F-18 Advanced Super Hornet

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Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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LM makes products that are at least a generation ahead of Dassault- if they are delayed there is a good reason.

And yet, LM has ability to mass produce at a rate Dassault can only imagine. In 1990s, when Mirage-2000 were barely coming off the line at 2 a month, LM was producing 30 F-16 EVERY MONTH.

Today, Rafale are made at 2 a month with plan to go to 4 a month next year. Guess what? F-35 are produced at a rate of 10/month today with plan to go to 12 /month later this year. A 5th generation jet produced cheaper and faster than 4th gen. That is called industrial and technological might.
it is a benefit of outsourcing since many countries manufacture the components of f35,f16,f18 plus their own large industrial base and msme .


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Fuel Cost Winner: Sukhoi
I do not think so.
it's an anemic fighter. A king of super Tornado, with BVR capacity.
Just see its dry weight and load capacity vs Rafale one.... you'll see the difference between a normal fighter and a top class one.
I fully agree. Why should we go for super hornet when Rafale is available at a fractionally higher rates with many modern goodies. Its EW is top class so as BVR.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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LM makes products that are at least a generation ahead of Dassault- if they are delayed there is a good reason.

And yet, LM has ability to mass produce at a rate Dassault can only imagine. In 1990s, when Mirage-2000 were barely coming off the line at 2 a month, LM was producing 30 F-16 EVERY MONTH.

Today, Rafale are made at 2 a month with plan to go to 4 a month next year. Guess what? F-35 are produced at a rate of 10/month today with plan to go to 12 /month later this year. A 5th generation jet produced cheaper and faster than 4th gen. That is called industrial and technological might.
Your datas are wrong.
1) during the early 90's the Mirage 2000 production rate was more 3/month JUST for french air force...
2) There is no plan to go to 4 Rafale a month because the rate is : 1 per month per working shift. And there is only 24 hours in a day, so 3 shifts max. So a max of 3 /month on the actual sole french line (maybe more if India hosts a line....)
3) F35, more than 14 years after first pre serial flight has just get a highly political IOC. Add some more years to get a similary political FOC. F22 was a beast. F35 is a shit.
LM has a great market share just because USA is 7 bigger than France, and USA umbrella for NATO and some closer friends has to be paid yesterday in F16 purchase, to day in F35.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I fully agree. Why should we go for super hornet when Rafale is available at a fractionally higher rates with many modern goodies. Its EW is top class so as BVR.
We run a huge trade surplus with the US, that will be a determining factor in this deal.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I don't think so. Mainly because the USA will never give you a full and free use, and because CATSAA (S400 !!!)
Precisely why the F18 has an advantage . Add to that the factor of trade surplus that I have already mentioned about, it would require extraordinary circumstances to not select that platform.

An additional order for Rafale does nothing for India in the geopolitical arena. An F18 order would allow for better balancing.


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Precisely why the F18 has an advantage . Add to that the factor of trade surplus that I have already mentioned about, it would require extraordinary circumstances to not select that platform.

An additional order for Rafale does nothing for India in the geopolitical arena. An F18 order would allow for better balancing.
But F 18 is an inferior aircraft. We do not buy weapons to settle balance geo-political equations.


Tihar Jail
May 5, 2011
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But F 18 is an inferior aircraft. We do not buy weapons to settle balance geo-political equations.

Who said it's an inferior aircraft? Between Rafale and SH what will determin their fight is pilot skills. So they're evenly matched.

And more importantly, with SH buy the IN can also buy Growlers (the best EW aircraft currently, which BAE systems is just now trying to copy in EF). Growlers with NGJ will wreck havoc on Chinese radar systems, not to mention Pakistanis.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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But F 18 is an inferior aircraft. We do not buy weapons to settle balance geo-political equations.
Almost all large defence buys are strategic in nature. The French promised many things, including a veto on demand (reportedly) to get the rafale order . What exactly will be gained by placing a repeat order when we have Trump breathing down our necks on the trade deficit. If we go with Rafale, we will have to buy something else from the Americans to help bridge the deficit. Common sense and prudence would dictate that we go with F18's unless we have loads of cash to throw around that no one is aware of.

abhay rajput

New Member
Apr 10, 2016
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Precisely why the F18 has an advantage . Add to that the factor of trade surplus that I have already mentioned about, it would require extraordinary circumstances to not select that platform.

