Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
an other master comment by our very own gabber on pd*

After years of looting
American economy and
jobs under the shadow of
outsourcing and covert
H1-B scams, looting its
trade secrets and
destroying its industry the
Indians are showing their
back to Americans. No
country makes a fighter
as good as USA and there
is no point to refuse.
Somewhere in the oval
office, Obama feels really


Oct 16, 2010
Country flag
an other master comment by our very own gabber on pd*

After years of looting
American economy and
jobs under the shadow of
outsourcing and covert
H1-B scams, looting its
trade secrets and
destroying its industry the
Indians are showing their
back to Americans. No
country makes a fighter
as good as USA and there
is no point to refuse.
Somewhere in the oval
office, Obama feels really
The frog of the well speaking .. perhaps they never knew anything else except US military hardware



New Member
Feb 16, 2009
After years of looting American economy

looting its trade secrets

The above comments reminds me of a nation to our west , what do you think ?


Senior Member
May 18, 2009
Country flag
I agree we should give an ultimatum to the Obama adminstration. Either leave Pakistan or we will nuke India.

There is an indian lobby supporting Obama and Obama will never want india to be hurt. Obama wants India to have a stronger economy to compete with China.

Even if Pakistan's nuclear weapons can not reach U.S. or Israel, it can reach every area of India and all the U.S./NATO bases in Afghanistan.
Yeah right !
Your wife ran away, you will nuke india.
Your daughter got pregnant you will nuke india.

There are kids sitting in south block of delhi to get nuked.
MF's, your nation will be evaporated even before you think about india with evil to get rid of your own misery.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
I agree we should give an ultimatum to the Obama adminstration. Either leave Pakistan or we will nuke India.
Every pakistani thinks they control a nuke button , must say they are lucky the indians dont have this facility we should rise and build a revolution to get hold a nuclear button like our pakland friends.


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Seriously hardly anyone in the forum world has grasped the idea of possessing nuclear weapons and it's use.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
Dead man and the sea

We asked world famous occult medium, Mr. Abdul Qadir Awami Badami, to connect and communicate with Osama bin Laden's soul, to ask him what really happened on the night he was shot dead in Abbottabad "¦

Mr. Osama, can you hear me? Mr. Osama?
Bubble "¦ bubble "¦ bubble

I think I have made contact with the departed soul. Mr. Osama, can you hear me?
Yes, where am I? Is this heaven?

No, sir, you are at the bottom of the sea.
Sea? Hmmm "¦ yes, it does seem that way. Am I dead?

Well, yes. Kind of.
Hmm "¦ how did I die?

I was hoping you could tell me that.
All I remember is that it was night and I was waiting for the Kakul guys to get my dinner, and then I heard these 'copters and thought maybe the Kakul guys were throwing me a surprise party or something and I got very excited, and "¦

The Kakul guys used to give you dinner?
Well, yes. Biryani on Mondays and Tuesdays, chicken chowmein on Wednesdays, steak on Thursdays, mixed veggies on Saturdays and Sundays "¦

And on Fridays?
On Fridays I used to call them over for dinner. One of my wives makes a darn good Yemeni stew.

I see. So they knew you were hiding there?
Of course, they did! They're my wives!

I mean the Kakul guys.
Oh. Well, according to their intelligence reports, I was some rich Arab camel breeder and exporter.

Really? They didn't bother to cross-check?
Let's just say, I was not on their radar.

Must be the same radar that failed to pick the American 'copters "¦
I tell you, my men have better radars, hehehe "¦ bubble, bubble..
By the way, you said that I was in hiding?

Weren't you in hiding?
Not at all!

Then why did the Americans take 10 years to find you?
Those fools don't know much about caves.

But you weren't hiding in a cave, sir.
My friend, let me tell you, all of Pakistan is one big cave!:becky:

Then did the Pakistanis really know you were in the country all along?

My friend, they wouldn't have been Pakistanis had they not known. Hehe "¦ bubble, bubble.

Never mind.

So you are saying they knew?
Well I was "¦ excuse me, I think I have a fish stuck in my ear. *Plop!* Ah, a red snapper! So, what were you saying? By the way, what is your name, brother?

Abdul Qadir Awami Badami
That is a strange name. Are you by any chance a Hindu?

Hmm "¦ I guess I will have to kill you anyway.

But you are dead.
Oh, right, of course. Then I guess I will kill some fish instead.

Are you a seafood fan?
No, I just like killing infidels.

