Global Think tank discussions on India & neighbourhood


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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The Experts We Need

Policy gurus spend too much time with others like them – top civil servants, high-flying journalists, successful businesspeople – and too little time with ordinary voters. If they could become “humble, competent people on a level with dentists,” as John Maynard Keynes once suggested, voters might identify with them and find them trustworthy.

LONDON – In the midst of the debate on the most crucial decision the United Kingdom has faced in a generation, then-Minister of Justice Michael Gove exclaimed, “I think the people in this country have had enough of experts.” That statement received almost as much media attention as Gove’s recent admission that he has used cocaine.

But Gove’s statement was no impromptu outburst. It was a deliberate attempt – common nowadays among populist politicians – to build political capital out of anti-expert anger. The names vary – technocrats, nerds, dweebs, eggheads, pointy-heads – but the sentiment is the same across many countries and contexts: distrust of know-it-alls and the evidence-based public policies they favor.

The Death of Expertise is the revealing title of a 2017 bookby Tom Nichols, a professor at the US Naval War College. Nichols gets it just right. Once upon a time, when doctors or teachers opened their mouths, people listened. Today, people who have done a half-hour of “research” on the Internet claim to know just as much. And any expert who confidently claims x, backed up by decades of study, may face thousands on Twitter or Facebook who claim that “in their experience,” y is true.

Experts and technocratic elites can be easy to hate. They often speak in jargon-filled sentences no one can understand. They can be arrogant, as when Hillary Clinton described Trump voters as a “basket of deplorables.” In Latin America, intellectuals routinely depict middle-class voters who lean right as consumerist social climbers who have sacrificed class solidarity on the altar of money-grubbing individualism. If identity politics is, as Francis Fukuyama has defined it, nothing more than a group’s demand for dignity, well, knowledge elites have not been treating their fellow citizens with much of it.

Moreover, expert prognosticators have not been very good at prognosticating. Across the street from my office at the London School of Economics is the building where, in the midst of the global financial crisis a decade ago, Queen Elizabeth II asked: “Why did nobody notice it?” The assembled academic luminaries could not provide an answer.

Likewise, academia’s leading lights failed to anticipate the other world-transforming event of the last 30 years, the collapse of the Soviet bloc. This failure puzzled Philip Tetlock, then a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, so much that he wrote an entire book about it. His conclusion: experts who confidently believe in only one approach and view the world through a single conceptual lens are particularly bad at forecasting. By contrast, experts who recognize how little they know and therefore proceed by trial and error, constantly adapting their forecasts, are less likely to get it all wrong.

But technical ability is not the only or even the main issue. Conflicting motivations are probably a more important reason why citizens increasingly distrust experts. There is a misconception at work. Policy wonks think of themselves as unbiased purveyors of high-quality, evidence-based advice. Informed citizens reasonably fear that the wonk in question may be in thrall to a particular ideology or methodology; that the advice may be politically motivated; or that advisers may tailor their counsel to their own career concerns (how to get that plum job on Wall Street after leaving government, for example).

Economists have a name for this: the principal-agent problem. It occurs when the shareholders of a company (the principals) hire a manager (the agent) whose interests may not be perfectly aligned with theirs. Economics has a whole subfield, contract theory, devoted to devising contractual arrangements, rules, and regulations that overcome this incentive problem. But strangely, economists have devoted relatively little time to solving the problem that affects them directly: how to ensure that politicians and voters can trust the advice that experts provide.

Small innovations, like requiring academics to disclose upfront who funds their research, certainly help, but only so much. At a deeper level, experts face a problem familiar to politicians: convincing citizens that they (the experts) share the same values and concerns, and therefore advocate the policies that they (the citizens) would choose if they had the information needed to make that choice.

In an ideal world, experts would present a menu of policy choices from which citizens wisely choose. But in the real world, citizens have neither the time nor the inclination to sift through complex and tedious policy alternatives. Nor, sadly, do most politicians. Policy wonks are seldom asked for a menu of options; more often, they are asked a simple question: what should we do? And in answering that question, wonks inevitably bring their own values and preferences to bear.

So, as with so many political issues nowadays, it comes down to a matter of identity: can voters identify with the expert or the politician whom the expert advises? Can voters sense that they belong to the same tribe and uphold the same values?

Typically, the answer is no. And there lies the root of the problem. Policy gurus and politicians probably spend too much time with others like them – top civil servants, high-flying journalists, successful businesspeople – and too little time with ordinary voters. This undoubtedly shapes their worldview. As a Spanish-language saying goes, “Dime con quién andas y te dire quién eres”: “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”

So how can experts regain citizens’ trust? The answer is paradoxical: by becoming intellectually more modest, less beholden to the rarified ways of the ivory tower and the lecture hall, and likelier to listen to people who do not have a PhD. If they could become “humble, competent people on a level with dentists,” as John Maynard Keynes once suggested, then there is at least a chance that voters will identify with the nerdy pointy-heads and find them trustworthy.

The task is urgent, because the world needs credible experts. After all, if a tooth aches, we turn not to a pleasant and well-meaning friend, but to the frightening syringes and drills of the most competent dentist we can find.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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Take for instance the ongoing tensions between US and Iran. The general sense one gets, if one survey Indian electronic and print media, is that Iran is responsible for the ratcheting up of the tension and US is somehow trying to bring order.
That's very recent. Indian elites and media outlets have been sympathetic to Iran. However, cancelling Farad B gas deal or sending all further engagements with India in cold bag is the reason of Indian government's apathy towards Iran now.

If India has deployed warships in Arabian sea, those are not for defending Iran or keep US out. But to protect Indian oil supplies to keep Iran in check.
However we know that US is solely responsible for the current situation
Factually incorrect. Iran is as responsible for drama as the US is.

US is bully with all its dangerous toys times around world bullying others. Iran is a n aggressive mullahs jihadi state who actively seeks to destablise all their neighbors. Seriously, who asked them fire torpedos on oil tankers and intercepting American drone?
This is the power of the western media to mold international perspective and I have no reason to believe India has been a exception.
Sometimes perspectives are similar, doesn't mean that they are influenced by some propaganda machine.

Seriously, India's earlier warmth with Iran and current apathy with Iran, is a result of Iran's reciprocations.
Indeed India has some catching up to do with China and the west and this is why advocate India could take some lessons from the Chinese playbook. China too had a history of animosity towards US and Japan, but it did not let those (both real and imagined) threat perceptions to stall heightened economic engagement with those two countries and look where they are today. Diplomatic and geopolitical differences should not prevent us from engaging China in a robust economic partnership because India has much more to gain than China from this engagement.
Not clear, what you want to "learn" from China here.
Economic model? I agree to some part. If propaganda machine, impractical in a democracy like India.
China is a security state who functions like a machine. Our country is relatively free and our government will have to be more appealing to citizens in order to tackle western propaganda.