An additional order for Rafale does nothing for India in the geopolitical arena. An F18 order would allow for better balancing.
I am pretty sure since Bofors no political party favour one deal. Only in govt. To govt. Deal Americans are favoured but not in tender process for many reasons. Lastly the deal is going to the company who will transfer more TOT, which we all know Americans don't. Lastly bro there are various ways to balance trade deficit (buying oil from us) .

abhay rajput

New Member
Apr 10, 2016
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Almost all large defence buys are strategic in nature. The French promised many things, including a veto on demand (reportedly) to get the rafale order . What exactly will be gained by placing a repeat order when we have Trump breathing down our necks on the trade deficit. If we go with Rafale, we will have to buy something else from the Americans to help bridge the deficit. Common sense and prudence would dictate that we go with F18's unless we have loads of cash to throw around that no one is aware of.
We are buying 6 p8 and 24 mh60 r. Now let me tell you one thing mh60 deal was supposed to be signed when kadi ninda visited USA but it didn't why..? Because of Caatsa. So don't think that we are also stupid buying billion of dollars weapons, when Americans can sanctions us at will and make those equipments useless. It's not like Americans haven't done that. Buying American product is good but not too many because that will give them political leverage which they used to blackmail us with regards to caatsa and stuff... What if our lord's from America said that India should not buy Chinese phone like they are doing with Huawei.. now I am in no way supporter of China but blackmail is a reality with Americans and irony is that the same Americans talk about democracy. Lol


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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I am pretty sure since Bofors no political party favour one deal. Only in govt. To govt. Deal Americans are favoured but not in tender process for many reasons. Lastly the deal is going to the company who will transfer more TOT, which we all know Americans don't. Lastly bro there are various ways to balance trade deficit (buying oil from us) .
It will be a govt to govt deal with the Americans. We dont buy and the Americans cant supply that much oil though that's one component in reducing the deficit. I'm just pointing out that this offers us a way out on the deficit situation (provided we have the money to buy anything...) and going with Rafale again would be stupid when there are zero gains with that decision.

Also with oil, we can only buy some quantity from the US without cutting down too much on our traditional suppliers. Nobody will take kindly to India reducing drastically oil supplies from the Arab countries. It's why, more than ever, military deals offer the best solution to this problem, though even there, we do a delicate balancing act.

As I have said earlier, India's foreign and military dealings are like the weekly hafta payments to the goons around..the Americans, Russians and the French. We have to and we pay..everyone.


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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We are buying 6 p8 and 24 mh60 r. Now let me tell you one thing mh60 deal was supposed to be signed when kadi ninda visited USA but it didn't why..? Because of Caatsa. So don't think that we are also stupid buying billion of dollars weapons, when Americans can sanctions us at will and make those equipments useless. It's not like Americans haven't done that. Buying American product is good but not too many because that will give them political leverage which they used to blackmail us with regards to caatsa and stuff... What if our lord's from America said that India should not buy Chinese phone like they are doing with Huawei.. now I am in no way supporter of China but blackmail is a reality with Americans and irony is that the same Americans talk about democracy. Lol

..and you think the French, the Russians and the Chinese dont do that...?

This is the big boys club. Playing here means that's the norm..

The trade deficit with the US is over $20 billion, that's a lot and wont be made up with the orders you mentioned. I'm no fan of anybody but I'm a realist and can see the stark situation we are in and what I think we need to do to get out of it.

abhay rajput

New Member
Apr 10, 2016
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It will be a govt to govt deal with the Americans. We dont buy and the Americans cant supply that much oil though that's one component in reducing the deficit. I'm just pointing out that this offers us a way out on the deficit situation (provided we have the money to buy anything...) and going with Rafale again would be stupid when there are zero gains with that decision.

Also with oil, we can only buy some quantity from the US without cutting down too much on our traditional suppliers. Nobody will take kindly to India reducing drastically oil supplies from the Arab countries. It's why, more than ever, military deals offer the best solution to this problem, though even there, we do a delicate balancing act.

As I have said earlier, India's foreign and military dealings are like the weekly hafta payments to the goobs around..the Americans, Russians and the French. We have to and we pay..everyone.
Bro we are importing more oil from USA then some gulf countries themselves.. secondly what do you think about Iran oil .. I mean are we buying oil from Iran - No.. so there goes your first argument, why are you so sure that we would get any benefit with Americans, our entire helicopters are there because of Safran engines, do you think Americans will be interested in such joint venture , the answer is again no...



New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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..and you think the French, the Russians and the Chinese dont do that...?

This is the big boys club. Playing here means that's the norm..

The trade deficit with the US is over $20 billion, that's a lot and wont be made up with the orders you mentioned. I'm no fan of anybody but I'm a realist and can see the stark situation we are in and what I think we need to do to get out of it.
Trade deficit doesn't mean we will tolerate CASTAA. No frontline US fighter because of end user restrictions.

Anyway f18 can't fit in either vikad or Vikrant lifts. So f18 is out even on technical grounds.

abhay rajput

New Member
Apr 10, 2016
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..and you think the French, the Russians and the Chinese dont do that...?

This is the big boys club. Playing here means that's the norm..

The trade deficit with the US is over $20 billion, that's a lot and wont be made up with the orders you mentioned. I'm no fan of anybody but I'm a realist and can see the stark situation we are in and what I think we need to do to get out of it.
I don't think that Russians/Chinese/french are invading countries in the name of democracy..
I mean go watch on YouTube where Trump openly states that they are only in Syria for oil .. hey at least he being honest.. talk to you at night l,break is over ...

