Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


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Jan 21, 2018
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Porkis are successful in eradicating Polio workers! :frusty::frusty:

Killing of Mother-Daughter Team Shakes Polio Eradication Drive in Pakistan

Global Health

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. JAN. 22, 2018



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Jan 21, 2018
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Pakistan maintains ban on Basant festivities

ANI | Updated: Jan 22, 2018 13:56 IST

Lahore [Pakistan], Jan 22 (ANI): Even as Basant Panchmi, the festival marking the onset of spring, is celebrated with great pomp and show, the occasion remains lackluster in Pakistan.

The government imposed a strict ban on Basant, a festival earlier celebrated by Punjabis of all faiths to mark the commencement of the spring season.

Authorities cite safety reasons behind the diktat, even as clerics issue edicts branding the festival as pagan in origin.

The ban is now in its twelfth year. In 2013, a plan to revive the celebrations was dropped after the terror group Jamat-ud-Dawa said the festivities were un-Islamic.

Except terrorism,rapejihad everything is un-islmaic in porkistan.


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Jan 21, 2018
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Iman Ali’s bold photoshoot irks Pakistani fans :pound:

Shahzad Noor, an upcoming Pakistani model, posted photos with Iman Ali from a Faraz Mannan photoshoot on his Instagram account. However, the photos caused a social media uproar, after which the picture has now been removed but is still available in other places on social media.

A local blog site ‘All Pakistan Drama Page’ posted the pictures on their social media account and fans start bashing the Pakistani actors. Not only Pakistani actors got slammed, but the designer and choreographer of the entire shoot were also criticized for the whole concept.
The fans mostly compared the whole act with the Indian culture.


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Mar 24, 2013
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Iman Ali’s bold photoshoot irks Pakistani fans :pound:

Shahzad Noor, an upcoming Pakistani model, posted photos with Iman Ali from a Faraz Mannan photoshoot on his Instagram account. However, the photos caused a social media uproar, after which the picture has now been removed but is still available in other places on social media.

A local blog site ‘All Pakistan Drama Page’ posted the pictures on their social media account and fans start bashing the Pakistani actors. Not only Pakistani actors got slammed, but the designer and choreographer of the entire shoot were also criticized for the whole concept.
The fans mostly compared the whole act with the Indian culture.
Looks more of Indian Advt. for MANFORCE condoms.................:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Butter Chicken

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Oct 6, 2016
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Lord Nazir's house robbed, documents, valuables stolen

SOUTH YORKSHIRE: In an unusual case of robbery, important documents and other valuables were reportedly stolen in wee hours of Wednesday from the residence of British-Pakistani Lord Nazir Ahmed in Rotherham, Geo News reported.

According to details, unidentified robbers broke into the residence of British-Pakistani Lord Nazir and taken away numerous valuables, as well as important documents. However, Lord Nazir was not present at his home and remained safe.

Speaking to media, Ahmed said, “There's a possibility that it could be aimed to sabotage a campaign in Kashmir against Indian aggression and brutality,” adding that theft was carried out in an organised manner, smashing the closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras installed at the residence.

Lord Nazir further said that he was working against an anti- Pakistan campaign in London.

"It is an attempt to deliver me a warning," he stated, saying, however, that he was neither frightened nor worried.

Ahmed said he was waiting for to discuss the issue with British police and local intelligence agencies.


Sep 7, 2015
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Speaking to media, Ahmed said, “There's a possibility that it could be aimed to sabotage a campaign in Kashmir against Indian aggression and brutality,” adding that theft was carried out in an organised manner, smashing the closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras installed at the residence.
So he's a 'Lord' but indulging in blatant anti India activities? He should be sacked from the British House of Lords. How have they allowed such rabble rousers into their parliament?


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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So he's a 'Lord' but indulging in blatant anti India activities? He should be sacked from the British House of Lords. How have they allowed such rabble rousers into their parliament?
Here you are talking about British Lordship...... Although not suitable for this thread, but you may get your reply here.

East London primary school backs down over hijab ban

The principle is a Hindu lady and getting threatening posts.

Butter Chicken

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Oct 6, 2016
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Pakistan accuses India of exceeding its legitimate defence needs

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday accused India of exceeding its legitimate defence needs and said New Delhi's buildup of advanced weapons would negatively impact strategic stability in South Asia and beyond.

Foreign Office (FO) spokesman Mohammad Faisal said there was a clear disconnect between India's declared policy of restraint and its relentless pursuit of an ambitious missile programme.

He alleged that the development of Agni V intercontinental ballistic missile showed India's real designs of pursuing hegemony. He termed it an "exercise in power projection".

"While every state has a right to its security, the buildup of sophisticated and advanced weapons and delivery systems by India far exceeds its legitimate defence needs," he said.

"Seen in the backdrop of other acquisitions of advanced capabilities in both the conventional and non-conventional domains, these developments will negatively impact strategic stability in the South Asian region and beyond," he said.

Faisal said Pakistan will continue to adhere to a policy of restraint and a responsible defence posture but will also take steps to ensure its defence.

