Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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And we see, in those idiotic messages above, the claim of Pakistan, that it was "way ahead" of India in the 60s and 70s. Again, how so? In aid given per capita, yes. Other than that, what? To repeat a question, what manufacturing, services or technology did Pakistan develop and, moreover, export back then, as opposed to India?
it's a pakistanism, when they say "way ahead", it's a quote from someone or somewhere, they don't mean it as a statement of fact. it's similar to "south korea learned from pakistan's policies in 60's", people who are using it don't even know the origins of that quote.

they just need one obscure quote, an entire legend around it built upon over decades. for a country where a success or a win is such a rarity, they make do with legends.


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
it's a pakistanism, when they say "way ahead", it's a quote from someone or somewhere, they don't mean it as a statement of fact. it's similar to "south korea learned from pakistan's policies in 60's", people who are using it don't even know the origins of that quote.

they just need one obscure quote, an entire legend around it built upon over decades. for a country where a success or a win is such a rarity, they make do with legends.
Like they did with the Pakistani space program :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pound: :pound: :pound: :pound:


Senior Member
Sep 5, 2020
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These coping assures me there future is written in darkness. When reality knocks at your door, and instead of throwing out lies, you kicks away the truth. You get destroyed by the same truth.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
These are ISI bot accounts run by kids and spouses of their army choohas. The script is very standardized. You see the same nonsense written by these bots every year. There was a documentary which showed these jobless boys and girls of elites in Islamabad apartments partaking in nasha and sitting in front of a computer typing out really fast. They get paid a little bit. You can see that the script is like a broken record.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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What did it say?
Post removed within a day 🤣🤣🤣

But alas ! Comment section ke porkies Reality ko chhuu ke takk se vapis aa gaye..

Future of India, Pakistan and Kashmir - A detailed rational analysis written by me, a journalist from a Middle Eastern country after travelling in both countries for past 20 years.
I am a journalist from a Middle-Eastern country and have traveled in both India and Pakistan. Yesterday I came to know from a source that the Pakistani Prime minister is seeking help from the UAE to mediate a peace deal with India. This was before it was announced to the public. So, I visited this subreddit to check the situation. And I ended up writing a comment here on a post about India-Pakistan, which a lot of people liked.

Some people messaged me and asked me to turn it into a post, so I edited my comment, added more details and is posting it as an article here because I won't be able to publish it in my News without getting fired. I know it is a sensitive topic and I don't want to offend anyone. I would appreciate a logical and rational discussion about this topic.

As a writer on international news, particularly about Asia, I have studied all countries in this region in detail. The difference in economy and institutional quality between India and Pakistan is already substantial, but I wonder what will happen ten years from now when it widens even further and that is this post mainly about. Historically, Pakistan was better than India in terms of per capita economic metrics until around 2005, when India began to slowly overtake Pakistan.

Now, the gap is set to widen at a rapid rate due to the mega projects happening in India. These projects are not widely reported on media, and I am not permitted to write about this positive development in my news, but if you do some research, you will find that they are quite impressive. For just one example, over 31 huge tunnels worth more than $20 billion dollars are currently being built in J&K alone, some of which are as long as 14 kilometers. Work is proceeding 24 hours a day to finish them as quickly as possible, despite the harsh climate.


Look at how much time and distance this tunnel saves. This 10.9km tunnel is already operational!
The construction of these tunnels, as well as many other infrastructure projects, will have a tremendous impact on the quality of life in the region. The difference will be unimaginable. Many of the passes in the Himalayas are closed for five months during the winter, and even in the summer, they can be risky to cross, taking up to three or four hours and is accident prone with each major pass claiming on average around 200 deaths in the past ten years. Once the tunnels are completed, people can zip through in just five minutes in full safety.

This year, a railway line from India to Kashmir will be completed. It will pass over the highest bridge in the world, called the Chenab bridge. Trains will travel at a height higher than the Eiffel Tower and pass through over 100 kilometers of tunnels. This project costs around $10Billion and it is among the top five most difficult railway projects ever created in the world, but still it is being done. The railway line will go all the way to Srinagar and Kupwara, near the Line of Control.


r/pakistan - Chenab bridge design

Dubai-based company, DP World is building a dry-port in J&K. This will give the businessmen of J&K direct access to what is set to become the third-largest market in the world, at the same logistical cost as the rest of India. They will be able to trade throughout the year. This along with the railway line will make the industries in Kashmir competitive and will be a game-changer.