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
That's very recent. Indian elites and media outlets have been sympathetic to Iran. However, cancelling Farad B gas deal or sending all further engagements with India in cold bag is the reason of Indian government's apathy towards Iran now.

If India has deployed warships in Arabian sea, those are not for defending Iran or keep US out. But to protect Indian oil supplies to keep Iran in check.

Factually incorrect. Iran is as responsible for drama as the US is.

US is bully with all its dangerous toys times around world bullying others. Iran is a n aggressive mullahs jihadi state who actively seeks to destablise all their neighbors. Seriously, who asked them fire torpedos on oil tankers and intercepting American drone?

Sometimes perspectives are similar, doesn't mean that they are influenced by some propaganda machine.

Seriously, India's earlier warmth with Iran and current apathy with Iran, is a result of Iran's reciprocations.

Not clear, what you want to "learn" from China here.
Economic model? I agree to some part. If propaganda machine, impractical in a democracy like India.
China is a security state who functions like a machine. Our country is relatively free and our government will have to be more appealing to citizens in order to tackle western propaganda.
I'm not just talking about Indian govt response. Look at the general opinion. Here we are assigning blame on Iran or holding them equally responsible, when clearly Iran decided to stick to multilateral nuclear deal, despite US unilateral withdrawal. We are parroting US allegations on the attacks, when neither Norway, UAE or even the UN has blamed Iran for the same. This is why I say independent perspective is an imagination....

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
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Apr 29, 2015
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I'm not just talking about Indian govt response. Look at the general opinion. Here we are assigning blame on Iran or holding them equally responsible, when clearly Iran decided to stick to multilateral nuclear deal, despite US unilateral withdrawal. We are parroting US allegations on the attacks, when neither Norway, UAE or even the UN has blamed Iran for the same. This is why I say independent perspective is an imagination....
I'm again saying, US withdrawal of treaty is one aspect. Iran has been showing exceptional aggression.

Calling it a western perspective is a biased and faulty approach.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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See how organised leftists are, they are already started research to stop BJP from repeating 2019....
The Role of Digital Media in the 2019 Indian General Elections - Part 1 (27 Jun 2019)



New Member
Mar 28, 2009
I'm again saying, US withdrawal of treaty is one aspect. Iran has been showing exceptional aggression.

Calling it a western perspective is a biased and faulty approach.
Seen from our angle, Iran has signed the NPT, adhered to the rules of the JCPOA agreement. America on the other hand has unilaterally withdrawn from the deal, imposed unfair sanctions on Iran, threatens to sanction other countries trading with Iran, yet we are to believe Iran is equally responsible for current crisis. If this isn't the westerners argument, I don't know what it is.


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Feb 17, 2017
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Haftar blames Turkey for helping rivals GNA invade Gharyan city: Orders forces to attack Turkish ships and bans flights to Turkey
Head of the Libyan National Army (LNA) Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, declaring Turkey as an enemy state of their force, has ordered his forces to attack Turkish ships and interests in the country, his spokesman Ahmed Al-Mismari said on Friday, accusing Turkey of being actively involved in battles.

“Orders have been given to the air force to target Turkish ships and boats in Libyan territorial waters,” said General Ahmad al-Mesmari, adding that “Turkey provided air cover using drones during the militia invasion of Gharyan city.”

The spokesman accused Turkey of helping Haftar’s rivals- the Government of National Accord (GNA)- seize the town of Gharyan, around 100 kilometers (around 60 miles) southwest of Tripoli.

Turkish strategic sites, companies and projects belonging to the Turkish state (in Libya) are considered legitimate targets by the armed forces.”

Mesmari added “all Turkish nationals on Libyan territory will be arrested” and “all flights to and from Turkey will be banned.

Anti-Haftar forces supporting Libya’s GNA announced Wednesday they had retaken the strategic town of Gharyan in a surprise attack, seizing the main supply base for Haftar’s months-long offensive.

Haftar on Saturday promised a “tough response” and accused militias backing the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) of executing his wounded troops at the town’s hospital – allegations refuted by both the GNA and authorities in Gharyan.

After Hafter’s spokesman, Mismari’s statement, Turkish airplanes had to change all their routes. And also a drone belonging to Turkey was shot down by Hafter’s forces

GNA forces gathering on road toward Haftar stronghold Tarhuna SE of Tripolis
GNA forces were seen gathering on road toward Haftar stronghold Tarhuna SE of Tripolis

The head of LNA forces, Khalifa Haftar confirmed that the operations of the national army are continuing until all military objectives are achieved and the country is liberated from armed and terrorist militias

After Haftar’s spokesman blamed Turkey, people burnt Istanbul Restaurant in Benghazi.

Earlier the Libyan National Army (LNA) accused Turkey of training armed militias loyal to Fayez al-Sarraj’s Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli

The eastern-based LNA, led by Khalifa Haftar and supported by Turkey’s regional rivals Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, has accused Turkey of funding and arming Islamist factions in Libya fighting on the side of the Tripoli-based GNA.

Turkey has in May end, denied any involvement in the shipments of arms to Libya, which, if true, would mean it has violated an international arms embargo.

Turkey on May 18 sent a large shipment of military equipment to Islamist militias controlling Tripoli and fighting against LNA. Turkey had also been sending Islamic State (ISIS) militants by ship to Libya.

Libya has had a United Nations Security Council arms embargo imposed on it since 2011.

On 20th June 2019, Turkey has sold weaponry and equipment to the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya to balance the civil war there, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan acknowledged

Dozens of Turkish “Kirpi” armoured vehicles delivered to GNA
Pictures emerged last month showing that dozens of Turkish “Kirpi” armoured vehicles were delivered to the GNA. Khalifa Haftar, also claimed last month that Turkey had provided drones to their enemy in a bitter civil war that has divided the country into two camps supported by different international powers.

Once Turkey was exposed of supplying arms and helping GNA, Erdogan told a group of journalists, “We have a military cooperation agreement with Libya. We are providing to them if they come up with a request, and if they pay for it. They really had a problem in terms of defence needs, equipments.”

“Egypt and the UAE’s (Crown Prince) Mohammed bin Zayed are supporting Haftar’s forces. They were very strong in terms of equipment and drones. Now there is a balance after the latest reprisals. We will update the security agreement we have with Libya,” he added.

Turkey’s president said officials were coordinating the security assistance with the GNA through Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar and the relevant intelligence agencies in both countries.