Faisal said Pakistan believed in a peaceful neighbourhood, which is essential for peace and development. He said that cooperation instead of conflict was the only way forward but it should be reciprocated by actions and not words.

To a question about sharing of test reports of the shoes of Indian prisoner Kulbhushan Jadhav's wife, he said "the report will be shared at an appropriate time."

Jadhav, 47, was sentenced to death by a Pakistani military court on charges of espionage and terrorism in April.
India had hit out at Pakistan for the way it treated the wife and mother of Jadhav when they met him in Pakistan on December 25.

He also accused India of launching a malicious propaganda campaign against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).


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Jan 30, 2015
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Army warns US against ‘unilateral action’ in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The military on Thursday warned the US against ‘unilateral action’, saying that despite its desire for cooperation on Afghanistan, there could be no compromise on national respect and sovereignty.

“The armed forces are working with friends and want to continue doing so, but there can be no compromise on our national honour. We do not want a conflict with our friends, but will ensure the security of Pakistan,” Military spokesperson Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor told a media briefing, recalling that the country was being threatened with “unilateral action” by the US.

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) chief spoke in both English and Urdu, in what appeared to be an effort to convey the institutional sentiment to an international audience.

This is perhaps the strongest-ever reaction from Islamabad since US functionaries and statements recently began alluding to the possibility of unilateral action, amidst an ongoing row over alleged terrorist sanctuaries.

Earlier this month, CIA Director Mike Pompeo warned the US would do everything it could to ensure the elimination of “terrorist safe havens” in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, a Pentagon report on Afghanistan, released alongside Mr Pompeo’s statement, said the US could take “unilateral steps in areas of divergence”. The warnings were accentuated further when, during his trip to Afghanistan last week, Vice President Mike Pence said President Trump had put Pakistan on notice.

The military spokesman maintained that the nation would have to stand united in the face of possible unilateral action, saying such challenges could only be tackled through unity.

“Let it be known to all misadventure seekers and probably naïve thinkers that notwithstanding any temporary domestic differences, when it comes to security of our beloved Pakistan, we are all one,” he maintained. But he would not say how serious the threat was, even when asked directly.

Maj Gen Ghafoor said the “unfounded” US and Afghan narrative had lately acquired a “threatening” tone.

The spokesperson said the US claims were no longer valid after operations Zarb-i-Azb and Raddul Fasaad indiscriminately targeted terrorist of all shades. “We are confident that no terrorist organisation has an organized sanctuary in Pakistan”.

Rejecting the ‘do-more’ mantra, he said that after having fought “imposed and imported war(s) inside Pakistan” and having paid the price, there was a conviction that “we have done enough and we can’t do it any more for anyone”.

Nevertheless, he emphasised, Islamabad remained committed to assisting efforts for peace in Afghanistan due to its interest in seeing stability return to its war-ravaged neighbour.

He went on to list Pakistan’s expectations from the US: ending coercion, engagement based on trust and cooperation, repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan, checking the Indian role in Afghanistan, and getting New Delhi to stop ceasefire violations along the Line of Control (LoC).

This year alone, India has committed 1,813 ceasefire violations, the most since the 2003 truce. These resulted in 52 civilian casualties, as per the statistics shared at the briefing.

Referring to recent Indian claims of cross-LoC actions, which have already been denied by ISPR, he said Pakistan is a “responsible state” with a “professional army” and would not be led into an escalation trap.

“You cannot lure us into unprofessional undertakings to reinforce your beaten narrative of our physical interference in [India-held] Kashmir. Brave young Kashmiris are good enough for you,” he underscored.

Saying that threats had not yet subsided, Maj Gen Ghafoor noted that the current situation was the “new normal” as far as peace and security in the country was concerned.

Responding to a query about former army chief and president retired Gen Pervez Muharraf’s claim that “rogue elements within the establishment” could be involved in Benazir Bhutto’s murder, the spokesperson said there was no rogue element in the Pakistan Army.

“Journalists should ask Gen Musharraf to clarify his comments,” he said.

War of words
He also termed as ‘irresponsible’ a recent statement by Khawaja Saad Rafique, where the railways minister had called on army men to support Army Chief Gen Qamar Bajwa’s pro-democracy stance.

Responding to a question, Maj Gen Ghafoor said: “The statement was extremely irresponsible and unwarranted as it targets the chain of command. The Pakistan Army is a disciplined institution and the army chief’s orders are followed without question”.

He expressed “concern” over the statement, saying: “The army takes pride in its institutional mechanisms. These remarks should not have been made,” also noting that Mr Rafique’s statement did not appear to be unintended.

The ISPR chief went as far as to suggest that the statement could constitute a violation of the Constitution, given the constitutional privilege and protection enjoyed by the army. He said that since the army was operating within the confines of the Constitution, it expected others to observe the same.

“If this line is followed, it would create lot of rifts,” he cautioned.

At a political gathering a few days ago, Mr Rafique had hailed Gen Qamar Bajwa’s appearance before the Senate, saying that the army chief had openly supported democracy and democratic norms, adding that the rank and file should also emulate him.

He went on to clarify that he was referring to those who regularly committed “petty mischief”.

“Such mischievous actions would not get us anywhere, it is better we end them,” he had said.