Infidel fish?
Yes, you have a problem with that, you idol worshipper!

How can fish be infidel?
Look at them! Swimming in the sea, all naked!

But they are fish!
And stark naked! Shameless.

Whatever, tell us about your stay in Pakistan"¦
It reminded me of home.

Saudi Arabia?
No, Afghanistan, but with better cars and escalators.

But you're a Saudi.
I'm a Muslim first. The best there was. And if you disagree I will get you killed. You are a Christian Crusader anyway.


Human being.

Any difference between human beings and Muslims?
Of course there is. That is why we only kill human beings.

But you and your al Qaeda and Taliban friends have killed thousands of Pakistani Muslims.
They were all bad Muslims.

How can you say that?
I don't say. I blow!

No, you say, while others blow...
Those who blow have true faith.

Even the small children and infants who have died in these attacks?

So people who blow themselves up in mosques, shrines and markets are the only true Muslims?
It is much more complicated than that. A very complex concept.

Please explain.
You see, only those Muslims who blow themselves up in mosques, shrines and markets are the only true Muslims.

But that's what I said.
You did?

I see "¦ you Hindu!

Why did you say that?
Because you worship idols.

But to some, you are an idol too.
I am an ideal.

A pretty violent one though.
Yes, mashallah.

But I'm not forcing my beliefs on you.
That is because you are a chicken!

So I should impose them on you?
Yes. Come on, I invite you to convert to my faith. Where is your suicide jacket?

Where's yours?
I deal in suicide jackets, not wear them, fool.

I know so many Muslims who are nothing like you.
They are not Muslims!

Then who are they?
Human beings! Ugh!

But I thought a good Muslim also meant being a good human being.
Jewish propaganda!

Well, as I "¦ excuse me, I think I see a shark approaching.

Why don't you move from there?
No worries. You know that red snapper that got stuck in my ear?

Well, I trained it to become a suicide bomber. It just exploded over the shark's head!

But the shark did not attack you!
But it could have.

You're sounding like George W. Bush. He, too, was into pre-emptive strikes, remember?
Ah, good ol' Bushy. He was good for my business. But this Obama guy turned out to be different.

Different, how? In policy and in strategy?
No, in colour. He is black.

A human being, nevertheless.
That is the problem. The whole world should be Muslim, instead.

Yes, just like Bush wanted the whole world to become American.
Ah, good ol' Bushy. Those were the days. Right, I guess I'll kill you now.

But you're dead. Buried deep in the sea.
They buried me here?

Yes, the Americans buried you in the sea.
Wow! Has Obama converted to Islam?

What do you mean? You were a Salafi, right?
Yes. I am amazed. How did he know we didn't believe in marked graves?

But some of your fans around the world are criticising him for not giving you a decent Muslim burial.

So you are happy that they buried you in the sea?
Of course! Otherwise bad Muslims would have made a shrine at my grave. We blow up shrines, you know.

Yes I do. But this is amazing. You are actually happy at what Obama did?
Yes, but minus the shooting-me-in-the-head part, of course.

So you do remember that you were shot in the head?
Well, I really do have this bad headache and "¦ well, I'll be dammed! There's a hole in my head! The buggers did shoot me!

The Americans?
Yes, who else? The Pakistanis?

So Pakistanis weren't at all involved in your assassination?
Well, their only contribution to this was that on that fateful, tragic night they delayed my dinner. Buggers. Had to be shot on an empty stomach.

But the Taliban are blaming them and saying that now their top target is Pakistan.
Really? What was our top target before my death? Guatemala? <------LOL.

You tell me.
Hmmm "¦ better warn Mullah Omar.

Why, is he hiding in Pakistan too?
Follow the dinner trail, follow the dinner trail "¦

So the Pakistanis did know you were there, right?
Pakistanis don't know where they themselves are, forget about knowing where I was. What is the Pakistani media saying?

Some of their TV anchors seem shocked and sad.
Yes, one of them once worked as a cook for me and another used to give me great massages.

Can you name them?
No. Don't want to give them undue importance. Let the ISI do that.

The ISI gives them importance?
Sort of. They give the ISI great massages too.

Can you be more specific?
Yes, I can. I. Want. To. Behead. You. You. Hindu. How is that for being specific, you cunning Jew?

Human being.
Same thing.

Chicken! Come on fight me, you Buddhist coward!

I am disconnecting from you now. May God deal with you in whatever way he thinks you are to be dealt with.
Darn. I almost forgot. You are right. Now I will have to meet the maker. Do you think he likes seafood?

