiypa baap kha ek din kha role hai ...:pound:

:) If there is no proof of rape then it is problematic. The article you linked to does typical word smithery of people with an agenda. It quickly mentions that there is no medical proof of rape.

There was a fair and open trial in this case in a system which is heavily biased towards the one with money and poltical influence. And he still lost.
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Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
ok, so 3 women who were in ashram saying that gurmeet raped them means it becomes truth. opponents could throw few crores at poor people and they will say anything,

Somebody should find 30- 90 year women and accuse gandhi nehru rajiv rahul chidambaram of rape.

By the way i condemn dera followers violence.
This GRR has thousands of Dalit followers. There is one discussion going on about the possible conversions of these people if GRR goes to jail.

At the end of the day, it's us who will lose no matter what happens. Better brace ourselves.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Hey forgotten to add the saudi mecca mosque seige which resulted in the death of around 200 people in Islam s holiest site was again thanks to one freaking guy declaring himself the new age prophet if i am not wrong ..
Bhai,do you know french commandos were brought to flush the guys from the mosque out.

And they were non muslims so they were converted to islam temprorily to flush the terrorists.


Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Role of media in exacerbating the situation also needs to be checked.

They are in the business of TRPs. Of course they will sensationalize and exploit the heck out the situation. However, they have zero culpability. The chutias who picked up arms and started rioting because their chutia baba got his due because he couldn't keep his little baba in his pants are to blame.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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This GRR has thousands of Dalit followers. There is one discussion going on about the possible conversions of these people if GRR goes to jail.

At the end of the day. , it's us who will lose no matter what happens. Better brace ourselves.
:) They will not convert. Evidence is all over this thread how brain washed they are. Ram Rahim will just become a martyr and his popularity will increase as a result of this incident. Imagine how much free publicity he is getting right now. And he has plenty of people to carry out his work even when he is in jail.

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