Additionally, a dedicated motorway is being built from near Delhi to Kashmir. This will cut travel time from around 30 hours to just nine hours by road! Srinagar and Jammu will also be getting metro lines, each 25 kilometers long, at a cost of $1.5 billion. All premier Indian institutes of higher studies, such as IIT, IIM, AAIMS, and NIT, are being built or are already operational in J&K. Dozens of new hospitals and schools are also being built.


r/pakistan - Jammu-Udhampur new 4 laned highway

Jammu-Udhampur new 4 laned highway
While there is much talk about freedom in J&K, once they have experienced the economic boom and comforts it offers, in around ten years, I doubt that people from the Indian side of Kashmir will want to move to the Pakistani side. They may want to shift to wealthier countries, but not Pakistan. The infrastructure development happening in Kashmir now is what I thought would happen in Pakistan after the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was announced, while talking to Pakistani politicians. At that time the excited Pakistanis told me CPEC will make Pakistan a developed country in 10 years - a claim that has not come true till today. However, the type of development that was envisioned for Pakistan through CPEC is genuinely happening in Kashmir. The youth of Kashmir are excited about these developments.

When people are worried and not confident about their future, they tend to invest in gold and dollars, and avoid putting money into land. This is what I have observed in war-torn places. However, in Kashmir, people are investing in building houses, tourist resorts, hotels, houseboats, shopping complexes, and small-scale industries. And these are happening on a large scale, like it has never happened before. This is a significant indication that people have confidence in their country and believe that things will get better and be stable, allowing them to invest in immovable properties without risk.

We are doing a disservice to these people by not reporting on these positive developments. In my opinion, we should report on these stories, but my editor disagrees due to political reasons. The issue with not reporting on these developments is that we will be blindsided when things inevitably change.


r/pakistan - A Movie theater opened in Srinagar, Kashmir in 2022, after not having any for 30 years due to violence

I have traveled extensively and met people from diverse backgrounds and religions. What is shown in the news on both sides is often inaccurate. This is due to a sampling size problem and media blowing things out of proportion. This is a result of the competitive nature of the media business, where our bosses want sensational news, or have pressure from politicians to write in a certain way.

There are certainly bad incidents that can be seen and reported on in the news. However, bad incidents occur everywhere. If we take into account the percentage of population in India and compare it to the world, we would expect that one in seven crimes would occur in India. But, is there really that much bad happening or are a few incidents being overly reported? Same thing with some bad incident happening in Pakistan getting attention in Indian media.

In India, I have only seen a consistent sentiment of anti-India among Muslims in J&K, and even that is changing. Muslims in other regions have similar priorities as Hindus in those regions, such as jobs, better roads, and 24-hour water supply. There is certainly religious hatred in certain places, particularly in Northern India, but this is not the priority or first thought for 99% of people, regardless of religion, and most people do not act on it.

Even in Kashmir, the sentiment is changing. I visited a place called Tangdhar in Kashmir, which is a 7-hour journey north of Srinagar and is close to the Line of Control. This is one of the most isolated towns in India, with only one road connecting it to the rest of India, and that road passes through a high mountain pass that is closed for 5 months in the winter. The other side is the border/LOC that they can’t cross. So, they are a tiny town stuck between a huge mountain and a border.

I was surprised to find that none of the people there said anything negative about India when we were discussing their issues, and I had to trick them into talking something against India, as I had to write a report with an anti-establishment perspective. This was not the case 10 years ago when this area was highly Pro-Pakistan and people wanted to separate from India. The biggest priority concern for people there currently was about when the tunnel project in their region would be completed, as it would give them easy connectivity to Srinagar via Kupwara. I feel like people have accepted that there cannot be any-change now, so they have accepted defeat in their freedom-struggle, and now just looking at the things that directly affect them.

I met someone who is part of a group of community leaders who has formed a tunnel-committee. They have made it a ritual to go to Srinagar every year to protest there for this tunnel for the last 35 years without missing an year, but they are only getting the tunnel approved in 2022 and they are excited about it. This is their tunnel to freedom.