Later on Thursday night, Mr Rafique expressed shock over the ISPR chief’s reaction, but said he stood by his remarks and was insistent that he had not issued any “irresponsible statement”.

In a series of tweets, and subsequently on Shahzeb Khanzada’s show on Geo News, he claimed that parts of his speech were presented in a distorted manner by “certain news channels”, but admitting that his party was not always in agreement with establishment on policy issues.

“People are aware of my intentions and they are very clear; national institutions such as the judiciary, parliament and the army should not get confrontational. This will only benefit our enemies. We should move forward with harmony and understanding.”

He also questioned Gen Musharraf’s reference to the possible involvement of “some rogue establishment elements” in Benazir Bhutto’s murder, saying: “No one questions him or raises concern when he makes such big claims,” Mr Rafique lamented.
You know what....As soon as Pakistan government a.k.a Paki military gives such statements US must carry out another airstrike. It will be like bitch slapping them in front of whole world. I bet even She zing pin won't be able to control his laughter.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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Do I sound like an inbred jihadi to you?o_O
BTW, kaptaan is the actual irritating b*tch which made me left that forum, I mean seriously, how stupid & ignorant can one be?
Remember , We used to bang kaptaan and oscar day and night. As time time we felt its like blowing conch infront of deaf guy. And we left PDF for its own miseries.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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They are leaving it (&/or getting banned) . Seems the Pakis are getting crazier with each day & doubling down on idiocy. Even members like JoeShearer don't post as often anymore.
JoeShearer awarded me two negative points for nothing. He is another Indian member I didn't understand.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2015
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I can access my ID but you can't start a personal chat there. Regarding asking anyone to leave, half of Indians there are false flagger Pakistanis.
I've got enough of my precious time screwed up by "Think Tanks" of that forum, you don't how frustrating it becomes, no reasoning, no explanation, no facts, only writing "LOL" and hypocrite in own turn.

Think Tanks can't differentiate between a rocket engine and a turboshaft (helicopter engine). Anyone who gets done with entertainment, leave.
Oh! my god those Think Tanks...IDK how on earth they call themselves TT. When I counter them with facts , He said " I am TT . I know better than you. Keep quiet."


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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So he's a 'Lord' but indulging in blatant anti India activities?
That is precisely the job description.

They have a very mainstream hatred for their former colonies. This is not just a one off opinion of that politician. Their aircraft carrier which was supposed to be the pride of Britain in the current century is leaking water. They need to divert attention of their population about poverty, potholes and rapes in India.


Regular Member
Jan 21, 2018
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JoeShearer awarded me two negative points for nothing. He is another Indian member I didn't understand.
No self respect sane mind (Non-muslims) can tolerate that $hit forum.Only cucks and muslims are tolerated there, no doubt most mallus stay in that forum as Jihadis convert their girls and sold them as sex slaves for isis. :frusty:


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2016
No self respect sane mind (Non-muslims) can tolerate that $hit forum.Only cucks and muslims are tolerated there, no doubt most mallus stay in that forum as Jihadis convert their girls and sold them as sex slaves for isis. :frusty:
No sane indian will post there. Still some shameless indians(mostly bhakts) posting there


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Pakistan accuses India of exceeding its legitimate defence needs

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday accused India of exceeding its legitimate defence needs and said New Delhi's buildup of advanced weapons would negatively impact strategic stability in South Asia and beyond.

Foreign Office (FO) spokesman Mohammad Faisal said there was a clear disconnect between India's declared policy of restraint and its relentless pursuit of an ambitious missile programme.

He alleged that the development of Agni V intercontinental ballistic missile showed India's real designs of pursuing hegemony. He termed it an "exercise in power projection".

"While every state has a right to its security, the buildup of sophisticated and advanced weapons and delivery systems by India far exceeds its legitimate defence needs," he said.

"Seen in the backdrop of other acquisitions of advanced capabilities in both the conventional and non-conventional domains, these developments will negatively impact strategic stability in the South Asian region and beyond," he said.

Faisal said Pakistan will continue to adhere to a policy of restraint and a responsible defence posture but will also take steps to ensure its defence.

Faisal said Pakistan believed in a peaceful neighbourhood, which is essential for peace and development. He said that cooperation instead of conflict was the only way forward but it should be reciprocated by actions and not words.

To a question about sharing of test reports of the shoes of Indian prisoner Kulbhushan Jadhav's wife, he said "the report will be shared at an appropriate time."

Jadhav, 47, was sentenced to death by a Pakistani military court on charges of espionage and terrorism in April.
India had hit out at Pakistan for the way it treated the wife and mother of Jadhav when they met him in Pakistan on December 25.

He also accused India of launching a malicious propaganda campaign against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
Napakistan: "But....but...but, India is making more and better weapons than us, this is not right, it makes us feel insecure and depressed."

India: :hehe:
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Regular Member
Jan 21, 2018
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No sane indian will post there. Still some shameless indians(mostly bhakts) posting there
If they are Bhakts they hates muzzies to core obviously they are banned unlike CUCK'S :pound:even in home their women are converted and sold as sex-slaves.

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