Turkey had supplied arms and assistance to GNA forces was in complete blatant disregard of the United Nations Security Council arms embargo on Libya.

Haftar, a retired general who had taken part in the revolt against Qaddafi, unleashed an offensive in May 2014 to purge Libya of Islamist Radicals, he branded “terrorists.”

Libya has remained beset by turmoil since 2011 when a NATO-backed uprising led to the ouster and death of President Muammar Gaddafi after four decades in power.

Libya now appears as a patchy composition of hundreds of militias, mainly allied, yet not exclusively, into two coalitions: the first surrounding the Government of National Accord led by Fayez al-Sarraj (wanted by the United Nations); the second surrounding field marshal Khalifa Haftar

In an interview in June, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar talked at length about his military operation and his war on terror, the dismantling of militias He had said “The military operation takes aim at inexecrable realities that could not be addressed by any other means. Such realities include: the presence and spreading of terrorist leaders, and their recruitment activities through cells inside Tripoli, the presence and spreading of militias, and their control over the funds that belong to the Libyan people at the Central Bank of Libya, as well as their practice of highway robbery, kidnapping, blackmail, the growing of activities by criminal groups, organized-crime gangs who trade in human beings, and the smuggling of oil and fuels, and also the presence of groups of politicized Islam that sabotage political life and spoil its atmosphere, and even implement foreign agendas that conflict with the interests of the Libyan people.

This is the part that we aim at with our military operation, anything else, the Libyan people will find solutions for, using dialogue and discussion, through peaceful, political, and democratic means.”

In regards the recent Islamist Radical militias attacks in Libya, The Libyan National Army War Information Division stated: “We strongly condemn the brutal terrorist bombing of civilians in the Aziziya district by armed terrorist militia planes that were launched from the secondary airfield in Misrata”, adding: “Our response will be very harsh on these terrorists, in order to ensure the protection of civilians and avoid the recurrence of such an attack.”

Please follow this new News Website and twitter handle @communique_news and support it.:india2:


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Feb 17, 2017
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Anger against Pakistan Govt sending Legal Notice to Twitter users beyond its territorial jurisdiction.
In recent past a lot of users on Twitter have received Twitter Legal Correspondence from Twitter, informing them regarding the receipt of official correspondence from Pakistan Government in regards of one or more of their tweets, that was in violation of Pakistan Law. There is a lot of anger among all Twitter users in all the countries on this arbitrary assumption of jurisdiction by Pakistan government in all the countries with free speech in the world.

One Twitter user questioned, “Is there any law in Terrorist Nation Pakistan?”

Another Twitter user questioned, “Pakistan is exporting Terrorists worldwide, killing innocent civilians. Shouldn’t the government of Terrorist Nation Pakistan be tried in International Court of Justice for its war crimes against the whole humanity?”

Another Twitter user told that Pakistan is committing genocide of the minority Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs, Sindhis, Ahamadiyas, Hazaras, Christians, Hindus. Over a Million people have been disappeared in last one decade. They have either been killed or sold for Organ Harvesting. International community must isolate Pakistan and impose sanctions against the Terrorist Nation Pakistan.

We tried to investigate a few of the handles and the tweets that Pakistan government found in contravention of their law.

A Canadian citizen Ensaf Haidar got the Twitter Correspondence notice on 30th November 2018 regarding the receipt of official correspondence regarding her Twitter account @misss9afi for one of her tweets that was in violation of Pakistan Law.

On 20th June 2019, a US citizen Steven Crowder got a similar Twitter Correspondence informing him about the receipt of official correspondence regarding his Twitter account @scrowder for one of his tweets in violation of Pakistan Law.

Twitter Legal Correspondence Received by French Journalist Francesca Marino and her tweets allegedly violating Pakistan Law

Few more tweets from French Journalist Francesca Marino’s allegedly violating Pakistan Law
On 28th June 2019, a French Journalist Francesca Marino received a similar Twitter Correspondence informing him about the receipt of official correspondence regarding his Twitter account @francescam63 for a few of her tweets in violation of Pakistan Law.

Twitter notice and Tweets of Aditi Dubey, an International Human Rights Activist, that allegedly violated Pakistan Law
Same day i.e. on 28th June 2019, an Indian, Aditi Dubey who is an International Human Rights Activist, received a similar Twitter Correspondence informing her about the receipt of official correspondence regarding her Twitter account @dtdubey200 for a few of her tweets in violation of Pakistan Law.

Our website looked at the all the above mentioned handles and tried to find the tweets that were alleged to be in violation of Pakistan law. As you can notice, most of the tweets were showing their solidarity for minority Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs in Pakistan. Terrorist Nation Pakistan is committing genocide of its minorities and selling Balochistan resources to China under OBOR/CPEC. In order to exploit the natural resources from illegally occupied Balochistan, Pakistan army and its trained terrorist militia are burning villages, killing people, looting their houses of all valuables, disappearing people, selling them for Organ Harvesting.

Whole world knows Pakistan is the Terrorist producing factory of the world and exports its Terrorists worldwide. All major terrorist activities in the world have foot prints in Pakistan. Taliban that is responsible for killing more than 2000 US soldiers in Afghanistan is financed and supported by Terrorist Nation Pakistan. United Nations designated Terrorists Osama Bin Laden and Masood Azhar found safe heavens in Pakistan. Pakistan leached $33 Billion from US in the name of War against Terror and backstabbed US by secretely financing and arming Taliban and other Terrorists US forces were fighting against.

As per one of the US soldiers who participated in the War against Terror in Afghanistan, their were many instances when their arms supplies were stolen. Welding machines were used to break open the containers and their arms stolen from the containers that were meant for US forces. A lot of US guns and ammunition thus landed in hands of Pakistan. As per him every US soldier who has served in Afghanistan knows about duplicity of Pakistan and they can never be trusted.

We discussed this issue with one of the Legal experts. He told that Pakistan has no Territorial Jurisdiction

As far as criminal jurisdiction is concerned, the grounds or principles of jurisdiction mostly invoked by States are as follows.

1. The Territorial Principle – It means that a State has the primary jurisdiction over all events taking place in its territory regardless of the nationality of the person responsible. The territorial jurisdiction of State extents over its land, its national airspace, its internal water, its territorial sea, its national aircrafts, and its national vessels

2. The Nationality Principle – State jurisdiction extends to its nationals and actions they take beyond its territory. A State may prosecute its nationals for crimes committed anywhere in the world

3. The Protective principle – The protective principle implies that a State may exercise jurisdiction over an alien who commits an act outside its territory, which is deemed prejudicial to its security and interests. In practice however, this principle is applied in those cases where the acts of the person which take place abroad constitute crimes against the sovereignty of the State, such as plots to through a government, treason, espionage, forging a currency, economic crimes and breaking immigration laws and regulations.