Men of Tangdhar carrying a women due to medical emergency through the risky mountain pass due to lack of tunnels, she was then air lifted by army

Some people here also wanted the road to Pakistan to open, as it would be truly easier for them to travel to Pakistan than Srinagar, and not for religious reasons. They were all happy, even in their isolation and underdevelopment, and far happier than city dwellers in Srinagar. I felt LOC got wrongly drawn here, and they would have had more normal connectivity if they were in Pakistan.

The talk of some people about Kashmiris or any other group wanting freedom is misleading and incorrect. People want a better life, not freedom. This is evident from the success of China and all wealthier Middle Eastern monarchies. Muslims in India have more freedom than people in most Muslim countries. As a journalist, I feel restrictions on my freedom in my own country, but I still prefer to live there because it is more comfortable than living with freedom in a poor country like India. I wouldn't trade that comfort for more freedom, and neither will the Chinese or the Kashmiris of the future. Only basic freedom is a need after which the rule of "money first" applies to nearly everyone.

That said, even today, there is strong sentiment in the Kashmir valley against India. There is distrust of the central government and fear of its soldiers. There are still as many soldiers on the streets as there used to be 10 years ago, but street violence seems to be at all time low. Though "encounter" of terrorists by the police is an incident that happens every couple of days. People are afraid to let strangers stay in their houses, as apparently, new laws allow the government to destroy the houses where terrorists have stayed if the house owners do not report it to police. The government is also going after the relatives of those who are found to aid terrorists, thus suspicion of foreigners like me are high. This suspicion factor was not there 10 years ago.

However, some shopkeepers in Baramulla I talked to said they are also in support of these strict laws against terrorism, because they are tired of all the violence leading to close down of their business and just want a stable life. There is also sentiment among people that some of the people killed by the police are not actually terrorists. The career-journalists in this region also face censorship, and is afraid to report things that sound anti-India. Some activists also were working to restore the state-hood of J&K from current Union-Territory status.

To me, it seems India is setting the stage to win over the people of Kashmir. There is fear of the law now, so law and order problems have reduced, terrorism is at an all-time low, and all that is left is for India to win over the population, which is ongoing well by spending lavishly in Kashmir. They are investing more there than perhaps any other state, when you look at it proportionally. All they need to do now is to wait for a decade for the sentiments to slowly change.

And you know what? The problems they face regarding these freedom issues are exactly what I face in my own country, albeit only one difference - I live with luxury while these people are poor. And that changes everything. I too have censorship problem. I too know of people being killed unfairly and secretly by my country and it doesn't get reported in any news. I too know of there being no democracy in my country. But, economy, lack of unexpected violence, and no threat to life makes my life good.

And doesn't that apply to you too to some extend? Doesn't the rich and powerful rule over the weak in both India and Pakistan too? Unfortunately, it is like this in most countries. Some places have situation for revolution and things get sorted out, but other people live with compromises in one thing or other. China has the highest population in the world, and yet they all compromised their freedom for the economic prosperity, sets just one of the many examples


Srinager Railway Station
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is running propaganda pamphlets that says all the problems faced by Kashmir till now were due to the three powerful political families of Kashmir who ruled it till the removal of Article 370. They are running campaigns with questions like "What did they do for Kashmir's development in the past 75 years? Look at what we did in 3 years.

I don't know if it is working among the people, but J&K had only one big tunnel before. Now it is getting 30. There was only one highway from India to Srinagar, that too getting blocked in winter. Now it will be expanded and made to be viable in all weather and two alternative roads are being built. My point is that this spectacle India is trying to do is happening. There has really been more infrastructure in the past few years than in its entire histor

And so, I too see a good probability of a Berlin-Wall situation happening in Kashmir in 10-15 years if this continues like this. Though there is also another question of whether other states of India will continue to tolerate this disproportionate amount of money being spent on infrastructure in Kashmir over their own state

I see some situations of money-crunch too. For example, while traveling on the Eastern side of Jammu, a concern of the people there was about the Jammu-Poonch railway line worth around $5-10 billion, which was proposed to be built there, but at the last moment, it was put on hold due to financial unviability. People ask why Kashmir gets the unviable railway, but the Jammu region got ignored.


r/pakistan - Banihal-Katra Rail line
Banihal-Katra Rail line
This shows that India too has a limited amount of money to splurge every year and cannot keep going at this level of spending forever unless Kashmir gives some return on investment. But anyways, competition among politicians for development is far better than what politicians of poor countries usually do. It is interesting to see how this will eventually go.

