Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Regular Member
May 3, 2020
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We should provide high resolution sat images of the bases which stations the frontline assets to the freedom fighters so that they can do max damage quickly. I hope we have sent some para sf in Afganistan who are training the fidayeens. If we are not what stopping us, this is the least we can do if we are unable to provide them weapons


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017

Sleep Tight because PAF is Awake.... :pound: :pound: :pound:
This episode did teach us a few things.

The existence of Pakistan as a counter to India is envisioned by US and they intend to keep this status quo.
US will not let us have a conclusion to Pakistan Problem.
The Diego Garcia base serves the dual purpose one of which is seeing to the fact that Indo Pak war does not have a decisive conclusion.

Also we have little to no credibility in the international market, Pak came out more or less unharmed in the Balakot Fiasco. We fail to humiliate them if that was the Goal to begin with. They counted our own score and they did the same for themselves.

Nothing to celebrate about.

Tupac slayer

Regular Member
Aug 6, 2019
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My Observation about Yesterday attack in Balochistan and today's attack in PAF Mianwali after going through their reactions in PDF summarizes few points.

Before I could comment on current attacks I would like go through Past Fidayeen attacks that occurred in Pakistan and Pakistan Members reaction to it in PDF.

May 2011 PNS Mehran Attack: This attack was carried Therik E Taliban who claimed that this was a revenge attack to elimination of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan Soil by American. This attacks literally happened 3 weeks after Americans carried Operation Neptune Spear. 2 P-3 Orion Aircraft were destroyed. Indian Members in PDF whose moral went down by constant Pakistan members taunts on Mumbai Attacks, were baying for blood. News Began to tickle out of the base early that 2 P-3 Orion Aircraft were destroyed. Casualties include few SSG Personnel whose initial counter attack failed to neutralize the attack. Point here to be noted is that Aircraft Destroyed has become Public, Indian Members began to troll Pakistan Airforce, Pakistan members were at the end of receiving Indian Taunts, But our members taunts were short lived, When US Embassy in Islamabad stated that it would replace those 2 destroyed P-3 Orion Aircraft. The moment replacement news was announced, Pakistan Members morale sky rocketed they began to troll how they had US By their Throat on Afghanistan and made them agree to replace the losses.

2012 PAF Minhas Base Attack: On 16 August 2012, Tehrik E Taliban Terrorists again stormed PAF Minhas Base, This time while going through the posts, I could sense that PDF Members were defending that no damage has been caused, although 1 Saab 2000 Erieye Plane was destroyed. In this attack Information did not come out as ISPR had learned the lesson from PNS Mehran, did a coverup that Pakistan Military counter attack was successful that all terrorists were neutralized with no damages to PAF assets. Lot of Indian Members certainly waited for any news that would be useful to troll Pakistan Members, In the late night, Quite few Pakistan members one among them by name NuclearPak expressed his doubts about the status of SAAB Erieye Aircrafts in the base. Immediately DHA Elite Pakistan members started counter campaign to announce that no aircraft has been damaged, some action of Pakistan members are benefitting enemy propaganda. After few days wild speculations news stopped, Interest faded out. Later an Year after the attack it was revealed that 1 Aircraft was destroyed, Others were repaired, It was when the news of repaired aircraft came to public, Indian Members were aware that 1 Aircraft was destroyed.

In case of 2016 IAF Pathankot Airforce Base Attack Since we are a democratic nation, with a free press, we could not control flow of Information, News about the thread ran into hundreds of pages, PDF Pakistan members taunted about incompetence's of NSG and IAF. since we could not do much about it. We were forced to accept those taunts and humilation.

2019 Balakot airstrike and subsequent shoot down of F-16 was an victory to us. Since we could not present any proof of wreckage of F-16 in a clear manner to outside world. Our Radar Imaginary was brushed aside by well oiled propaganda machinery of ISPR and PDF. I dont want to get much into it as it was already discussed and debated.

April 2022 will always be watershed moment in the history of Pakistan: One of Pakistan Strategic expert admitted that Pakistan made 2 Mistakes that did irreparable damage to the state of Pakistan 1) Rise and support for Taliban in Afghanistan 2) Imran Khan. Although the damage of former is still being felt in Tribal areas of Pakistan 2) Damage which Imran Khan cannot be defined into any particular area of Pakistan.
DHA Elite Members are very well aware of the damage Imran Khan caused, 1) Rise in Terrorism 2) Downgrade of Foreign relations with several countries including allies like Saudi Arabia. DHA Elite Members very well know that If Imran Khan had continued, Pakistan would have defaulted, In Nick of the time, Pakistan Army Chief Bajwa ousted Imran khan regime., Although DHA Elite Members ( Green Jihadists) were able to understand it, they were unable Imran khan ouster to Greener Jihadists ( More radical members in PDF). Greener Jihadists over whelmed Green Jihadists in PDF. Most of the Green Jihadists left the forum, Famous Jammer, was now being rebuked not by Indians but fellow Greener Jihadists.

I am surprised to see that the thread consisted only few hundred posts. Green Jihadists and DHA Elite Members are pained that their own military casualties are being enjoyed by Greener Jihadists and are helpless. Indians can find solace that URI has been avenged and Pathankot Airforce base attack has been avenged, What I find something unusual is Posts regarding casualties in Indian army encounters ran into 35 Pages. For Pakistan Members casualties on Indian side give immense pleasure, By Bad luck now, There are no Indian Members on PDF counter narrative. However it is good as the members would contribute a lot to Indian Defense Forums thus by enriching and promoting strategic culture in India.

Tupac slayer

Regular Member
Aug 6, 2019
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Praud FartJammer deep into eternal denial mode.

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DHA Elite Members are trying to control flow of Information, This was past seen during PAF Minhas base attack, Pakistan 35th Punjab Regiment Ambush on Tirah Valley in Tribal Areas, Where Pakistan Army lost 25 to 30 Soldiers. Now the narrative could not be controlled because many PTI members were against the army since ouster of Imran Khan.

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