4. The Universality Principle – State can claim jurisdiction over certain crimes committed by any person anywhere in the world, without any required connection to territory, nationality or special State interest. After the Second World War, universal jurisdiction has been universally recognized over certain acts considered as international crimes. International crimes are those crimes committed against the international community as a whole or in violation of International Law and punishable under it, such as war crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity

As per the Legal expert, Tweets mentioned by Pakistan Government as a violation of Pakistan Law does not fall in any of the above grounds and their complaint is void on the grounds of Jurisdiction. As per the Legal Expert, Pakistan has exported terrorists to its neighboring Afghanistan and India for decades. Indian government has given dossiers of Pakistan’s Terrorist activities to Pakistan, still Pakistan has never acted against the Terrorists who killed thousands of innocent civilians.

As per the Legal expert, it is time for US, Afghanistan & India to jointly sue Pakistan for $5 Trillion damages or compensation for over 2000 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan, devastation caused by Pakistan sponsored terrorists in Afghanistan, over a Lakh civilians and armed forces killed by Pakistan sponsored terrorists in India and for printing fake US and Indian currency notes by Terrorist Nation Pakistan.

One of the Twitter user told that Pakistan has employed paid Twitter trolls who are inciting communal violence in India between different religious communities. Pakistan has been running propaganda to bleed India with 1000 cuts. As per the user, “If we take that into account, there will be thousands of such Pakistani Twitter handles that needs to be severely dealt with under Indian Law, that abuse and desecrate our Hindu Gods and Goddess pictures and incite communal violence.”

One Twitter user told, you dont need to any thing, just laugh at it.

Please follow this new News Website and twitter handle @communique_news and support it.


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Feb 17, 2017
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Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire – Was the investigation a sham to cover up for French Govt policy failures? Is French Government hiding the Truth?
15th April 2019 will be remembered as a dark day in the French history. A structure fire broke out beneath the roof of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on 15 April 2019 at 18:20 CEST. Smoke was massive that the color was different than the one when wood is burned. French Government promised an investigation. A lot of Experts came on media and presented their opinion.

Benjamin Mouton, An Architect who was in the past involved in the restoration of Notre-Dame speaks
Benjamin Mouton, An Architect who was in the past involved in the restoration of Notre-Dame also was of the opinion that it was a conspiracy. On a news channel discussion, he said “Oak that is 800 years old is very hard. Try to burn it, Old oak doesn’t burn like that… You would need a lot of kindling to succeed.” “Wiring was updated in 90s, so there is no possibility of a short circuit”

Trying to light fire to old beam with a torch
To disapprove the theory of Old oak getting burnt easily, enthusiasts tried different methods to light fire to old beam with a torch and it doesn’t burn easily while the Oak in the cathedral was 800 years old.

People can be seen in the Cathedral at the time of Fire.
Cathedral was set on fire at a time when there was no workers on the scene. However, the videos received of the fire and the Firefighters also claimed that there were some people inside the cathedral when the church got on fire. Who were those people?

As per firefighters who put out the fire, alleged “there was a odd smell in the air at the time of the fire.” However, it was also overlooked.

Map shared on social media showing the Churches destroyed or desecrated in last 4 years
Soon after the fire, the social media was full of other Christian sites in France that have been destroyed or desecrated in the last four years. As per one person there were 400 such Christian sites that were destroyed or desecrated in last 4 years.

Another massive fire in French city Versailles, buildings were burning near the former residence of the Kings of France
On 24th April there was another massive fire in French city Versailles, buildings were burning near the former residence of the Kings of France. Looking at the massive size and intensity of the flames that looked exactly like the Notre-Dame Cathedral fire with the same color of the smoke, it looked like a highly combustible chemical was used to burn the buildings. However, the possibility of the usage of a highly combustible chemical was ignored by investigators in Notre-Dame Cathedral fire.

ISIS came up with posters depicting Big Ben ablaze
A month after the fire in May 2019, ISIS came up with posters depicting Big Ben ablaze as reminiscent of the massive fire in April that destroyed roof and spire of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. ISIS groups calling it ‘retribution and punishment’ and telling the western countries to “Wait for the next”.

France was one of the pioneers in the EU to allow millions of Islamic Radicals in EU as refugees. If you look at the pictures or videos of the arrivals of the so called refugees in Europe, all are young Muslim males and none are accompanied with women or old people. Many people on social media claim that this is a systematic Islamic Invasion of the Europe in connivance with Liberal Politicians. It is an attempt to destroy the culture of freedom of Europe and establish a Sharia law worldwide. Islamist Radicals cannot tolerate Christian Churches or other sites.

French resident talk about how the other centuries old sites were desecrated in the past by Islamist Radicals, however the Liberals just laughed at it and the culprits were let go scot-free
In one such video obtained, a French resident talk about how the other centuries old sites were desecrated in the past by Islamist Radicals, however the Liberals just laughed at it and the culprits were let go scot-free. Would that have happened if the same was done by a Christian to an Islamic place of worship? People are calling it hypocrisy of the Liberals and the French government where people are being subdued and voices suppressed in the name of Islamophobia.

Yesterday the news was circulated by French Government in the media that as per the preliminary investigation, “A badly stubbed-out cigarette or an electrical fault could have started the devastating fire that ripped through Notre-Dame cathedral in April, ruling out any criminal intent.

Should Christians around the world accept this investigation report and close their eyes to thousands of other similar incidents and accept them as accidents? There is a growing demand on social media that US and other countries should send their Forensic experts and do a neutral investigation of the Notre-Dame Fire. Will French Government accept the demand for an independent International Forensics team to investigate?

Please follow this new News and twitter handle @communique_news and support it.:india2:


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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@SanjeevM appreciated if you can put these posts in a different thread.. trying to keep this thread to strictly think tank related discussions.
Haftar blames Turkey for helping rivals GNA invade Gharyan city: Orders forces to attack Turkish ships and bans flights to Turkey
Head of the Libyan National Army (LNA) Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, declaring Turkey as an enemy state of their force, has ordered his forces to attack Turkish ships and interests in the country, his spokesman Ahmed Al-Mismari said on Friday, accusing Turkey of being actively involved in battles.

“Orders have been given to the air force to target Turkish ships and boats in Libyan territorial waters,” said General Ahmad al-Mesmari, adding that “Turkey provided air cover using drones during the militia invasion of Gharyan city.”