I first visited India in 2006, after visiting Pakistan in 2005, if I recall correctly. At that time, the difference between the two countries was negligible to me, it felt like the same country. However, in mid-2021, I had to visit Pakistan during the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, and I recently visited India in early 2022 and then again in late 2022. I heard that the G20 summit is going to happen this year in Kashmir, so I may visit there again. I believe that event will be India showcasing to the world leaders about what I have described to you in this article.

The difference between the two countries is already massive. Pakistan feels the same as it did during my visit in 2005, but India is now an entirely different place. Seriously, there are mega-construction projects happening everywhere! Every city is getting a metro. Everyone is enjoying high-speed internet at cheaper prices than in my country. And, regardless of religion, no matter who you ask, the number one thing they want is development, and all politicians, regardless of party, are competing among themselves to offer development to their region.

There are fights and rivalries among politicians of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) itself on why some projects were allotted to another district and not their district, as the survival of politicians within the BJP seems entirely dependent on what they have achieved in the past five years. These kinds of things were last seen by me in China 20 years ago, where politicians of the Communist Party of China (CCP) were competing among themselves for projects.

And speaking of China, my journalist friend in Delhi boasted that India is now making highways at the fastest speed in the world, faster than China was at its fastest. I couldn't believe it, then he showed me some statistics that said India was building some 45 km of highway per day! I was shocked. It's true. How can a democratic country with a weak and slow legal system, and such a dense population, make highways faster than China and dictatorships in the Middle East?

So, in ten years the question is going to be, does economic prosperity triumph over all other problems? But, history also says that once people are better off, they also are more equipped to start a revolution. Peasants do not make good revolutionaries, and this is why dictators prefer to keep their population poor. So, if there are hatred against India still present and injustices still happening, will this prosperity backfire on India's face itself in 10 years? Or will India win over the hearts of the people? We will have to wait and see.

Edit: Thank you for the Mods of this sub for allowing this post and Pakistanis of this subreddit in participating in this rational dialogue. Sometimes reality can be hard, but its better to face it and become stronger than hide from it. Feel free to ask questions and debate on everything I have mentioned here. Feel free to add new points to the conversation and also to point out anything and everything I am wrong about.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2022
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Smartest paki individual in uk
Apple shouldn't make phones in India bcs pakis will buy less lol
View attachment 189985View attachment 189986
No body cares about Pakistan lol.
These guys can't even get wheat sure they will buy less phones not just iphones.
Yes the sales of iphone in China has declined but their entire sales for the industry has also declined in 2022 due to zero is doing just fine relatively.

pankaj nema

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Arjun Mk1A

Senior Member
Mar 6, 2022
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Awaam still living on fake delusion is cherry on the top. The recent stunt of talking about peace talk with India and then asking about removal of 370 clearly shows they are desperately trying to show they are still relevant.

Just in this decade the difference becomes too large so the entire Awaam becomes complete cope mode eternally.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Pakistan Military Academy - Wikipedia

also referred to by its acronym PMA. PMA is an officers training school located near Kakul village in the city and district of Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa established in 1947.[
Even the location chosen for establishing this institution has a meaning.

You can not train a filthy Peeslamic Mujahid cadet (from PB/ Sindh) outside the PashToonishtan and simultaneously convince him that the Afghandu invaders who raped their ancestors and plundered PB/Sindh were messiahs .
You have to glorify those invaders by saying that "hey! this is the land that gave births to Mord-E-Momins and you will be the future flag bearers of that Ideology."
Location was essential to create brainwashed Military establishment.


Senior Member
Aug 9, 2021
ISLAMABAD: The two key foreign investors’ groups of KE have given one-month deadline to Islamabad for withdrawal of all litigation, clearance of outstanding payments and signing of three long-awaited pacts or face litigation at international forum.


Ugra Bhairav

Senior Member
Oct 24, 2021
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We don't really want AJK or POK

It is a question of Posturing

Make them say that LOC as a Border is acceptable to them

But in India , if we have to Declare Victory , we need to have Some Land Transferred to us with minimum inflow of People

The idea is to make Pakistan Army BEG for peace

Once that happens , Civil war will break out automatically

No Aajad Kashmir but Definately GILGIT - BALTISTAN.

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