» Dead man and the sea | Dawn Blog | Pakistan, Politics, Terrorism, Satire, Cricket, Culture, Food, Vlogs and more


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
now a greates dilusional pice of information world never known except pak.
lets change mythical
ocean's (Indian ocean)
name as well if it satisfies
some one's ego
Original Post By indian

pakistani response
The Indian ocean is
named after the Pakistani
river Indus.
Pakistanis should be
proud of the fact; the
Indian ocean is named
after our river Indus.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
Country flag
Pakistanis hate US and loved Osama

But they did not want the fact to be exposed that Pakistan was shielding Osama

When a country is in such bad shape as is Pakistan today , the people become delusional and talk all sort of rubbish

The Pakistani people are right now under acute pressure both domestic socio economic and international pressure regarding terrorism

The military which they were blindly loving and trusting has let the country down

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
Country flag
Pakistanis hate US and loved Osama

But they did not want the fact to be exposed that Pakistan was shielding Osama

When a country is in such bad shape as is Pakistan today , the people become delusional and talk all sort of rubbish

The Pakistani people are right now under acute pressure both domestic socio economic and international pressure regarding terrorism

The military which they were blindly loving and trusting has let the country down


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
pakistani dillusion no.2
Cricket commentators
have also said that
Pakistanis are a martial
race when comparing
them to the Indians.

pakistani dillusion no.3
Indians should be
ashamed their identity/
name comes from a
Pakistani river.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
pakistani dillusion no.4
The name "India" was
originally applied to
Punjab-Sindh (Eastern
Pakistan), by the ancient
Greeks. You slum dogs
should be ashamed for
stealing the ancient name
of another nation.
The worst mistake the
British made was when
they created your hell
hole in 1947.

pakistani dillusion no.5
And this is a gem
India was created in 1947.

pakistani dillusion no.6

Martial enough for
Indians to desperately try
and associate themselves
with us on a constant
Indian's are like an
illegitimate child
desperately craving the
attention of his father
(Pakistan) whom he
idolized and whom
abandoned him a long
time ago.
After the years
of separation it has taken
a severe toll on the poor
soul of that child who has
now grown into a fully
fledged man leaving him
mentally scarred and
clinging on to the hope
that his father whom he
cherished and idolized
may one day throw him
an olive branch.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
pakistani dillusion no.7
About origin of islam
Since Islam came with the
first human being Adam,
yes Islam is defo older
than your religion.

Original Post By 1st pakistani

now 2nd pakistani
Thank you sir, Islam didn't
start with prophet
muhammad pbuh in
600AD, It started with
Adam the first human on
planet earth. Islam has
124000 prophets. The
Prophet Muhammad was
the final and greatest of
The first of them is
Prophet Adam and the
last is Prophet
Muhammad (Peace be
upon him). All prophets
submitted to the will of
God and taught their
followers the same
Ther is only one god

pakistani dillusion no.8
My malnourished friends
have shown their
inferiority complex, it is
part and parcel of many
indian's psyche it does not
change the fact that the
glorious five thousand
year old ancient Pakistani
civilization is ours.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
pakistani dillusion no.9
This is where we made
many great leaps for
mankind, while indians
were still living in caves
and were mere primitives

Again the inferiority
complex shows, I believe
you were the one who
was fascinated with male
posteriors, good luck with
And our glorious ancient
Pakistani ancestors would
spit on modern india.

for the information these all are comment of a single siner member of pdf


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
pakistani dillusion no.10
HAHA he is really really
Modern India also grows
at 9+% per year and lifts
millions out of poverty
every year...while modern
Pakistan is radical and
terror supporting...with
economic totally baffled
and growing at 1% and
poverty increasing and
sadly 51% Pakistanis don't
have basic things :(
---------- Post added at
09:06 PM ----------
Previous post was at 09:05
PM ----------
Another sad
51% of Pakistanis
deprived of basic
education, health
Reducing poverty: India
well ahead of Pakistan:
World Bank-IMF report
:( :(
Original Post By indian

Pakistani reply-

Don't cry son, your
country is a starving
wretched land, where
thousands of farmers
have committed suicide by
drinking pesticides. And
the indian inferiority
complex is shining strong
and bright.

---------- Post added at
09:09 PM ----------
Previous post was at 09:08
PM ----------
Hey, tell us the real
name of "INDIAN
OCEAN".. i wanna know
Original Post By indian

Pakistani reply-

Named after the Indus

Again by same member

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