The spokesman accused Turkey of helping Haftar’s rivals- the Government of National Accord (GNA)- seize the town of Gharyan, around 100 kilometers (around 60 miles) southwest of Tripoli.

Turkish strategic sites, companies and projects belonging to the Turkish state (in Libya) are considered legitimate targets by the armed forces.”

Mesmari added “all Turkish nationals on Libyan territory will be arrested” and “all flights to and from Turkey will be banned.

Anti-Haftar forces supporting Libya’s GNA announced Wednesday they had retaken the strategic town of Gharyan in a surprise attack, seizing the main supply base for Haftar’s months-long offensive.

Haftar on Saturday promised a “tough response” and accused militias backing the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) of executing his wounded troops at the town’s hospital – allegations refuted by both the GNA and authorities in Gharyan.

After Hafter’s spokesman, Mismari’s statement, Turkish airplanes had to change all their routes. And also a drone belonging to Turkey was shot down by Hafter’s forces

GNA forces gathering on road toward Haftar stronghold Tarhuna SE of Tripolis
GNA forces were seen gathering on road toward Haftar stronghold Tarhuna SE of Tripolis

The head of LNA forces, Khalifa Haftar confirmed that the operations of the national army are continuing until all military objectives are achieved and the country is liberated from armed and terrorist militias

After Haftar’s spokesman blamed Turkey, people burnt Istanbul Restaurant in Benghazi.

Earlier the Libyan National Army (LNA) accused Turkey of training armed militias loyal to Fayez al-Sarraj’s Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli

The eastern-based LNA, led by Khalifa Haftar and supported by Turkey’s regional rivals Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, has accused Turkey of funding and arming Islamist factions in Libya fighting on the side of the Tripoli-based GNA.

Turkey has in May end, denied any involvement in the shipments of arms to Libya, which, if true, would mean it has violated an international arms embargo.

Turkey on May 18 sent a large shipment of military equipment to Islamist militias controlling Tripoli and fighting against LNA. Turkey had also been sending Islamic State (ISIS) militants by ship to Libya.

Libya has had a United Nations Security Council arms embargo imposed on it since 2011.

On 20th June 2019, Turkey has sold weaponry and equipment to the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya to balance the civil war there, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan acknowledged

Dozens of Turkish “Kirpi” armoured vehicles delivered to GNA
Pictures emerged last month showing that dozens of Turkish “Kirpi” armoured vehicles were delivered to the GNA. Khalifa Haftar, also claimed last month that Turkey had provided drones to their enemy in a bitter civil war that has divided the country into two camps supported by different international powers.

Once Turkey was exposed of supplying arms and helping GNA, Erdogan told a group of journalists, “We have a military cooperation agreement with Libya. We are providing to them if they come up with a request, and if they pay for it. They really had a problem in terms of defence needs, equipments.”

“Egypt and the UAE’s (Crown Prince) Mohammed bin Zayed are supporting Haftar’s forces. They were very strong in terms of equipment and drones. Now there is a balance after the latest reprisals. We will update the security agreement we have with Libya,” he added.

Turkey’s president said officials were coordinating the security assistance with the GNA through Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar and the relevant intelligence agencies in both countries.

Turkey had supplied arms and assistance to GNA forces was in complete blatant disregard of the United Nations Security Council arms embargo on Libya.

Haftar, a retired general who had taken part in the revolt against Qaddafi, unleashed an offensive in May 2014 to purge Libya of Islamist Radicals, he branded “terrorists.”

Libya has remained beset by turmoil since 2011 when a NATO-backed uprising led to the ouster and death of President Muammar Gaddafi after four decades in power.

Libya now appears as a patchy composition of hundreds of militias, mainly allied, yet not exclusively, into two coalitions: the first surrounding the Government of National Accord led by Fayez al-Sarraj (wanted by the United Nations); the second surrounding field marshal Khalifa Haftar

In an interview in June, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar talked at length about his military operation and his war on terror, the dismantling of militias He had said “The military operation takes aim at inexecrable realities that could not be addressed by any other means. Such realities include: the presence and spreading of terrorist leaders, and their recruitment activities through cells inside Tripoli, the presence and spreading of militias, and their control over the funds that belong to the Libyan people at the Central Bank of Libya, as well as their practice of highway robbery, kidnapping, blackmail, the growing of activities by criminal groups, organized-crime gangs who trade in human beings, and the smuggling of oil and fuels, and also the presence of groups of politicized Islam that sabotage political life and spoil its atmosphere, and even implement foreign agendas that conflict with the interests of the Libyan people.

This is the part that we aim at with our military operation, anything else, the Libyan people will find solutions for, using dialogue and discussion, through peaceful, political, and democratic means.”

In regards the recent Islamist Radical militias attacks in Libya, The Libyan National Army War Information Division stated: “We strongly condemn the brutal terrorist bombing of civilians in the Aziziya district by armed terrorist militia planes that were launched from the secondary airfield in Misrata”, adding: “Our response will be very harsh on these terrorists, in order to ensure the protection of civilians and avoid the recurrence of such an attack.”

Please follow this new News Website and twitter handle @communique_news and support it.:india2:
Anger against Pakistan Govt sending Legal Notice to Twitter users beyond its territorial jurisdiction.
In recent past a lot of users on Twitter have received Twitter Legal Correspondence from Twitter, informing them regarding the receipt of official correspondence from Pakistan Government in regards of one or more of their tweets, that was in violation of Pakistan Law. There is a lot of anger among all Twitter users in all the countries on this arbitrary assumption of jurisdiction by Pakistan government in all the countries with free speech in the world.

One Twitter user questioned, “Is there any law in Terrorist Nation Pakistan?”

Another Twitter user questioned, “Pakistan is exporting Terrorists worldwide, killing innocent civilians. Shouldn’t the government of Terrorist Nation Pakistan be tried in International Court of Justice for its war crimes against the whole humanity?”

Another Twitter user told that Pakistan is committing genocide of the minority Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs, Sindhis, Ahamadiyas, Hazaras, Christians, Hindus. Over a Million people have been disappeared in last one decade. They have either been killed or sold for Organ Harvesting. International community must isolate Pakistan and impose sanctions against the Terrorist Nation Pakistan.

We tried to investigate a few of the handles and the tweets that Pakistan government found in contravention of their law.

A Canadian citizen Ensaf Haidar got the Twitter Correspondence notice on 30th November 2018 regarding the receipt of official correspondence regarding her Twitter account @misss9afi for one of her tweets that was in violation of Pakistan Law.

On 20th June 2019, a US citizen Steven Crowder got a similar Twitter Correspondence informing him about the receipt of official correspondence regarding his Twitter account @scrowder for one of his tweets in violation of Pakistan Law.

Twitter Legal Correspondence Received by French Journalist Francesca Marino and her tweets allegedly violating Pakistan Law

Few more tweets from French Journalist Francesca Marino’s allegedly violating Pakistan Law
On 28th June 2019, a French Journalist Francesca Marino received a similar Twitter Correspondence informing him about the receipt of official correspondence regarding his Twitter account @francescam63 for a few of her tweets in violation of Pakistan Law.

Twitter notice and Tweets of Aditi Dubey, an International Human Rights Activist, that allegedly violated Pakistan Law
Same day i.e. on 28th June 2019, an Indian, Aditi Dubey who is an International Human Rights Activist, received a similar Twitter Correspondence informing her about the receipt of official correspondence regarding her Twitter account @dtdubey200 for a few of her tweets in violation of Pakistan Law.

Our website looked at the all the above mentioned handles and tried to find the tweets that were alleged to be in violation of Pakistan law. As you can notice, most of the tweets were showing their solidarity for minority Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs in Pakistan. Terrorist Nation Pakistan is committing genocide of its minorities and selling Balochistan resources to China under OBOR/CPEC. In order to exploit the natural resources from illegally occupied Balochistan, Pakistan army and its trained terrorist militia are burning villages, killing people, looting their houses of all valuables, disappearing people, selling them for Organ Harvesting.

Whole world knows Pakistan is the Terrorist producing factory of the world and exports its Terrorists worldwide. All major terrorist activities in the world have foot prints in Pakistan. Taliban that is responsible for killing more than 2000 US soldiers in Afghanistan is financed and supported by Terrorist Nation Pakistan. United Nations designated Terrorists Osama Bin Laden and Masood Azhar found safe heavens in Pakistan. Pakistan leached $33 Billion from US in the name of War against Terror and backstabbed US by secretely financing and arming Taliban and other Terrorists US forces were fighting against.

As per one of the US soldiers who participated in the War against Terror in Afghanistan, their were many instances when their arms supplies were stolen. Welding machines were used to break open the containers and their arms stolen from the containers that were meant for US forces. A lot of US guns and ammunition thus landed in hands of Pakistan. As per him every US soldier who has served in Afghanistan knows about duplicity of Pakistan and they can never be trusted.

We discussed this issue with one of the Legal experts. He told that Pakistan has no Territorial Jurisdiction

As far as criminal jurisdiction is concerned, the grounds or principles of jurisdiction mostly invoked by States are as follows.

1. The Territorial Principle – It means that a State has the primary jurisdiction over all events taking place in its territory regardless of the nationality of the person responsible. The territorial jurisdiction of State extents over its land, its national airspace, its internal water, its territorial sea, its national aircrafts, and its national vessels

2. The Nationality Principle – State jurisdiction extends to its nationals and actions they take beyond its territory. A State may prosecute its nationals for crimes committed anywhere in the world

3. The Protective principle – The protective principle implies that a State may exercise jurisdiction over an alien who commits an act outside its territory, which is deemed prejudicial to its security and interests. In practice however, this principle is applied in those cases where the acts of the person which take place abroad constitute crimes against the sovereignty of the State, such as plots to through a government, treason, espionage, forging a currency, economic crimes and breaking immigration laws and regulations.

4. The Universality Principle – State can claim jurisdiction over certain crimes committed by any person anywhere in the world, without any required connection to territory, nationality or special State interest. After the Second World War, universal jurisdiction has been universally recognized over certain acts considered as international crimes. International crimes are those crimes committed against the international community as a whole or in violation of International Law and punishable under it, such as war crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity

As per the Legal expert, Tweets mentioned by Pakistan Government as a violation of Pakistan Law does not fall in any of the above grounds and their complaint is void on the grounds of Jurisdiction. As per the Legal Expert, Pakistan has exported terrorists to its neighboring Afghanistan and India for decades. Indian government has given dossiers of Pakistan’s Terrorist activities to Pakistan, still Pakistan has never acted against the Terrorists who killed thousands of innocent civilians.

As per the Legal expert, it is time for US, Afghanistan & India to jointly sue Pakistan for $5 Trillion damages or compensation for over 2000 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan, devastation caused by Pakistan sponsored terrorists in Afghanistan, over a Lakh civilians and armed forces killed by Pakistan sponsored terrorists in India and for printing fake US and Indian currency notes by Terrorist Nation Pakistan.

One of the Twitter user told that Pakistan has employed paid Twitter trolls who are inciting communal violence in India between different religious communities. Pakistan has been running propaganda to bleed India with 1000 cuts. As per the user, “If we take that into account, there will be thousands of such Pakistani Twitter handles that needs to be severely dealt with under Indian Law, that abuse and desecrate our Hindu Gods and Goddess pictures and incite communal violence.”

One Twitter user told, you dont need to any thing, just laugh at it.

Please follow this new News Website and twitter handle @communique_news and support it.
Notre-Dame Cathedral Fire – Was the investigation a sham to cover up for French Govt policy failures? Is French Government hiding the Truth?
15th April 2019 will be remembered as a dark day in the French history. A structure fire broke out beneath the roof of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on 15 April 2019 at 18:20 CEST. Smoke was massive that the color was different than the one when wood is burned. French Government promised an investigation. A lot of Experts came on media and presented their opinion.

Benjamin Mouton, An Architect who was in the past involved in the restoration of Notre-Dame speaks
Benjamin Mouton, An Architect who was in the past involved in the restoration of Notre-Dame also was of the opinion that it was a conspiracy. On a news channel discussion, he said “Oak that is 800 years old is very hard. Try to burn it, Old oak doesn’t burn like that… You would need a lot of kindling to succeed.” “Wiring was updated in 90s, so there is no possibility of a short circuit”

Trying to light fire to old beam with a torch
To disapprove the theory of Old oak getting burnt easily, enthusiasts tried different methods to light fire to old beam with a torch and it doesn’t burn easily while the Oak in the cathedral was 800 years old.

People can be seen in the Cathedral at the time of Fire.
Cathedral was set on fire at a time when there was no workers on the scene. However, the videos received of the fire and the Firefighters also claimed that there were some people inside the cathedral when the church got on fire. Who were those people?

As per firefighters who put out the fire, alleged “there was a odd smell in the air at the time of the fire.” However, it was also overlooked.

Map shared on social media showing the Churches destroyed or desecrated in last 4 years
Soon after the fire, the social media was full of other Christian sites in France that have been destroyed or desecrated in the last four years. As per one person there were 400 such Christian sites that were destroyed or desecrated in last 4 years.

Another massive fire in French city Versailles, buildings were burning near the former residence of the Kings of France
On 24th April there was another massive fire in French city Versailles, buildings were burning near the former residence of the Kings of France. Looking at the massive size and intensity of the flames that looked exactly like the Notre-Dame Cathedral fire with the same color of the smoke, it looked like a highly combustible chemical was used to burn the buildings. However, the possibility of the usage of a highly combustible chemical was ignored by investigators in Notre-Dame Cathedral fire.

ISIS came up with posters depicting Big Ben ablaze
A month after the fire in May 2019, ISIS came up with posters depicting Big Ben ablaze as reminiscent of the massive fire in April that destroyed roof and spire of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. ISIS groups calling it ‘retribution and punishment’ and telling the western countries to “Wait for the next”.

France was one of the pioneers in the EU to allow millions of Islamic Radicals in EU as refugees. If you look at the pictures or videos of the arrivals of the so called refugees in Europe, all are young Muslim males and none are accompanied with women or old people. Many people on social media claim that this is a systematic Islamic Invasion of the Europe in connivance with Liberal Politicians. It is an attempt to destroy the culture of freedom of Europe and establish a Sharia law worldwide. Islamist Radicals cannot tolerate Christian Churches or other sites.

French resident talk about how the other centuries old sites were desecrated in the past by Islamist Radicals, however the Liberals just laughed at it and the culprits were let go scot-free
In one such video obtained, a French resident talk about how the other centuries old sites were desecrated in the past by Islamist Radicals, however the Liberals just laughed at it and the culprits were let go scot-free. Would that have happened if the same was done by a Christian to an Islamic place of worship? People are calling it hypocrisy of the Liberals and the French government where people are being subdued and voices suppressed in the name of Islamophobia.

Yesterday the news was circulated by French Government in the media that as per the preliminary investigation, “A badly stubbed-out cigarette or an electrical fault could have started the devastating fire that ripped through Notre-Dame cathedral in April, ruling out any criminal intent.

Should Christians around the world accept this investigation report and close their eyes to thousands of other similar incidents and accept them as accidents? There is a growing demand on social media that US and other countries should send their Forensic experts and do a neutral investigation of the Notre-Dame Fire. Will French Government accept the demand for an independent International Forensics team to investigate?

Please follow this new News and twitter handle @communique_news and support it.:india2:


New Member
Feb 17, 2017
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@SanjeevM appreciated if you can put these posts in a different thread.. trying to keep this thread to strictly think tank related discussions.
Posting the above 3 articles in relevant threads. Admins can delete the above posts.


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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See how organised leftists are, they are already started research to stop BJP from repeating 2019....
The Role of Digital Media in the 2019 Indian General Elections - Part 1 (27 Jun 2019)

The biggest problem with their strategy is that they are out of touch from most of the country.They think indian politics is reminiscent to that of some European country but it's not.

Well it's better for us that they stay in their delusion.


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
The Experts We Need

Policy gurus spend too much time with others like them – top civil servants, high-flying journalists, successful businesspeople – and too little time with ordinary voters. If they could become “humble, competent people on a level with dentists,” as John Maynard Keynes once suggested, voters might identify with them and find them trustworthy.

LONDON – In the midst of the debate on the most crucial decision the United Kingdom has faced in a generation, then-Minister of Justice Michael Gove exclaimed, “I think the people in this country have had enough of experts.” That statement received almost as much media attention as Gove’s recent admission that he has used cocaine.

But Gove’s statement was no impromptu outburst. It was a deliberate attempt – common nowadays among populist politicians – to build political capital out of anti-expert anger. The names vary – technocrats, nerds, dweebs, eggheads, pointy-heads – but the sentiment is the same across many countries and contexts: distrust of know-it-alls and the evidence-based public policies they favor.

The Death of Expertise is the revealing title of a 2017 bookby Tom Nichols, a professor at the US Naval War College. Nichols gets it just right. Once upon a time, when doctors or teachers opened their mouths, people listened. Today, people who have done a half-hour of “research” on the Internet claim to know just as much. And any expert who confidently claims x, backed up by decades of study, may face thousands on Twitter or Facebook who claim that “in their experience,” y is true.

Experts and technocratic elites can be easy to hate. They often speak in jargon-filled sentences no one can understand. They can be arrogant, as when Hillary Clinton described Trump voters as a “basket of deplorables.” In Latin America, intellectuals routinely depict middle-class voters who lean right as consumerist social climbers who have sacrificed class solidarity on the altar of money-grubbing individualism. If identity politics is, as Francis Fukuyama has defined it, nothing more than a group’s demand for dignity, well, knowledge elites have not been treating their fellow citizens with much of it.

Moreover, expert prognosticators have not been very good at prognosticating. Across the street from my office at the London School of Economics is the building where, in the midst of the global financial crisis a decade ago, Queen Elizabeth II asked: “Why did nobody notice it?” The assembled academic luminaries could not provide an answer.

Likewise, academia’s leading lights failed to anticipate the other world-transforming event of the last 30 years, the collapse of the Soviet bloc. This failure puzzled Philip Tetlock, then a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, so much that he wrote an entire book about it. His conclusion: experts who confidently believe in only one approach and view the world through a single conceptual lens are particularly bad at forecasting. By contrast, experts who recognize how little they know and therefore proceed by trial and error, constantly adapting their forecasts, are less likely to get it all wrong.

But technical ability is not the only or even the main issue. Conflicting motivations are probably a more important reason why citizens increasingly distrust experts. There is a misconception at work. Policy wonks think of themselves as unbiased purveyors of high-quality, evidence-based advice. Informed citizens reasonably fear that the wonk in question may be in thrall to a particular ideology or methodology; that the advice may be politically motivated; or that advisers may tailor their counsel to their own career concerns (how to get that plum job on Wall Street after leaving government, for example).

Economists have a name for this: the principal-agent problem. It occurs when the shareholders of a company (the principals) hire a manager (the agent) whose interests may not be perfectly aligned with theirs. Economics has a whole subfield, contract theory, devoted to devising contractual arrangements, rules, and regulations that overcome this incentive problem. But strangely, economists have devoted relatively little time to solving the problem that affects them directly: how to ensure that politicians and voters can trust the advice that experts provide.

Small innovations, like requiring academics to disclose upfront who funds their research, certainly help, but only so much. At a deeper level, experts face a problem familiar to politicians: convincing citizens that they (the experts) share the same values and concerns, and therefore advocate the policies that they (the citizens) would choose if they had the information needed to make that choice.

In an ideal world, experts would present a menu of policy choices from which citizens wisely choose. But in the real world, citizens have neither the time nor the inclination to sift through complex and tedious policy alternatives. Nor, sadly, do most politicians. Policy wonks are seldom asked for a menu of options; more often, they are asked a simple question: what should we do? And in answering that question, wonks inevitably bring their own values and preferences to bear.

So, as with so many political issues nowadays, it comes down to a matter of identity: can voters identify with the expert or the politician whom the expert advises? Can voters sense that they belong to the same tribe and uphold the same values?

Typically, the answer is no. And there lies the root of the problem. Policy gurus and politicians probably spend too much time with others like them – top civil servants, high-flying journalists, successful businesspeople – and too little time with ordinary voters. This undoubtedly shapes their worldview. As a Spanish-language saying goes, “Dime con quién andas y te dire quién eres”: “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”

So how can experts regain citizens’ trust? The answer is paradoxical: by becoming intellectually more modest, less beholden to the rarified ways of the ivory tower and the lecture hall, and likelier to listen to people who do not have a PhD. If they could become “humble, competent people on a level with dentists,” as John Maynard Keynes once suggested, then there is at least a chance that voters will identify with the nerdy pointy-heads and find them trustworthy.

The task is urgent, because the world needs credible experts. After all, if a tooth aches, we turn not to a pleasant and well-meaning friend, but to the frightening syringes and drills of the most competent dentist we can find.
Historically speaking all path breaking thoughts have emerged from thinkers who have been universally acclaimed as elites. The progressive thinker, due to the very nature of his thought process, excludes himself from 'common' thinking and seeks to elevate his thought to higher plane and in doing so hopes to see a new path forward. Would Socrates be 'Socrates' if the rest of the Athenians thought like him, probably not. The society tolerates and even pays for the expert to gain his expertise, because we realize there is no gainsay in producing the same run of the mill common thinking, which a common man is blessed with. New idea cannot emerge from the humdrum of common thinking, it requires the isolation and aloofness imposed by the ivory tower.


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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This is what they think of India: kinda unfair and hateful.

Report claims Boeing 'outsourced the development of its 737 MAX software to $9-an-hour temp Indian workers '
By Andrew Court For and Associated Press 19:34 EDT 30 Jun 2019, updated 23:54 EDT 30 Jun 2019

Boeing and its subcontractors outsourced the development of some of its 737 MAX software to low-paid workers, according to a bombshell report.

In an article published Thursday, claimed the American company 'increasingly relied on temporary workers making as little as $9 an hour to develop and test software, often from countries lacking a deep background in aerospace - notably India.'

Boeing 737 MAX planes have been grounded since mid-March after two crashes that killed 346 people, with preliminary accident reports pointing to software that erroneously pointed the planes' noses down and overpowered pilots' efforts to regain control.

Bloomberg published a report on Thursday claiming that some of Boeing's 737 MAX software was developed by low-paid engineers
In October of last year, Lion Air Flight 160 crashed shortly after takeoff in Indonesia, killing all 189 people on board.

In March, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 came down in the desert, with all 157 people on board killed instantly. The plane, a 737 MAX, was only four months old at the time of the accident.

According to Bloomberg, the MAX software was 'developed at a time Boeing was laying off experienced engineers and pressing suppliers to cut costs'.

The publication claims that engineers employed with two India based companies, HCL Technologies Ltd. and Cyient Ld., helped work on the development of the software.

737 MAX planes have been grounded since mid-March after two crashes that killed 346 people. Boeing is now working on updated flight-control software due to be completed in September
HCL has an office in Seattle, and its engineers, some of whom were recent graduates, were contacted to Boeing's offices nearby, Bloomberg claims.

Boeing says they did not rely on engineers from HCL and Cyient for the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, software technology which has been linked to the two fatal crashes.

Further, the company claims they have been working with suppliers and partners from around the world, and that contracting outside workers is not a new development.

They stated 'Our primary focus is on always ensuring that our products and services are safe, of the highest quality and comply with all applicable regulations.'

Meanwhile, Boeing says it expects to finish work on updated flight-control software for the 737 MAX in September, a sign that the troubled jet likely won't be flying until late this year.


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
Software development done in offshore centers undergo rigorous testing, on condition and parameters set by the client. They under go further testing and calibration at the client side before reaching production. If software is to be blamed, then Boeing needs to take the blame. But then when something goes wrong you have to blame someone other than yourself.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Historically speaking all path breaking thoughts have emerged from thinkers who have been universally acclaimed as elites. The progressive thinker, due to the very nature of his thought process, excludes himself from 'common' thinking and seeks to elevate his thought to higher plane and in doing so hopes to see a new path forward. Would Socrates be 'Socrates' if the rest of the Athenians thought like him, probably not. The society tolerates and even pays for the expert to gain his expertise, because we realize there is no gainsay in producing the same run of the mill common thinking, which a common man is blessed with. New idea cannot emerge from the humdrum of common thinking, it requires the isolation and aloofness imposed by the ivory tower.
Ideally yes... (I think this is third of fourth time I am replying you starting with “ideally yes”). :)

But these days actual thinkers are a rarity and people who promote themselves as “thinkers” are in abundance.

Real thinkers go silent for a period of time and are experts on a particular topic. These days every elite is expert on anything without having gone thru the grind of actual “scientific thinking”.
Ex: there is a chap called GVL Shastri who comes on all debates on all topic in all news channels, yet no one actually tells us what is he a expert of.


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
Ideally yes... (I think this is third of fourth time I am replying you starting with “ideally yes”). :)

But these days actual thinkers are a rarity and people who promote themselves as “thinkers” are in abundance.

Real thinkers go silent for a period of time and are experts on a particular topic. These days every elite is expert on anything without having gone thru the grind of actual “scientific thinking”.
Ex: there is a chap called GVL Shastri who comes on all debates on all topic in all news channels, yet no one actually tells us what is he a expert of.
I agree in this age of instant gratification, it's difficult to appreciate path breaking knowledge. We simply lack the patience for it.


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Useless discussion, putting it here just for the record.
Gambling with Violence: Non-state Actors and Outsourcing of Violence in Kashmir


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Good discussion!!!
Some of the disagreements on why didn't we cross LOC during kargil war should end after watching this.
For me an observation was that the americans think it was a nuclear test which made the world view india as a major power and these chaps think it was the restraint shown in kargil was the reason. also possible that since both events happened in quick succession, both are right.
20 Years after Kargil: Military operations, perceptions, & decision-making


New Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Is Lashkar Taiba of Pakistan an extension of Pakistan Army ??


